67 research outputs found

    Avtonomija migracij in vladnost plastičnih meja

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    Inspired by the autonomy of migration approach, we analyse borders as sites of control and violence but also as migrant praxis, as strategies of escape and rupture. We explore the idea of “bodily borders”, emphasizing that borders shape subjects on the move and are themselves shaped by the embodied experiences of border-crossers. Drawing on Foucault’s concept of governmentality and Malabou’s analysis of the concept of plasticity, we argue that migrations are governed through “plastic borders” that are formed as direct responses to migrant mobilities, using the empirical example of the externalization of borders as an EU policy of migration management.Avtorica na podlagi avtonomije migracij meje analizira kot mesta nadzora in nasiljater hkrati kot migrantski praxis, kot strategije bega in ruptur. Pojasnjuje idejo o »utelešenih mejah«, da bi pokazala, kako meje na poti oblikujejo ljudi in so obenem same oblikovane prek utelešenih izkušenj tistih, ki meje prestopajo. Z uporabo Foucaultovega koncepta 'vladnosti' (gouvernementalité) in koncepta 'plastičnosti' (plasticity), kot ga analizira Malabou, postavi tezo, da današnje upravljanje migracij uporablja mehanizem »plastičnih meja«, ki so oblikovane kot neposredni odziv na mobilnost migrantov, kar pokaže tudi na empiričnem primeru eksternalizacije meje kot evropske politike upravljanja z migracijami

    Wasted precariat: migrant work in European societies

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    This article discusses migrants\u27 experiences of European migration-labour. It shows how precariousness is materialized in migrants\u27 work and lives. I show how the subordination of migrants to the demands of the (global) market shapes the work of "third country migrants" as precarious in European economies. Specific migration policies as well as labour processes and their regulation construct migrants as "wasted precariat", in line with Bauman\u27s (2004) notion of "wasted humans". This process occurs at the intersection of migrant workers\u27 immigration status, the governance of immigration and labour relations as well as features of the industries that employ migrant workers

    Pomirenje paradigmi o prostituciji uz pomoć naracije

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    Članak je usredotočen na kontroverzu seksualni rad / nasilje u teorijskim i empirijskim raspravama o prostituciji, s naglaskom na Srednju / Jugoistočnu Europu i, posebno, Sloveniju. U članku se analiziraju studije i rasprave o prostituciji u regiji u (post)socijalističkom vremenu. Zatim se prelazi na razmatranje dvostrukog učinka liberalizacije prostitucije u razdoblju tranzicije: dok je, s jedne strane, prostitucija bila destigmatizirana, s druge je bila komercijalizirana, kako bi služila gospodarskim interesima globalizirane trgovine i industrije seksualnim uslugama. Razgovori sa sudionicima uključenima u prostituciju u Sloveniji pokazuju kako su ti procesi utjecali na uvjete njihova života i rada. Iskustva osoba koje se bave prostitucijom otkrivaju složenost njihovih situacija, pokazujući da ne postoji jasna razlika između prostitucije i trgovine ljudima te da su u nju uključeni i elementi dobrovoljnosti i prisile. Evaluacijom argumenata paradigmi seksualnog rada i nasilja, u članku se predlaže proučavanje prostitucije izvan binarnosti, u njezinoj heterogenosti, odnosno tematiziranjem raznih njezinih aspekata i uzimajući u obzir stvarnost sudionika u prostituciji.The article focuses on the sex work / violence controversy in debates about prostitution both theoretically and empirically, with an emphasis on Central/South-Eastern Europe, and Slovenia in particular. The article first analyses studies and debates on prostitution in the region during the (post)socialist years. It then moves on to discuss the twofold effect of the liberalization of prostitution during the transition period: while, on the one hand, prostitution was destigmatized, on the other it was commodified to serve the economic interests of the emerging globalized sex and trafficking industry. Interviews with various protagonists involved in prostitution in Slovenia show how these processes affected their living and working conditions. The experiences of prostitutes reveal the complexity of their situations, showing that there is no clear- -cut distinction between prostitution and trafficking and that both voluntary and involuntary elements are involved. By evaluation of arguments of both the sex work and the violence paradigms, the article proposes to study prostitution beyond binarism, in its heterogeneity, i.e. by thematizing its various aspects and by taking into consideration the realities of actors engaged in prostitution

    Decitizenization of Migrants in Slovenia

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    The article addresses the social and economic conditions of migrant workers from the former Yugoslav states who form the vast majority of the migrant population in Slovenia. Based on the analysis of policies that regulate the work of “foreigners” and on the assessment of recent anti-crisis measures we argue that the current securitization approach, which aims to protect the national labour market, exacerbates the poor work and life conditions of migrants. We look into the current massive layoffs of migrant workers due to the closing of companies and the subsequent return of migrants to their countries of birth, which is a trend supported by “circular migration” policies. Furthermore, we explore recent xenophobic sentiments, as well as emerging solidarity with migrants. Particular attention is devoted to nuances in the definitions of migrants that are motivated by the protectionistprone ideologies of a young state. The article relies on data on migration trends and policies during the recent period (2008–2012), but also draws on interviews and focus groups with migrants. The issues raised are debated with theories of citizenship. Namely, we discuss the processes of “(de) citizenization” of migrants in Slovenia and the constructions by which former “co-nationals” were turned into “third country nationals.

