103 research outputs found

    Novos materiais de construção com tecnologias avançadas

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    Este artigo pretende apenas dar um contributo, assinalando alguns exemplos em que se tem vindo a trabalhar e que refletem o uso de tecnologias avançadas na formulação e funcionalidade de materiais de construção tradicionais. Um exemplo claro é o uso de aditivos que induzem novas funções e que muitos deles pertencem ao grupo denominado como nanomateriais. A sua adição coloca quase sempre problemas de incorporação e que requerem um trabalho de ajuste das formulações e comportamentos no estado fresco ou endurecido. Este trabalho de investigação é muitas vezes essencial para a otimização das funções que se pretendem que os materiais de construção venham a demonstrar. Neste grupo de investigação, resultante da cooperação entre centros de I&D e empresas em projetos de colaboração diversos ao longo dos últimos anos, tem-se vindo a focar na introdução de novas funções em materiais de construção tradicionais, para que ganhem um papel ativo em domínios como o do conforto térmico ou da qualidade ambiental, dois pilares essenciais para uma construção mais sustentável

    Protective effect of ions against cell death induced by acid stress in Saccharomyces

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    Saccharomyces boulardii is a probiotic used to prevent or treat antibiotic-induced gastrointestinal disorders and acute enteritis. For probiotics to be effective they must first be able to survive the harsh gastrointestinal environment. In this work, we show that S. boulardii displayed the greatest tolerance to simulated gastric environments compared with several Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains tested. Under these conditions, a pH 2.0 was the main factor responsible for decreased cell viability. Importantly, the addition of low concentrations of sodium chloride (NaCl) protected cells in acidic conditions more effectively than other salts. In the absence of S. boulardii mutants, the protective effects of Na 1 in yeast viability in acidic conditions was tested using S. cerevisiae Na 1 -ATPases (ena1-4), Na 1 /H 1 antiporter (nha1D) and Na 1 /H 1 antiporter prevacuolar (nhx1D) null mutants, respectively. Moreover, we provide evidence suggesting that this protection is determined by the plasma membrane potential, once altered by low pH and low NaCl concentrations. Additionally, the absence or low expression/activity of Ena proteins seems to be closely related to the basal membrane potential of the cells

    Prime Focus Spectrograph - Subaru's future -

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    The Prime Focus Spectrograph (PFS) of the Subaru Measurement of Images and Redshifts (SuMIRe) project has been endorsed by Japanese community as one of the main future instruments of the Subaru 8.2-meter telescope at Mauna Kea, Hawaii. This optical/near-infrared multi-fiber spectrograph targets cosmology with galaxy surveys, Galactic archaeology, and studies of galaxy/AGN evolution. Taking advantage of Subaru's wide field of view, which is further extended with the recently completed Wide Field Corrector, PFS will enable us to carry out multi-fiber spectroscopy of 2400 targets within 1.3 degree diameter. A microlens is attached at each fiber entrance for F-ratio transformation into a larger one so that difficulties of spectrograph design are eased. Fibers are accurately placed onto target positions by positioners, each of which consists of two stages of piezo-electric rotary motors, through iterations by using back-illuminated fiber position measurements with a wide-field metrology camera. Fibers then carry light to a set of four identical fast-Schmidt spectrographs with three color arms each: the wavelength ranges from 0.38 {\mu}m to 1.3 {\mu}m will be simultaneously observed with an average resolving power of 3000. Before and during the era of extremely large telescopes, PFS will provide the unique capability of obtaining spectra of 2400 cosmological/astrophysical targets simultaneously with an 8-10 meter class telescope. The PFS collaboration, led by IPMU, consists of USP/LNA in Brazil, Caltech/JPL, Princeton, & JHU in USA, LAM in France, ASIAA in Taiwan, and NAOJ/Subaru.Comment: 13 pages, 11 figures, submitted to "Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy IV, Ian S. McLean, Suzanne K. Ramsay, Hideki Takami, Editors, Proc. SPIE 8446 (2012)


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    This work proposes a computer vision system for wheelchair control based on facial coordinates and head position estimation. This work comprises the design of a low-cost motorized wheelchair, which aims to promote independence and quality of life for people who have motor difficulties to manipulate a joystick. The tests performed on the built prototype resulted in an accuracy of 87.78%, an precision of 90.00% and a sensitivity of 87.70%. Tests performed in the motorized wheelchair resulted in an average accuracy of 94.69%, average precision of 91.04% and average sensitivity of 89.38%.Este trabalho propõe um sistema de visão computacional para controle de cadeira de rodas com base em coordenadas faciais e estimativa da posição da cabeça. Este trabalho compõe o projeto de uma cadeira de rodas motorizada de baixo custo, que tem como objetivo promover independência e qualidade de vida a pessoas que possuem dificuldades motoras para manipular um joystick. Os testes realizados no protótipo construído resultaram em uma acurácia de 87,78%, a precisão de 90,00% e uma sensibilidade de 87,70%. Os testes realizados na cadeira de rodas motorizada resultaram em uma acurácia média de 94,69%, precisão média de 91,04% e sensibilidade média de 89,38%
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