1,000 research outputs found

    Charge transfer and coherence dynamics of tunnelling system coupled to a harmonic oscillator

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    We study the transition probability and coherence of a two-site system, interacting with an oscillator. Both properties depend on the initial preparation. The oscillator is prepared in a thermal state and, even though it cannot be considered as an extended bath, it produces decoherence because of the large number of states involved in the dynamics. In the case in which the oscillator is intially displaced a coherent dynamics of change entangled with oscillator modes takes place. Coherency is however degraded as far as the oscillator mass increases producing a increasingly large recoherence time. Calculations are carried on by exact diagonalization and compared with two semiclassical approximations. The role of the quantum effects are highlighted in the long-time dynamics, where semiclassical approaches give rise to a dissipative behaviour. Moreover, we find that the oscillator dynamics has to be taken into account, even in a semiclassical approximation, in order to reproduce a thermally activated enhancement of the transition probability

    Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) and Adipose-Derived Stem Cell (ADSC) Therapy in the Treatment of Genital Lichen Sclerosus: A Comprehensive Review

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    Lichen sclerosus (LS) is a chronic inflammatory dermatosis mostly localized in the genital area, characterized by vulvar alterations that can severely impact a patient's quality of life. Current treatment modalities often provide incomplete relief, and there is a need for innovative approaches to manage this condition effectively. Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) and adipose-derived stem cells (ADSCs) have emerged as potential regenerative therapies for LS, offering promising results in clinical practice. This comprehensive review explores the utilization of PRP and ADSC therapy in the treatment of genital LS, highlighting their mechanisms of action, safety profiles, and clinical outcomes. PRP is a blood product enriched in growth factors and cytokines, which promotes tissue regeneration, angiogenesis, and immune modulation. ADSC regenerative potential relies not only in their plasticity but also in the secretion of trophic factors, and modulation of the local immune response. Numerous studies have reported the safety of PRP and ADSC therapy for genital LS. Adverse events are minimal and typically involve mild, self-limiting symptoms, such as transient pain and swelling at the injection site. Long-term safety data are encouraging, with no significant concerns identified in the literature. PRP and ADSC therapy have demonstrated significant improvements in LS-related symptoms, including itching, burning, dyspareunia, and sexual function. Additionally, these therapies enable many patients to discontinue the routine use of topical corticosteroids. Several studies have explored the efficacy of combining PRP and ADSC therapy for LS. In combination, PRP and ADSCs seem to offer a synergistic approach to address the complex pathophysiology of LS, particularly in the early stages. The use of PRP and ADSC therapy for genital lichen sclerosus represents a promising and safe treatment modality. These regenerative approaches have shown significant improvements in LS-related symptoms, tissue trophism, and histological features. Combination therapy, which harnesses the synergistic effects of PRP and ADSCs, is emerging as a preferred option, especially in early-stage LS cases. Further research, including randomized controlled trials and long-term follow-up, is warranted to elucidate the full potential and mechanisms of PRP and ADSC therapy in the management of genital LS. These regenerative approaches hold great promise in enhancing the quality of life of individuals suffering from this challenging condition

    Mesenchymal stromal cells promote the proliferation of basal stem cells and efficient epithelization in organotypic models of wound healing

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    Adipose derived mesenchymal stromal cells (ADSCs) represent a fascinating tool in the scenario of wound healing and regenerative medicine. Recent data already demonstrated that ADSCs could exert a stimulatory action on epithelial cells through secretion of soluble factors. The aim of the present study was to assess how ADSCs guide wound re-epithelization in vitro in the presence of keratinocytes. We used an organotypic model of wound healing and we seeded keratinocytes on a ADSC-induced dermal matrix. Conventional hematoxylin–eosin stain and immunohistochemistry staining for Ki67, p63 and pan-keratins were performed at different timepoints. Histological sections of organotypic cultures showed complete coverage of the ADSC-induced matrix by keratinocytes. Proliferation of basal stem cells was found to be the main mechanism responsible for epithelization of the dermis. In conclusion, ADSC do not only stimulate dermal regeneration through collagen deposition but also promote epithelization

