73 research outputs found

    Voting and Discounting in Simple Growth Models

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    Diese Dissertation verbindet die Sozialwahltheorie mit der Wachstumstheorie und behandelt das Problem der Aggregation heterogener Zeitpräferenzen. Ein Überblick über die Literatur zur sozialen Wahl in Wachstumsmodellen mit vielen Agenten zeigt, dass es fundamentale Schwierigkeiten bei der Aggregation heterogener Zeitpräferenzen in dynamischen Wachstumsmodellen gibt. Es wird insbesondere gezeigt, dass es aufgrund der Hochdimensionalität des Wahlmöglichkeitenraumes in diesen Modellen keine Abstimmungsgleichgewichte gibt. Um diese Schwierigkeiten zu überwinden wird ein einfaches und intuitives Abstimmungsverfahren (die intertemporale Mehrheitswahl) vorgeschlagen. Dieses Verfahren beruht auf zwei Prinzipien: (i) die Abstimmung erfolgt Schritt für Schritt in jeder Periode neu, und (ii) es wird dabei nicht über die absoluten Größen (z.B. das Konsumniveau), sondern über deren relativen Wert (z.B. die Konsumrate) entschieden. Die intertemporale Mehrheitswahl wird auf ein einfaches Wachstumsmodell mit einem öffentlichen Gut angewendet, in dem die Agenten unter verschiedenen momentanen Nutzenfunktionen und verschiedenen Zeitpräferenzraten einen gemeinsamen Konsumpfad wählen. Das vorgeschlagene Abstimmungsverfahren stellt eine mikroökonomische Fundierung der Wahl des optimalen Konsumpfades des Medianwähler dar. Die intertemporale Mehrheitswahl wird dann auf ein allgemeines Gleichgewichtsmodell mit einer nicht erneuerbaren Ressource angewendet. Die Agenten haben wiederum verschiedene Zeitpräferenzraten und wählen die Extraktionsraten, um eine sozial optimale Nutzung der Ressource zu bestimmen. Das vorgeschlagene Abstimmungsverfahren ergibt sich in diesem Zusammenhang besonders natürlich, da es sich um eine kollektive Entscheidung über einen relativen Wert (die Extraktionsrate) handelt. Auch hier stellt sich heraus, dass das Abstimmungsgleichgewicht der intertemporalen Mehrheitswahl von der Median-Zeitpräferenzrate abhängt. Das vorgeschlagene Abstimmungsverfahren lässt sich daher sehr einfach auf dynamische allgemeine Gleichgewichtsmodelle anwenden

    Critical thermodynamics of two-dimensional N-vector cubic model in the five-loop approximation

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    The critical behavior of the two-dimensional N-vector cubic model is studied within the field-theoretical renormalization-group (RG) approach. The beta-functions and critical exponents are calculated in the five-loop approximation, RG series obtained are resummed using Pade-Borel-Leroy and conformal mapping techniques. It is found that for N = 2 the continuous line of fixed points is well reproduced by the resummed RG series and an account for the five-loop terms makes the lines of zeros of both beta-functions closer to each another. For N > 2 the five-loop contributions are shown to shift the cubic fixed point, given by the four-loop approximation, towards the Ising fixed point. This confirms the idea that the existence of the cubic fixed point in two dimensions under N > 2 is an artifact of the perturbative analysis. In the case N = 0 the results obtained are compatible with the conclusion that the impure critical behavior is controlled by the Ising fixed point.Comment: 18 pages, 4 figure

    Homogenization of the elliptic Dirichlet problem: operator error estimates in L2L_2

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    Let ORd\mathcal{O} \subset \mathbb{R}^d be a bounded domain of class C2C^2. In the Hilbert space L2(O;Cn)L_2(\mathcal{O};\mathbb{C}^n), we consider a matrix elliptic second order differential operator AD,ε\mathcal{A}_{D,\varepsilon} with the Dirichlet boundary condition. Here ε>0\varepsilon>0 is the small parameter. The coefficients of the operator are periodic and depend on x/ε\mathbf{x}/\varepsilon. A sharp order operator error estimate AD,ε1(AD0)1L2L2Cε\|\mathcal{A}_{D,\varepsilon}^{-1} - (\mathcal{A}_D^0)^{-1} \|_{L_2 \to L_2} \leq C \varepsilon is obtained. Here AD0\mathcal{A}^0_D is the effective operator with constant coefficients and with the Dirichlet boundary condition.Comment: 13 page

