971 research outputs found

    Rivalry, Exclusion and Coalitions

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    Coalition formation, exclusion contest, tragedy of the commons

    Moving higher and higher: imitators' movements are sensitive to observed trajectories regardless of action rationality

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    Humans sometimes perform actions which, at least superficially, appear suboptimal to the goal they are trying to achieve. Despite being able to identify these irrational actions from an early age, humans display a curious tendency to copy them. The current study recorded participants' movements during an established imitation task and manipulated the rationality of the observed action in two ways. Participants observed videos of a model point to a series of targets with either a low, high or 'superhigh' trajectory either in the presence or absence of obstacles between her targets. The participants' task was to watch which targets the model pointed to and then point to the same targets on the table in front of them. There were no obstacles between the participants' targets. Firstly, we found that the peak height of participants' movements between their targets was sensitive to the height of the model's movements, even in the 'superhigh' condition where the model's action was rated as irrational. Secondly, participants showed obstacle priming-the peak height of participants' movements was higher after having observed the model move over obstacles to reach her targets, compared to when there were no obstacles between her targets. This suggests that participants code the environment of co-actors into their own motor programs, even when this compromises the efficiency of their own movements. We discuss the implications of our findings in terms of theories of imitation and obstacle priming

    How can the study of action kinematics inform our understanding of human social interaction?

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    The kinematics of human actions are influenced by the social context in which they are performed. Motion-capture technology has allowed researchers to build up a detailed and complex picture of how action kinematics vary across different social contexts. Here we review three task domains-point-to-point imitation tasks, motor interference tasks and reach-to-grasp tasks-to critically evaluate how these tasks can inform our understanding of social interactions. First, we consider how actions within these task domains are performed in a non-social context, before highlighting how a plethora of social cues can perturb the baseline kinematics. We show that there is considerable overlap in the findings from these different tasks domains but also highlight the inconsistencies in the literature and the possible reasons for this. Specifically, we draw attention to the pitfalls of dealing with rich, kinematic data. As a way to avoid these pitfalls, we call for greater standardisation and clarity in the reporting of kinematic measures and suggest the field would benefit from a move towards more naturalistic tasks

    A Proposed Framework for the Use of Biological Control Agents for a Cacao Pest

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    An industry study on cacao considers the Philippines as a minor player in the global cacao trade and is not properly positioned to take advantage of the surge in demand. Domestic production dived in the 1990s despite pump-priming initiatives. It should also be noted that farmer awareness of the economic potential of cacao is very low, with very few engaged in cultivation due to various difficulties, among these problems mainly considered are the high costs of insecticides and pesticides and the prevalence of pests. This paper provides a framework by which a biological control agent for the cacao pest could be designed so that farmers may eventually lessen their dependence on expensive and chemically based pesticides and insecticides and rely on the natural relationships of predator and prey available in nature. Although many studies suggest that the Asian Weaver Ant Oecophylla smaragdina Fabricius is a predator of arthropods, among them the mirid bug and cacao pest Helopeltis bakeri Poppius, this assertion needs to be further supported by substantial evidence that clearly shows that such ant has available predatory properties against this specific prey. This procedure is very important especially if the farmer’s welfare is hinged on the idea of using biological control. It should then be proposed that a systematic and logical implementation of the demonstration of O. smaragdina’s properties as a possible biological control agent for the cacao pest H. bakeri be established

    Scheikundig Onderzoek van Eenige Op Java Voorkomende Minerale Watern.

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    v. ; 27 cm.Publication suspended Mar. 1942-May 1946

    A novel framework for engineering protein loops exploring length and compositional variation

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    Insertions and deletions (indels) are known to affect function, biophysical properties and substrate specificity of enzymes, and they play a central role in evolution. Despite such clear significance, this class of mutation remains an underexploited tool in protein engineering with few available platforms capable of systematically generating and analysing libraries of varying sequence composition and length. We present a novel DNA assembly platform (InDel assembly), based on cycles of endonuclease restriction digestion and ligation of standardised dsDNA building blocks, that can generate libraries exploring both composition and sequence length variation. In addition, we developed a framework to analyse the output of selection from InDel-generated libraries, combining next generation sequencing and alignment-free strategies for sequence analysis. We demonstrate the approach by engineering the well-characterized TEM-1 β-lactamase Ω-loop, involved in substrate specificity, identifying multiple novel extended spectrum β-lactamases with loops of modified length and composition—areas of the sequence space not previously explored. Together, the InDel assembly and analysis platforms provide an efficient route to engineer protein loops or linkers where sequence length and composition are both essential functional parameters

    Protocole de Nagoya et protection juridique des savoirs traditionnels associés aux ressources génétiques : la fabrique d'un droit international de la reconnaissance

