8 research outputs found

    Zastupljenost malokluzija kod praistorijskog, srednjovekovnog i savremenog čoveka

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    Introduction There is a high prevalence of malocclusions in modern societies, with a tendency of further increase in the future. Malocclusions were very rare in the ancient history. Published anthropological studies show a tendency of jaw and teeth size reduction, as a result of changing lifestyle, particularly the type and consistency of food during human evolution. Aims The aims of the study were to analyze dentoalveolar and skeletal jaw relations, to determine presence of malocclusion, to measure and to compare teeth size in skeletal material from : 1) the Mesolithic-Neolithic site Lepenski Vir and Vlasac, 2) Early Bronze Age graveyard Mokrin, 3) the Roman city Viminacium 4) medieval Vinca and to compare these results with contemporary population of Serbia. Materials and methods Lateral cephalometric radiographs of 36 skulls were traced manually. Occlusion was investigated in 97 individuals according to Angle's classification. Mesio-distal (MD) diameter of all teeth and buccal-oral (VO) diameter of molars only were measured in totally 1038 teeth. The individual effects of gender, age and location were analyzed by ANOVA, while combined effect of these factors were analyzed by univariate analysis of variance. Results Angles SpP / MP and SN / MP had the lowest values in the oldest group. All skulls exibited horizontal growth pattern, with the horizontal component most pronounced in the group Lepenski Vir and Vlasac. Class I occlusion was the most common of all classes in each group and its frequency in the overall sample was higher in comparison to modern times. Distal occlusion was present in all groups also. VO diameter of the upper second and lower first molar was significantly larger in the first group compared to the others. In multiple comparisons, the lower canine was larger in group Vinca than in the group Mokrin. Conclusion The present differences between the groups indicates increasing of the basal angle, decreasing of Class I frequency and reduction of the VO diameter of some molars in Serbia, in the period from prehistory to the Middle Ages and modern times. Therefor changes in the environmental factors affected development of the maxillo-mandibular complex and the occurrence of malocclusion.Uvod U savremenim društvima je visoka učestalost malokluzija koje zahtevaju ortodontsku terapiju i postoji tendencija daljeg porasta ovih nepravilnosti u budućnosti. Postojanje malokluzija je opisano i u praistoriji, ali su one tada predstavljale retkost. Antropološke studije ukazuju da u toku humane evolucije postoji težnja ka smanjenju veličine vilica i zuba, kao posledica promena u načinu života, naročito vrsti i konzistenciji hrane. Cilj Ciljevi istraživanja su bili analiza dentoalveolarnih i skeletnih međuviličnih odnosa, utvrđivanje zastupljenosti malokluzija, merenje i poređenje veličine zuba na skeletnom materijalu sa: 1) mezolitsko-neolitskog nalazišta Lepenski Vir i Vlasac, 2) nalazišta iz bronzanog doba Mokrin, 3) rimskog grada Viminacijuma, 4) srednjovekovne Vinče. Ovi rezultati su upoređeni sa vrednostima za savremenu populaciju Srbije. Materijal i metod Na profilnim teleradiogramima 36 lobanja ručno su izmereni parametri sagitalnog i vertikalnog pravca, tipa rasta i proporcije lica, veličina viličnih baza i položaj sekutića. Kod 97 individua ispitana je klasa okluzije prema Angle-ovoj klasifikaciji. Mezio-distalni dijametar (MD) svih zuba i vestibulo-oralni (VO) dijametar molara su izmereni na 1038 zuba. Ispitan je pojedinačni uticaj pola, starosti i lokaliteta primenom jednofaktorske analize varijanse, a kombinovano delovanje ovih faktora primenom univarijantne analize varijanse. Rezultati Na profilnim teleradiogramima uglovi SpP/MP i SN/MP su imali najmanju vrednost u najstarijoj grupi individua. Na svim lobanjama je uočen horizontalni tip rasta, ali je horizontalna komponenta najizraženija u grupi Lepenski Vir i Vlasac. Okluzija I klase je najzastupljenija u svim lokalitetima i njena učestalost u celokupnom uzorku je veća u odnosu na savremeno doba. U svim ispitivanim grupama je bila prisutna i okluzija polu II klase. VO dijametar gornjeg drugog i donjeg prvog molara je bio značajno veći u grupi Lepenski Vir i Vlasac u odnosu na ostale. U višestrukim poređenjima donji očnjak je bio veći u grupi Vinča nego u grupi Mokrin. Zaključak Prisutne razlike među ispitivanim grupama ukazuju da se na teritoriji Srbije u periodu od praistorije do srednjeg veka i savremenog doba, povećava bazalni ugao, smanjuje zastupljenost okluzije I klase i smanjuje VO dijametar pojedinih molara. Promena u faktorima spoljne sredine se odrazila na razvoj maksilo-mandibularnog kompleksa i nastanak malokluzija

