314 research outputs found

    Straw biomass - potential raw material for ethanol production

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    Barley straw was found to be suitable raw material for ethanol production. Straw could be easily pre-treated with steam explosion, hydrolysed to monosaccharides and fermented to ethanol. The optimum harvesting times for bio-ethanol raw material are at grain maturity for barley straw. Potential raw material, barley harvested at full ear emergence, when straw is rich in soluble sugars, need further research

    Täydennys ruokohelven viljelyohjeisiin viljelyä aloitettaessa

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    vKopioita saatavissa tekijältä. Yksikön huom.: KV

    Anläggning av rörflensodling

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    vKopioita saatavissa tekijältä. Yksikön huom.: KV

    Kevätrypsilajikkeissa on valinnan varaa

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    Kevätrypsin tärkein lajikeominaisuus on satoisuus. Lajikkeet ovat 00-tyyppisiä, niiden erukahappo- ja glukosinolaattipitoisuudet ovat alhaisia. Suurempia satoja toivottaisiin, mutta niin ei tapahdu uusienkaan lajikkeiden kanssa. Nykyisissä lajikkeissa on vain vähän eroja.vokKV

    Potential of straw as bio-energy raw material in northern European countries

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    In this study, the current bioenergy potential of straw yield was estimated for North European countries (Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway and Sweden) by using information about seed yield, seed dry matter (DM) content, harvest index and harvest losses

    Ruokohelven satoon voidaan vaikuttaa

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    Ruokohelven sadontuottokyky säilyy hyvänä useita vuosia, jos sato korjataan keväällä kuloheinänä. Eniten satoon vaikuttavat korjuun onnistuminen ja korjuuta edeltävän kesän kasvuolot. Kuitenkin myös nurmen iällä, lajikkeella, lannoituksella ja maalajilla on kuiva-ainesadon kannalta merkitystä.vokKV

    Mikä ihmeen ruokohelpi?

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    Ruokohelven kasvatus energian raaka-aineeksi on lisääntynyt nopeasti. Elokuuhun mennessä sen viljelyala oli 10 200 hehtaaria. Muissa maissa ruokohelpeä kasvatetaan rehuksi, sen energiakäyttöä on toistaiseksi kokeiltu vain Suomessa ja Ruotsissa. Uutuutensa vuoksi kasvi on herättänyt runsaasti kysymyksiä ja ennakkoluulojakin.vokKV

    Agrokuidun tuotanto- ja käyttömahdollisuudet Suomessa : alustavan tutkimuksen loppuraportti 1990-1992

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    vokKirjasto Aj-kProspects for the production and use of agrofibre in Finland : final report of the preliminary study in 1990-199

    Effects of sowing time on pink snow mould, leaf rust and winter damage in winter rye varieties in Finland

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    Disease infection in relation to sowing time of winter rye (Secale cereale) was studied in southern Finland in order to compare overwintering capacity of modern rye varieties and to give recommendations for rye cultivation. This was done by using three sowing times and four rye varieties in field trials conducted at three locations in 1999–2001. The early sown rye (beginning of August) was severely affected by diseases caused by Puccinia recondita and Microdochium nivale, whereas postponing sowing for two weeks after the recommended sowing time resulted in considerably less infection. The infection levels of diseases differed among rye varieties. Finnish rye varieties Anna and Bor 7068 were more resistant to snow mould and more winter hardy than the Polish variety Amilo, or the German hybrid varieties Picasso and Esprit. However, Amilo was the most resistant to leaf rust. In the first year snow mould appeared to be the primary cause of winter damage, but in the second year the winter damage was positively correlated with leaf rust. No significant correlation between frit fly infestation and winter damage or disease incidence of snow mould or leaf rust was established. The late sowing of rye (in the beginning of September) is recommended in Finland, particularly with hybrid varieties, to minimize the need for chemical plant protection in autumn

    Sowing time affects the abundance of pests and weeds in winter rye

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    Selection of an appropriate sowing time for some winter rye (Secale cereale) cultivars could reduce the need for crop protection measures. In this study the occurrence and status of pests and weeds in relation to sowing time and growth habit of winter rye was studied in southern Finland. This was done using three sowing times and four rye varieties in field trials conducted at three locations in 1999–2001. The early sown rye was severely affected by pests (Oscinella frit, Mayetiola destructor) and weeds, whereas postponing sowing for two weeks after the recommended sowing time in late August resulted in considerably less damage and the optimal establishment of crop stands. The German hybrid varieties Picasso and Esprit produced more tillers m-2 in autumn than the Finnish varieties Anna and Bor 7068. However, the number of pests and weeds did not differ among rye varieties. Late sowing of rye should be considered to minimize the need for plant protection. If rye is sown at the recommended time it may still require insecticide treatments promptly in the autumn whereas herbicide treatment need not be determined until spring, after recording the winter mortality of weeds