321 research outputs found

    An economic analysis of paddy production in Tiruvannamalai district – Tamil Nadu during the period 1997-2007

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    Agriculture is the backbone of the Indian Economy. It is the largest sector of economic activity. More than 63 per cent of the total population has been living depending on agriculture in the country. So the agriculture is the most dominant sector of such an economy. India’s agriculture export present 9% of the value of total exports while the share of agriculture in total imports is just 5% India’s agricultural exports totaled 9.3billionintheyear2007.Whileimportswereworthroughly9.3 billion in the year 2007. While imports were worth roughly 5.5 billion, in the sampling 90.0 percent and 96.0 percent of the marginal and small farmers were male. 10.0 percent and 4 percent of marginal farmers were female this confine that 96.0 percent of the small farmers were engaged in paddy cultivation.  It reveals that the yield expectancy of marginal farmers were less than small farmer due to lack of irrigation new methods etc. The 71 per cent were applying fertilizer in their land. Among them small farmer were 56.35 percent 43.67 percent contributed by marginal farmer. 29 per cent of the respondents were not applying the fertilizer which mentioned. The increasing trend of paddy production is due to application of fertilizer

    HET acid based oligoesters – TGA/FTIR studies

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    One of the important reactive halogenated dicarboxylic acids used in the synthesis of flame retardant unsaturated polyester resins is 1,4,5,6,7,7-hexachlorobicyclo [2.2.1] hept-5-ene-2,3-dicarboxylic acid (HET acid). In the present investigation four different oligoesters are synthesized using HET acid as the diacid component and 1,2-ethane diol, 1,2-propane diol, 1,3-propane diol and 1,4-butane diol as the aliphatic diols. Melt condensation technique in vacuum is used for the synthesis of the oligoesters. The number average molecular weights of the oligoesters are determined using end group analysis. The degree of polymerization is estimated to be 3–5. The structural characterization is done using FTIR and NMR (1H and 13C) techniques. In the present investigation, TGA-FTIR studies for the different oligoesters are carried out in nitrogen atmosphere. The materials are heated from ambient to 600 °C at a heating rate of 20 °C/min. The main volatile products identified are CO, HCl, H2O, CO2, hexachlorocyclopentadiene and HET acid/anhydride. The evolution profile of these materials with respect to the structure of the oligoesters is discussed in detail and presented. The importance of β-hydrogens in the diol component and the plausible mechanism for the flame retardant behavior of these oligoesters are presented

    Landing of Neophocaena phocaenoides at Rameswaram

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    Porpoise along Palk Bay coast and Mandapam. Report gives details of morphometric characters of Neophocaena phocaenoides

    Landings of porpoise,Neophocaena phocaenoides at Rameswaram.

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    Paper is reporting the morphometric measurements of female porpoise, Neophocaena phocaenoides caught by gill net, operated off Rameswaram at a depth of 16m

    Current Status of Crab Fishery in the Artisanal Sector along Gulf of Mannar and Palk bay Coasts

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    Among the exploited crustacean fishery resources, portunid crabs constitute a significant proportion in the landings along both the east and west coasts of India. From 4% in 1966 the composition of crabs gradually increased and reached 12% in 2006 showing an upward trend from year to year (Rao et al., 1973; Manissery and Radhakrishnan, 2003). This steady increase in the landings of crabs is mainly attributed to the intensification of fishing operation using different types of modern gears and also due to the exploration of new fishing grounds in deeper waters targeting crabs in order to meet the ever increasing demand for the processed crab meats in the domestic as well as in the international markets

    On two species of marine turtles stranded at Mandapam

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    A female olive ridely turtle Lepidochelys olivacea was stranded on 21.7.2000 near CMFRI Jetty at Gulf of Mannar coast. Another female green turtle Chelonia mydas was stranded on 6.9.2000 at the same place. Both the turtles had severe injuries resulting in death in the sea and then stranded. Their carapace length was 58, 82 cm' and width 56, 62 cms respectively

    Continuous culture of cladoceran, Moina sp. for rearing of postlarval prawns

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    A low-cost method for large scale culture of the fresh water cladoceran Moina sp. has been evolved. Moina is used in the frozen condition to feed the postlarvae of penaeid prawns reared at the NPCL of CMFRI

    Thermal Degradation Studies on PMMA–HET Acid Based Oligoesters Blends

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    Imparting thermal stability to polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) without affecting its optical clarity is attempted by incorporating HET acid based oligoesters. Pure PMMA and PMMA containing five and 20 wt% of four different oligoesters are separately prepared using bulk polymerization. The thermal properties of the materials studied using DSC, TG, TG–FTIR and Pyr–GC–MS are presented. The main volatile degradation products identified are CO, HCl, CO2, H2O, hexachlorocyclopentadiene, hexachloroendomethylene tetrahydrophthalic acid/anhydride and methyl methacrylate. A detailed mechanism for the influence of the degradation products of HET acid based oligoesters on the thermal degradation of PMMA is also presented

    Scientific, common and Tamil names of commercially important marine organisms of Gulf of Mannar

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    The Gulf of Mannar coastal region contributes rich fauna and flora of sharks, rays, skates, fishes, ornamental fishes, crabs, lobsters, prawns, gastropods, bivalves, sea cucumbers, m.arine mammals, gorgonids, sea turtles and seaweeds. All the marine organisms are useful in one way or other. In this paper the scientific, popular and local names of different marine organisms have been given in it serial manner

    Formulation and Evaluation of Matrix tablets of Ambroxol hydrochloride using Natural hydrophilic polymer

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    Se prepararon comprimidos matriciales de liberación prolongada de clorhidrato de ambroxol con diversas proporciones de fármaco: polímero tales como F-1(1:1), F-2(1:1,5) y F-3 (1:2). Se utilizó goma xántica para la formación de la matriz y celulosa microcristalina como diluyente. Se prepararon y evaluaron gránulos para determinar la densidad aparente sin compactar, la densidad compactada, el índice de compresibilidad, el índice de Hausner y el ángulo de reposo. Todos los gránulos se lubricaron y comprimieron con punzones planos de 9 mm. Los comprimidos se evaluaron para determinar la uniformidad de peso, el contenido de principios activos, la friabilidad, la dureza y la disolución in vitro. Todas las formulaciones se ajustaron a los estándares farmacopeicos. F-3 mostró una liberación prolongada de fármaco durante 12 horas con una liberación del 97,3% y el perfi l de liberación fue similar al de la muestra de clorhidrato de ambroxol comercial (A-MS). Además, se realizaron estudios de estabilidad según la guía ICH. La liberación de fármaco sigue cinéticas de orden cero (0,9661) y se determinó que el mecanismo era difusión combinada con erosión.Sustained release matrix tablets of ambroxol hydrochloride of different drug: polymer ratios, such as F-1(1:1), F- 2(1:1.5) and F-3 (1:2). Xanthan gum was used as matrix former and microcrystalline cellulose was used as diluent. Granules were prepared and evaluated for loose bulk density, tapped density, compressibility index, hausners ratio and angle of repose. All the granules were lubricated and compressed using 9mm fl at-faced punches. Compressed tablets were evaluated for uniformity of weight, content of active ingredient, friability, hardness and In-vitro dissolution. All the formulations showed compliance with Pharmacopoeial standards. F-3 showed the sustained release of drug for 12 hours with 97.3% release and the release profi le was close to the marketed sample of ambroxol hydrochloride (A-MS) and Stability studies were performed as per ICH guide. The drug release follows zero order kinetics (0.9661) and the mechanism was found to be diffusion coupled with erosion