45 research outputs found

    Analysis of Uncharacterized mKiaa1211 Expression during Mouse Development and Cardiovascular Morphogenesis

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    Mammalian Kiaa1211 and Kiaa1211-like are a homologous pair of uncharacterized, highly conserved genes cloned from fetal and adult brain cDNA libraries. Herein we map the in utero spatiotemporal expression of mKiaa1211 and mKiaa1211L mRNA and their expression patterns in postnatal testis, skin, gastrointestinal, and adipose progenitor tissues. Significantly, mKiaa1211 is present throughout the early stages of mouse heart development, particularly in the second heart field (SHF) lineage as it differentiates from mesenchymal cells into cardiomyocytes. We also show that mKiaa1211 is expressed within several early neuronal tissues destined to give rise to central, peripheral, and sympathetic nervous system structures. Expression profiling revealed that the paralog mKiaa1211L is not expressed during the normal developmental process and that mKiaa1211 expression was noticeably absent from most adult terminally differentiated tissues. Finally, we confirm that a previously uncharacterized CRISPR/CAS-generated mKiaa1211 mouse mutant allele is hypomorphic

    Patient Portals in Pharmacist-run Ambulatory Care Clinics: Is There “Meaningful Use”?

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    Objective The purpose of this study is to describe patient portal utilization within pharmacist-managed clinics at an academic medical center from the perspectives of the institution, healthcare team, and patient. This study measures the progress toward meeting requirements for meaningful use per the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). Methods The study included patients in pharmacist-managed clinics and consisted of a retrospective chart review and patient survey. Primary endpoints consisted of: 1) report progress toward meeting CMS criteria for meaningful use in subset of patients seen in the pharmacy-managed clinics, 2) describe utilization of patient portal across the healthcare team in patients of the pharmacist-managed clinics and 3) describe the usefulness of the patient portal from the patient’s perspective. Results The pharmacist-managed clinics met and exceeded meaningful use requirements. Seventy one percent of patients had been offered portal access and more than 10% of unique patients initiated a message. The healthcare team utilized the patient portal for a variety of clinical and non-clinical purposes. Per patient survey, of those who used the patient portal, 80% reported at least monthly use and 96% reported that the portal was either somewhat or very useful. Conclusions Pharmacist-managed clinics met and exceeded CMS meaningful use criteria. Patients reported that the patient portal is a useful tool that improves access to healthcare providers and increases efficiency. Pharmacists play a valuable role in assuring hospitals meet required CMS meaningful use objectives in order to qualify for the financial incentives

    Ectopic Noggin in a Population of Nfatc1 Lineage Endocardial Progenitors Induces Embryonic Lethality

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    The initial heart is composed of a myocardial tube lined by endocardial cells. The TGFβ superfamily is known to play an important role, as BMPs from the myocardium signal to the overlying endocardium to create an environment for EMT. Subsequently, BMP and TGFβ signaling pathways synergize to form primitive valves and regulate myocardial growth. In this study, we investigated the requirement of BMP activity by transgenic over-expression of extracellular BMP antagonist Noggin. Using Nfatc1Cre to drive lineage-restricted Noggin within the endocardium, we show that ectopic Noggin arrests cardiac development in E10.5-11 embryos, resulting in small hearts which beat poorly and die by E12.5. This is coupled with hypoplastic endocardial cushions, reduced trabeculation and fewer mature contractile fibrils in mutant hearts. Moreover, Nfatc1Cre -mediated diphtheria toxin fragment-A expression in the endocardium resulted in genetic ablation and a more severe phenotype with lethality at E11 and abnormal linear hearts. Molecular analysis demonstrated that endocardial Noggin resulted in a specific alteration of TGFβ/BMP-mediated signal transduction, in that, both Endoglin and ALK1 were downregulated in mutant endocardium. Combined, these results demonstrate the cell-autonomous requirement of the endocardial lineage and function of unaltered BMP levels in facilitating endothelium-cardiomyocyte cross-talk and promoting endocardial cushion formation

