3,905 research outputs found

    Lamp enables measurement of oxygen concentration in presence of water vapor

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    Open-electrode ultraviolet source lamp radiates sufficient energy at 1800 angstroms and 1470 angstroms for use in a double-beam, duel-wavelength oxygen sensor. The lamp is filled with xenon at a pressure of 100 mm of Hg

    Metamodel-based model conformance and multiview consistency checking

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    Model-driven development, using languages such as UML and BON, often makes use of multiple diagrams (e.g., class and sequence diagrams) when modeling systems. These diagrams, presenting different views of a system of interest, may be inconsistent. A metamodel provides a unifying framework in which to ensure and check consistency, while at the same time providing the means to distinguish between valid and invalid models, that is, conformance. Two formal specifications of the metamodel for an object-oriented modeling language are presented, and it is shown how to use these specifications for model conformance and multiview consistency checking. Comparisons are made in terms of completeness and the level of automation each provide for checking multiview consistency and model conformance. The lessons learned from applying formal techniques to the problems of metamodeling, model conformance, and multiview consistency checking are summarized

    Cytosolic Glucosylceramide regulates endolysosomal function in Niemann-Pick type C disease

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    A new paradigm for Niemann-Pick C disease is presented where lysosomal storage leads to a deficit in cytoplasmic glucosylceramide (GlcCer) where it performs important functions. Previously it had been reported that Gaucher cells have defective endolysosomal pH. GlcCer also accumulates in Niemann-Pick C disease and also shows this defect. Niemann-Pick C cells were found to have reduced cytoplasmic glucosylceramide (GlcCer) transport. Inhibiting cytoplasmic glucocerebrosidase (GBA2), increased GlcCer, decreased endolysosomal pH in normal cells, reversed increases in endolysosomal pH and restored disrupted BODIPY-LacCer trafficking and increased expression of vATPase a subunit in Niemann-Pick C fibroblasts. The results are consistent with a model where both endolysosomal pH and Golgi targeting of BODIPY-LacCer are dependent on adequate levels of cytosolic GlcCer which are reduced in NPC disease. This work consequently suggests GBA2 and vATPase as new therapeutic targets in Niemann-Pick C and related neurodegenerative diseases. The work was in collaboration with colleagues in the Netherlands and Leicester University. The file attached to this record is the author's final peer reviewed version. The Publisher's final version can be found by following the DOI link.Niemann-Pick type C disease (NPCD) is a neurodegenerative disease associated with increases in cellular cholesterol and glycolipids and most commonly caused by defective NPC1, a late endosomal protein. Using ratiometric probes we find that NPCD cells show increased endolysosomal pH. In addition U18666A, an inhibitor of NPC1, was found to increase endolysosomal pH, and the number, size and heterogeneity of endolysosomal vesicles. NPCD fibroblasts and cells treated with U18666A also show disrupted targeting of fluorescent lipid BODIPY-LacCer to high pH vesicles. Inhibiting non-lysosomal glucocerebrosidase (GBA2) reversed increases in endolysosomal pH and restored disrupted BODIPY-LacCer trafficking in NPCD fibroblasts. GBA2 KO cells also show decreased endolysosomal pH. NPCD fibroblasts also show increased expression of a key subunit of the lysosomal proton pump vATPase on GBA2 inhibition. The results are consistent with a model where both endolysosomal pH and Golgi targeting of BODIPY-LacCer are dependent on adequate levels of cytosolic-facing GlcCer, which are reduced in NPC disease

