1,181 research outputs found

    Ribosoomide lagundamine bakterites

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    VĂ€itekirja elektrooniline versioon ei sisalda publikatsiooneRibosoomid on makromolekulaarsed kompleksid, mis koosnevad kahest suurest ja ĂŒhest vĂ€ikesest RNAst ja paljudest erinevatest valkudest. Ribosoomides sĂŒnteesitakse kĂ”ik valgud, mida organismis leida vĂ”ib, ning aktiivsete ribsoomide konsentratsioon (ja seega sĂŒnteesi kiirus) limiteerib rakkude kasvu kiirust. Ehk teisisĂ”nu, mida kiiremini sĂŒnteesitakse uusi ribosoome, seda kiiremini kasvab ja jaguneb ka rakk. Kuna ribosomaalse RNA sĂŒntees hĂ”lmab ca 80% raku RNA sĂŒnteesi aktiivsusest ja ribosoomi valgud moodustavad kuni veerandi raku valgumassist on selge, et mitte ainult ribosoomide funktsioon valgusĂŒnteesil vaid ka nende metabolism on rakulises majapidamises mÀÀrava tĂ€htsusega. TĂ”epoolest, juba mĂ”nda aega on teada, et aeglaselt kasvavates bakterirakkudes tegeleb enamus raku RNA lagundamise vĂ”imekusest vĂ€rskelt sĂŒnteesitud ribosomaalse RNA lagundamisega. Sellegipoolest on viimase 50 aasta vĂ€ltel ĂŒldiselt usutud, et kord juba valmis tehtud ja kokku pakitud ribosoomid on ÀÀrmiselt stabiilsed ning, et neid lagundatakse vaid tugeva stressi tingimustes. Samuti on meie teadmised ribosoomide lagundamise molekulaarsetest mehhanismidest bakteris ĂŒsnagi piiratud. KĂ€esoleva doktoritöö eesmĂ€rk on kirjeldada ribosoomide lagundamist kasvavates soolekepikese (Escherichia coli) rakkudes ja heita valgust ribsoomide lagundamise mehhanismidele, molekulaarsetele radadele ning ensĂŒĂŒmidele, mis selles protsessis osalevad. Me avastasime ĂŒllatusega, et kuigi ribosoome tĂ”epoolest lagundatakse kasvavates bakterirakkudes, toimub see protsess vaid rakukultuuri kasvu aeglustumise perioodil, mis eelneb statsionaarse kasvufaasi saabumisele. Meil ei Ă”nnestunud tuvastada kĂŒpsete ribosoomide lagundamist ei ĂŒhtlase kiirusega kasvavates ega ka null-kiirusega kasvavates rakkudes. VĂ”imalik, et ribosoomide lagundamine aitab rakke neid ette valmistades eluks statsionaarses faasis, mil ei vajata suurt valgusĂŒnteesi vĂ”imekust, kĂŒll aga vabu komponente, millest elutingimuste paranedes kiiresti uusi makromolekule tootma hakata. Lisaks leidsime, et osad (kuid mitte kĂ”ik) ribosoomi RNAd inaktiveerivad mutatsioonid viivad samuti ribsoomide lagundamisele, kuid miskipĂ€rast lagundatakse siis nii mutantseid ning inaktiivseid kui metsiktĂŒĂŒpi ning aktiivseid ribosoome. JĂ€llegi viitab see, et ribsoomide lagundamise eesmĂ€rk vĂ”iks olla ĂŒldise ribosoomide konsentratsiooni alandamine rakus. Kui me lisasime ribsoomide lagundamise katsesĂŒsteemi valgusĂŒnteesi pĂ€rssivat antibiootikumi kloramfenikool, pÀÀstsime me sellega ribosoomid lagundamisest. Seda tulemust vĂ”ib tĂ”lgendada viisil, et de novo valgusĂŒntees on vajalik ribosoomide lagundamisprogrammi kĂ€ivitamiseks rakus. Testides ribosoomide lagundamise vĂ”ime osas bakteritĂŒvesid, kus puuduvad erinevad RNAd lagundavad ensĂŒĂŒmid, leidsime kaks ensĂŒĂŒmi, mille puudumise korral ribosoome ei lagundatud. Neist esimene, RNaas R, lĂ”hub RNAsid alates nende tagumisest ehk 3’ otsast ning tunneb erilist lĂ”bu kĂ”rge sekundaarstruktuuriga RNA-de hĂ€vitamisest. RNaas R on ka eelnevalt nĂ€idatud osalevat ribosoomide lagundamisel. Teine ensĂŒĂŒm on seevastu suhteliselt vĂ€hetuntud endoribonukleeas nimega YbeY, mis lĂ”ikab RNAd katki keskelt, mitte ei lagunda seda otstest. See huvitav valk on arvatud osalevat ribsoomide kokkupakkimise kvaliteedikontrollil, kus ta on vajalik kĂ”ige viimases etapis, mil tuntakse Ă€ra valgusĂŒnteesil ebaĂ”nnestuvad ribosoomid ja suunatakse need lagundamisse. Meie katsed viitavad, et seesama valk vĂ”ib valla pÀÀsta ka töökorras olevate ribosoomide lagundamise, tehes ribosoomi RNAsse esimese lĂ”ike ning tekitades sellega kaitsetu 3’ otsa, mida tunneb Ă€ra RNaas R, mis omakorda suudab ribosoomi RNA tĂ€ielikult lagundadaRibosomes are macromolecular complexes that consist of two large and one small RNA and of many different small proteins. The ribosome synthesizes all cellular proteins and the concentration of active ribosomes is rate limiting for cell growth. As synthesis or ribosomal RNA encompasses 80% of cellular RNA synthesis activity and the ribosomal proteins can make up half of the cellular protein mass, it is clear that ribosomal metabolism, including ribosomal degradation, makes a worthy object of study. Nevertheless, during the past half century it has been widely believed that mature ribosomes are quite stable in the cells. The major goal of this dissertation is to describe the degradation of mature ribosomes in growing E. coli cells and to shed light on the molecular mechanism of degradation. We discovered that while mature ribosomes are indeed degraded in cells growing in batch cultures, this process is limited to the slowing of growth phase, which precedes entry into the stationary phase. We were unable to detect degradation during constant-rate growth and during early stationary phase. In addition, we found that some, but not all, ribosome-inactivating mutations in 23S rRNA and 16S rRNA led to degradation of both mutant and wild-type ribosomal RNAs. Thus, unlike in yeast, the ribosome degradation in E. coli is a general process that, once initiated, does not discriminate between active and inactive ribosomes. As ribosome degradation is inhibited by the protein synthesis inhibitor chloramphenicol, we further suggest that de novo protein synthesis might be needed for triggering the degradation program. To pinpoint the enzymes responsible for degradation we tested several strains defective for different RNases. We found two RNases, RNaseR and YbeY, whose deletion saved ribosomes from degradation. RNaseR is a well studied 3’ to 5’ exonuclease whose role in degrading heavily structured RNAs, including the rRNAs, is well established. In contrast YbeY is a potential endonuclease recently implicated in a late step ribosomal quality control, which could well be the initiating endonuclease, whose cut(s) in rRNA would present substrates for RNaseR to further scavenge into mononucleotides

