936 research outputs found

    The Efficiency of the Smoke Meter at Characterizing Engine Emissions

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    The effectiveness of a smoke meter's ability to characterize the particulate emissions of a jet fuel combustor was evaluated using the University of Missouri-Rolla Mobile Aerosol Sampling System (UMR-MASS). A burner simulating an advanced jet engine combustor design was used to generate typical combustion particulates, which were then analyzed by the smoke meter. The same particulates were then size discriminated to ascertain the effective impact of aerosol diameter on smoke number readings

    Effects of low-frequency noise cross-correlations in coupled superconducting qubits

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    We study the effects of correlated low frequency noise sources acting on a two qubit gate in a fixed coupling scheme. A phenomenological model for the spatial and cross-talk correlations is introduced. The decoherence inside the SWAP subspace is analysed by combining analytic results based on the adiabatic approximation and numerical simulations. Results critically depend on amplitude of the low frequency noise with respect to the qubits coupling strength. Correlations between noise sources induce qualitative different behaviors depending on the values of the above parameters. The possibility to reduce dephasing due to correlated low frequency noise by a recalibration protocol is discussed.Comment: 18 pages, 7 figure

    Second spectrum of charge carrier density fluctuations in graphene due to trapping/detrapping processes

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    We investigate the second spectrum of charge carrier density fluctuations in graphene within the McWorther model, where noise is induced by electron traps in the substrate. Within this simple picture, we obtain a closed-form expression including both Gaussian and non-Gaussian fluctuations. We show that a very extended distribution of switching rates of the electron traps in the substrate leads to a carrier density power spectrum with a non-trivial structure on the scale of the measurement bandwidth. This explains the appearance of a 1/f1/f component in the Gaussian part of the second spectrum, which adds up to the expected frequency-independent term. Finally, we find that the non-Gaussian part of the second spectrum can become quantitatively relevant by approaching extremely low temperatures.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figure

    Cirugía funcionalizadora en la distrofia muscular progresiva (Enfermedad de Duchenne)

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    Presentamos una serie de 55 pacientes afectados de Distrofia Muscular Progresiva (Enfermedad de Duchenne) de los cuales 22 fueron operados de los miembros inferiores con tecnoplastias de Aquiles principalmente, biopedestados en el término de 24 hs. y equipados ortodésicamente en la primera semana y que por término medio prolongaron su independencia de marcha por 20 meses. El criterio utilizado, mejoró notablemente la calidad de vida de estos niños postergando la aparición de complicaciones secundarias cardiorespiratorias y escolióticas. Ante la realidad de una carencia actual de medidas terapéuticas efectivas todo criterio funcionalizador en el tiempo, justifica a nuestro entender la acción del equipo neuro ortopédico aún en patologías de fatal pronóstico como la presente.A series of 55 patients with Duchenne Progressive Muscular Dystrofy is reviewed. A total of 22 cases were operated on by Aquiles tenoplasty. These patients were encouraged to get standing position 24 hours after operation. Within the first week after operation patients could walk with ortesis. Mean follow-up was 20 mounths. The therapeutic protocol used has notably improved Ufe quality of these children, postponius the presence of cardiorrespiratory and escoliotic secondary complications

    Phonon distributions of a single bath mode coupled to a quantum dot

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    The properties of an unconventional, single mode phonon bath coupled to a quantum dot, are investigated within the rotating wave approximation. The electron current through the dot induces an out of equilibrium bath, with a phonon distribution qualitatively different from the thermal one. In selected transport regimes, such a distribution is characterized by a peculiar selective population of few phonon modes and can exhibit a sub-Poissonian behavior. It is shown that such a sub-Poissonian behavior is favored by a double occupancy of the dot. The crossover from a unequilibrated to a conventional thermal bath is explored, and the limitations of the rotating wave approximation are discussed.Comment: 21 Pages, 7 figures, to appear in New Journal of Physics - Focus on Quantum Dissipation in Unconventional Environment

    Hybrid fiber grating cavity for multi-parametric sensing.

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    We propose an all-fiber hybrid cavity involving two unbalanced uniform fiber Bragg gratings (FBGs) written at both sides of a tilted FBG (TFBG) to form an all-fiber interferometer. This configuration provides a wavelength gated reflection signal with interference fringes depending on the cavity features modulated by spectral dips associated to the wavelength dependent optical losses due to cladding mode coupling occurring along the TFBG. Such a robust structure preserves the advantages of uniform FBGs in terms of interrogation methods and allows the possibility of simultaneous physical and chemical sensing