    Effects of Pax3 mutation and Neural Crest genetic ablation on congenital heart function and embryonic lethality

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    poster abstractCongenital heart defects (CHDs) occur in approximately one percent of births every year (American Heart Association, 2008). This makes it the most frequently occurring congenital defect in humans. My research is aimed at using two mutant cardiac neural crest (CNC) mouse models to study the mechanisms underlying congenital heart failure in utero with particular interests in understanding the processes of outflow tract (OFT) septation and myocardial homeostasis. The first mouse model is a Pax3 systemic knockout, which is lethal by mouse gestational day14, and has an insufficient number of migratory CNC cells. The second mouse model is a Wnt1Cre-mediated neural crest-ablated model, which is surprisingly viable and survives to birth, despite having no migratory CNC cells. My data indicates that both mouse models have similar heart structural anomalies including failure of the OFT to divide and interventricular septation defects. However, in utero heart function is significantly perturbed in Pax3 mutants when compared to that of the ablated mutant model. Via comparison of these two mutant mouse models, I have been able to assess the tissuespecific contribution of the CNC cell lineage during in utero heart morphogenesis, as well as to identify the beta-adrenergic pathway as the underlying mechanistic pathway that is important for the observed differences in myocardial function and subsequent congenital heart failure and lethality in the Pax3 mutants. By doing so, I am now able to demonstrate pharmacological rescue of the Pax3 mutants to birth, via bypassing or stimulation of the aforementioned pathway. By understanding the causes of congenital heart failure and subsequent lethality in the Pax3 genetic model, and successfully achieving pharmacological rescue to birth, I believe the results of my project will allow me to translate my findings into better treatment strategies for newborn patients with similar CHDs

    SHP-2 deletion in postmigratory neural crest cells results in impaired cardiac sympathetic innervation

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    Autonomic innervation is an essential component of cardiovascular regulation that is first established from the neural crest (NC) lineage in utero and continues developing postnatally. Although in vitro studies have indicated that SH2-containing protein tyrosine phosphatase 2 (SHP-2) is a signaling factor critical for regulating sympathetic neuron differentiation, this has yet to be shown in the complex in vivo environment of cardiac autonomic innervation. Targeting SHP-2 within postmigratory NC lineages resulted in a fully penetrant mouse model of diminished sympathetic cardiac innervation and concomitant bradycardia. Immunohistochemistry of the sympathetic nerve marker tyrosine hydroxylase revealed a progressive loss of adrenergic ganglionic neurons and reduction of cardiac sympathetic axon density in Shp2 cKOs. Molecularly, Shp2 cKOs exhibit lineage-specific suppression of activated phospo-ERK1/2 signaling but not of other downstream targets of SHP-2 such as pAKT. Genetic restoration of the phosphorylated-extracellular signal-regulated kinase (pERK) deficiency via lineage-specific expression of constitutively active MEK1 was sufficient to rescue the sympathetic innervation deficit and its physiological consequences. These data indicate that SHP-2 signaling specifically through pERK in postmigratory NC lineages is essential for development and maintenance of sympathetic cardiac innervation postnatally

    Armadillo-like helical domain containing-4 is dynamically expressed in both the first and second heart fields

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    Armadillo repeat and Armadillo-like helical domain containing proteins form a large family with diverse and fundamental functions in many eukaryotes. Herein we investigated the spatiotemporal expression pattern of Armadillo-like helical domain containing 4 (or Armh4) as an uncharacterized protein coding mouse gene, within the mouse embryo during the initial stages of heart morphogenesis. We found Armh4 is initially expressed in both first heart field as well as the second heart field progenitors and subsequently within predominantly their cardiomyocyte derivatives. Armh4 expression is initially cardiac-restricted in the developing embryo and is expressed in second heart field subpharyngeal mesoderm prior to cardiomyocyte differentiation, but Armh4 diminishes as the embryonic heart matures into the fetal heart. Armh4 is subsequently expressed in craniofacial structures and neural crest-derived dorsal root and trigeminal ganglia. Whereas lithium chloride-induced stimulation of Wnt/β-catenin signaling elevated Armh4 expression in both second heart field subpharyngeal mesodermal progenitors and outflow tract, right ventricle and atrial cardiomyocytes, neither a systemic loss of Islet-1 nor an absence of cardiac neural crest cells had any effect upon Armh4 expression. These results confirm that Wnt/β-catenin-responsive Armh4 is a useful specific biomarker of the FHF and SHF cardiomyocyte derivatives only

