1,474 research outputs found


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    A questão do profissionalismo dos professores em todos os níveis de ensino está entre as mais urgentes que a pedagogia enfrenta atualmente. Atualmente, a sociedade cada vez mais complexa exige que o professor tenha uma competência educacional / didática de qualidade capaz de incentivar nos alunos uma aprendizagem bem estruturada e o desenvolvimento de uma autêntica subjetividade personalizada. Nessa perspectiva, as análises feitas por E. Stein sobre a formação de professores para torná-los competentes na construção de processos de conhecimento (gnoseologia), em epistemologias disciplinares e sobre as formas de regular a formulação do julgamento (lógica) devem ser considerado valioso. A partir dessa aquisição, essa contribuição meditará sobre como atualmente um professor pode ser treinado pedagogicamente para ser competente, tanto na estrutura disciplinar quanto na identificação dos objetivos educacionais do conhecimento aprendido. Como veremos, o conhecimento, a epistemologia das disciplinas e a lógica do pensamento, longe de representar apenas o propósito do ensino, constituirão os meios pelos quais o professor promoverá uma maneira de ensinar orientada no sentido fenomenológico-hermenêutico, como o criador e desenvolvedor da autonomia do julgamento e da responsabilidade relacionada ao valor.El tema de la profesionalidad de los docentes en todos los niveles de educación es uno de los problemas más urgentes que enfrenta la pedagogía en la actualidad. Hoy en día, la sociedad cada vez más compleja exige que el maestro tenga una competencia educativa / didáctica de calidad capaz de alentar a los estudiantes a tener un aprendizaje bien estructurado y el desarrollo de una auténtica subjetividad personalizada. En esta perspectiva, los análisis realizados por E. Stein sobre la capacitación de docentes para hacerlos competentes en la construcción de procesos de conocimiento (gnoseología), en epistemologías disciplinarias y sobre las formas de regular la formulación del juicio (lógica) deben considerarse valiosos. A partir de esta adquisición, esta contribución meditará en cómo actualmente un maestro puede ser entrenado pedagógicamente para ser competente, tanto en la estructura disciplinaria como en la identificación de los objetivos educativos del conocimiento aprendido. Como veremos, el conocimiento, la epistemología de las disciplinas y la lógica del pensamiento, lejos de representar solo el propósito de la enseñanza, constituirán los medios por los cuales el maestro promoverá una forma de enseñanza orientada en el sentido fenomenológico- hermenéutico, como creador y desarrollador de autonomía de juicio y responsabilidad relacionada con el valor.The issue concerning professionalism of teachers at all levels of education is among the most urgent ones that pedagogy is facing today. Nowadays, the increasingly complex society requires the teacher to have a quality educational/didactic competence able to encourage a well-structured learning and the development of an authentic personalized subjectivity in the students. In this perspective, the analyses made by E. Stein concerning teachers’ training to make them competent in the building of knowledge processes (gnoseology), in disciplinary epistemologies, and the ones concerning the ways to regulate the formulation of judgment (logic), must be considered valuable. Starting from this acquisition, this contribution will meditate on how nowadays a teacher can be pedagogically trained to be competent, both in the disciplinary structure and in identifying the educational aims of the learnt knowledge. As we will see, knowledge, the epistemology of disciplines and the logic of thinking, far from representing only the purpose of teaching, will constitute the means by which the teacher will promote a way of teaching oriented in a phenomenological-hermeneutical sense, as creator and developer of autonomy of judgment and of value-related responsibility

    Il confronto/scontro tra saperi e competenza pedagogico-didattica

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    Il confronto/scontro tra saperi e competenza pedagogico-didattic

    Per una pedagogia della semplessità: eclettismo educativo, principi e ricorsività,

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    dalla complessità alla semplessità: eclettismo educativ

    Pedagogia dell'inclusione. Prospettive scientifiche e linee educative

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    Dal titolo del contributo: “Pedagogia dell’inclusione: prospettive scientifiche e linee educative”, emerge che il problema epistemologico della Pedagogia contemporanea si concentra sulla seconda parte: le prospettive scientifiche della disciplina “Pedagogia”, intesa, alla maniera hegeliana, come «il proprio tempo appreso sub specie educationis». Tra queste linee prospettiche non si possono ignorare la multiculturalità, l’interculturalità e l’inclusività, ovvero le “emergenze” di questo inizio di XXI secolo. La Pedagogia come vera e propria medicina sociale deve orientarsi verso costrutti scientifici che possano garantire pratiche educative tese all’incontro, all’inclusione, al rispetto dell’altro; insomma che favoriscano una società “aperta” e mediatrice fra culture diverse

    IP-Lab 7: Geopedagogia

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    WSN and RFID Integration in the IoT scenario: an Advanced Safety System for Industrial Plants

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    The paper proposes and discusses the integration of WSN and RFID technologies in the IoT scenario. The proposed approach is based on the REST paradigm, thanks to which the two technologies can be seamless integrated by representing sensors, actuators and RFID related data as network resources globally addressable through state-of-the-art IoT protocols. The integration approach is detailed for the Smart Factory use case by proposing and developing an advanced IoT-based WSN and RFID integrated solution aiming at improving safety in industrial plants. The developed system can guarantee a safe access to factory dangerous areas in which safety equipments are required. In the paper, the system design is first presented, then, all the developed hardware and software solutions are described before presenting system performance results in a real test bed. System performance are reported in terms of response time and accuracy for authorization control and location tracking applications

    Terahertz imaging for non-invasive classification of healthy and cimiciato-infected hazelnuts

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    The development of new non-invasive approaches able to recognize defective food is currently a lively field of research. In particular, a simple and non-destructive method able to recognize defective hazelnuts, such as cimiciato-infected ones, in real-time is still missing. This study has been designed to detect the presence of such damaged hazelnuts. To this aim, a measurement setup based on terahertz (THz) radiation has been developed. Images of a sample of 150 hazelnuts have been acquired in the low THz range by a compact and portable active imaging system equipped with a 0.14 THz source and identified as Healthy Hazelnuts (HH) or Cimiciato Hazelnut (CH) after visual inspection. All images have been analyzed to find the average transmission of the THz radiation within the sample area. The differences in the distribution of the two populations have been used to set up a classification scheme aimed at the discrimination between healthy and injured samples. The performance of the classification scheme has been assessed through the use of the confusion matrix on 50 samples. The False Positive Rate (FPR) and True Negative Rate (TNR) are 0% and 100%, respectively. On the other hand, the True Positive Rate (TPR) and False Negative Rate (FNR) are 75% and 25%, respectively. These results are relevant from the perspective of the development of a simple, automatic, real-time method for the discrimination of cimiciato-infected hazelnuts in the processing industry