9 research outputs found

    Les conflits en lien avec la détermination du niveau de soins en gériatrie - Un projet d'éthique appliquée

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    La population mondiale vieillit et accumule des problèmes de santé qui nécessitent un séjour sur les unités de gériatrie. Il est donc impératif d’étudier les perspectives éthiques lors de la discussion de niveau de soins en gériatrie. Lors de celle-ci, le patient donne son consentement pour divers soins (massage cardiaque, traitements antibiotiques, soins palliatifs, entre autres). La discussion a habituellement lieu entre le médecin et le patient (ou son représentant). Par la suite, les membres du personnel soignant appliquent la décision. Il peut alors survenir des conflits sur la base de perspectives éthiques différentes. Plusieurs philosophes ont écrit sur le consentement aux soins. La théorie du consentement libre et éclairé est bien représentée dans les textes de loi actuels. Le paternalisme libertaire, le paternalisme classique et l’expertise-bienfaisante sont des théories qui peuvent guider la manière de déterminer le niveau de soins. Au second volet de ce processus, les comorbidités du patient, sa qualité de vie et la futilité sont des principes qui facilitent l’orientation du niveau de soins. Certaines notions sont plus conflictuelles comme le vitalisme. L’émotivité joue aussi un rôle important. Un ancrage pratique est nécessaire pour l’éthique appliquée et empirique. Nous avons cherché à mettre en lumière les perspectives éthiques qu’implique la détermination conflictuelle des niveaux de soins en gériatrie par une étude qualitative. Le recrutement de proche en proche nous a permis de faire 16 entrevues qualitatives semi-dirigées. Lors de notre étude nous avons questionné les acteurs des unités gériatriques. Les thèmes exposés par l’analyse statistique des réponses aux questionnaires sont similaires à notre cadre d’analyse ont été incorporés à une réflexion éthique. Dans l’optique de l’éthique du consensus, nous avons pu déterminer que l’expertise bienfaisante , ainsi que la qualité de vie étaient des concepts qui permettaient de réduire les conflits, contrairement au vitalisme et à l’émotivité (surtout des familles).Aging populations are becoming a pressing global health issue. Indeed, elders accumulate health problems while getting older. These conditions then often require a stay on a geriatric ward. Then, more conflicts pertaining to goals of care can arise in geriatrics. But why? During the discussion on goals of care, the patient gives his/her consent in case of emergency for several treatments (cardiac massage, antibiotics, palliative care, and so on). Patients (or their legal representative) and physicians have a central role to play in this conversation. Thereafter, other formal caregivers carry out the decision into clinical contexts. Yet, conflicts can arise because of caregivers, patients and legal representatives different ethical perspectives on the goals of care especially for frail elders. So, the first ethical aspect of goals of care is pertaining to how the discussion takes place. Several philosophers wrote theories in relation to consent in medicine. First, the theory of informed consent is embodied in the law and many codes of conduct. Second, libertarian paternalism, classic paternalism, and beneficent-expertise are also theories that can guide the discussion on final goals of care. We delineate the other ethical aspects as pertaining to what notions are implied in the discussion and decision on goals of care. Moreover, practical foundations are necessary for applied and empirical ethics. Then, we sought to highlight the ethical perspectives involved in the conflictual determination of goals of care in geriatrics through a qualitative study. A step-by-step recruitment allowed us to conduct 16 semistructured interviews. During our study we interviewed people involved in the geriatric care, such as patients, legal representatives and caregivers. Themes that we exposed by qualitative analysis of interviews were mostly similar to the ones contained in our initial analytical framework. We also brought to light new themes. Finally, we incorporated all of those in an meticulous ethical reasoning to obtain our final results on how to reduce conflicts in geriatrics and obtain consensual goals of care. We also found that the patient's illnesses, and quality of life, as well as futility can facilitate the decision on the level of care. Notions like vitalism and emotionality also play important roles, while being more problematic for clinicians. Thus, in the vein of consensus ethics, we determined that beneficent-expertise, as well as quality of life reduce conflicts. Whilst, vitalism and emotionality (especially families’ emotions) aggravate conflicts

    Loneliness and social isolation among the older person in a Swiss secure institution: a qualitative study

