30 research outputs found

    Influence of composition and heat treatment on damping and magnetostrictive properties of Fe–18%(Ga + Al) alloys

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    The structure, magnetostriction and damping properties of Fe82Ga(18−x)Alx (x = 0, 5, 8, 12) alloys were analyzed. The anelastic response of Fe–18(Ga + Al) alloys was studied as a function of temperature (from 0 to 600 °C), frequency (from 0.01 to 200 Hz) and amplitude (from 0.0004% to 0.2%) of forced vibrations. The origin of the relatively high damping capacity of Fe–Ga–Al alloy at room temperature was determined by applying a magnetic field and different heat treatment regimes. The substitution of Ga by Al in Fe–18% Ga alloys was found to decrease magnetostriction and damping. The heat treatment of alloys influences the damping capacity of alloys more than variations of their chemical compositions. Thermally activated frequency and temperature-dependent anelastic effects in Fe–Ga–Al alloys were analyzed and the corresponding activation parameters for relaxation processes were evaluated. Internal friction effects caused by structural transformations were recorded and were found to be consistent with the A2 → D03 → L12 reaction. The physical mechanisms for all anelastic effects are discussed

    Influence of Mechanical and Heat Treatment on Structure Evolution and Functional Properties of Fe–Al–Re Alloys

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    Исследование посвящено анализу микроструктуры и магнитострикции сплавов Fe–12Al–Tb после механической и термической обработок. Термомеханическая обработка обеспечивает повышенную магнитострикцию в сплаве Fe–12Al с добавкой Tb. Максимальную величину магнитострикции наблюдали в образцах, подвергнутых прокатке и последующему отжигу с охлаждением на воздухе.The current research focuses on the microstructural analysis and magnetostrictive behavior of the Fe–12Al–Tb alloys after mechanical and heat treatments. The thermomechanical treatment provides enhanced magnetostriction in Fe–12Al with Tb addition. The maximal magnetostriction was observed in the alloys after rolling and subsequent annealing followed by air cooling.Исследование профинансировано грантом Президента № 075-15-2021-334 (внутренний номер мк-2828.2021.4).The study was funded by presidential grant No. 075–15–2021–334 (in ternal number mk-2828.2021.4)

    State Youth Policy as a Tool for the Formation and Development of Professional Careers of Young People

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    В статье описывается роль государственной молодежной политики в профессиональной карьере молодежи, механизмы и стратегии ее реализации, а также инструменты и площадки, через которые государство реализует кадровую, образовательную и карьерную политику в молодежной среде.The article describes the role of the state youth policy in the professional career of young people, the mechanisms and strategies for its implementation, as well as the tools and platforms through which the state implements personnel, educational and career policies in the youth environment

    Study of the Structure and Functional Properties of Fe–21Al–Tb Alloys after Thermomechanical Treatment

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    Исследование посвящено анализу микроструктуры, демпфирующей способности и магнитострикции сплава Fe–21Al, легированного Tb. Термомеханическая обработка обеспечивает повышенную магнитострикцию в сплаве Fe–21Al–Tb. Максимальную величину магнитострикции наблюдали после горячей прокатки и последующего отжига при 900 °C (30 мин) с последующим охлаждением на воздухе. Добавка Tb увеличивает низкотемпературный фон внутреннего трения и магнитострикцию сплавов Fe–21Al–Tb.The current research focuses on the microstructure, damping capacity, and magnetostriction of the Fe–21Al–Tb. The thermomechanical treatment provides enhanced magnetostriction. The maximum magnetostriction was observed after hot rolling and further annealing at 900 °C with air cooling. The addition of Tb increases magnetostriction and low-temperature internal friction background in Fe–21Al–Tb alloys.Исследование профинансировано грантом Президента № 075-15-2021-334 (внутренний номер мк-2828.2021.4). Авторы выражают благодарность научному руководителю — доктору физико-математических наук, профессору И.С. Головину.The study was funded by presidential grant no. 075-15-2021-334 (internal number mk-2828.2021.4). The authors expresses their gratitude to the scientific advisor — doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, professor I.S. Golovin