    CO adsorption on metal surfaces: a hybrid functional study with plane wave basis set

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    We present a detailed study of the adsorption of CO on Cu, Rh, and Pt (111) surfaces in top and hollow sites. The study has been performed using the local density approximation, the gradient corrected functional PBE, and the hybrid Hartree-Fock density functionals PBE0 and HSE03 within the framework of generalized Kohn-Sham density functional theory using a plane-wave basis set. As expected, the LDA and GGA functionals show a tendency to favor the hollow sites, at variance with experimental findings that give the top site as the most stable adsorption site. The PBE0 and HSE03 functionals reduce this tendency. In fact, they predict the correct adsorption site for Cu and Rh but fail for Pt. But even in this case, the hybrid functional destabilizes the hollow site by 50 meV compared to the PBE functional. The results of the total energy calculations are presented along with an analysis of the projected density of states.Comment: 32 pages, 6 tables, 3 figures. (Re)Submitted to Phys. Rev. B; LDA results added in the tables; minor changes in the tex

    A Calculus for Subjective Communication

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    In this paper we introduce Subjective Communication, a new interaction model for CAS and generalizing the attribute-based communication introduced in the AbC calculus. In this model, a message is broadcasted to every process, but each process can view the very same message in different ways, depending on its attributes. To formalize this model, we introduce SCC, the Subjective Communication Calculus, for which we propose two semantics: Direct SCC, particularly useful when dealing with an edge computing communication paradigm, and Indirect SCC, more suited to a cloud-centric model. We then introduce a stateless bisimilarity for our semantics, which we prove to be a congruence