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    Cette thèse traite de la protection juridique des savoirs traditionnels. Cette question est devenue un problème public à la faveur de la dénonciation, par plusieurs acteurs de la société civile, d'actes de biopiraterie. La biopiraterie désigne l'appropriation illicite des savoirs traditionnels des peuples autochtones ou des communautés locales (PACL) par des utilisateurs qui s'en servent pour fabriquer de nouveaux produits (alimentaires, cosmétiques ou pharmaceutiques) protégés par des droits de propriété intellectuelle – surtout des brevets –, sans toutefois reconnaitre l'apport des PACL dans la création de l'innovation protégée. Face à ce problème, le droit international propose deux réponses. D'une part, l'article 5(5) du Protocole de Nagoya, entré en vigueur le 12 octobre 2014, pose le principe du partage juste et équitable, avec les communautés autochtones ou locales, des avantages monétaires et non monétaires, résultant de l'utilisation de leurs savoirs traditionnels sur les vertus des plantes ou animaux. Ce principe est toutefois conditionné par les conditions et limites que peut fixer le droit national de l'État fournisseur. D'autre part, l'Organisation Mondiale de la Propriété Intellectuelle (OMPI) élabore depuis 18 ans des projets de lois spécifiques dites sui generis, pour protéger les savoirs traditionnels, invoquant l'inadéquation du brevet pour ce faire puisque les savoirs traditionnels ne rempliraient pas les conditions de nouveauté, d'inventivité et d'application industrielle requis par les droits nationaux de brevet. Ces deux solutions, considérées comme complémentaires, ne semblent toutefois pas parvenir à répondre efficacement au problème de la protection des savoirs traditionnels. Cette thèse cherche donc une solution juridique qui soit plus adaptée aux réalités vécues par les PACL. À partir de l'approche de la construction sociale du droit et des concepts de reconnaissance, d'équité et de justice environnementale, cette thèse veut comprendre comment se sont structuré les deux approches majoritaires concernant la protection des savoirs traditionnels associés aux ressources génétiques en droit international. Cette réflexion ouvre à la possibilité de remise en cause de la non-brevetabilité des savoirs traditionnels, grâce à une étude de trois cas de biopiraterie (les affaires du Hoodia gordonii, du Guiera senegalensis et de la Quassia amara). Elle suggère également, à l'occasion de la mise en œuvre du Protocole de Nagoya, une approche renouvelée et pragmatique du brevet comme outil de protection des savoirs traditionnels.This thesis aims at contributing to the legal protection of traditional knowledge (TK). This topic has received an increasing international attention, thanks to the denunciation of misappropriation of the traditional knowledge (TK) of indigenous peoples or local communities (IPLCs) by the civil society. Such a misappropriation, also refers to as “biopiracy”, happens when users rely on the TK of IPLCs to make new food products, cosmetics or pharmaceuticals, obtain intellectual property rights – especially patents – on these products, without recognizing their contribution in the making of protected innovation. In response to this problem, international law proposes two answers. On one hand, Article 5(5) of the Nagoya Protocol, which entered into force on 12 October 2014, establishes the principle of fair and equitable sharing of the monetary and non-monetary benefits arising out of the use of the TK of IPLCs on the virtues of plants or animals. However, this principle is conditioned by the conditions and limits that may be set by the national law of the supplier State. On the other hand, the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) has been developing for the past 18 years specific sui generis legislation to protect TK in response to allegations of the inadequacy of patents to do so. In fact, TK is considered not to fulfill the conditions of novelty, inventiveness and industrial application required by national patent laws. These two solutions, considered complementary, do not seem to suit with an effective protection of TK. This thesis therefore seeks a legal solution that is more adapted to the realities experienced by the IPLCs. Building on a theoretical framework articulating the concepts of social construction, recognition and equity and environmental justice, this thesis aims at understanding of how the two major approaches concerning the protection of genetic resources in international law have been structured. This reflection opens the possibility to challenge the argument of non-patentability of TK based on the analysis of three biopiracy cases (the Hoodia gordonii, the Guiera Senegalensis and the Quassia amara cases). It also suggests, in the post-Nagoya era, a renewed and pragmatic approach to patent as an effective tool for the protection of traditional knowledge

    Probing the Structure-Performance Relationship of Lithium-Ion Battery Cathodes Using Pore-Networks Extracted from Three-Phase Tomograms

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    Pore-scale simulations of Li-ion battery electrodes were conducted using both pore-network modeling and direct numerical simulation. Ternary tomographic images of NMC811 cathodes were obtained and used to create the pore-scale computational domains. A novel network extraction method was developed to manage the extraction of N-phase networks which was used to extract all three phases of NMC-811 electrode along with their interconnections Pore network results compared favorably with direct numerical simulations (DNS) in terms of effective transport properties of each phase but were obtained in significantly less time. Simulations were then conducted with combined diffusion-reaction to simulate the limiting current behavior. It was found that when considering only ion and electron transport, the electrode structure could support current densities about 300 times higher than experimentally observed values. Additional case studies were conducted to illustrate the necessity of ternary images which allow separate consideration of carbon binder domain and active material. The results showed a 24.4% decrease in current density when the carbon binder was treated as a separate phase compared to lumping the CBD and active material into a single phase. The impact of nanoporosity in the carbon binder phase was also explored and found to enhance the reaction rate by 16.8% compared to solid binder. In addition, the developed technique used 58 times larger domain volume than DNS which opens up the possibility of modelling much larger tomographic data sets, enabling representative areas of typically inhomogeneous battery electrodes to be modelled accurately, and proposes a solution to the conflicting needs of high-resolution imaging and large volumes for image-based modelling. For the first time, three-phase pore network modelling of battery electrodes has been demonstrated and evaluated, opening the path towards a new modelling framework for lithium ion batteries