    The Structure Evolution and Functional Properties of Fe–Al-Based Alloys Doped with Rare-Earth Metals

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    Сплавы системы Fe–Al известны целым набором полезных свойств от повышенной теплостойкости до демпфирующей способности. Ввиду их низкой стоимости, а также способности подвергаться значительным пластическим деформациям открывается широкий спектр их практического использования. Однако сплавы Fe–Al на сегодняшний день уступают сплавам Fe–Ga по магнитострикционным характеристикам. Цель данной работы состоит в повышении магнитострикционных свойств сплавов системы Fe–Al посредством оптимизации их химического состава.Alloys of the Fe-Al system are known for a whole range of useful properties from increased heat resistance to damping ability. Due to their low cost, as well as the ability to undergo significant plastic deformation, a wide range of their practical use opens up. However, Fe-Al alloys are currently inferior to Fe-Ga alloys in terms of magnetostrictive characteristics. The purpose of this work is to improve the magnetostrictive properties of alloys of the Fe-Al system by optimizing their chemical composition.Работа выполнена при финансовой поддержке гранта Президента Российской Федерации (МК–2828.2021.4).The work was supported financially by a grant of the President of the Russian Federation (MK–2828.2021.4)

    Implementation of Youth Initiatives with the Support of the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs (on the Example of the Yaroslavl Region)

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    В статье анализируются проекты-призеры грантового конкурса Федерального агентства по делам молодежи, которые были реализованы на территории Ярославской области.The article analyzes the projects-winners of the grant competition of the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs, which were implemented on the territory of the Yaroslavl region

    Morrey regularity of strong solutions to parabolic equations with VMO coefficients

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    We consider a regular oblique derivative problem for a linear parabolic operator P with VMO principal coefficients. Its unique strong solvability is proved in [15], when Pu epsilon L-p(Q(T)). Our goal here is to show that the solution belongs to the parabolic Morrey space W-p,lambda(2,1) (Q(T)), when Pu epsilon L-p,L-lambda(Q(T)), p epsilon (1, infinity), lambda epsilon (0, n + 2), and Q(T) is a cylinder in R-+(n+1). The a priori estimates of the solution are derived through L-p,L-lambda estimates for singular and nonsingular integral operators

    Influence of composition and heat treatment on damping and magnetostrictive properties of Fe–18%(Ga + Al) alloys

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    The structure, magnetostriction and damping properties of Fe82Ga(18−x)Alx (x = 0, 5, 8, 12) alloys were analyzed. The anelastic response of Fe–18(Ga + Al) alloys was studied as a function of temperature (from 0 to 600 °C), frequency (from 0.01 to 200 Hz) and amplitude (from 0.0004% to 0.2%) of forced vibrations. The origin of the relatively high damping capacity of Fe–Ga–Al alloy at room temperature was determined by applying a magnetic field and different heat treatment regimes. The substitution of Ga by Al in Fe–18% Ga alloys was found to decrease magnetostriction and damping. The heat treatment of alloys influences the damping capacity of alloys more than variations of their chemical compositions. Thermally activated frequency and temperature-dependent anelastic effects in Fe–Ga–Al alloys were analyzed and the corresponding activation parameters for relaxation processes were evaluated. Internal friction effects caused by structural transformations were recorded and were found to be consistent with the A2 → D03 → L12 reaction. The physical mechanisms for all anelastic effects are discussed.This is a manuscript of the article published as Golovin, I. S., V. V. Palacheva, V. Yu Zadorozhnyy, J. Zhu, H. Jiang, J. Cifre, and Thomas A. Lograsso. "Influence of composition and heat treatment on damping and magnetostrictive properties of Fe–18%(Ga+ Al) alloys." Acta Materialia 78 (2014): 93-102. DOI: 10.1016/j.actamat.2014.05.044. Posted with permission.</p