    Medijsko-politični paralelizem: legitimizacija migracijske politike na primeru komentarja v časopisu »Delo«

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    The article starts with the thesis that metaprocesses of mediatisation define the operation of the media to the degree that “media logic” follows political agendas. We verify the thesis based on a qualitative analysis of journalistic commentary (editorials) that were published in the Slovenian daily newspaper Delo (August–December 2015) on the topic of European migration policy (quota system, Schengen regime, bilateral agreements etc.). The analysis shows that migration policy is legitimized by commentary that omits the views of non-governmental sources and is largely based on Eurocentric imaginings of Europe.Avtorica v članku izhaja iz teze, da metaprocesi medijatizacije medijsko delovanje definirajo do mere, ko se »medijska logika« prilagodi politični agendi. Tezo preverja s kvalitativno analizo novinarskih komentarjev o evropski migracijski politiki, objavljenih v časopisu Delo (avgust–December 2015). Analiza pokaže, da je najbolj razpoznavna značilnost novinarskih komentarjev, da v problematiziranju evropske migracijske politike kot rešitev predlagajo iste migracijske politike (kvotni sistem, schengenski sistem, bilateralne dogovore med državami idr.). Ugotavlja, da se migracijske politike legitimizirajo s pomočjo komentatorstva, ki izpušča refleksijo nevladnih virov in se v veliki meri utemeljuje na evrocentričnem zamišljanju Evrope

    Trgovanje z ženskami

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    Trgovanje z ženskami je povečini analizirano v kontekstu preprečevanja organiziranega kriminala in nadzora migracij. Aktualne so potrebe po obravnavitega področja s poudarkom na položaju žrtve, na individualni izkušnjižensk. Prizadevanja za obravnavo v okviru perspektive človekovih pravic, skupaj s prepoznavanjem spolne specifičnosti trgovanja, omogočajo večjo skrb za varovanje ranljivih posameznikov in posameznic. Pridobljeni podatki, kot tudi nekonsistentnosti v terminologiji, nakazujejo potrebo po bolj vidnih politikah na tem področju, ki bi prispevale k dekriminalizaciji žrtev. Za podrobnejšo obravnavo perspektive žrtve so primerna metoda raziskovanja poglobljeni intervjuji. Tako pri zasnovi intervjujev kot pri izvedbi je treba upoštevati specifičnosti trgovanja z ženskami, med njimi položaj žrtve in okoliščine intervjuvanja.Trafficking in women is mostly analysed in the context of organized crime prevention and migration control. An urgent need is arising to conduct a research that focuses on victims\u27 situation, an individual experience of trafficked women. Research that takes into consideration human rights perspective and acknowledges gender specifics in relation to trafficking brings forward a perspective of care for vulnerable individuals. Available data and inconsistencies in relation to terminology connote a need to develop more visible policies that would contribute to the decriminalisation of the victim. In-depth interviews as research method enable a thorough research of victim\u27s perspective. Both in interview design and in interviewing itself, however, specifics of trafficking need to be considered, such as the position of the victim and circumstances of interviewing

    Migranti kao jeftini radnici u Europi: prema kritičkoj ocjeni integracije

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    Many “third country” migrants are recruited to the EU for unskilled labour, filling in positions that are unattractive to the “domestic” workforce. Current integration policies declare integration as a two-way process that should equalise migrants’ opportunities with those of the “nationals”. However, integration often appears blind to addressing specific migrant positions, in particular migrants as precarious and low-paid workers. This article discusses in a comparative perspective the precarious positions of migrants from “third countries” in six EU member states – Cyprus, Finland, Germany, Hungary, Italy and Slovenia. The article first addresses most recent data on migrant populations and discusses the sectors of migrant work. The assumption is that current migration and integration policies are to a large extent devoid of the migrants’ own perceptions and needs. It is therefore pivotal for the presented argument to provide visibility of migrants and discuss their own living and working experiences. Considering migrants as “partners in communication”, the article analyses interviews and focus groups engaging 150 migrants that were conducted in the six countries in 2009. Attention is devoted to discussing the themes that emerge in migrant narratives, analysing the cross-country similarities and differences in the economies that are largely sustained by a migrant workforce. By exploring the precarious labour market experiences of migrants, the article questions the validity of the concept of integration that remains an important objective of current EU migration regimes.Mnogi migranti iz »trećih zemalja« regrutiraju se u Europsku uniju za nekvalificirani rad, popunjavajući mjesta koja su neatraktivna »domaćoj« radnoj snazi. Sadašnje migracijske politike proglašavaju integraciju dvosmjernim procesom koji bi trebao izjednačiti mogućnosti migranata s mogućnostima »državljana«. No integracija često previđa specifične pozicije migranata, posebice onu kao prekarnih i loše plaćenih radnika. Ovaj se rad iz komparativne perspektive bavi nesigurnim položajima migranata iz »trećih zemalja« nastanjenim u šest zemalja Europske unije – Cipru, Finskoj, Njemačkoj, Mađarskoj, Italiji i Sloveniji. Najprije se iznose najnoviji podaci o migrantskim populacijama i raspravlja o sektorima u kojima migranti rade. Pretpostavlja se da aktualne migracijske i integracijske politike rijetko uzimaju u obzir percepcije i potrebe samih migranata. Zato je za iznesenu raspravu ključno da osigura vidljivost migranata te razmotri njihova životna i radna iskustva. Tretirajući migrante kao »partnere u komunikaciji«, članak analizira rezultate intervjua i fokusnih skupina iz 2009. u kojima je sudjelovalo ukupno 150 migranata iz šest zemalja. Pozornost je posvećena raspravama o temama koje se pojavljuju u pričama migranata, uz analizu sličnosti i razlika između ekonomija istraživanih zemalja koje se uvelike temelje na migrantskoj radnoj snazi. Istražujući prekarna iskustva migranata na tržištima rada, rad propituje valjanost koncepta integracije, koji ostaje važni cilj sadašnjih migracijskih režima Europske unije

