395 research outputs found


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    Acute Aluminium Phosphide or Celphos poisoning is a common agrochemical fumigant used commonly in countries like South East Asia and China. It is extremely lethal poison as there is no specific antidote and involvement of multisystem organ involvement in a short span of time. Presenting a case of a patient took two tablets of Celphos and developed myocarditis with persistent hypotension due to myocarditis and ventricular tachyarrhythmia, which reverted to normal with steroid, L-carnitine and magnesium therapy, which is a rare entity to the best of our knowledge.Â

    Studies of genetic variability, heritability and genetic advance in balsam (Impatiens balsamina L.)

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    A field experiment was carried out with 34 genotypes of Balsam (Impatiens balsamina L.) to assess the variability, heritability and genetic advance with an objective to identify superior genotypes for further crop improvement programme. The experiment was conducted during rainy season 2014 at the Horticulture Research Farm, Department of Horticulture, Institute of Agricultural Sciences, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi. These genotypes show significant variation at 5% level of significance for different characters under study. Highest range of variation was reported with the number of flowers/plant (109-221). The phenotypic coefficient of variation (PCV) and genotypic coefficient of variation (GCV) was maximum for seed yield/plant, i.e. 29.02 and  26.34 while, minimum in case of length of leaf, i.e.  8.35 and 6.48, respectively. High heritability was observed for all the characters except plant height, width of leaves and duration of flowering. Maximum heritability was recorded for duration of flowering (90.68%) and minimum was observed in width of leaf (30.04). High heritability (h2 = 90.64) with high genetic advance (GA= 71.36) as percentage of mean was observed for number of flowers/plant, which indicated that additive gene effects were more important for that trait. High genetic advance as per cent of mean was observed for number of flowers/plant (71.36) however, lowest for floral bud diameter (0.11) which indicates the preponderance of additive genes and selection will be effective for improvement of these traits

    Comparison of intrauterine insemination and timed intercourse following controlled ovarian hyperstimulation in unexplained infertility: a randomized controlled trial

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    Background: Being a diagnosis of exclusion the treatment options of unexplained infertility are often empiric. There is significant dilemma regarding the superiority of one over another. Despite increasing use of intrauterine insemination (IUI) in adjunct to controlled ovarian hyperstimulation (COH) there is scarcity of randomized controlled trials (RCT) from developing countries. Objective was to compare IUI and timed intercourse (TI) in super ovulated cycles among couples with unexplained infertility over one year.Methods: In this prospective randomized controlled trial total 85 patients were randomly assigned into group 1 (COH with IUI, N= 44) and group 2 (COH with TI, N=41). Patients underwent COH using sequential Clomiphene Citrate and injection human menopausal gonadotrophin followed by IUI in group 1 and timed intercourse in group 2. Either protocol was repeated for three consecutive cycles. Finally, both groups were compared for clinical pregnancy rate, adverse effects and acceptability of the treatment process and outcome. Comparison was done by Student’s unpaired t test for continuous and 2-tailed chi square test for categorical variables.Results: Clinical pregnancy rates following COH/IUI and COH/TI were 13.64% and 19.51% respectively. There was observable difference in the acceptability of the outcome (38.64% in IUI and 56.09% in TI group). All the results including complications and side effect rates were statistically insignificant.Conclusions: Present study failed to show any improvement of pregnancy rates following addition of IUI over TI and it raised the probability that the outcome of the procedure may not be well accepted

    Should Sputum Smear Examination Be Carried Out at the End of the Intensive Phase and End of Treatment in Sputum Smear Negative Pulmonary TB Patients?

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    The Indian guidelines on following up sputum smear-negative Pulmonary tuberculosis (PTB) patients differ from the current World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines in that the former recommends two follow up sputum examinations (once at the end of intensive phase and the other at the end of treatment) while the latter recommends only one follow up sputum smear microscopy examination, which is done at the end of the intensive phase. This study was conducted to examine if there was any added value in performing an additional sputum smear examination at the end of treatment within the context of a national TB program

    Oral Health Knowledge, Attitude and Practices among Adults toward Tooth Loss and Utilization of Dental Services in Moradabad District