    Periostin and matrix stiffness combine to regulate myofibroblast differentiation and fibronectin synthesis during palatal healing

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    Although the matricellular protein periostin is prominently upregulated in skin and gingival healing, it plays contrasting roles in myofibroblast differentiation and matrix synthesis respectively. Palatal healing is associated with scarring that can alter or restrict maxilla growth, but the expression pattern and contribution of periostin in palatal healing is unknown. Using periostin-knockout (Postn-/-) and wild-type (WT) mice, the contribution of periostin to palatal healing was investigated through 1.5 mm full-thickness excisional wounds in the hard palate. In WT mice, periostin was upregulated 6 days post-wounding, with mRNA levels peaking at day 12. Genetic deletion of periostin significantly reduced wound closure rates compared to WT mice. Absence of periostin reduced mRNA levels of pivotal genes in wound repair, including α-SMA/acta2, fibronectin and βigh3. Recruitment of fibroblasts and inflammatory cells, as visualized by immunofluorescent staining for fibroblast specific factor-1, vimentin, and macrophages markers Arginase-1 and iNOS was also impaired in Postn-/-, but not WT mice. Palatal fibroblasts isolated from the hard palate of mice were cultured on collagen gels and prefabricated silicon substrates with varying stiffness. Postn-/- fibroblasts showed a significantly reduced ability to contract a collagen gel, which was rescued by the exogenous addition of recombinant periostin. As the stiffness increased, Postn-/- fibroblasts increasingly differentiated into myofibroblasts, but not to the same degree as the WT. Pharmacological inhibition of Rac rescued the deficient myofibroblastic phenotype of Postn-/- cells. Low stiffness substrates (0.2 kPa) resulted in upregulation of fibronectin in WT cells, an effect which was significantly reduced in Postn-/- cells. Quantification of immunostaining for vinculin and integrinβ1 adhesions revealed that Periostin is required for the formation of focal and fibrillar adhesions in mPFBs. Our results suggest that periostin modulates myofibroblast differentiation and contraction via integrinβ1/RhoA pathway, and fibronectin synthesis in an ECM stiffness dependent manner in palatal healing

    Tailored Porous Carbons Enabled by Persistent Micelles With Glassy Cores

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    Porous nanoscale carbonaceous materials are widely employed for catalysis, separations, and electrochemical devices where device performance often relies upon specific and well-defined regular feature sizes. The use of block polymers as templates has enabled affordable and scalable production of diverse porous carbons. However, popular carbon preparations use equilibrating micelles which can change dimensions in response to the processing environment. Thus, polymer methods have not yet demonstrated carbon nanomaterials with constant average template diameter and tailored wall thickness. In contrast, persistent micelle templates (PMTs) use kinetic control to preserve constant micelle template diameters, and thus PMT has enabled constant pore diameter metrics. With PMT, the wall thickness is independently adjustable via the amount of material precursor added to the micelle templates. Previous PMT demonstrations relied upon thermodynamic barriers to inhibit chain exchange while in solution, followed by rapid evaporation and cross-linking of material precursors to mitigate micelle reorganization once the solvent evaporated. It is shown here that this approach, however, fails to deliver kinetic micelle control when used with slowly cross-linking material precursors such as those for porous carbons. A new modality for kinetic control over micelle templates, glassy-PMTs, is shown using an immobilized glassy micelle core composed of polystyrene (PS). Although PS based polymers have been used to template carbon materials before, all prior reports included plasticizers that prevented kinetic micelle control. Here the key synthetic conditions for carbon materials with glassy-PMT control are enumerated, including dependencies upon polymer block selection, block molecular mass, solvent selection, and micelle processing timeline. The use of glassy-PMTs also enables the direct observation of micelle cores by TEM which are shown to be commensurate with template dimensions. Glassy-PMTs are thus robust and insensitive to material processing kinetics, broadly enabling tailored nanomaterials with diverse chemistries

