148 research outputs found

    Colloidal motility and pattern formation under rectified diffusiophoresis

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    In this letter, we characterize experimentally the diffusiophoretic motion of colloids and lambda- DNA toward higher concentration of solutes, using microfluidic technology to build spatially- and temporally-controlled concentration gradients. We then demonstrate that segregation and spatial patterning of the particles can be achieved from temporal variations of the solute concentration profile. This segregation takes the form of a strong trapping potential, stemming from an osmotically induced rectification mechanism of the solute time-dependent variations. Depending on the spatial and temporal symmetry of the solute signal, localization patterns with various shapes can be achieved. These results highlight the role of solute contrasts in out-of-equilibrium processes occuring in soft matter

    Dynamic clustering in active colloidal suspensions with chemical signaling

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    In this paper, we explore experimentally the phase behavior of a dense active suspension of self- propelled colloids. In addition to a solid-like and a gas-like phase observed for high and low densities, a novel cluster phase is reported at intermediate densities. This takes the form of a stationary assembly of dense aggregates, with an average size which grows with activity as a linear function of the self-propelling velocity. While different possible scenarii can be considered to account for these observations - such as a generic velocity weakening instability recently put forward -, we show that the experimental results are reproduced by a chemotactic aggregation mechanism, originally introduced to account for bacterial aggregation, and accounting here for diffusiophoretic chemical interaction between colloidal swimmers.Comment: supplementary video :http:// www-lpmcn.univ-lyon1.fr/~lbocquet/Movie-Theurkauff-SI.av

    Sedimentation of active colloidal suspensions

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    In this paper, we investigate experimentally the non-equilibrium steady state of an active colloidal suspension under gravity field. The active particles are made of chemically powered colloids, showing self propulsion in the presence of an added fuel, here hydrogen peroxide. The active suspension is studied in a dedicated microfluidic device, made of permeable gel microstructures. Both the microdynamics of individual colloids and the global stationary state of the suspension under gravity - density profiles, number fluctuations - are measured with optical microscopy. This allows to connect the sedimentation length to the individual self-propelled dynamics, suggesting that in the present dilute regime the active colloids behave as 'hot' particles. Our work is a first step in the experimental exploration of the out-of-equilibrium properties of artificial active systems.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Artificial Rheotaxis

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    Motility is a basic feature of living microorganisms, and how it works is often determined by environmental cues. Recent efforts have focused on develop- ing artificial systems that can mimic microorganisms, and in particular their self-propulsion. Here, we report on the design and characterization of syn- thetic self-propelled particles that migrate upstream, known as positive rheo- taxis. This phenomenon results from a purely physical mechanism involving the interplay between the polarity of the particles and their alignment by a viscous torque. We show quantitative agreement between experimental data and a simple model of an overdamped Brownian pendulum. The model no- tably predicts the existence of a stagnation point in a diverging flow. We take advantage of this property to demonstrate that our active particles can sense and predictably organize in an imposed flow. Our colloidal system represents an important step towards the realization of biomimetic micro-systems withthe ability to sense and respond to environmental changesComment: Published in Science Advances [Open access journal of Science Magazine

    Self Assembled Particles

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    A self-assembling structure using non-equilibrium driving forces leading to 'living crystals' and other maniputable particles with a complex dynamics. The dynamic self-assembly assembly results from a competition between self-propulsion of particles and an attractive interaction between the particles. As a result of non-equilibrium driving forces, the crystals form, grow, collide, anneal, repair themselves and spontaneously self-destruct, thereby enabling reconfiguration and assembly to achieve a desired property

    Phase separation and rotor self-assembly in active particle suspensions

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    Adding a non-adsorbing polymer to passive colloids induces an attraction between the particles via the `depletion' mechanism. High enough polymer concentrations lead to phase separation. We combine experiments, theory and simulations to demonstrate that using active colloids (such as motile bacteria) dramatically changes the physics of such mixtures. First, significantly stronger inter-particle attraction is needed to cause phase separation. Secondly, the finite size aggregates formed at lower inter-particle attraction show unidirectional rotation. These micro-rotors demonstrate the self assembly of functional structures using active particles. The angular speed of the rotating clusters scales approximately as the inverse of their size, which may be understood theoretically by assuming that the torques exerted by the outermost bacteria in a cluster add up randomly. Our simulations suggest that both the suppression of phase separation and the self assembly of rotors are generic features of aggregating swimmers, and should therefore occur in a variety of biological and synthetic active particle systems.Comment: Main text: 6 pages, 5 figures. Supplementary information: 5 pages, 4 figures. Supplementary movies available from httP://www.pnas.org/lookup/suppl/doi:10.1073/pnas.1116334109/-/DCSupplementa

    Dynamic stereo microscopy for studying particle sedimentation

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    We demonstrate a new method for measuring the sedimentation of a single colloidal bead by using a combination of optical tweezers and a stereo microscope based on a spatial light modulator. We use optical tweezers to raise a micron-sized silica bead to a fixed height and then release it to observe its 3D motion while it sediments under gravity. This experimental procedure provides two independent measurements of bead diameter and a measure of Faxén’s correction, where the motion changes due to presence of the boundary