134 research outputs found

    Cotton Crop Leaf Disease Detection System Using Machine Learning Approaches to Improve Efficiency”

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    India's economy heavily depends on agriculture. Over 70% of people in India make their living from agriculture. Accurate and prompt diagnosis of illnesses that harm crops is one of the biggest challenges facing the agriculture sector. Diseases affect crop quality and have the power to destroy whole hectares of agricultural output, costing farmers a lot of money. Current diagnosis methods need the presence of highly experienced professionals and take a lot of time to examine the damaged crop, understand the symptoms, identify the illness, and provide effective remedies. Due to the limitations of these methodologies, researchers are now looking for other approaches to early illness detection and classification. Addressing food security may be facilitated by smart farming and adequate infrastructure. In recent years, machine learning has demonstrated tremendous potential in identifying and categorising trends in linked academic disciplines. The goal of the current study is to evaluate the accuracy, precision, recall, and training time of traditional machine learning techniques like the Support Vector Machine (SVM) and random forest against the performance of convolutional neural network (CNN) methods and architectures like Inceptionv3, VGG16, and RasNet50 with data augmentation and transfer learning. The models were trained with the use of a manually gathered database from a farm and a government organisation, which had four distinct classes of photos, including healthy plants. The highest performing model was the Inceptionv3 architecture of CNN with transfer learning, which achieved an overall accuracy of 94 percent and met the demand for a more reliable and effective classification model. Additionally, when the quantity of training data rose, it was shown that the performance of the developed models increased. The outcomes obtained using transfer learning algorithms on CNN architectures are extremely encouraging, and they may be further refined to create a thorough leaf disease diagnosis system that can function in a real-world environment. As a result, it may enable the agricultural community to recognise problems and start prompt treatment without the intervention of qualified specialists


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    Objective: Investigation of Anthelmintic effect of Neolamarckia Cadamba fruit extracts (Ethanol, Aquaous, Phenyl ether, Chloroform) in Ascariasis. Methods: The experiment was conducted on an adult Indian earthworm, Eiseniafoetida, owing of its morphological and physiological similarities to the human intestine roundworm parasite. Six sets of six earthworms were discharged sequentially into different extracts of N. cadamba fruits at dose levels of 5,10,15,20, and 25 mg/ml, respectively, and 25 mg/ml of albendazole solutions. Albendazole was employed as the standard reference medication. Results: The results showed that Ethanolic extract has the greatest degree of activity. When compared to any other extract or conventional medicine, it produces a paralytic effect sooner and has a shorter time to death (Albendazole). An ethanol extract included alkaloid, saponin, tannins, flavonoids, proteins, and amino acids. As a result, it is possible to infer that the ethenolic fruit extract of Neolomarckia Cadamba showed much more anthelmintic activity against Indian earthworms than the usual treatment (Albendazole). Conclusion: The solvents Ethanol, Chloroform, Phenyl Ether, and Aquaous were used to extract the Neolamarckia Cadamba. The results showed that Ethanolic extract has the greatest degree of activity. When compared to any other extract or conventional medicine, it produces a paralytic effect sooner and has a shorter time to death (Albendazole)

    Machine learning for the classification of breast cancer tumor: a comparative analysis

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    The detection and diagnosis of Breast cancer at an early stage is a challenging task. With the increase in emerging technologies such as data mining tools, along with machine learning algorithms, new prospects in the medical field for automatic diagnosis have been developed, with which the prediction of a disease at an early stage is possible. Early detection of the disease may increase the survival rate of patients. The main purpose of the study was to predict breast cancer disease as benign or malignant by using supervised machine learning algorithms such as the K-nearest neighbor (K-NN), multilayer perceptron (MLP), and random forest (RF) and to compare their performance in terms of the accuracy, precision, F1 score, support, and AUC. The experimental results demonstrated that the MLP achieved a high prediction accuracy of 99.4%, followed by random forest (96.4%) and K-NN (76.3%). The diagnosis rates of the MLP, random forest and K-NN were 99.9%, 99.6%, and 73%, respectively. The study provides a clear idea of the accomplishments of classification algorithms in terms of their prediction ability, which can aid healthcare professionals in diagnosing chronic breast cancer efficiently

    Connection of GeV Dark Matter with (g2)μ(g-2)_{\mu} Anomaly in U(1)LμLτU(1)_{L_{\mu}-L_{\tau}}

