1,022 research outputs found

    Edge insulating topological phases in a two-dimensional long-range superconductor

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    We study the zero-temperature phase diagram of a two dimensional square lattice loaded by spinless fermions, with nearest neighbor hopping and algebraically decaying pairing. We find that for sufficiently long-range pairing, new phases, not continuously connected with any short-range phase, occur, signaled by the violation of the area law for the Von Neumann entropy, by semi-integer Chern numbers, and by edge modes with nonzero mass. The latter feature results in the absence of single-fermion edge conductivity, present instead in the short- range limit. The definition of a topology in the bulk and the presence of a bulk-boundary correspondence is still suggested for the long-range phases. Recent experimental proposals and advances open the stimulating possibility to probe the described long-range effects in next-future realistic set-ups

    A Dynamic Composition and Stubless Invocation Approach for Information-Providing Services

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    The automated specification and execution of composite services are important capabilities of service-oriented systems. In practice, service invocation is performed by client components (stubs) that are generated from service descriptions at design time. Several researchers have proposed mechanisms for late binding. They all require an object representation (e.g., Java classes) of the XML data types specified in service descriptions to be generated and meaningfully integrated in the client code at design time. However, the potential of dynamic composition can only be fully exploited if supported in the invocation phase by the capability of dynamically binding to services with previously unknown interfaces. In this work, we address this limitation by proposing a way of specifying and executing composite services, without resorting to previously compiled classes that represent XML data types. Semantic and structural properties encoded in service descriptions are exploited to implement a mechanism, based on the Graphplan algorithm, for the run-time specification of composite service plans. Composite services are then executed through the stubless invocation of constituent services. Stubless invocation is achieved by exploiting structural properties of service descriptions for the run-time generation of messages

    Mesoscopic continuous and discrete channels for quantum information transfer

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    We study the possibility of realizing perfect quantum state transfer in mesoscopic devices. We discuss the case of the Fano-Anderson model extended to two impurities. For a channel with an infinite number of degrees of freedom, we obtain coherent behavior in the case of strong coupling or in weak coupling off-resonance. For a finite number of degrees of freedom, coherent behavior is associated to weak coupling and resonance conditions

    Inhibition of LPS-Induced Inflammatory Response of Oral Mesenchymal Stem Cells in the Presence of Galectin-3

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    Galectin-3 (GAL-3) is a beta-galactoside binding lectin produced by mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) and other cell sources under inflammatory conditions. Several studies have reported that GAL-3 exerts an anti-inflammatory action, regulated by its natural ligand GAL-3 BP. In the present study, we aimed to assess the GAL-3 mediated regulation of the MSC function in an LPS-induced inflammation setting. Human gingival mesenchymal stem cells (hGMSCs) were stimulated in vitro with LPSs; the expression of TLR4, NFÎşB p65, MyD88 and NALP3 were assessed in the hGMSCs via immunofluorescence imaging using confocal microscopy, Western blot assay, and RT-PCR before and after the addition of GAL-3, both alone and with the addition of its inhibitors. LPSs stimulated the expression of TLR4, NFÎşB p65, MyD88 and NALP3 in hGMSCs, which was inhibited by GAL-3. The addition of either GAL3-BP or the antibody to GAL-3 were able to revert the GAL-3-mediated effects, restoring the expression of TLR4, NFÎşB p65, MyD88 and NALP3. GAL-3 induces the downregulation of the LPS-induced inflammatory program in MSCs

