5,744 research outputs found
Comparative study of patients knowledge on osteoarthritis treatment options to ACR guidelines
Portuguese population is growing older, according to national
data in 2011 the aging index was 129. The number of elderly population
is higher than the younger; average life expectancy is 79,2 years (1).
Because knee Osteoarthritis increases with age, and according to WHO
80% of these subjects will have some degree of impairment and 25% will
not be able to do their daily living activities (2), OA has a big impact on
the sustainability of both health and social care as populations grow
older. Our goal was to compare current guidelines of managing knee OA,
to the degree of information each patient has about their treatment
The consequences of key audit matters on users: A literature review
There is an information gap between what users
expect on an audit and what an audit is, and the new audit report
is made to reduce this information gap, by changing its structure
and content. Among other changes, the new audit report includes
a new section for the disclosure of key audit matters (KAM)
which is mandatory in Union European (UE) on June 2016 and in
the United States (US) on June 2019. This change, triggered
manly by the 2008 financial crisis, is expect a positive effect on
audit quality or users’ perception of it. The main objective of this
paper is review the literature of this recent topic on the
perspective of users and market reaction. The results of the
influence of disclosure KAM in the audit report on users and
market reaction are mixed. Some and experimental studies in
Canada and in the US settings, on investors and financial
analysts, find a positive influence of disclosure KAM on the audit
quality perception, which is not find in German setting on bank
directors. When it comes to archival papers, there is not found
any investor reaction to disclosure KAM.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio
The value relevance of the operacional leases
So far, the operational leases are accounted as an expense and not as an asset but there is a proposal by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) to accounting them as finance lease because IASB believes that that improves the quality and comparability. So, I test whether the accounting of an operational lease as a finance lease is more value relevant to investors, whether this has changed over time and whether the operating lease liabilities is more value relevant for the investor. My results suggest for the largest European firms, that the investor incorporates the information of operating leases on the share price but I do not conclude that there was a change of this over time neither the liability is more value relevant than the asset. These results confirm that the accounting of the operational leases as a finance lease provides information which is much more useful.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
The implications of book-tax conformity and tax change for the earnings management of Portuguese micro firms
Since 2014, Portugal has a special, optional tax regime for micro firms called the simplified tax regime, which is an alternative to the general tax regime. In the simplified tax regime, income tax is a percentage of specific revenues, which could be seen as an example of lower book-tax conformity. The general tax regime is an example of higher book-tax conformity because tax income is based on accounting income. Using the tax regimes as a proxy of book-tax conformity we study the influence of the different tax regimes on earnings management, as well as whether earnings management in the general tax regime is used to achieve taxable income and reporting goals. We find that firms opting for the simplified tax regime manage earnings less than firms in the general tax regime, and they manage earnings upwards while the latter manage earnings downwards. Furthermore, we conclude that accruals with high book-tax conformity are used to decrease taxable income and those with low conformity are used to increase accounting income. This leads us to conclude that lower book-tax conformity reduces earnings management. This single country case study contributes evidence on book-tax conformity issues.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
A Ocupação Dispersa, à escala local, nas Cidades de Aveiro-Ílhavo e Évora: identificação e caracterização
Este trabalho insere-se no Projecto “Custos e Benefícios, à escala local, de uma Ocupação Dispersa” , desenvolvido pelas universidades de Aveiro e Évora, em parceria com a DGOTDU, e contém a descrição da Metodologia adoptada para delimitar e caracterizar a Ocupação Dispersa à escala local, e a análise comparativa dos resultados da sua aplicação a duas cidades: Aveiro-Ílhavo e Évora
Monitoring urban development processes
A importância da recolha sistematizada de informação para efeitos de monitorização e avaliação em
planeamento é hoje consensual. A acelerada transformação física dos territórios urbanos ocorrida nas últimas
décadas torna este conhecimento ainda mais relevante.
Diversos países têm já sistemas consolidados neste domínio; em Portugal só recentemente começaram a ser
desenvolvidas iniciativas para estabelecer rotinas de registo e análise permanente da evolução da ocupação
física do território.
Neste contexto, pretende-se apresentar investigação em curso sobre monitorização da urbanização e da
edificação, na qual se perspetiva um modelo que, para além da recolha sistemática da informação habitual, seja
capaz de gerar três tipos de diagnósticos de apoio ao ordenamento do território:
diagnóstico sobre o tipo de ocupação edificada existente, distinguindo ocupação concentrada da dispersa,
o que permitirá uma melhor delimitação de perímetros urbanos e classificações mais rigorosas do solo,
com vista ao seu ordenamento;
diagnóstico sobre a capacidade edificatória disponível face à infraestrutura e à edificação já instalada no
território, o que permitirá regulamentar a edificabilidade com base em critérios racionais de aproveitamento
de recursos existentes;
diagnóstico sobre diferentes “processos de execução urbanística”, articulando-os com custos da execução
(e respetiva distribuição) e com forma urbana resultante, o que permitirá produzir orientações neste
domínio.A presente comunicação debruça-se sobretudo sobre esta última potencialidade do modelo, nomeadamente
sobre uma tipologia de “processos de execução urbanística”, conceito que relaciona sequência de operações
urbanísticas, agentes urbanísticos e afetação de custos e benefícios da urbanização, sendo relacionável com a
forma urbana
A Methodology for identifying and characterizing local scale territorial units, within the extended city
This communication intends to summarily present a Methodology for identifying and characterizing
local scale territorial units within the Extended City designed during the ongoing research project
Costs and Benefits of Urban Dispersion on a Local Scale
Methodology to identify dispersed occupation on a local scale
The study of urban dispersion on a local scale requires the adoption of operational concepts. This
research uses the notion of "Base Land Unit" (BLU), which represents a functional and experiential
The current paper presents an explanation of this concept and a methodology to distinguish BLU of
dispersed occupation from other types of Units (concentrated, unbuilt…).
The developed methodology comprises three different methods:
- Identification of Building Ensembles by Digital Method;
- Calculation of the Disaggregation Index of Continuous Building Ensembles;
- Criterion for Identifying BLU of Dispersed Occupation.
A detailed description of each phase is presented, as well as the results of its application in the case
studies of the Research Project (Évora and Aveiro-Ílhavo)
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