14 research outputs found

    A new single nucleotide polymorphism in the ryanodine gene of chicken skeletal muscle.

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    Some genes affect meat quality in chickens. We looked for polymorphisms in the Gallus gallus α-RyR gene (homologous to RyR 1) that could be associated with PSE (pale, soft and exudative) meat. Because RyR genes are over 100,000 bp long and code for proteins with about 5000 amino acids, primers were designed to amplify a fragment of hotspot region 2, a region with a high density of mutations in other species. Total blood DNA was extracted from 50 birds, 25 that had PSE meat and 25 normal chickens. The DNA samples were amplified by PCR, cloned, sequenced, and used to identify single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). The amplified fragment of α-RyR was 604 nucleotides in length; 181 nucleotides were similar to two exons from a hypothetical turkey cDNA sequence for α-RyR. A non-synonymous nucleotide substitution (G/A) was identified in at least one of the three sequenced clones obtained from nine animals, six PSE (HAL+) birds and three normal (HAL-) birds; they were heterozygous for this mutation

    Transmission of Xylella fastidiosa

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    There is little information available on Xylella fastidiosa transmission by spittlebugs (Hemiptera, Cercopoidea). This group of insect vectors may be of epidemiological relevance in certain diseases, so it is important to better understand the basic parameters of X. fastidiosa transmission by spittlebugs. We used grapevines as a host plant and the aphrophorid Philaenus spumarius as a vector to estimate the effect of plant access time on X. fastidiosa transmission to plants; in addition, bacterial population estimates in the heads of vectors were determined and correlated with plant infection status. Results show that transmission efficiency of X. fastidiosa by P. spumarius increased with plant access time, similarly to insect vectors in another family (Hemiptera, Cicadellidae). Furthermore, a positive correlation between pathogen populations in P. spumarius and transmission to plants was observed. Bacterial populations in insects were one to two orders of magnitude lower than those observed in leafhopper vectors, and population size peaked within 3 days of plant access period. These results suggest that P. spumarius has either a limited number of sites in the foregut that may be colonized, or that fluid dynamics in the mouthparts of these insects is different from that in leafhoppers. Altogether our results indicate that X. fastidiosa transmission by spittlebugs is similar to that by leafhoppers. In addition, the relationship between cell numbers in vectors and plant infection may have under-appreciated consequences to pathogen spread

    The spread of a financial virus through Europe and beyond

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    We analyse the importance of international relations between countries on the financial stability. The contagion effect in the network is tested by implementing an epidemiological model, comprising a number of European countries and using bilateral data on foreign claims between them. Banking statistics of consolidated foreign claims on ultimate risk bases, obtained from the Banks of International Settlements, allow us to measure the exposure of contagion spreading from a particular country to the other national banking systems. We show that the financial system of some countries, experiencing the debt crisis, is a source of global systemic risk because they threaten the stability of a larger system, being a global threat to the intoxication of the world economy and resulting in what we call a `financial virus'. Illustrative simulations were done in the NetLogo multi-agent programmable modelling environment and in MATLAB.publishe

    Encephalopathy Caused by Human Parvovirus B19 Genotype 1 Associated with <i>Haemophilus influenzae</i> Meningitis in a Newborn

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    Parvovirus B19 infection is associated with a wide range of clinical manifestations, from asymptomatic to severe neurological disorders. Its major clinical symptoms, fever and rash, are common to multiple viruses, and laboratory tests to detect B19 are frequently not available. Thus, the impact of B19 on public health remains unclear. We report the case of a 38-day old girl admitted to São Paulo Clinical Hospital, Brazil, with an initial diagnosis of bacterial meningitis, seizures, and acute hydrocephalus. Antibiotic therapy was maintained for one week after admission and discontinued after negative laboratory results were obtained. Nine days after symptoms onset, a cerebral spinal fluid (CSF) sample revealed persistent pleocytosis. The complete B19 complete genome was subsequently identified in her CSF by a metagenomic next-generation sequencing approach. This report highlights the possible involvement of B19 in the occurrence of acute neurological manifestations and emphasizes that its possible involvement might be better revealed by the use of metagenomic technology to detect viral agents in clinical situations of unknown or uncertain etiology