    Heterogeneity of Hepatic Stellate Cells in Fibrogenesis of the Liver: Insights from Single-Cell Transcriptomic Analysis in Liver Injury

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    Background & Aims: Liver fibrosis is a pathological healing process resulting from hepatic stellate cell (HSC) activation and the generation of myofibroblasts from activated HSCs. The precise underlying mechanisms of liver fibrogenesis are still largely vague due to lack of understanding the functional heterogeneity of activated HSCs during liver injury. Approach and Results: In this study, to define the mechanism of HSC activation, we performed the transcriptomic analysis at single-cell resolution (scRNA-seq) on HSCs in mice treated with carbon tetrachloride (CCl4). By employing LRAT-Cre:Rosa26mT/mG mice, we were able to isolate an activated GFP-positive HSC lineage derived cell population by fluorescence-activated cell sorter (FACS). A total of 8 HSC subpopulations were identified based on an unsupervised analysis. Each HSC cluster displayed a unique transcriptomic profile, despite all clusters expressing common mouse HSC marker genes. We demonstrated that one of the HSC subpopulations expressed high levels of mitosis regulatory genes, velocity, and monocle analysis indicated that these HSCs are at transitioning and proliferating phases at the beginning of HSCs activation and will eventually give rise to several other HSC subtypes. We also demonstrated cell clusters representing HSC-derived mature myofibroblast populations that express myofibroblasts hallmark genes with unique contractile properties. Most importantly, we found a novel HSC cluster that is likely to be critical in liver regeneration, immune reaction, and vascular remodeling, in which the unique profiles of genes such as Rgs5, Angptl6, and Meg3 are highly expressed. Lastly, we demonstrated that the heterogeneity of HSCs in the injured mouse livers is closely similar to that of cirrhotic human livers. Conclusions: Collectively, our scRNA-seq data provided insight into the landscape of activated HSC populations and the dynamic transitional pathway from HSC to myofibroblasts in response to liver injury

    The Haploinsufficient Hematopoietic Microenvironment Is Critical to the Pathological Fracture Repair in Murine Models of Neurofibromatosis Type 1

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    Germline mutations in the NF1 tumor suppressor gene cause neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1), a complex genetic disorder with a high predisposition of numerous skeletal dysplasias including short stature, osteoporosis, kyphoscoliosis, and fracture non-union (pseudoarthrosis). We have developed murine models that phenocopy many of the skeletal dysplasias observed in NF1 patients, including reduced bone mass and fracture non-union. We also show that the development of these skeletal manifestations requires an Nf1 haploinsufficient background in addition to nullizygous loss of Nf1 in mesenchymal stem/progenitor cells (MSCs) and/or their progenies. This is replicated in two animal models of NF1, PeriCre+;Nf1flox/− and Col2.3Cre+;Nf1flox/−mice. Adoptive transfer experiments demonstrate a critical role of the Nf1+/− marrow microenvironment in the impaired fracture healing in both models and adoptive transfer of WT bone marrow cells improves fracture healing in these mice. To our knowledge, this is the first demonstration of a non-cell autonomous mechanism in non-malignant NF1 manifestations. Collectively, these data provide evidence of a combinatory effect between nullizygous loss of Nf1 in osteoblast progenitors and haploinsufficiency in hematopoietic cells in the development of non-malignant NF1 manifestations