    New Gamma-Ray Contributions to Supersymmetric Dark Matter Annihilation

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    We compute the electromagnetic radiative corrections to all leading annihilation processes which may occur in the Galactic dark matter halo, for dark matter in the framework of supersymmetric extensions of the Standard Model (MSSM and mSUGRA), and present the results of scans over the parameter space that is consistent with present observational bounds on the dark matter density of the Universe. Although these processes have previously been considered in some special cases by various authors, our new general analysis shows novel interesting results with large corrections that may be of importance, e.g., for searches at the soon to be launched GLAST gamma-ray space telescope. In particular, it is pointed out that regions of parameter space where there is a near degeneracy between the dark matter neutralino and the tau sleptons, radiative corrections may boost the gamma-ray yield by up to three or four orders of magnitude, even for neutralino masses considerably below the TeV scale, and will enhance the very characteristic signature of dark matter annihilations, namely a sharp step at the mass of the dark matter particle. Since this is a particularly interesting region for more constrained mSUGRA models of supersymmetry, we use an extensive scan over this parameter space to verify the significance of our findings. We also re-visit the direct annihilation of neutralinos into photons and point out that, for a considerable part of the parameter space, internal bremsstrahlung is more important for indirect dark matter searches than line signals.Comment: Replaced Fig. 2c which by mistake displayed the same spectrum as Fig. 2d; the radiative corrections reported here are now implemented in DarkSUSY which is available at http://www.physto.se/~edsjo/darksusy

    Game Development using Design-by-Contract.

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    Search for Tau Flavour Violation at the LHC

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    We explore the prospects for searches at the LHC for sparticle decays that violate τ\tau lepton number, in the light of neutrino oscillation data and the seesaw model for neutrino masses and mixing. We analyse the theoretical and phenomenological conditions required for tau flavour violation to be observable in \chi_2 \to \chi + \tau^\pm \mu^\mp decays, for cosmologically interesting values of the relic neutralino LSP density. We study the relevant supersymmetric parameter space in the context of the Constrained Minimal Supersymmetric Extension of the Standard Model (CMSSM) and in SU(5) extensions of the theory. We pay particular attention to the possible signals from hadronic tau decays, that we analyse using PYTHIA event simulation. We find that a signal for \tau flavour-violating \chi_2 decays may be observable if the branching ratio exceeds about 10%. This may be compatible with the existing upper limit on \tau \to \mu \gamma decays if there is mixing between right-handed sleptons, as could be induced in non-minimal SU(5) GUTs.Comment: 24 pages, 10 fig

    Faster variational quantum algorithms with quantum kernel-based surrogate models

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    We present a new optimization method for small-to-intermediate scale variational algorithms on noisy near-term quantum processors which uses a Gaussian process surrogate model equipped with a classically-evaluated quantum kernel. Variational algorithms are typically optimized using gradient-based approaches however these are difficult to implement on current noisy devices, requiring large numbers of objective function evaluations. Our scheme shifts this computational burden onto the classical optimizer component of these hybrid algorithms, greatly reducing the number of queries to the quantum processor. We focus on the variational quantum eigensolver (VQE) algorithm and demonstrate numerically that such surrogate models are particularly well suited to the algorithm's objective function. Next, we apply these models to both noiseless and noisy VQE simulations and show that they exhibit better performance than widely-used classical kernels in terms of final accuracy and convergence speed. Compared to the typically-used stochastic gradient-descent approach for VQAs, our quantum kernel-based approach is found to consistently achieve significantly higher accuracy while requiring less than an order of magnitude fewer quantum circuit evaluations. We analyse the performance of the quantum kernel-based models in terms of the kernels' induced feature spaces and explicitly construct their feature maps. Finally, we describe a scheme for approximating the best-performing quantum kernel using a classically-efficient tensor network representation of its input state and so provide a pathway for scaling these methods to larger systems

    Precision SUSY Measurements at LHC

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    If supersymmetry exists at the electroweak scale, then it should be discovered at the LHC. Determining masses, of supersymmetric particles however, is more difficult. In this paper, methods are discussed to determine combinations of masses and of branching ratios precisely from experimentally observable distributions. In many cases such measurements alone can greatly constrain the particular supersymmetric model and determine its parameters with an accuracy of a few percent. Most of the results shown correspond to one year of running at LHC at ``low luminosity'.Comment: 52 pages, Latex with 42 postscript figures. Postscript version also at http://www-physics.lbl.gov/www/theorygroup/papers/39412.p