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    Background A pandemic of loneliness is hitting the aging population. As COVID19 forced us to isolate ourselves, we are in a better position to understand consequences of social distancing. The recent literature showed that older incarcerated adults are particularly at risk of health-related complications due to isolation in the prison environment, reducing their social capital. Mental and physical health can be severely affected by loneliness and social isolation, especially in prison. Methods Our qualitative study investigates the view of older persons deprieved of their liberty on loneliness and social isolation pertaining to their mental health. We interviewed 57 older participants, including imprisoned individuals and forensic patients, following a semi-structured interview guide. During the data management and data analysis process, we excluded 7 interviews which were of poorer quality. Thereafter, we analyzed the remainders following a thematic approach. Results Most interviewees experience loneliness following lack of significant human relationships in prison. Making friends appears to be a challenge for all the participants, because, for one thing, they do not find people with similar interests. Also, secure institution setting aggravates isolation due to the restrictions of movement placed such as rules concerning movement between floors, hindering intimate relationship, and separation between friends. Moreover, contact with prison personnel is limited and lack social capital (e.g. trust). Conclusion To our knowledge, this study is one of the first to present incarcerated persons’ perspective on loneliness, social isolation and poor social capital in the Swiss prison setting. These has been reported to cause health problems both somatic and psychological. Our participants experience these deleterious factors in detention. As prisons have the possibility to become a health-promoting environment through connectedness, friendship, and trust promotion, stakeholders need to better their social capital

    Bioethical Implications of Vulnerability and Politics for Healthcare in Ethiopia and The Ways Forward

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    Vulnerability and politics are among the relevant and key topics of discussion in the Ethiopian healthcare context. Attempts by the formal bioethics structure in Ethiopia to deliberate on ethical issues relating to vulnerability and politics in healthcare have been limited, even though the informal analysis of bioethical issues has been present in traditional Ethiopian communities. This is reflected in religion, social values, and local moral underpinnings. Thus, the aim of this paper is to discuss the bioethical implications of vulnerability and politics for healthcare in Ethiopia and to suggest possible ways forward. First, we will briefly introduce what has been done to develop bioethics as a field in Ethiopia and what gaps remain concerning its implementation in healthcare practice. This will give a context for our second and main task - analyzing the healthcare challenges in relation to vulnerability and politics and discussing their bioethical implications. In doing so, and since these two concepts are intrinsically broad, we demarcate their scope by focusing on specific issues such as poverty, gender, health governance, and armed conflicts. Lastly, we provide suggestions for the ways forward

    Care of the older person and the value of human dignity

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    As the world population is rapidly aging, stakeholders must address the care of the elderly with great concern. Also, loss of dignity is often associated with aging due to dementia, mobility problems and diminished functional autonomy. However, dignity is a polysemic term that is deemed useless by some ethicists. To counter this claim, we propose four concepts to define it better and make use accurately of this notion. These are human dignity, dignity of identity, dignities of excellence and attributed dignities. Finally, we explain the importance of solicitude and human dignity in the care of the elderly. This will ensure the respect, friendship and dignity of the elderly in providing geriatric ethical care

    L’éthique vivante, une approche innovante

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    J'ai eu la chance comme gériatre, chercheur et éthicien de participer aux ateliers de l'éthique vivante à Montréal. Cette approche innovante en éthique vise l'épanouissement humain, même en fin de vie et malgré les souffrances vécues. Elle est porteuse d'intérêt pour les soins palliatifs. Je témoigne de mon expérience relativement à ce nouveau courant en éthique dans mon texte.I had the chance as a geriatrician, researcher and ethicist to participate in the living ethics workshop in Montreal. This innovative approach in ethics aims for human flourishing, even at the end of life and despite suffering. It is as novel as interesting for palliative care. I share my experience on this new posture in ethics in the following

    Court-Mandated Patients’ Perspectives on the Psychotherapist’s Dual Loyalty Conflict – Between Ally and Enemy

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    Background: Mental health professionals working in correctional contexts engage a double role to care and control. This dual loyalty conflict has repeatedly been criticized to impede the development of a high-quality alliance. As therapeutic alliance is a robust predictor of outcome measures of psychotherapy, it is essential to investigate the effects of this ethical dilemma. Methods: This qualitative interview study investigates patients’ perceptions of their therapists’ dual role conflict in court-mandated treatment settings. We interviewed 41 older incarcerated persons using a semi-structured interview guide, the interviews were subsequently analyzed following thematic analysis. Results: We first present the patients’ perceptions of their treating psychotherapist’s dual loyalty conflict, which was linked to their overall treatment experience. In a second step, we outline the study participants’ reasons for this judgment, which were most commonly linked to feelings of trust or betrayal. More specifically, they named certain therapist characteristics and activities that enabled them to develop a trustful therapeutic alliance, which we grouped into four topics: (1) respecting the patient’s pace and perceived coercion; (2) patient health needs to be first priority; (3) clarity in roles and responsibilities; and (4) the art of communication – between transparency and unchecked information sharing. Discussion: Developing a high quality alliance in mandatory offender treatment is central due to its relationship with recovery and desistance. Our findings show that some therapists’ characteristics and activities attenuate the negative impact of their double role on the development and maintenance of the alliance. To increase the effectiveness of court-mandated treatments, we need to support clinicians in dealing with their dual role to allow the formation of a high quality therapeutic alliance. Our qualitative interview study contributed to this much-needed empirical research on therapist’ characteristics promoting a trustful relationship in correctional settings