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    In this work, we investigate the impact of recent anomalous (g2)μ(g-2)_{\mu} measurement with 4σ\sim 4 \sigma deviation from the SM, probing its effect on a light GeV scale fermionic dark matter (DM). The (g2)μ(g-2)_{\mu} anomaly can be readily explained in the a beyond the SM (BSM) U(1)LμLτU(1)_{L_{\mu}-L_{\tau}} scenario, where only a portion of hitherto allowed parameter space can explain the anomaly. This constraint impacts the enhancement of the neutrino floor, the neutrino background in the DM direct detection experiments. The GeV scale DM is severely constrained by the (g2)μ(g-2)_{\mu} result as it restricts the ZZ^{\prime} mass in the range of 2020020-200 MeV. That restriction results in absence of s-channel resonant annihilation of the GeV scale DM, therefore resulting in over abundance of the DM relic. Even if t-channel annihilation aided by large couplings can bring the relic density in the observed range, direct detection cross section shoots up. Super-GeV DM gets almost ruled out where as sub-GeV DM gets severely constrained.Comment: 16 pages, 9 figures, 4 table

    Cumulative effect of potassium and gibberellic acid on growth, biochemical attributes and productivity of F1 hybrid cucumber

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    Abstract Cucumis sativus L. is an important fruit vegetable with great economic potential. A study was carried out to evaluate the potential of exogenously applied potassium nitrate [ ] and gibberellic acid [0.005 ] in combination on growth, development and yield of the F1 hybrid cucumber cv. 'KUK-9' under protected cultivation. Growth and physiological parameters like vine length, fresh weight, dry weight, number of branches, number of leaves, growth rate, biomass duration, chlorophyll and mineral content were observed after 70 days. Overall results suggest that all the combination treatments showed beneficial effects over the control, but foliar application of G 2 K 2 had maximum effect on growth and development of plants. Total yield and fruit quality were also significantly higher in G 2 K 2 treatment than in other treatments. Foliar application of potassium and gibberellic acid may be effective to maximize cucumber growth, physiological status and yield parameters

    Electric injury: a case series

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    In the modern era, electricity acts as a vital zone for mankind. The most important external sign of electrocution is the electric mark. The internal findings of electrocution are usually unspecific. The electric mark can also be of postmortem origin and is therefore not a reliable proof that the electric shock occurred before death, unless the survival time was long enough for an inflammatory response of the affected tissue. Various cases of electrocution have been reported in literature but as per the best of authors knowledge none of them have been clearly explained for the establishment of complete electric circuit in reported cases; required for fatal electrocution. In the present case series, authors’ report and discuss the three cases of electrocution under different circumstances with deviations in expectations. Because of the diagnostic problems authors also discuss the significance and careful evaluation of incident/death scene in all definitive as well as suspected cases of electrocution and emphasize on various components required for complete electric circuit for flow of current

    Report: Fatal case of disseminated BCG infection in an infant born to a mother taking infliximab for Crohn’s disease

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    Abstract We present the case of a 28 year old lady with refractory Crohn's Disease treated with infliximab throughout her pregnancy. Her baby was born healthy and received a Bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG) vaccine aged 3 months. Soon after this the infant became unwell and died aged 4.5 months. At post-mortem the cause of death was attributed to an unusual complication of the BCG vaccine, known as disseminated BCG. BCG vaccination is contraindicated in individuals who are receiving immunosuppressive drugs. We recommend physicians should exercise caution before such vaccines are used in infants born to mothers taking anti-TNF therapies or other potentially immunosuppressive IgG1 antibodies. © 2010 European Crohn's and Colitis Organisation. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. Case report This case is of a 28 year old Caucasian lady diagnosed with pan-colitis and erythema nodosum secondary to Crohn's Disease (CD) in 2001. She was treated early on with mesalazine and azathioprine at a dose of 2 mg per kg bodyweight but experienced recurrent flare-ups requiring repeated courses of prednisolone with eventual loss of response. In 2004, infliximab 5 mg/kg was commenced with initial good symptomatic benefit but subsequent loss of response. Therefore, in 2006 the dose of infliximab was increased to 10 mg/kg every eight weeks. In 2008 she became pregnant. The pros and cons of continuing infliximab were discussed at length with the patient. Due the severity and corticosteroid refractory nature of her CD, the benefits of maintaining remission with infliximab was felt to outweigh the risks of foetus exposure to the drug. She consented to continue eightweekly infusions of infliximab 10 mg/kg as monotherapy for CD. Her disease remained in remission during pregnancy and in July 2008 she gave birth to a healthy baby boy. The baby was born at 36 + 3 gestation via spontaneous vaginal deliver