    Two qubits entanglement dynamics in a symmetry-broken environment

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    We study the temporal evolution of entanglement pertaining to two qubits interacting with a thermal bath. In particular we consider the simplest nontrivial spin bath models where symmetry breaking occurs and treat them by mean field approximation. We analytically find decoherence free entangled states as well as entangled states with an exponential decay of the quantum correlation at finite temperature.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figure

    Mesenchymal stem cells for the treatment of psoriasis: a comprehensive review

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    Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) have recently been shown to have not only regenerative capabilities but also immunomodulating properties. For this reason, they are currently under investigation in clinical trials for the treatment of several autoimmune systemic disorders. Psoriasis is a systemic immune-mediated disease for which MSCs could have therapeutic potential. We analysed the existing literature with regard to MSC-based strategies for the treatment of psoriasis, using the MEDLINE, Embase, Scopus and Cochrane Library electronic databases from inception to the date of study. A number of studies confirm the involvement of MSCs in psoriasis pathogenesis and therefore designate MSCs as an important potential therapeutic tool in this setting. Preclinical data are mostly based on imiquimod-induced murine models of psoriasis, and confirm the anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory action of MSCs in the setting of psoriasis. Six patients affected by psoriasis were described in four clinical studies. Despite significant differences in terms of therapeutic protocols and clinical outcomes, the MSC-based regimens were efficacious in 100% of the cases. Despite more data still being needed, MSCs could be a promising therapy for psoriasis

    Use of confocal microscopy imaging for in vitro assessment of adipose-derived mesenchymal stromal cells seeding on acellular dermal matrices: 3D reconstruction based on collagen autofluorescence

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    Background: Both mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) and acellular dermal matrices (ADMs) represent fascinating therapeutic tools in the wound healing scenario. Strategies aimed at combining these two treatment modalities are currently under investigation. Moreover, scarcity of quantitative, nondestructive techniques for quality assessment of engineered tissues poses great limitations in regenerative medicine and collagen autofluorescence-based imaging techniques are acquiring great importance in this setting. Objective: Our goals were to assess the in vitro interactions between ADSCs and ADMs and to analyze extracellular-matrix production. Methods: Adipose-derived MSCs (ADSC) were plated on 8-mm punch biopsies of a commercially available ADM (Integra\uae). Conventional histology with hematoxylin-eosin staining, environmental scanning electron microscopy, and confocal-laser scanning microscopy were used to obtain imaging of ADSC-seeded ADMs. Collagen production by ADSCs was quantified by mean fluorescence intensity (MFI), expressed in terms of positive pixels/field, obtained through ImageJ software processing of three-dimensional projections from confocal scanning images. Control conditions included: fibroblast-seeded ADM, ADSC- and fibroblast-induced scaffolds, and Integra\uae alone. Results: ADSCs were efficiently seeded on Integra\uae and were perfectly incorporated in the pores of the scaffold. Collagen production was revealed to be significantly higher when ADSCs were seeded on ADM rather than in all other control conditions. Collagen autofluorescence was efficiently used as a surrogate marker of ECM production. Conclusions: Combined therapies based on MSCs and collagenic ADMs are promising therapeutic options for chronic wounds. Not only ADSCs can be efficiently seeded on ADMs, but ADMs also seem to potentiate their regenerative properties, as highlightable from fluorescence confocal imaging

    Modeling and estimating the economic and social impact of the results of the project Re-search Alps

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    The idea behind the Re-search Alps project has been conceived inside within the EUSALP Action Group 1 - “to develop an effective research and innovation ecosystem” (AG1). EUSALP is the EU-Strategy for the Alpine Region, which is composed of seven countries: Austria, France, Germany, Italy Liechtenstein, Slovenia and Switzerland. The strategy aims at ensuring mutually beneficial interactions between the mountain regions at its core and the surrounding lowlands and urban areas. The goal of the Re-search Alps project is the publication on the web of an open dataset describing the private and public laboratories, research and innovation centers (hereinafter, referred as “labs”, in short) existing in the seven aforementioned countries, with particular reference to the 48 Regions constituting the Alpine Area