    Malocclusion frequency in the prehistoric, medieval and modern man

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    Uvod U savremenim društvima je visoka učestalost malokluzija koje zahtevaju ortodontsku terapiju i postoji tendencija daljeg porasta ovih nepravilnosti u budućnosti. Postojanje malokluzija je opisano i u praistoriji, ali su one tada predstavljale retkost. Antropološke studije ukazuju da u toku humane evolucije postoji težnja ka smanjenju veličine vilica i zuba, kao posledica promena u načinu života, naročito vrsti i konzistenciji hrane. Cilj Ciljevi istraživanja su bili analiza dentoalveolarnih i skeletnih međuviličnih odnosa, utvrđivanje zastupljenosti malokluzija, merenje i poređenje veličine zuba na skeletnom materijalu sa: 1) mezolitsko-neolitskog nalazišta Lepenski Vir i Vlasac, 2) nalazišta iz bronzanog doba Mokrin, 3) rimskog grada Viminacijuma, 4) srednjovekovne Vinče. Ovi rezultati su upoređeni sa vrednostima za savremenu populaciju Srbije. Materijal i metod Na profilnim teleradiogramima 36 lobanja ručno su izmereni parametri sagitalnog i vertikalnog pravca, tipa rasta i proporcije lica, veličina viličnih baza i položaj sekutića. Kod 97 individua ispitana je klasa okluzije prema Angle-ovoj klasifikaciji. Mezio-distalni dijametar (MD) svih zuba i vestibulo-oralni (VO) dijametar molara su izmereni na 1038 zuba. Ispitan je pojedinačni uticaj pola, starosti i lokaliteta primenom jednofaktorske analize varijanse, a kombinovano delovanje ovih faktora primenom univarijantne analize varijanse. Rezultati Na profilnim teleradiogramima uglovi SpP/MP i SN/MP su imali najmanju vrednost u najstarijoj grupi individua. Na svim lobanjama je uočen horizontalni tip rasta, ali je horizontalna komponenta najizraženija u grupi Lepenski Vir i Vlasac. Okluzija I klase je najzastupljenija u svim lokalitetima i njena učestalost u celokupnom uzorku je veća u odnosu na savremeno doba. U svim ispitivanim grupama je bila prisutna i okluzija polu II klase. VO dijametar gornjeg drugog i donjeg prvog molara je bio značajno veći u grupi Lepenski Vir i Vlasac u odnosu na ostale. U višestrukim poređenjima donji očnjak je bio veći u grupi Vinča nego u grupi Mokrin. Zaključak Prisutne razlike među ispitivanim grupama ukazuju da se na teritoriji Srbije u periodu od praistorije do srednjeg veka i savremenog doba, povećava bazalni ugao, smanjuje zastupljenost okluzije I klase i smanjuje VO dijametar pojedinih molara. Promena u faktorima spoljne sredine se odrazila na razvoj maksilo-mandibularnog kompleksa i nastanak malokluzija.Introduction There is a high prevalence of malocclusions in modern societies, with a tendency of further increase in the future. Malocclusions were very rare in the ancient history. Published anthropological studies show a tendency of jaw and teeth size reduction, as a result of changing lifestyle, particularly the type and consistency of food during human evolution. Aims The aims of the study were to analyze dentoalveolar and skeletal jaw relations, to determine presence of malocclusion, to measure and to compare teeth size in skeletal material from : 1) the Mesolithic-Neolithic site Lepenski Vir and Vlasac, 2) Early Bronze Age graveyard Mokrin, 3) the Roman city Viminacium 4) medieval Vinca and to compare these results with contemporary population of Serbia. Materials and methods Lateral cephalometric radiographs of 36 skulls were traced manually. Occlusion was investigated in 97 individuals according to Angle's classification. Mesio-distal (MD) diameter of all teeth and buccal-oral (VO) diameter of molars only were measured in totally 1038 teeth. The individual effects of gender, age and location were analyzed by ANOVA, while combined effect of these factors were analyzed by univariate analysis of variance. Results Angles SpP / MP and SN / MP had the lowest values in the oldest group. All skulls exibited horizontal growth pattern, with the horizontal component most pronounced in the group Lepenski Vir and Vlasac. Class I occlusion was the most common of all classes in each group and its frequency in the overall sample was higher in comparison to modern times. Distal occlusion was present in all groups also. VO diameter of the upper second and lower first molar was significantly larger in the first group compared to the others. In multiple comparisons, the lower canine was larger in group Vinca than in the group Mokrin. Conclusion The present differences between the groups indicates increasing of the basal angle, decreasing of Class I frequency and reduction of the VO diameter of some molars in Serbia, in the period from prehistory to the Middle Ages and modern times. Therefor changes in the environmental factors affected development of the maxillo-mandibular complex and the occurrence of malocclusion

