70 research outputs found

    Can we trust ESG Ratings? Some insights based on a bibliometric analysis of ESG data quality and rating reliability

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    The aim of this research is to investigate the quality and reliability of ESG data provided by companies, as well as the accuracy and objectivity of ESG ratings produced by sus- tainability rating agencies (SRAs). Since SRAs use companies’ non-financial information as input data when formulating their ESG ratings, these two topics appear to be strictly interconnected. Drawing on the Shanon and Weaver (1949) model of communication, we have addressed these issues by means of a systematic literature review combined with a bibliometric anal- ysis. In our investigation we run: i) the co-citation analysis to detect the seminal papers; ii) a keyword co-occurrence analysis to explore how the main features of the academic debate have unfolded in the last five years; iii) a keyword co-occurrence analysis to obtain a network visualisation map to explore how the research broad scope was articulated in different clusters (i.e., themes of research). Among the clusters that emerged from the mapping, we have decided to delve into the streams of research we consider most relevant and deal with: the relationships between ESG and Artificial Intelligence (AI). Namely, we deem that AI may allow us to process massive amounts of data that contain crucial infor- mation for ESG investing. However, even if computer algorithms are able to analyse all information available efficiently, and in a timely manner, managers and investors should be aware of their opportunities and criticisms, while scholars should list propositions for advancing the research on these topics

    Doppler pulsato delle arterie arcuate intrarenali nel cane

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    Nel campo della medicina interna dei piccoli animali le patologie renali costitui- scono una delle principali cause di mortalità. In medicina umana numerosi lavori hanno dimostrato che lo studio del rene attra- verso la metodica doppler ad onda pulsata delle arterie arciformi e la conseguente deter- minazione dell’indice di resistività consente di ottenere delle informazioni utili per la diagnosi precoce di alcune nefropatie. Nonostante non tutti i processi patologici renali causino un’alterazione delle resi- stenze vascolari intrarenali o comunque producano un aumento rilevabile dell’indice di resistività, tale indice può risultare utile in corso di patologie renali acute e sindromi ostruttive. L ’obiettivo di questo studio è di determinare il normale range di variabilità dell’in- dice di resistività in cani sani allo scopo di valutarne, in un secondo momento, le modi- ficazioni in presenza di diverse nefropatie. Abbiamo ottenuto un valore medio di 0,61 (deviazione standard pari a 0,049) per il rene destro e di 0,60 per il rene sinistro (devia- zione standard pari a 0,046). Non sono state riscontrate differenze significative in misu- razioni seriali effettuate nello stesso rene, né tra i due reni di uno stesso soggetto mentre in soggetti diversi, sebbene sani, i valori dell’indice di resistività possono oscillare all’in- terno di un range piuttosto ampio. Inoltre non è stata riscontrata alcuna correlazione significativa tra l’età o il sesso del soggetto in esame ed il suo indice di resistività

    Macular Impairment in Fabry Disease: A Morpho-functional Assessment by Swept-Source OCT Angiography and Focal Electroretinography.

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    Purpose Fabry disease (FD) is a multiorgan X-linked condition characterized by a deficiency of the lysosomal enzyme alpha-galactosidase A, resulting in a progressive intralysosomal deposit of globotriaosylceramide. The aim of this study was to evaluate the macular ultrastructure of the vascular network using optical coherence tomography angiography (OCTA) and to evaluate macular function using focal electroretinography (fERG) in Fabry patients (FPs). Methods A total of 20 FPs (38 eyes, mean age 57 ± 2.12 SD, range of 27-80 years) and 17 healthy controls (27 eyes, mean age 45 years ± 20.50 SD, range of 24-65 years) were enrolled in the study. Color fundus photography, swept-source optical coherence tomography (SS-OCT), OCTA and fERG were performed in all subjects. The OCTA foveal avascular zone (FAZ), vasculature structure, superficial and deep retinal plexus densities (images of 4.5 × 4.5 mm) and fERG amplitudes were measured. Group differences were statistically assessed by Student's t-test and ANOVA. Results In the FP group, the FAZ areas of the superficial and deep plexuses were enlarged (P = 0.036, t = 2.138; P < 0.001, t = -3.889, respectively), the vessel density was increased in the superficial plexus, and the fERG amplitude was reduced (P < 0.001, t = -10.647) compared with those in healthy controls. No significant correlations were found between the structural and functional data. Conclusions OCTA vascular abnormalities and reduced fERG amplitudes indicate subclinical signs of microangiopathy with early retinal dysfunction in FPs. This study highlights the relevance of OCTA imaging analysis in the identification of abnormal macular vasculature as an ocular hallmark of FD

    Macular impairment in fabry disease: A morpho-functional assessment by swept-source OCT angiography and focal electroretinography