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    Background and objectives: For centuries, people have accepted tooth loss as an inevitable part of the human condition. Tooth loss impairs the quality of life, often substantially, andaffects the well being of the person. The objectives of study were to evaluate behavioral characteristics of the adults like beliefs about tooth loss and utilization of available health services which might be associated with tooth loss. Methodology: A cross-sectional survey was conducted on 1,200 adults of Moradabad district, aged 35 to 74 years, 565 from urban area and 635 from rural area who were selected by multistage systematic random sampling technique. Data was collected by an interview followed by examination for the numberof missing teeth. Results: Mean number of missing teeth in the study population was 4.2. Around half of the study population, i.e. 51.1% of the adults claimed that they had no dental treatment facilities nearby. Among the 602 adults (50.2%) who had utilized dental services earlier, greatest response for reason of dental visit was for extraction of teeth  (48.7%). Conclusion: The findings from this study are useful in identifying the sociodemographic and behavioral characteristics associated with tooth loss among the study population. The insights gained from this study illustrate the need for tailoring Oral Health Promotion Programs and Services for the community, as the modification of these nondisease independent factors can reduce the tooth loss and improve the oral health of the adults of Moradabad district

    Heterochromatic silencing and HP1 localization in Drosophila are dependent on the RNAi machinery

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    Genes normally resident in euchromatic domains are silenced when packaged into heterochromatin, as exemplified in Drosophila melanogaster by position effect variegation (PEV). Loss-of-function mutations resulting in suppression of PEV have identified critical components of heterochromatin, including proteins HP1, HP2, and histone H3 lysine 9 methyltransferase. Here, we demonstrate that this silencing is dependent on the RNA interference machinery, using tandem mini-white arrays and white transgenes in heterochromatin to show loss of silencing as a result of mutations in piwi, aubergine, or spindle-E (homeless), which encode RNAi components. These mutations result in reduction of H3 Lys9 methylation and delocalization of HP1 and HP2, most dramatically in spindle-E mutants

    Molecular orbital calculations on [HRu<SUB>3</SUB>(CO)<SUB>9</SUB>(PhNCO)]<SUP>-</SUP> and related clusters

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    Molecular orbital calculations (EHMO) have been performed on five ruthenium carbonyl clusters considered to be involved in the reductive carbonylation of nitrobenzene. The bonding in the isocyanate cluster, [HRu3(CO)9(HNCO)]-, is shown to arise mainly from the interaction between the LUMO of HNCO and HOMO of the [HRu3(CO)9]- fragment. The relative stabilities of this cluster, two of its isomers and the CO-eliminated cluster [HRu3(CO)9(HN)]-, are also commented upon. The calculated results are in accordance with empirical kinetic data

    Mul-IBS: A Multivariate Identity-Based Signature Scheme Compatible with IoT-based NDN Architecture

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    It has been forty years since the TCP/IP protocol blueprint, which is the core of modern worldwide Internet, was published. Over this long period, technology has made rapid progress. These advancements are slowly putting pressure and placing new demands on the underlying network architecture design. Therefore, there was a need for innovations that can handle the increasing demands of new technologies like IoT while ensuring secrecy and privacy. It is how Named Data Networking (NDN) came into the picture. NDN enables robust data distribution with interest-based content retrieval and leave-copy-everywhere caching policy. Even though NDN has surfaced as a future envisioned and decisive machinery for data distribution in IoT, it suffers from new data security challenges like content poisoning attacks. In this attack, an attacker attempts to introduce poisoned content with an invalid signature into the network. Given the circumstances, there is a need for a cost-effective signature scheme, requiring inexpensive computing resources and fast when implemented. An identity-based signature scheme (IBS) seems to be the natural choice to address this problem. Herein, we present an IBS, namely Mul-IBS relying on multivariate public key cryptography (MPKC), which leads the race among the post-quantum cryptography contenders. A 5-pass identification scheme accompanying a safe and secure signature scheme based on MPKC works as key ingredients of our design. Our Mul-IBS attains optimal master public key size, master secret key size, and user’s secret key size in the context of multivariate identity-based signatures. The proposed scheme Mul-IBS is proven to be secure in the model “existential unforgeability under chosen-message and chosen identity attack (uf-cma)” contingent upon the fact that Multivariate Quadratic (MQ) problem is NP-hard. The proposed design Mul-IBS can be utilized as a crucial cryptographic building block to build a robust and resilient IoT-based NDN architecture