61 research outputs found

    Influence of adsorption and anaerobic granular sludge characteristics on long chain fatty acids inhibition process

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    The impact of LCFA adsorption on the methanogenic activity was evaluated in batch assays for two anaerobic granular sludges in the presence and absence of bentonite as synthetic adsorbent. A clear inhibitory effect at an oleate (C18:1) concentration of 0.5 g(C18:1) L(-1) was observed for both sludges. Palmitate (C16:0) was confirmed to be the main intermediate of C18:1 degradation in not adapted sludge and its accumulation was further evidenced by fluorescence staining and microscopy techniques. LCFA inhibition could be decreased by the addition of bentonite, reducing the lag-phase and accelerating the kinetics of LCFA degradation, concluding in the importance of the adsorptive nature of the LCFA inhibitory process. Granule morphology and molecular profiling of predominant microorganisms revealed that biomass adaptation to LCFA could modify the intermediates accumulation profiles and process rates.This work was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (projects ENE 2007-65850 and CTM 2010-18212), and was partially supported by a grand from the Department of Universities, Research and Media Society of Catalonia Government (BE-DGR 2008 BE1 00261). We would like to thank Lucia Neves, Ana Nicolau, Madalena Vieira, and Ana Julia Cavaleiro, from University of Minho, for their assistance in microscopic observations and analytical methods. We also thank Miriam Guivernau (IRTA) for assistance in the PCR-DGGE profiling and ribotype sequencing. We are also grateful to David Bedoya (MWH) and Francesc Prenafeta (IRTA) for the revision and critical reading of the manuscript

    Slaughterhouse Wastewater Treatment by Combined Chemical Coagulation and Electrocoagulation Process

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    Slaughterhouse wastewater contains various and high amounts of organic matter (e.g., proteins, blood, fat and lard). In order to produce an effluent suitable for stream discharge, chemical coagulation and electrocoagulation techniques have been particularly explored at the laboratory pilot scale for organic compounds removal from slaughterhouse effluent. The purpose of this work was to investigate the feasibility of treating cattle-slaughterhouse wastewater by combined chemical coagulation and electrocoagulation process to achieve the required standards. The influence of the operating variables such as coagulant dose, electrical potential and reaction time on the removal efficiencies of major pollutants was determined. The rate of removal of pollutants linearly increased with increasing doses of PACl and applied voltage. COD and BOD5 removal of more than 99% was obtained by adding 100 mg/L PACl and applied voltage 40 V. The experiments demonstrated the effectiveness of chemical and electrochemical techniques for the treatment of slaughterhouse wastewaters. Consequently, combined processes are inferred to be superior to electrocoagulation alone for the removal of both organic and inorganic compounds from cattle-slaughterhouse wastewater

    Evaluating the effect of biochar addition on the anaerobic digestion of swine manure: application of Py-GC/MS

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    The anaerobic digestion process of swine manure was studied when char was used as supplement for improving performance. The use of pyrolysis-gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (Py-GC/MS) was proposed for assessing the organic matter degradation. The assessment on biogas production was carried out using samples of swine manure (SM) supplemented with char in one case and pre-treated by microwave irradiation in the other. This experimental set-up allows for the comparison of the biological degradation observed under these two different configurations and therefore aids in understanding the effect of char particles on the process. Results showed similar performance for both systems, with an average improvement of 39% being obtained in methane production when compared to the single digestion of SM. The analysis of digestate samples by Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy and Py-GC/MS showed improved degradation of proteins, with the Py-GC/MS technique also capable of identifying an increase in microbial-derived material when char was added, therefore highlighting the relevant role of carbon conductive particles on biological systems. Py-GC/MS along with the use of FTIR spectroscopy has proven to be useful tools when evaluating anaerobic digestion

    Glukokortikoidien vaikutukset immuunipuolustukseen

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    Abstract Physiologically, hydrocortisone (cortisol) is produced in the adrenal cortex according to circadian rhythm. The production is upregulated in stressful situations. Cortisol and synthetic glucocorticoids change the expression of certain glucocorticoid responsive genes, but they have non-genomic effects also. The glucocorticoid receptor mediates most of the cortisol and glucocorticoid effects, and is found in all nucleated human cells. Glucocorticoids have both enhancing and suppressive effects on the immune system, and the effects are dose-dependent. Physiological doses prepare tissues for microbial infections and injuries via upregulation of PAMPs and DAMPs. Higher doses are immunosuppressive, especially Th1 and Th17 responses are inhibited whereas Th2 and Treg responses are stimulated. The effects of glucocorticoids on the immune system exhibit a wide spectrum.Tiivistelmä Fysiologisesti kortisoli erittyy vuorokausirytmin mukaisesti lisämunuaisen kuorikerroksesta, ja stressitilanteet lisäävät sen eritystä. Kortisoli ja synteettiset glukokortikoidivalmisteet vaikuttavat sekä muokkaamalla geenien luentaa että ei-genomisten mekanismien kautta. Glukokortikoidireseptori on kortisoli- ja glukokortikoidivaikutuksen pääasiallinen välittäjä, ja glukokortikoidireseptoreja löytyy kaikista ihmisen tumallisista soluista. Glukokortikoideilla on sekä immuunipuolustusta vahvistavia että sitä estäviä vaikutuksia. Annos vaikuttaa immuunivasteeseen. Fysiologiset annokset vahvistavat hahmontunnistusreseptorien ilmentymistä, mikä valmistaa kudoksia mikrobi-infektioiden ja traumojen varalle. Suuret annokset puolestaan heikentävät sytokiinisignaaleja ja immuunivastetta, mikä estää erityisesti Th1- ja Th17-auttaja-T-solujen vasteita ja suosii Th2- ja säätelijä-T-solujen vasteita, mikä johtaa immunosuppressioon. Glukokortikoidien vaikutusmekanismi immuunipuolustukseen on laajakirjoinen ja solu- ja kudosspesifinen

    Long-term safety and efficacy of tacrolimus ointment for the treatment of atopic dermatitis in children.

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    Contains fulltext : 53193.pdf (publisher's version ) (Open Access)Tacrolimus ointment is a topical calcineurin inhibitor for the treatment of atopic dermatitis. The primary objective of this open-label study was to assess the long-term safety of tacrolimus ointment. The primary end-point was the incidence of adverse events. Secondary end-points included the Eczema Area and Severity Index and a modified version of this index. A total of 466 children with atopic dermatitis, aged 2-15 years, applied 0.03% or 0.1% tacrolimus ointment twice daily for up to 29.5 months. Skin burning and pruritus were the most common application site events; their prevalence decreased over time. There was no increase in viral infections or other adverse events over time. Laboratory profiles were consistent with those reported in atopic populations. Substantial improvement in all efficacy end-points was observed by week 2 and maintained throughout the study. Long-term treatment with tacrolimus ointment is safe and effective in these patients with atopic dermatitis
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