26 research outputs found

    Hubungan Pelaksanaan Tata Tertib Sekolah Dengan Prestasi Belajar siswa Dalam Bidang Studi Agama Islam di MI Rdhiatul Adawiyah Mangga Tiga Kota Makassar

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    Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengaruh pelaksanakan tata tertib sekolah terhadap prestasi belajar siswa dalam bidang Studi Agama Islam di MI Radhiatul Adawiyah Mangga Tiga Kota Makassar adalah dapat mendukung kelancaran proses belajar mengajar yaitu adanya sikap mental kedisiplinan yang diterapkan di sekolah. Kedisiplinan di sekolah mencakup kedisiplinan guru dalam mengajar dan kedisiplinan siswa dalam mengikuti pelajaran dan kedisiplinan adalah wujud dan kepatuhan siswa terhadap peraturan tata tertib sekolah. Hubungan antara pelaksanaan tata tertib sekolah dengan prestasi belajar siswa dalam bidang Studi Agama Islam di MI Radhiatul Adawiyah Mangga Tiga Kota Makassar adalah sanagat erat hubungannya terbukti dengan diberlakukannya pelaksanaan tata tertib sekolah maka sangat mempengaruhi tingkat prestasi belajar Pendidikan Agama Islam siswa MI Radhiatul Adawiyah Mangga Tiga Kota Makassar, siswa itu dan sanangtiasa dapat bertingkah laku yang baik pada Tuhan, pada keluarganya, pada orang lain, dan pada lingkunganny


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    IDENTIFIKASI BAKTERI PATOGEN PENYEBAB PENYAKIT PURPLE SYNDROME PADA KARANG FUNGIA DI PULAU HARI SULAWESI TENGGARA Nowadays coral disease is one of the causes of damage to coral reefs in Indonesia. Causative agents were found for some types of coral disease. This study aims to identify the type of pathogenic bacteria that cause purple syndrome which attacks Fungia corals. The study was conducted using descriptive exploratory methods. Corals infected with purple syndrome were collected on Pulau Hari, Southeast Sulawesi, through scuba diving. Then, microbiological analysis was carried out which included isolation using the scatter method, purification using a scratch method, a challenge test (antagonistic), a Koch Postulate test, and DNA analysis of putative bacterial isolates. Results showed that 5 bacterial isolates lived in symbiosis with the corals infected with purple syndrome (PSMH1, PSMH2, PSMH3, PSMH4, and PSMH5). Based on the Koch postulate test, 2 bacterial isolates which were pathogenic were obtained, namely PSHM2 and PSHM4 isolates. These bacteria infected the test corals with the characteristics of coral skeleton damage and coral bleaching (dead). Based on biomolecular testing, the two isolates were members of Enterobacter cloacae with a 99% similarity level.Keywords: Coral disease; Enterobacter cloacae; Fungia coral; Hari island; Purple syndromeABSTRAKSaat ini penyakit karang menjadi salah satu penyebab kerusakan terumbu karang di Indonesia. Penyebab pembawa untuk beberapa jenis penyakit karang sudah ditemukan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi jenis bakteri patogen penyebab penyakit purple syndrome yang menyerang karang Fungia. Penelitian dilakukan menggunakan metode deskriptif eksploratif. Sampel karang yang terinfeksi purple syndrome diambil di Pulau Hari, Sulawesi Tenggara, melalui scuba diving. Selanjutnya, analisis mikrobiologi dilakukan yang meliputi isolasi menggunakan metode sebar, purifikasi menggunakan metode gores, uji tantang (antagonistik), uji Postulat Koch, dan analisa DNA isolat bakteri yang diduga bersifat patogen. Hasil penelitian menemukan 5 isolat bakteri yang bersimbiosis dengan karang yang terinfeksi penyakit purple syndrome (PSMH1, PSMH2, PSMH3, PSMH4, dan PSMH5). Berdasarkan uji postulat Koch, 2 isolat bakteri yang bersifat patogen didapatkan, yaitu isolat PSHM2 dan PSHM4. Bakteri tersebut menginfeksi karang uji dengan ciri kerusakan skeleton karang dan pemutihan karang (mati). Berdasarkan uji biomolekuler kedua isolat tersebut merupakan anggota Enterobacter cloacae dengan tingkat kemiripan 99%


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    Coral reef is an ecosystem which provides suitable habitats for sgroups of biota that has important ecological and economic values which can be used as bio-indicators to assess the health of the environment. Research on megabenthic fauna in Kendari waters and its surroundings, Southeast Sulawesi was carried out at nine permanent stations in 2015 to 2018. The data was collected using the Benthos Belt Transect method that modified from the Belt Transect method on 8 types or groups of megabenthos in these waters. The purpose of this study was to determine the density fluctuation of megabenthic fauna over the years. The mean density of individuals found at each station during the study did not differ significantly. The Kruskal-Wallis test on density of megabenthic fauna during this period of times did not show a significant difference (H = 28.511 > df 7 = 14.067). Drupella spp. was the group species of megabenthic fauna with the highest density each year (1,079-1,738 ind/ha), while lobster was the group species of megabenthic fauna with the lowest density each year (0 - 39.7 ind/ha). The crown of thorns starfish Acanthaster planci had the highest fluctuation where density increased from 28.3 to 71.4 ind/ha. 