    Multikulturalizem pro et contra: Kritika liberalne perspektive in populistično-demagoške denunciacije

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    Efforts towards the democratization of societies that respect differences have been focused in the last four decades in the European context but also world-wide around the notion of multiculturalism. The optimistic announcements of scholars who studied liberal multiculturalism in the period from the 1970s to the 1990s as alternatives to hierarchization, racism, discrimination and segregation of minority groups have been the frequent subject of criticism in the last two decades. While some take anapocalyptic, populist tone and speak about the end of multiculturalism, in the last couple of years we have witnessed a rise of counterarguments from proponents of multiculturalism who point to successful implementation of multiculturalism in practice. This article contrasts arguments and illustrates the entrapment of pro et contra positionings in debates. We defend the thesis that such an approach moves attention away from “problems with diversity”, is unable to overcome certain quandaries with regard to multiculturalism and also cannot generate new ideas towards a more egalitarian society. We devote particular attention to the defence of multiculturalism as presented in the most recent works of Will Kymlicka, one of the leading scholars of the liberal tradition of multiculturalism.Prizadevanja za večjo demokratizacijo družb s spoštovanjem različnosti so se v zadnjih štirih desetletjih v evropskem in tudi svetovnem kontekstu osredinjala okrog multikulturalizma. Optimistične napovedi liberalnih teoretikov multikulturalizma od sedemdesetih do devetdesetih let prejšnjega stoletja kot alternative hierarhijam, rasizmu, diskriminaciji in segregaciji manjšinskih skupin so bile v zadnjih dveh desetletjih pogosto predmet kritik. Medtem ko nekateri teoretiki, analitiki in politiki v apokaliptičnem, populističnem tonu govorijo o koncu multikulturalizma, v zadnjih letih zaznavamo porast protiargumentov zagovornikov, ki opozarjajo na primere uspešnih učinkov multikulturalizma v praksi. Besedilo kontrastira argumente in pokaže na vakuumsko ujetost pro et contra pozicioniranja. Zagovarja tezo, da ta odmika pozornost od »problemov z različnostjo«, ne zmore preseči nekaterih zagat multikulturalizma in tudi ne generirati novih idej v smeri egalitarnosti. Podrobnejša analiza je posvečena zlasti novejšim zagovorom multikulturalizma, ki jih predstavlja Will Kymlicka kot vidnejši protagonist liberalne tradicije multikulturalizma

    Biografski narativni intervju: Aplikacija na študije migracij

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    Life stories are relevant for the analysis of social phenomena because they represent the complexity of social action and enable us to re-define concepts on new presuppositions. Life stories therefore need to be analysed, not merely collected and reproduced. This article analyses and critically evaluates the biographical narrative method and the narrative interview. It focuses on practical experiences with the biographical narrative method and reflects upon the working alliance between the researcher and the interviewee, highlighting certain practical dilemmas of this type of research based on actual fieldwork experiences. The article introduces into the Slovene context certain new theoretical and practical reflections on the use of the biographical approach and the method of the biographical narrative interview.Osebne pripovedi oziroma življenjske zgodbe so relevantne za analizo družbenih pojavov, ker predstavljajo večplastnost družbenega delovanja in omogočajo redefinicijo pojmov na nekaterih novih predpostavkah. Življenjske zgodbe je zato treba analizirati, ne le zbrati in reproducirati. Članek se posveča analitični in kritični obravnavi biografske narativne metode in narativnega intervjuja. Osmišlja izkušnjo z biografsko narativno metodo in refleksijo t. i. delujočega zavezništva med raziskovalcem in intervjuvancem, obenem pa na podlagi izkušenj poudarja nekatere praktične dileme tovrstnega raziskovanja. Članek v slovenski prostor prinaša nekatere nove teoretske in praktične refleksije o uporabi biografskega pristopa in metodi biografskega narativnega intervjuja