    Long-term changes in a benthic assemblage associated with artificial reefs

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    The aim of the study was to evaluate the long-term development of a hard bottom benthic assemblage over a period of 20 years in an area off the mouth of a large river. The artificial reef of Fregene was selected because benthic assemblage data were available for the period 1981-1992. This artificial reef is located in the mid Tyrrhenian Sea, 5 nautical miles north of the two mouths of the Tevere River (Latium, Italy) and 1.5 nautical miles offshore from Fregene (Rome, Italy). The artificial reef was deployed in March 1981 for fisheries enhancement in 10-14 m of water on a sandy-silty seabed. The Tevere River carries suspended materials and a heavy load of organics since it transports Rome's effluent, resulting in the eutrophic state of area waters. Benthic sampling was conducted in 2001 by SCUBA diving; two standard surfaces of 400 cm 2 were scraped from the vertical walls of the same uppermost block in four different periods. All organisms were identified and counted. The methodology used is the same as that adopted in the previous periods, so that the 2001 data could be compared with past collected data. The benthic assemblage was analysed by cluster analysis using the Bray-Curtis index and clustered using the group average clustering algorithm. The SIMPER procedure was used to identify those taxa that characterize each station group identified by cluster analysis. Changes in benthic assemblages and hydrological trends of the Tevere River were investigated using the cumulative sum series method. The 20-year development of the benthic community, starting from the new substratum, is composed of different phases characterised by different benthic assemblages. In particular five different phases were distinguished: 1. Pioneer species recruitment (May 1981-June 1981); 2. Mytilus galloprovincialis (mussel) dominance (August 1981-November 1983); 3. M. galloprovincialis regression (July 1984-October 1985); 4. M. galloprovincialis absence (91-92); 5. Bryozoans bioconstruction dominance (2001). The dynamic succession of the observed benthic assemblages exhibited a good relation with the Tevere River flow. The Tevere River flow, and the subsequent sedimentation process, seems to have strongly influenced the benthic assemblage succession of the Fregene artificial reef

    Double dot chain as a macroscopic quantum bit

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    We consider an array of N quantum dot pairs interacting via Coulomb interaction between adjacent dots and hopping inside each pair. We show that at the first order in the ratio of hopping and interaction amplitudes, the array maps in an effective two level system with energy separation becoming exponentially small in the macroscopic (large N) limit. Decoherence at zero temperature is studied in the limit of weak coupling with phonons. In this case the macroscopic limit is robust with respect to decoherence. Some possible applications in quantum information processing are discussed.Comment: Phys. Rev. A (in press

    Flexible mobile hub for e-bike sharing and cruise tourism: A case study

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    Bike sharing is no longer a novelty in transportation and has now become a mobility solution in its own right. This study investigated the potential scope of application of e-bike sharing solutions for a niche sector such as cruise tourism, the importance of which is growing, with the aim of improving sustainability and reducing pollution levels in cruise ports. A revealed preference survey was administered to cruise tourists, who chose a pilot e-bike service once they had disembarked from the ship to visit the nearby city center, to investigate the main variables affecting satisfaction with the service under investigation. An ordered probit model was specified and calibrated to identify the relationship among the variables influencing e-bike sharing usage by cruise tourists and their satisfaction. Subsequently, the marginal effect of each significant factor was evaluated to quantify its actual impact on the related e-bike sharing satisfaction level. The results obtained are consistent with the literature, but interesting interpretations are provided in terms of the relative importance of significant variables

    A Low Rhodium Content Smart Catalyst for Hydrogenation and Hydroformylation Reactions

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    Abstract: This paper describes the preparation, broad characterization and study of activity in hydrogenation and hydroformylation reactions of an easily produced 0.18% Rh/Al2O3. Analytical studies on fresh and recycled samples shed light on the smart properties of such catalyst. Results showed high activity as well as fine/excellent chemoselectivity or regioselectivity, characteristics that may suggest a wide range of applicability. Graphic Abstract: The low metal content catalyst 0.18% Rh/Al2O3 was very active in both hydrogenation and hydroformylation reactions so providing intermediates for valuable APIs, as Nabumetone and Eletriptan, and a fragrance with a fresh, green-floral smell, that recalls scent of lily of the valley.[Figure not available: see fulltext.

    Three-dimensional dental analysis for sex estimation in the italian population: A pilot study based on a geometric morphometric and artificial neural network approach

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    Dental dimorphism can be used for discriminating sex in forensic contexts. Geometric morphometric analysis (GMA) allows the evaluation of the shape and size, separately, of uneven 3D objects. This study presents experiments using a novel combination of GMA and an artificial neural network (ANN) for sex classification, applied to premolars of Caucasian Italian adults (50 females and 50 males). General Procrustes superimposition (GPS) and the partial least square (PLS) method were performed, respectively, to study the shape variance between sexes and to eliminate landmark variations. The “set-aside” approach was used to assess the accuracy of the proposed neural networks. As the main findings of the pilot study, the proposed method applied to the first upper premolar correctly classified 90% of females and 73% of males of the test sample. The accuracy was 0.84 and 0.80 for the training and test samples, respectively. The sexual dimorphism resulting from GMA was low, although statistically significant. GMA combined with the ANN demonstrated better sex classification ability than previous odontometric or dental morphometric methods. Future research could overcome some limitations by considering a larger sample of subjects and other kinds of teeth and experimenting with the use of computer vision for automatic landmark positioning
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