    Malocclusion frequency in the prehistoric, medieval and modern man

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    Uvod U savremenim društvima je visoka učestalost malokluzija koje zahtevaju ortodontsku terapiju i postoji tendencija daljeg porasta ovih nepravilnosti u budućnosti. Postojanje malokluzija je opisano i u praistoriji, ali su one tada predstavljale retkost. Antropološke studije ukazuju da u toku humane evolucije postoji težnja ka smanjenju veličine vilica i zuba, kao posledica promena u načinu života, naročito vrsti i konzistenciji hrane. Cilj Ciljevi istraživanja su bili analiza dentoalveolarnih i skeletnih međuviličnih odnosa, utvrđivanje zastupljenosti malokluzija, merenje i poređenje veličine zuba na skeletnom materijalu sa: 1) mezolitsko-neolitskog nalazišta Lepenski Vir i Vlasac, 2) nalazišta iz bronzanog doba Mokrin, 3) rimskog grada Viminacijuma, 4) srednjovekovne Vinče. Ovi rezultati su upoređeni sa vrednostima za savremenu populaciju Srbije. Materijal i metod Na profilnim teleradiogramima 36 lobanja ručno su izmereni parametri sagitalnog i vertikalnog pravca, tipa rasta i proporcije lica, veličina viličnih baza i položaj sekutića. Kod 97 individua ispitana je klasa okluzije prema Angle-ovoj klasifikaciji. Mezio-distalni dijametar (MD) svih zuba i vestibulo-oralni (VO) dijametar molara su izmereni na 1038 zuba. Ispitan je pojedinačni uticaj pola, starosti i lokaliteta primenom jednofaktorske analize varijanse, a kombinovano delovanje ovih faktora primenom univarijantne analize varijanse. Rezultati Na profilnim teleradiogramima uglovi SpP/MP i SN/MP su imali najmanju vrednost u najstarijoj grupi individua. Na svim lobanjama je uočen horizontalni tip rasta, ali je horizontalna komponenta najizraženija u grupi Lepenski Vir i Vlasac. Okluzija I klase je najzastupljenija u svim lokalitetima i njena učestalost u celokupnom uzorku je veća u odnosu na savremeno doba. U svim ispitivanim grupama je bila prisutna i okluzija polu II klase. VO dijametar gornjeg drugog i donjeg prvog molara je bio značajno veći u grupi Lepenski Vir i Vlasac u odnosu na ostale. U višestrukim poređenjima donji očnjak je bio veći u grupi Vinča nego u grupi Mokrin. Zaključak Prisutne razlike među ispitivanim grupama ukazuju da se na teritoriji Srbije u periodu od praistorije do srednjeg veka i savremenog doba, povećava bazalni ugao, smanjuje zastupljenost okluzije I klase i smanjuje VO dijametar pojedinih molara. Promena u faktorima spoljne sredine se odrazila na razvoj maksilo-mandibularnog kompleksa i nastanak malokluzija.Introduction There is a high prevalence of malocclusions in modern societies, with a tendency of further increase in the future. Malocclusions were very rare in the ancient history. Published anthropological studies show a tendency of jaw and teeth size reduction, as a result of changing lifestyle, particularly the type and consistency of food during human evolution. Aims The aims of the study were to analyze dentoalveolar and skeletal jaw relations, to determine presence of malocclusion, to measure and to compare teeth size in skeletal material from : 1) the Mesolithic-Neolithic site Lepenski Vir and Vlasac, 2) Early Bronze Age graveyard Mokrin, 3) the Roman city Viminacium 4) medieval Vinca and to compare these results with contemporary population of Serbia. Materials and methods Lateral cephalometric radiographs of 36 skulls were traced manually. Occlusion was investigated