    Análise criminológica da proteção da integridade territorial da Ucrânia

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    The State is always unique in its activities and its protection, and for each State to be recognized, its integrity should always be respected — and under no circumstance the territorial integrity of a State should be tampered with. To this end, it becomes the responsibility of the State to ensure that those who criminally affect the territorial integrity should be prosecuted accordingly. Even with this principle put in place, the territorial integrity of the State is always threatened, thus affecting the real essence of the State being that of protecting State sovereignty. This article enunciates that the territorial integrity of every State should always be respected, regardless of the circumstances, and those who disrespect this should be criminally liable. In this question, there will be the essence of analytical research methodology, which will be to ascertain the criminal aspect of the protection of the territorial integrity of Ukraine. From the above methodology, one can say that there are continuous violations of the territorial integrity of Ukraine through the various crimes committed. It is for this reason that something needs to be done in preserving the territorial integrity of the State of Ukraine.El Estado siempre es único en sus actividades y su protección, y para que cada Estado sea reconocido, siempre se debe respetar su integridad; bajo ninguna circunstancia se debe alterar la integridad territorial de un Estado. Para tal efecto, se convierte en responsabilidad del Estado velar por que quienes delictivamente afecten la integridad territorial sean debidamente sancionados. Incluso con este principio establecido, la integridad territorial del Estado siempre se ve amenazada, lo cual afecta la esencia real del Estado que es la protección de la soberanía estatal. Este artículo señala que la integridad territorial de todo Estado debe ser siempre respetada independientemente de las circunstancias, y quienes irrespeten esto deben ser penalmente responsables. En esta pregunta, estará la esencia de la metodología de investigación analítica que determinará el aspecto penal de la protección de la integridad territorial de Ucrania. A partir de la metodología anterior, se puede decir que hay violaciones continuas de la integridad territorial de Ucrania a través de los diversos delitos cometidos. Por esta razón, es necesario hacer algo para preservar la integridad territorial del Estado de Ucrania.O Estado é sempre único em suas atividades e em sua proteção, e para que cada Estado seja reconhecido, sua integridade deve sempre ser respeitada; em nenhuma circunstância deve ser alterada a integridade territorial de um Estado. Para tanto, é responsabilidade do Estado garantir que aqueles que afetem criminalmente a integridade territorial sejam devidamente punidos. Mesmo com esse princípio estabelecido, a integridade territorial do Estado está sempre ameaçada, o que afeta a real essência do Estado, que é a proteção da soberania estatal. Este artigo afirma que a integridade territorial de cada Estado deve ser sempre respeitada, independentemente das circunstâncias, e quem desrespeitar isso deve ser responsabilizado criminalmente. Nesta questão, será a essência da metodologia de investigação analítica que determinará o aspecto penal da proteção da integridade territorial da Ucrânia. A partir da metodologia acima, pode-se dizer que há violações contínuas da integridade territorial da Ucrânia por meio dos diversos crimes cometidos. Por esta razão, é necessário fazer algo para preservar a integridade territorial do Estado ucraniano


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    The aim of the article is to disclose problematic issues, which are connected with financial and legal norms, as well as legal means and the mechanism for their implementation. The subject of the study is the financial and legal norms: legal means and the mechanism for their implementation. Methodology. The study is based on the dialectical method of scientific knowledge and general scientific methods, which are based on it, such as: analysis, comparison, analogy, induction and others. Results of the conducted study have shown the theoretical aspects of the implementation of financial and legal norms and their features. Particular attention is paid to the implementation of the law, which takes one of the main places among the pressing problems of legal science, despite the fact that a special theoretical analysis of the implementation of financial law in the legal literature is quite rare. During the analysis of this issue in the presented study, the question about the content and number of legal means in the mechanism of financial and legal regulation is set in the first place. Another problem, which is studied, is the impact of various determining factors on the procedure for the implementation of financial law. Practical impact. The author analyses the features of the forms of implementation of financial and legal norms, the legal regulation of relations developing in connection with the observance, use, execution, and application of these norms on the bases of the general theoretical approaches of law. Correlation/originality. After the legal analysis and analysis of the scientific literature, it was defined that the mechanism for the implementation of financial and legal norms today faces a number of unresolved problems in financial relations

    On discounting and voting in a simple growth model

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    In dynamic resource allocation models, the non-existence of voting equilibria is a generic phenomenon due to the multi-dimensionality of the choice space even with agents heterogeneous only in their discount factors. Nevertheless, at each point of time there may exist a “median voter” whose preferred instantaneous consumption rate is supported by a majority of agents. Based on this observation, we propose an institutional setup (“intertemporal majority voting”) in a Ramsey-type growth model with common consumption and heterogeneous agents, and show that it provides a microfoundation of the choice of the optimal consumption stream of the median agent. While the corresponding intertemporal consumption stream is in general not a Condorcet winner among all feasible paths, its induced instantaneous consumption rate receives a majority at each point in time in the proposed intertemporal majority voting procedure. We also provide a characterization of balanced-growth and steadystate voting equilibria in the case in which agents may differ not only in their time preference, but also in their instantaneous utility functions

    Правові форми взаємодії між органами публічного управління та засобами масової комунікації

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    Пахнін, М. Правові форми взаємодії між органами публічного управління та засобами масової комунікації / Микола Пахнін // Підприємництво, господарство і право. - 2019. - № 6. - С. 178-182. - DOI: https://doi.org/10.32849/2663-5313/2019.6.32.У статті на основі аналізу наукових поглядів учених і норм чинного законодавства України визначено й надано характеристику окремих форм взаємодії між органами публічного управління та засобами масової комунікації. Констатовано, що Україна досі не вичерпала всіх підходів, засобів і можливостей стосовно вдосконалення взаємодії органів публічного управління та засобами масової комунікації, але, узагальнюючи наукове дослідження питань такої взаємодії, дійшли висновку, що напрацьований досвід такої взаємодії зарубіжних країн становить неабиякий інтерес для України й потребує подальших досліджень.In the article, on the basis of the analysis of scientific views of scientists and the norms of the current legislation of Ukraine, the characterization of certain forms of interaction between public administration bodies and MMC is defined and given. It is stated that Ukraine has not yet exhausted all approaches, means and opportunities in improving the interaction between public administration and MMC, but, summing up the scientific study of such interaction issues, we conclude that the experience of such interaction of foreign countries is of considerable interest to Ukraine and requires further research.В статье на основе анализа научных взглядов ученых и норм действующего законодательства Украины определены и охарактеризованы отдельных форм взаимодействия между органами публичного управления и средствами массовой коммуникации. Констатировано, что Украина до сих пор не исчерпала всех подходов, средств и возможностей по совершенствованию взаимодействия органов публичного управления и средствами массовой коммуникации, но, обобщая научное исследование вопросов такого взаимодействия, пришли к выводу, что наработанный опыт такого взаимодействия зарубежных стран составляет большой интерес для Украины и требует дальнейших исследований