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    The objective of the study is to investigate the hydro alcoholic leaves extract of Leucomeris spectabilis (Asteraceae) for hypoglycemic effects in normal and diabetic rats. Acute oral toxicity study indicated that HAE was safe up to a dose of 2000 mg/kg body weight of rats and screened for antidiabetic activity in alloxan (120 mg/ kg, i.p.) induced diabetic rats for 21 days along with phytochemical analyses of HAE were also carried out. In-vivo evaluation of the extracts decreased blood sugar levels with significant improvement in blood glucose level, serum marker enzymes (SGPT, SGOT and ALP) and the content at the end of 1, 2 and 3rd weeks after HAELC treatment. The results suggest of antidiabetic activity study revealed that HAE possesses significant (p < 0.05) hypoglycemic activity compared to diabetic rats group. The results showed that the hydroalcoholic leaves extract has significantly most of effect in 200mg/kg.  Keywords: Leucomeris spectabilis, Leaves, Acute oral toxicity, Alloxan, Ant-diabetic activity

    Epidemiology of malaria and anemia in high and low malaria-endemic North-Eastern districts of India

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    Anemia and malaria are the two major public health problems that lead to substantial morbidity and mortality. Malaria infection destroys erythrocytes, resulting in low hemoglobin (Hb) levels known as anemia. Here we report the determinants of anemia in high and low malaria-endemic areas that would help understand which parasite densities, age, and gender-associated low Hb levels. Therefore, a cross-sectional mass survey (n = 8,233) was conducted to screen anemia and malaria in high and low malaria-endemic districts (HMED and LMED) of North-East India. Axillary body temperature was measured using a digital thermometer. The prevalence of anemia was found to be 55.3% (4,547/8,233), of which 45.1% had mild (2,049/4,547), 52.1% moderate (2,367/4,547) and 2.9% had severe anemia (131/4,547). Among anemic, 70.8% (3,219/4,547) resided in LMED and the rest in HMED. The median age of the anemic population was 12 years (IQR: 7–30). Overall, malaria positivity was 8.9% (734/8,233), of which HMED shared 79.6% (584/734) and LMED 20.4% (150/734) malaria burden. The village-wise malaria frequency was concordant to asymptomatic malaria (10–20%), which showed that apparently all of the malaria cases were asymptomatic in HMED. LMED population had significantly lower Hb than HMED [standardized beta (β) = −0.067, p < 0.0001] and low-density Plasmodium infections had higher Hb levels than high-density infections (β = 0.113; p = 0.031). Women of reproductive age had higher odds for malaria (OR: 1.42; 95% CI: 1.00–2.05; p = 0.04). Females (β = −0.193; p < 0.0001) and febrile individuals (β = −0.029; p = 0.008) have shown lower Hb levels, but malaria positivity did not show any effect on Hb. Young children and women of reproductive age are prone to anemia and malaria. Although there was no relation between malaria with the occurrence of anemia, we found low-density Plasmodium infections, female gender, and LMED were potential determinants of Hb

    Khesari (Lathyrus sativus L.), an ancient legume for future gain: An expedition collection from parts of West Bengal state of Eastern India

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    395-403Grasspea is one of the staple foods of the local people living in the eastern parts of India. An expedition was undertaken during March, 2020 to collect germplasm of grasspea in the lower-Gangetic riverine belt and coastal areas of West Bengal of eastern India lying between latitude 21.43-24.44°N and longitude 87.23-88.90°E. From the results of a structured questionnaire administered to grasspea farmers in 57 villages located in 96 local government areas, it appeared that grasspea is the primary winter pulse cultivated in this region. Large variability of germplasm exist, ranging from small to bold seed, early to late maturing types, moderate to the high biomass type of grasspea. Most of these landraces have been adopted over the years from neighbouring communities, but in a few instances, the varietal replacement was noted, which came either through the involvement of government departments or local seed dealers. The highest proportion of the accessions (52.38%) was collected from the Purba Medinipur district, and the lowest (19.05%) was from Paschim Medinipur. On-spot evaluation of morphological traits, variations was detected in the descriptor characteristics across the locations. A total of 21 accessions was collected and assessed on-spot for different characters, viz., the seed's size, shape, seed colour, taste and texture revealed significant variation. The implications of this survey results for grasspea improvement in India are discussed in the present study