175 research outputs found

    Sustainable Management of Tank Irrigation Systems in India

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    Irrigation in small holder coconut cultivation in Kerala , India - a financial analysis

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    Financial analysis of irrigation investments in existing as well as new plantations of coconut was conducted. The annualized capital costs and variable costs were included in the cost of irrigation. The levelised annual cost approach was used to compute the pumping cost. The study was conducted in a mixed cropping system. The effective area under each crop was computed and the allocation of irrgation costs was done accordingly. In all the land types the investments in irrigation was found to be highly feasible financially. The financial ratios were found to be higher in midland categories indicating that compated to the other regions, the midland region had higher potential for investment in irrigation

    Rainfall Uncertainty and Drought Proofing Strategies by farmers in Southern India

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    Droughts are a common occurrence in semi-arid areas and their frequency and intensity is expected to increase further with increasing variability in rainfall distribution. Based on a study of 120 farmers from 4 districts in Karnataka and Tamil Nadu, this paper identified the range of measures farmers adopt in response to droughts. Despite significant negative externalities, farmers assign higher priority to drilling new wells rather than investing in water conservation structures or demand management strategies. Among the different strategies followed, adoption of drip irrigation and purchase of tanker water for providing life-saving irrigation to perennial crops yield the highest financial return. Expansion of micro irrigation and reuse of municipal waste water are suggested as drought mitigation strategies

    Water market in the tank irrigation systems in Tamil Nadu

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    Continued progress in water resources development in the future will depend upon the utilization of the existing irrigation potential. An irrigation tank is a small reservoir to catch and store water during rainy season and use it for irrigation during dry season. They recharge groundwater, which is not only a major source of drinking water for numerous rural and urban communities, but also serve as a supplementary source for tank water. Due to the loss in tank storage capacities, wells have become an important source of supplementary water. Since farmers initially use tank water for cultivation, the risk associated with getting adequate water, especially late in the season, has encouraged farmers to use wells for supplemental irrigation particularly later in the crop season. Since only a few farmers in the tank command area own wells, and there is a growing demand for well water, the well owners in most cases act like local monopolists. The study was undertaken with the objective to study the water market in the two districts of Tamil Nadu viz., Sivagangai and Coimbatore. Inverse demand function, Output function and Cost function were used to study the monopolistic behavior of water market. The profit maximizing levels of well yield, price of water and hours of pumping are 4.6meters, Rs10 and 8.6 hours, respectively. Well owners maximize profits from water sales when the water level in the well is at about five meters and the price of pumping hour is Rs. 10 and this correspond to about nine hours of pumping per day from the well. Currently they pump only four hours per day and the water level in the well is about eight meter. Under these conditions, well water output can best be increased by having farmers install more wells and increased competition. With more wells, the demand for water from each individual well will fall, resulting in a lower well water price. Therefore there is a need to increase the number of wells in the tank command area in the study area up to threshold level

    Farmer participation on water management in the tank Irrigated systems in Tamil Nadu

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    Farmer participation is found to be a solution to arrest the deterioration of the tank irrigation system which is observed in Tamil Nadu state. The study was undertaken with the specific objective of identifying the determinants of farmer participation on water management and its impact on tank performance. The results of the tobit regression model and a production function analysis reveal that the contribution for farmer participation towards water management of Rs 1.00 at the mean level, ceteris paribus, would increase the rice yield by 2.7 kg/ha in Tank only typology whereas in Tank with wells typology by 2.2 kg/ha of land. The positive impact of farmer participation towards water management on rice yield indicates the importance of water management institutions in sustaining rice productivity and it has important policy implications for water management in tank commands. The water users association in the tank irrigated systems should be strengthened for water management which leads to better performance of the tanks


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    インドの農業は気象、特に降水量の変動に大きく影響を受ける。インド亜大陸の降水量の80%は6月から9月の3ヶ月間に起こり、南西モンスーンとなる。旱魃がある地域で問題となる一方、洪水も別の地域で人間生活と農業にとって被害を及ぼし、平均的に氾濫しやすい土地の約3分の1は農地である。洪水となる過剰な雨量、不作をもたらす旱魃、財産に損害を与えるサイクロン等、気候の負の影響へは迅速な対応が求められる。その時々に気候の影響に対する社会の対処能力が試される。歴史的に社会の対処能力は地域的に試されてきており、社会は気候の変動にレジリアンスを持つ様に適応してきた。脆弱性とはその地域にすむ人口の経済システムの状態であり、また社会経済的な特徴でもある。本稿では、脆弱性の社会経済的な観点から、地域の発展段階およびさらに発展する能力を計る指標に焦点を当てた。Anand and Sen (1994)によって人間開発指標(Human Development Index: HDI)を計算するために開発された脆弱性指標の方法を基本とし、人口の脆弱性、気候の脆弱性、農業の脆弱性、就業の脆弱性を含めた。タミルナドゥ州の異なる農業気候地域で1980-2001 年までの3期間の指標を7地域で比較した結果、高降水量地域が一番脆弱性が高いことが明らかになった。脆弱性指標は、脆弱性をモニターし、脆弱性を低下させるための対策を開発し、優先順位を考え、またそれらの対策の効果を検討する際に潜在的に有効な方法であろう。和文のものは、英文の内容を要約したもの