in 97 individuals according to Angle's classification. Mesio-distal (MD) diameter of all teeth and buccal-oral (VO) diameter of molars only were measured in totally 1038 teeth. The individual effects of gender, age and location were analyzed by ANOVA, while combined effect of these factors were analyzed by univariate analysis of variance. Results Angles SpP / MP and SN / MP had the lowest values in the oldest group. All skulls exibited horizontal growth pattern, with the horizontal component most pronounced in the group Lepenski Vir and Vlasac. Class I occlusion was the most common of all classes in each group and its frequency in the overall sample was higher in comparison to modern times. Distal occlusion was present in all groups also. VO diameter of the upper second and lower first molar was significantly larger in the first group compared to the others. In multiple comparisons, the lower canine was larger in group Vinca than in the group Mokrin. Conclusion The present differences between the groups indicates increasing of the basal angle, decreasing of Class I frequency and reduction of the VO diameter of some molars in Serbia, in the period from prehistory to the Middle Ages and modern times. Therefor changes in the environmental factors affected development of the maxillo-mandibular complex and the occurrence of malocclusion

    Dental occlusion analysis in the Mesolithic-Neolithic Age, Bronze Age, and Roman to Medieval times in Serbia: Tooth size comparison in skeletal samples

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    Objective: Anthropological studies have reported that tooth size decreases in the context of diet changes. Some investigations have found a reverse trend in tooth size from the prehistoric to the modern times. The aims of this study were to analyze tooth size in skeletal samples from Mesolithic-Neolithic Age, Bronze Age, and Roman to Medieval times to determine sex differences and establish a temporal trend in tooth size in the aforementioned periods. Design: Well-preserved permanent teeth were included in the investigation. The mesiodistal (MD) diameter of all teeth and buccolingual (BL) diameter of the molars were measured. Effects of sex and site were tested by one-way ANOVA, and the combined effect of these factors was analyzed by UNIANOVA. Results: Sexual dimorphism was present in the BL diameters of all molars and MD diameters of the upper first and the lower third molar. The lower canine was the most dimorphic tooth in the anterior region. The MD diameter of most teeth showed no significant difference between the groups, (sample from: Mesolithic-Neolithic Age-group 1; Bronze Age-group 2; Roman times-group 3; Medieval times-group 4), whereas the BL diameters of the upper second and the lower first molar were the largest in the first group. Multiple comparisons revealed a decrease in the BL diameter of the upper second and the lower first molar from the first to the later groups. Lower canine MD diameter exhibited an increase in the fourth group compared to the second group. Conclusion: On the basis of the MD diameter, a temporal trend could not be observed for most of the teeth. The lower canine exhibited an increase in the MD diameter from the prehistoric to the Medieval times. Changes of BL diameter were more homogeneous, suggesting that the temporal trend of molar size decreased from the Mesolithic-Neolithic to Medieval times in Serbia