    Analysis of pharmaceutical adulterants in plant food supplements by UHPLC-MS/MS

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    A method based on the Quick, Easy, Cheap, Effective, Rugged, and Safe (QuEChERS) extraction and ultra-high performance liquid chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry (UHPLC-MS/MS) was successfully developed and validated for the analysis of 26 pharmaceutical compounds belonging to different therapeutic classes (anorexics, stimulants, anxiolytics, antidepressants and laxatives), which are all prone to be illegally added into weight-loss plant food supplements (PFS) for their pharmacological activity. Internal standard calibration with six isotopically labelled compounds rendered good linearity in the range of 5 to 1000 μg/l, depending on the compound, and good sensitivity with limits of quantification in the range of 0.02–9.80 μg/l. Recoveries were assessed for all the 16 samples analysed and were found between 70% and 120% for over 90% of the analytes. The average recovery value was 90.8%, for the different studied matrices (liquids, liquid ampoules, tablets and capsules), with RSD values lower than 10% for all forms. The changes introduced to the QuEChERS procedure maintained the good performance characteristics of the extraction method while preserving the chromatographic system for the introduction of unwanted matrix compounds. Synephrine was the only compound detected and quantified in one sample, but at a very low concentration (768 μg/l) and its presence may be due to the plant extracts used in the formulation, as synephrine is known to be a natural constituent of Citrus aurantium amara. Despite none of the 16 evaluated samples were found to be adulterated by the illegal addition of the drugs included in this work, the developed methodology can be very useful for monitoring the adulteration of weight-loss PFS.This work received financial support from the European Union (FEDER funds through COMPETE) and National Funds (FCT, Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia) through project EXPL/DTP-SAP/1438/2013 and Pest-C/EQB/LA0006/2013. To all financing sources the authors are greatly indebted. The authors also acknowledge the companies that gently supplied some of the samples.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Development of a SPE-UHPLC-MS/MS methodology for the determination of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory and analgesic pharmaceuticals in seawater

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    An analytical methodology for the simultaneous determination of seven pharmaceuticals and two metabolites belonging to the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and analgesics therapeutic groups was developed based on off-line solid-phase extraction and ultra-high performance liquid chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry (SPE-UHPLC-MS/MS). Extraction conditions were optimized taking into account parameters like sorbent material, sample volume and sample pH. Method detection limits (MDLs) ranging from 0.02 to 8.18 ng/L were obtained. This methodology was successfully applied to the determination of the selected pharmaceuticals in seawater samples of Atlantic Ocean in the Northern Portuguese coast. All the pharmaceuticals have been detected in the seawater samples, with pharmaceuticals like ibuprofen, acetaminophen, ketoprofen and the metabolite hydroxyibuprofen being the most frequently detected at concentrations that can reach some hundreds of ng/L.Supplementary material: [http://cherry.chem.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/3362

    Assessment of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory and analgesic pharmaceuticals in seawaters of North of Portugal: Occurrence and environmental risk

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    The occurrence of seven pharmaceuticals and two metabolites belonging to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and analgesics therapeutic classes was studied in seawaters. A total of 101 samples covering fourteen beaches and five cities were evaluated in order to assess the spatial distribution of pharmaceuticals among north Portuguese coast. Seawaters were selected in order to embrace different bathing water quality (excellent, good and sufficient). Acetaminophen, ketoprofen and the metabolite hydroxyibuprofen were detected in all the seawater samples at maximum concentrations of 584, 89.7 and 287 ng L-1, respectively. Carboxyibuprofen had the highest seawater concentration (1227 ng L-1). The temporal distribution of the selected pharmaceuticals during the bathing season showed that, in general, higher concentrations were detected in August and September. The environmental risk posed by the pharmaceuticals detected in seawaters towards different trophic levels (fish, daphnids and algae) was also assessed. Only diclofenac showed hazard quotients above one for fish, representing a potential risk for aquatic organisms. These results were observed in seawaters classified as excellent bathing water. Additional data is needed in order to support the identification and prioritization of risks posed by pharmaceuticals in marine environment.Supplementary material: [http://cherry.chem.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/3340