    Curli Fimbria: An Escherichia Coli Adhesin Associated With Human Cystitis

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    Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento CientĂ­fico e TecnolĂłgico (CNPq)Escherichia coli is the major causative agent of human cystitis. In this study, a preliminary molecular analysis carried out by PCR (polymerise chain reaction) demonstrated that 100% of 31 E. coli strains isolated from patients with recurrent UTIs (urinary tract infections) showed the presence of the curli fimbria gene (csgA). Curli fimbria is known to be associated with bacterial biofilm formation but not with the adhesion of human cystitis-associated E. coli. Therefore, this work aimed to study how curli fimbria is associated with uropathogenic E. coli (UPEC) as an adhesion factor. For this purpose, the csgA gene was deleted from strain UPEC-4, which carries three adhesion factor genes (csgA, fimH and ompA). The wild-type UPEC-4 strain and its mutant (Delta csgA) were analyzed for their adhesion ability over HTB-9 (human bladder carcinoma), Vero (kidney cells of African green monkey) and HUVEC (human umbilical vein) cells in the presence of alpha-D-mannose. All the wild-type UPEC strains tested (100%) were able to adhere to all three cell types, while the UPEC-4 Delta csgA mutant lost its adherence to HTB-9 but continued to adhere to the HUVEC and Vero cells. The results suggest that curli fimbria has an important role in the adhesion processes associated with human UPEC-induced cystitis. (C) 2016 Sociedade Brasileira de Microbiologia. Published by Elsevier Editora Ltda.472414416CNPq (Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento e Tecnologico)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento CientĂ­fico e TecnolĂłgico (CNPq

    Elucidating Surface Structure with Action Spectroscopy

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    Surface Action Spectroscopy, a vibrational spectroscopy method developed in recent years at the Fritz Haber Institute is employed for structure determination of clean and H2O-dosed (111) magnetite surfaces. Surface structural information is revealed by using the microscopic surface vibrations as a fingerprint of the surface structure. Such vibrations involve just the topmost atomic layers, and therefore the structural information is truly surface related. Our results strongly support the view that regular Fe3O4(111)/Pt(111) is terminated by the so-called Fetet1 termination, that the biphase termination of Fe3O4(111)/Pt(111) consists of FeO and Fe3O4(111) terminated areas, and we show that the method can differentiate between different water structures in H2O-derived adsorbate layers on Fe3O4(111)/Pt(111). With this, we conclude that the method is a capable new member in the set of techniques providing crucial information to elucidate surface structures. The method does not rely on translational symmetry and can therefore also be applied to systems which are not well ordered. Even an application to rough surfaces is possible

    Partizipation und Einflussnahme von Menschenrechtsorganisationen in der Union

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    Die bisherigen Schritte zu einer gemeinsamen EuropĂ€ischen Asylpolitik sind von zwei Entwicklungen geprĂ€gt: Inhaltlich zeigt sich, dass die ambitionierten PlĂ€ne der Union auf Widerstand der Mitgliedstaaten treffen. Deren restriktive Haltung in Asylfragen erklĂ€rt sich vorrangig aus dem Bestreben illegale Migration zu bekĂ€mpfen, sowie der deutlichen Fokussierung auf die sicherheitspoltische Dimension von Asylpolitik. Somit wird die völkerrechtliche Verpflichtung zur Einhaltung der Menschenrechte von FlĂŒchtlingen mit Berufung auf die innere Sicherheit der Mitgliedstaaten unterlaufen. Zum anderen ist die Harmonisierung der Asylpolitik jedoch auch von institutionellen VerĂ€nderungen begleitet, welche die Entscheidungsprozesse in den letzten Jahren geĂ€ndert haben. Die EuropĂ€ische Kommission und der Rat der EuropĂ€ischen Union sind nicht mehr die alleinigen Akteure, das EuropĂ€ische Parlament hat sich durch die EinfĂŒhrung des Mitentscheidungsverfahrens zu einem gleichwertigen Partner entwickelt. Parallel dazu wurden durch die VerĂ€nderungen im EuropĂ€ischen Regieren nicht-staatliche Akteure wie internationale Organisationen und NGOs zu einem wichtigen Partner in Asylfragen. Es haben sich in der EuropĂ€ischen Asylpolitik Kooperationsformen gebildet, in denen staatliche und nicht-staatliche Akteure zusammenarbeiten. Auch wenn die öffentlichen Akteure dabei eine höhere Verhandlungsposition einnehmen, haben nicht-staatliche Akteure Wege gefunden am Prozess teilzunehmen. Durch gezielte Advocacy-TĂ€tigkeiten konnten Menschenrechtsorganisationen bei den in den letzten Jahren erlassenen Richtlinien und Verordnungen in einigen FĂ€llen zumindest grundlegende Rechte der FlĂŒchtlinge und Asylwerber durchsetzen und restriktivere Formulierungen verhindern. Nicht-staatliche Akteure treten zunehmend selbstbewusster auf, sie mĂŒssen aber auch in einem immer Asyl-feindlicheren Umfeld agieren

    Editorial: Forschung und Entwicklung an europÀischen Fachhochschulen

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    Editorial 03.2012 | Dietmar Paier (Wien

    Die Entwicklung der Theory of Mind bei dreijÀhrigen Kindern im Zusammenhang mit der Pragmatik