    Malocclusion from the prehistoric to the medieval times in Serbian population: Dentoalveolar and skeletal relationship comparisons in samples

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    The aims of this study were to reconstruct and analyze dental occlusion and skeletal jaw relationship in samples from Mesolithic-Neolithic, Bronze Age, Roman and Medieval times in Serbia, to compare results and to determine possible direction of the occlusal changes. Anatomically preserved skulls with mandibles and most of the posterior teeth were included in the investigation. Dental occlusion was reconstructed using the position of centric occlusion and centric relation and analyzed according to Angle's classification. Lateral cephalometric radiographs were traced manually Site differences were tested by one-way ANOVA, while sex, age and site impacts were analyzed by UNIANOVA. Most of the individuals in all groups had Class I occlusion. Half-cusp distal occlusion was also present in all groups, but there were no significant differences between the groups. Cephalometric analysis showed no differences in the sagittal measurements, almost all individuals had skeletal Class I jaw relationship. Vertical traits analysis revealed markedly decreased basal plane angle and also decreased posterior facial height and sum of the posterior angles in the oldest group in comparison to the later groups. These results indicate that in the Serbian skeletal sample from the Mesolithic-Neolithic to the Medieval times, malocclusions were present in the form of dentoalveolar Class II occlusion. Skeletal deep bite was found in the oldest group, while horizontal growth pattern decreased from prehistoric to the Medieval times. Samples were too small to confirm environmental impact on the vertical skeletal discrepancies

    Teeth size reduction in the prehistoric populations in Serbia

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    Introduction. Anthropological studies show craniofacial changes with a reduction in teeth size during evolution of the human population. Objective. The objective was to measure and compare the sizes of teeth in the population of the Mesolithic-Neolithic sites in the Iron Gate Gorge and the population from the Early Bronze Age site of Mokrin. Methods. The study included teeth without advanced wear near the pulp. The material was divided according to the site of the skeletal population in two groups. Group 1 comprised 107 teeth from the Mesolithic-Neolithic sites Lepenski Vir and Vlasac. Group 2 included 158 teeth from the Mokrin graveyard dated in the Early Bronze Age. The mesio-distal diameter was measured in all teeth, while the vestibulo-oral diameter was measured in the molars only. Using the two-factor analysis of variance, the influence of sex, site and their interaction on the size of the teeth were investigated. Results. The vestibulo-oral diameter of the upper third molar was significantly higher in males compared to females. The comparison between the groups showed that the vestibulooral diameter of the lower first molar was significantly higher in group 1. Conclusion. The present difference in teeth size indicates the existence of reduction during the prehistoric times. However, the time period between the populations studied is probably too short to be manifested on a large number of teeth

    Supplementary data for the article: Jaćimović J, Petrović R, Divnić-Resnik T, Pajević T, Popović M, Stamenković D, Stratimirović Đ. Highly Cited Papers in Dental Medicine based on Essential Science Indicators. 2021

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    To identify breakthrough research within the field of dentistry, we searched WoS for all papers published in journals related to the subject category DOSM, using the WoS subject category field (WC). Subsequently, ESI HCPs were selected on the retrieval result page. The identified set of 185 HCPs, obtained on July 12, 2020, was part of the second bi-monthly of 2020 (updated on July 9, 2020), which covered the period from January 1, 2010, to April 30, 2020