13 research outputs found

    Hypersensitivity to Pollen of Olea Europea in Patients with Pollen Allergy in Zadar Country, Croatia

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    Preosjetljivost na pelud masline važan je uzrok peludnih alergija u mediteranskim zemljama. Cilj ovoga rada bio je utvrditi učestalost preosjetljivosti na pelud masline među bolesnicima s peludnom alergijom u Zadru i Zadarskoj županiji. Dobivene rezultate usporedili smo s ranijim ispitivanjem preosjetljivosti na pelud masline u Dalmaciji. Ukupno je obrađen 671 ispitanik s preosjetljivosti na peludne alergene. Od toga broja 61 % ispitanika bilo je muškog spola, a 39 % je bilo ženskog spola. Od ukupno ispitanih 53.5 % činila su djeca u dobi od 4 do 14 godina, a preostalih 46.5 % bili su odrasli u dobi od 15 do 59 godina života. Svim ispitanicima uzeta je detaljna obiteljska i osobna anamneza, napravljen klinički pregled te učinjeno kožno prick-testiranje i enzimatsko-imunološki UniCAP-test za određivanje specifi čnih IgE-protutijela. Statistička obrada podataka učinjena je χ2-testom. Preosjetljivost na pelud masline dokazana je u 8.8 % bolesnika s peludnom alergijom. Najveći broj bolesnika s preosjetljivosti na pelud masline boluje od alergijskog rinitisa, 58 % bolesnika. Postoji statistički značajna razlika u broju bolesnika između dvije ispitivane sredine, gradske i seoske. Samo 3 % bolesnika stanovnici su otoka. Preosjetljivost na pelud masline u našem ispitivanju najniža je u odnosu na ispitivanja provedena u drugim mediteranskim zemljama. Najčešće se očituje kliničkom slikom alergijskog rinitisa, a statistički je značajno češća u gradskoj sredini. Usporedba preosjetljivosti na pelud masline tijekom dvaju ispitivanih razdoblja u našoj zemlji nije pokazala porast broja bolesnika s preosjetljivosti na pelud masline.Olive pollen is one of the most common respiratory allergens in the Mediterranean countries. The aim of this study was to establish the frequency of hypersensitivity to the pollen of Olea europea in pollen allergic patients in the County of Zadar. The study included 671 patients with pollen allergy; 61 % were male and 39 % female. 53.5 % were children aged from 4 to 14 years and 46.5 % adolescents and adults from 15 to 59 years. We took their case history, clinically examined them, and tested using the skin prick test and enzymo-immunologic UniCAP test for specifi c IgE antibodies. For statistical analysis we used the chi-square test. Hypersensitivity to Olea europea pollen was confi rmed in 8.8 % patients with pollen allergy. Among them, the most prevalent symptom was rhinitis (58 %). Most hypersensitive patients were urban residents. Only 3 % patients lived on an island. Judging by available data, our fi ndings show the lowest hypersensitivity to olive pollen in the Mediterranean. A comparison with our two earlier studies did not show any fl uctuation in this kind of hypersensitivity

    Towards a long-term dataset of ELBARA II measurements assisting SMOS level-3 land product and algorithm validation at the Valencia Anchor Station

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    This study is a validation of SMOS level 3 data using in situ measurements from the Valencia Anchor Station (VAS) in2012. ELBARA-II radiometer is placed in the VAS, observing a vineyard field considered as representative of a SMOSfootprint. Brightness temperatures (TB) acquired by ELBARA-II have been compared to those observed by SMOS at thesame time and date. They were also inverted using the L-MEB model to provide soil moistures (SM), which later onhave also been compared to those provided by SMOS

    Prosthetic Valve Candida spp. Endocarditis: New Insights into Long-term Prognosis-The ESCAPE Study

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    Background. Prosthetic valve endocarditis caused by Candida spp. (PVE-C) is rare and devastating, with international guidelines based on expert recommendations supporting the combination of surgery and subsequent azole treatment. Methods. We retrospectively analyzed PVE-C cases collected in Spain and France between 2001 and 2015, with a focus on management and outcome. Results. Forty-six cases were followed up for a median of 9 months. Twenty-two patients (48%) had a history of endocarditis, 30 cases (65%) were nosocomial or healthcare related, and 9 (20%) patients were intravenous drug users. "Induction" therapy consisted mainly of liposomal amphotericin B (L-amB)-based (n = 21) or echinocandin-based therapy (n = 13). Overall, 19 patients (41%) were operated on. Patients <66 years old and without cardiac failure were more likely to undergo cardiac surgery (adjusted odds ratios [aORs], 6.80 [95% confdence interval [CI], 1.59-29.13] and 10.92 [1.15-104.06], respectively). Surgery was not associated with better survival rates at 6 months. Patients who received L-amB alone had a better 6-month survival rate than those who received an echinocandin alone (aOR, 13.52; 95% CI, 1.03-838.10). "Maintenance" fluconazole therapy, prescribed in 21 patients for a median duration of 13 months (range, 2-84 months), led to minor adverse effects. Conclusion. L-amB induction treatment improves survival in patients with PVE-C. Medical treatment followed by long-term maintenance fluconazole may be the best treatment option for frail patients

    Antimicrobial management of Tropheryma whipplei endocarditis: the Spanish Collaboration on Endocarditis (GAMES) experience

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    OBJECTIVES: Tropheryma whipplei has been detected in 3.5% of the blood culture-negative cases of endocarditis in Spain. Experience in the management of T. whipplei endocarditis is limited. Here we report the long-term outcome of the treatment of previously reported patients who were diagnosed with infective endocarditis (IE) caused by T. whipplei from the Spanish Collaboration on Endocarditis-Grupo de Apoyo al Manejo de la Endocarditis Infecciosa en Espana (GAMES) and discuss potential options for antimicrobial therapy for IE caused by T. whipplei. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Seventeen patients with T. whipplei endocarditis were recruited between 2008 and 2014 in 25 Spanish hospitals. Patients were classified according to the therapeutic regimen: ceftriaxone and trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole, doxycycline + hydroxychloroquine and other treatment options. RESULTS: Follow-up data were obtained from 14 patients. The median follow-up was 46.5 months. All patients completed the antibiotic treatment prescribed, with a median duration of 13 months. Six patients were treated with ceftriaxone and trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole (median duration 13 months), four with doxycycline + hydroxychloroquine (median duration 13.8 months) and four with other treatment options (median duration 22.3 months). The follow-up after the end of the treatments was between 5 and 84 months (median 24 months). CONCLUSIONS: All treatment lines were effective and well tolerated. Therapeutic failures were not detected during the treatment. None of the patients died or experienced a relapse during the follow-up. Only six patients received antibiotic treatment in accordance with guidelines. These data suggest that shorter antimicrobial treatments could be effective