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    Das Hauptanliegen der vorliegenden Diplomarbeit war die Untersuchung der Entwicklung von ToM (Theory of Mind) und der Einfluss von Pragmatik, insbesondere referential communication, auf die ToM. Zudem wurden EinflĂŒsse von sprachlichen und kognitiven FĂ€higkeiten erhoben, sowie mögliche geschlechtsspezifische Unterschiede betrachtet. Es wurde eine Trainingsstudie mit Kindern im Alter von 2;11 bis 3;11 Jahren, zu vier Untersuchungszeitpunkten (PrĂ€test, zwei Trainingseinheiten, Posttest), im Abstand von jeweils etwa einer Woche, durchgefĂŒhrt. Insgesamt nahmen 80 Kinder aus PrivatkindergĂ€rten Wiens an der Studie teil, die randomisiert einer von vier folgenden Trainingsgruppen zugeteilt wurden: ToM-Trainingsgruppe, Pragmatik-Trainingsgruppe, Exekutivfunktions-Trainingsgruppe (Granegger, in Arbeit), Kontrollgruppe. Daraus ergab sich fĂŒr jede Gruppe eine Stichprobe mit 20 Kindern. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass ToM-Training, bei dem false-belief-Aufgaben zum Einsatz kamen und die Kinder Feedback darĂŒber erhielten ob ihre Antwort richtig oder falsch war sowie eine ErklĂ€rung dafĂŒr, das VerstĂ€ndnis fĂŒr false belief signifikant verbesserte. DiesbezĂŒglich profitierten beide Geschlechter in gleichem Ausmaß von dem ToM-Training. Weiters konnten signifikante EinflĂŒsse von sprachlichen (Teddy-Test, Subtest „Verstehen von SĂ€tzen“ aus dem SETK 3-5) und kognitiven FĂ€higkeiten (CMM) auf die Trainierbarkeit von false belief verzeichnet werden. Der Einfluss des Pragmatik-Trainings, bei dem die Kinder referential-communication-Aufgaben bearbeiteten und wiederum Feedback erhielten, erwies sich auf die spĂ€teren false-belief-Leistungen als nicht signifikant. Bei Betrachtung der PrĂ€testwerte der referential-communication-Aufgaben zeigten sich keine signifikanten Unterschiede zwischen Aufgaben in denen das Kind die Rolle des Sprechers ĂŒbernahm (twenty questions) und jenen in denen es als Zuhörer fungierte (stack the blocks). Signifikante Unterschiede konnten bei den beiden Versionen von twenty questions, in denen das Kind entweder selbst ein Bild auswĂ€hlt und die relevanten Merkmale beschreiben muss (aktiv), oder der Testleiter ein Bild wĂ€hlt und das Kind dieses durch Stellen kategorialer Fragen identifizieren muss, festgestellt werden. Die Kinder zeigten in der aktiven Version bessere Leistungen als in der passiven. Hinsichtlich Geschlechtsunterschieden im PrĂ€test konnten fĂŒr twenty questions keine signifikanten Unterschiede festgestellt werden, bei den stack-the-blocks-Aufgaben erzielten Buben signifikant bessere Leistungen als MĂ€dchen.The aim of the study was the investigation of the development of Theory of Mind (ToM) and the impact of pragmatic (especially referential communication) on ToM. Furthermore the study contained the research of language and cognitive factors and gender differences. A trainingstudy with children aged from 2;11 to 3;11 years was conducted. They were tested four times (pretest, two trainingsessions, posttest) with a timespan of about 1 week between each session. The 80 children from private kindergardens in Vienna were splitted in the following four traininggroups: ToM-Training, Pragmatic-Training, Executivfunction-Training, controlgroup. The results showed a significant effect of ToM-Training, where false-belief-tasks were used and the children got feedback about their performance including an explanation. Children who were trained in ToM showed significant better performance on posttest compared to the controlgroup. No significant gender differences in the effectiveness of the training were found. A significant effect for language (Teddy-Test, Subtest “Verstehen von SĂ€tzen” – SETK 3-5) and cognitive factors (CMM) was found. The Pragmatic-training, in which referential-communication-tasks were used and feedback was provided, showed no significant impact on later false-belief-performance. Furthermore there were no significant differences in the pretest between referential-communication-tasks, in which the children act as speakers (twenty questions) or as listeners (stack the blocks). Between the twenty-questions-tasks, where the children had to select a picture and describe the experimentor the relevant criterions (active version) or the experimentor selected a picture and the child had to ask categorical questions (passive version) the results showed significant differences. The child`s performance was significantly better on the active version. Gender differences in the pretest for stack the blocks were found, where boys showed significantly better performance. Finally the performance on twenty questions was equal for boys and girls