    A survey on sufficient optimality conditions for delayed optimal control problems

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    The aim of this work is to make a survey on recent sufficient optimality conditions for optimal control problems with time delays in both state and control variables. The results are obtained by transforming delayed optimal control problems into equivalent non-delayed problems. Such approach allows to use standard theorems that ensure sufficient optimality conditions for non-delayed optimal control problems. Examples are given with the purpose to illustrate the results.publishe

    Molecular cloning of &#945;RYR hotspot region 1 from broiler chicken

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    Samples of Pectoralis major m. were collected, and an RT-PCR analysis of the a-Ryanodine receptor (a RYR) from chicken mRNA hotspot region spanning aminoacid residues 386 to 540, numbered according to the turkey sequence, revealed two classes of transcripts. The sequences of the first class were similar to turkey and human with 97% and 74% of identity, respectively, and included all transcripts with substitutions in the nucleotide sequence. The second class was characterized by the deletion of nucleotides, leading to a premature stop codon and coding for a truncated and nonfunctional protein. These results are to date the first report related to the sequencing of the chicken &#945;RYR hotspot region 1, which will possibility serve as a guide for further studies regarding a solution in the poultry production chain related to the problem of pale, soft and exudative (PSE) meat.<br>Amostras do músculo Pectoralis major foram coletadas e uma RT-PCR foi conduzida para avaliar a sequência do mRNA do &#945;RYR, região compreendida entre os resíduos de aminoácido 386-540, numerado de acordo com a sequência de perus. Os resultados revelaram duas classes de transcritos. O primeiro teve 97% e 74% de identidade com as sequências de &#945;RyR e RyR1 de perus e humanos, respectivamente, e incluiu todos os transcritos com substituições de nucleotídeos. A segunda classe de transcritos foi caracterizada pela deleção de bases que levaram a um stop códon prematuro e a uma proteína truncada não-funcional. Esses resultados são até o momento, o primeiro relato de sequenciamento do &#945;RYR, região hotspot1 de frangos e podem servir como guia para estudos futuros na tentativa de se encontrar uma solução para os problemas na cadeia de produção de frangos relacionados com as carnes PSE (pálida, flácida e exsudativa)

    Dermatófitos: interação patógeno-hospedeiro e resistência a antifúngicos Dermatophytes: host-pathogen interaction and antifungal resistance

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    As micoses cutâneas estão entre as infecções mais comuns em humanos e se tornaram um importante problema de saúde pública, principalmente por causarem infecções invasivas em pacientes imunodeprimidos. Durante a infecção, a interação dermatófito-hospedeiro desencadeia adaptações metabólicas específicas que permitem aos patógenos aderirem e penetrarem no tecido, remodelando seu metabolismo para captar nutrientes e superar os mecanismos de defesa do hospedeiro. Esse remodelamento metabólico e a inter-relação entre metabolismo, morfogênese e resposta ao estresse são importantes fatores que estão sendo intensamente avaliados em diversos patógenos. As células do hospedeiro também respondem aos estímulos do patógeno, ativando vias de sinalização intracelular que culminam no desencadeamento de uma resposta imune contra o agente infeccioso. O entendimento molecular dessas respostas metabólicas pode ajudar no estabelecimento de novas estratégias terapêuticas. Nesta revisão, são abordados diferentes aspectos da biologia dos dermatófitos, com ênfase na interação dermatófito-hospedeiro e nos mecanismos de resistência a antifúngicos.<br>Cutaneous mycoses are among the most common infections in humans and have become an important public health issue because they cause invasive infections in immunocompromised patients. During the infectious process, dermatophyte-host interactions trigger specific metabolic adaptations that allow the pathogen to adhere to and penetrate the host tissue, scavenge nutrients, and overcome the host defense mechanisms. This metabolic shift and the interplay between metabolism, morphogenesis and stress response are important factors that have been extensively studied in several pathogens. Host cells also respond to the pathogen stimuli by activating intracellular signaling pathways that trigger the immune response against the infectious agent. The comprehension of the molecular aspects of these responses may help to establish new therapeutical strategies. In this review, different aspects of the biology of dermatophytes are addressed, with emphasis on the dermatophyte-host interaction and the mechanisms of antifungal resistance