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    PURPOSE. Fabry disease (FD) is a multiorgan X-linked condition characterized by a deficiency of the lysosomal enzyme alpha-galactosidase A, resulting in a progressive intralysosomal deposit of globotriaosylceramide. The aim of this study was to evaluate the macular ultrastructure of the vascular network using optical coherence tomography angiography (OCTA) and to evaluate macular function using focal electroretinography (fERG) in Fabry patients (FPs). METHODS. A total of 20 FPs (38 eyes, mean age 57 \ub1 2.12 SD, range of 27\u201380 years) and 17 healthy controls (27 eyes, mean age 45 years \ub1 20.50 SD, range of 24\u201365 years) were enrolled in the study. Color fundus photography, swept-source optical coherence tomography (SS-OCT), OCTA and fERG were performed in all subjects. The OCTA foveal avascular zone (FAZ), vasculature structure, superficial and deep retinal plexus densities (images of 4.5 X 4.5 mm) and fERG amplitudes were measured. Group differences were statistically assessed by Student\u2019s t-test and ANOVA. RESULTS. In the FP group, the FAZ areas of the superficial and deep plexuses were enlarged (P = 0.036, t = 2.138; P &lt; 0.001, t = 3.889, respectively), the vessel density was increased in the superficial plexus, and the fERG amplitude was reduced (P &lt; 0.001, t = 10.647) compared with those in healthy controls. No significant correlations were found between the structural and functional data. CONCLUSIONS. OCTA vascular abnormalities and reduced fERG amplitudes indicate subclinical signs of microangiopathy with early retinal dysfunction in FPs. This study highlights the relevance of OCTA imaging analysis in the identification of abnormal macular vasculature as an ocular hallmark of FD

    Nanomechanical mapping helps explain differences in outcomes of eye microsurgery: A comparative study of macular pathologies

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    Many ocular diseases are associated with an alteration of the mechanical and the material properties of the eye. These mechanically-related diseases include macular hole and pucker, two ocular conditions due to the presence of abnormal physical tractions acting on the retina. A complete relief of these tractions can be obtained through a challenging microsurgical procedure, which requires the mechanical peeling of the internal limiting membrane of the retina (ILM). In this paper, we provide the first comparative study of the nanoscale morphological and mechanical properties of the ILM in macular hole and macular pucker. Our nanoscale elastic measurements unveil a different bio-mechanical response of the ILM in the two pathologies, which correlates well to significant differences occurring during microsurgery. The results here presented pave the way to the development of novel dedicated microsurgical protocols based on the material ILM properties in macular hole or pucker. Moreover, they contribute to clarify why, despite a common aetiology, a patient might develop one disease or the other, an issue which is still debated in literature

    Doppler pulsato delle arterie arcuate intrarenali nel cane

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    RIASSUNTO Nel campo della medicina interna dei piccoli animali le patologie renali costituiscono una delle principali cause di mortalità. In medicina umana numerosi lavori hanno dimostrato che lo studio del rene attraverso la metodica doppler ad onda pulsata delle arterie arciformi e la conseguente determinazione dell’indice di resistività consente di ottenere delle informazioni utili per la diagnosi precoce di alcune nefropatie. Nonostante non tutti i processi patologici renali causino un’alterazione delle resistenze vascolari intrarenali o comunque producano un aumento rilevabile dell’indice di resistività, tale indice può risultare utile in corso di patologie renali acute e sindromi ostruttive. L’obiettivo di questo studio è di determinare il normale range di variabilità dell’indice di resistività in cani sani allo scopo di valutarne, in un secondo momento, le modificazioni in presenza di diverse nefropatie. Abbiamo ottenuto un valore medio di 0,61 (deviazione standard pari a 0,049) per il rene destro e di 0,60 per il rene sinistro (deviazione standard pari a 0,046). Non sono state riscontrate differenze significative in misurazioni seriali effettuate nello stesso rene, né tra i due reni di uno stesso soggetto mentre in soggetti diversi, sebbene sani, i valori dell’indice di resistività possono oscillare all’interno di un range piuttosto ampio. Inoltre non è stata riscontrata alcuna correlazione significativa tra l’età o il sesso del soggetto in esame ed il suo indice di resistività. SUMMARY In the field of small animal internal medicine renal diseases are among the most important causes of mortality. In human medicine several studies stated the usefulness of pulsed-wave doppler evaluation of renal arcuate arteries blood flow and subsequent determination of the resistivity index in early diagnosis of some nephropathies. Despite not all kinds of renal conditions alter intrarenal vascular resistance or cause a detectable modification of the resistivity index, such index may be valuable in presence of acute renal diseases or obstructive syndromes. The aim of this study is to determine the normal range of variability of the resistivity index in healthy dogs in order to assess, later, eventual modifications induced by different nephropathies. We obtained a mean resistivity index of 0.61(standard deviation is 0.049) in the right kidney and 0.60 (standard deviation is 0.046) in the left kidney. We did not find any differences among serial determinations of the resistivity index in the same kidney nor between the two kidneys of a given patient while among different patients, although healthy, the normal variability range is quite large. Furthermore we did not get any correlations between the age or sex of the dog and the resistivity index

    Extranuclear localization of SIRT1 and PGC-1α: an insight into possible roles in diseases associated with mitochondrial dysfunction

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    SIRT1 and PGC-1α are two nutrient sensing master regulators of cellular metabolism and their upregulation is often linked to increased lifespan. SIRT1 and PGC-1α modulate the expression of a set of nuclear genes controlling many metabolic pathways. In recent years mounting evidence has indicated the implication of these proteins in several mitochondrial diseases including neurodegenerative disorders, myopathies and Type II diabetes mellitus. Recently, these proteins have been localized in cytoplasm and mitochondria wherein they target novel substrates opening new insight into their possible function in modulating extranuclear genes and proteins. This review will firstly summarize the nuclear function of SIRT1 and PGC-1α. Then, data from papers demonstrating the presence of SIRT1 and PGC-1α in the cytoplasm and in mitochondria will be outlined so that these extranuclear forms do not remain out of sight. Finally, very recent evidence of the alteration of the pathways governed by SIRT1 and PGC-1α in human mitochondrial diseases will be described and the possible role of their mitochondrial forms will be briefly discussed
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