    Generation of donor-specific Tr1 cells to be used after kidney transplantation and definition of the timing of their in vivo infusion in the presence of immunosuppression

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    Background: Operational tolerance is an alternative to lifelong immunosuppression after transplantation. One strategy to achieve tolerance is by T regulatory cells. Safety and feasibility of a T regulatory type 1 (Tr1)-cell-based therapy to prevent graft versus host disease in patients with hematological malignancies has been already proven. We are now planning to perform a Tr1-cell-based therapy after kidney transplantation. Methods: Upon tailoring the lab-grade protocol to patients on dialysis, aims of the current work were to develop a clinical-grade compatible protocol to generate a donor-specific Tr1-cell-enriched medicinal product (named T10 cells) and to test the Tr1-cell sensitivity to standard immunosuppression in vivo to define the best timing of cell infusion. Results: We developed a medicinal product that was enriched in Tr1 cells, anergic to donor-cell stimulation, able to suppress proliferation upon donor- but not third-party stimulation in vitro, and stable upon cryopreservation. The protocol was reproducible upon up scaling to leukapheresis from patients on dialysis and was effective in yielding the expected number of T10 cells necessary for the planned infusions. The tolerogenic gene signature of circulating Tr1 cells was minimally compromised in kidney transplant recipients under standard immunosuppression and it eventually started to recover 36weeks post-transplantation, providing rationale for selecting the timings of the cell infusions. Conclusions: These data provide solid ground for proceeding with the trial and establish robust rationale for defining the correct timing of cell infusion during concomitant immunosuppressive treatment

    Generation of donor-specific T regulatory type 1 cells from patients on dialysis for cell therapy after kidney transplantation

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    Background. Tregulatory type 1 (Tr1) cell-mediated induction of tolerance in preclinicalmodels of transplantation is remarkably effective. The clinical application of such a therapy in patients on dialysis undergoing kidney transplantation should take into account the possible alterations of the immune systemobserved in these patients. Herein, we aimed at testing the ability to generate donor-specific Tr1 cell-enriched lymphocytes from patients on dialysis on the waiting list for kidney transplantation. Methods. The Tr1 cell-enriched lymphocytes were generated by coculturing interleukin-10-producing dendritic cells obtained from healthy donors with peripheral bloodmononuclear cells (PBMCs) of patients on dialysis, following the same protocol used in a previous cell therapy clinical trial to prevent graft-versus-host disease. Alternatively, purified CD4+ Tcells were used instead of total PBMCs. The ability to generate clinical-grade Tr1 cell-enriched products was defined by testing the reduced response to restimulation withmature dendritic cells generated fromthe original donor (i.e., anergy assay). Results. The Tr1 cell-enrichedmedicinal products generated from PBMCs of patients on dialysis showed a low anergic phenotype, incompatible with their eventual clinical application. This was irrespective of HLA matching with the donor or the intrinsically reduced ability to proliferate in response to alloantigens. On the contrary, the use of purified CD4+ T cells isolated from patients on dialysis led to the generation of a highly anergic donor-specific medicinal product containing an average of 10% Tr1 cells. Conclusions. The Tr1 cell-enriched medicinal products can be efficiently generated from patients on dialysis by carefully tailoring the protocol on the patients' immunological characteristics

    A Case of Abruptio Placentae due to the Torsion of Gravid Uterus

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    Torsion of a gravid uterus is a rare obstetric emergency potentially lethal for the fetus and the mother. Some of the cases described in literature are associated with preexisting gynecologic conditions related to pelvic and uterine anatomy, even if most of cases remain unexplained. We report a case of acute 180-degree torsion of uterus at 33 weeks of gestation associated with abruptio placentae in a young Asian woman without apparent risk factors
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