5,591 research outputs found

    Financial Market Integration and Economic Growth in the EU

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    The diversity in the current degree of financial development across the EU can be a great opportunity at a time where this area is poised to become increasingly financially integrated. Integration should accelerate the development of the most backward financial markets, and allow companies from these countries to access more sophisticated credit and security markets. In line with a large recent literature, it is reasonable to expect that financial integration will have a "growth dividend" in Europe. This paper attempts to quantify this growth dividend, using both industry and firm-level data to estimate the empirical relationship between financial market development and growth, and to gauge how it will distribute itself across countries and sectors.Financial integration, financial development, growth

    Financial Market Integration, Corporate Financing and Economic Growth

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    This study provides a thorough assessment of the likely effects of financial market integration on the ability of European countries to grow faster and on how the possible benefits will be distributed among the Community countries and industries. It achieves several conclusions strongly supportive of the idea that promoting financial market integration is an important step in promoting economic growth in Europe.financial development, financial integration, national financial markets, economic growth, corporate financing, Giannetti, Guiso, Jappelli, Padula, Pagano

    Teatro, polĂ­tica y sociedad : la representaciĂłn de la violencia en el fenĂłmeno Teatro Abierto (1981)

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    During the last Argentinean dictatorship many theatre makers suffer censorship and were excluded from official theatres, cinemas, t v/radio programs and production. As response to this situation the most prominent national playwrights and directors came together to create a space for staging their plays. While showing the vitality of the local theatre, these plays addressed either directly or indirectly the issue of authoritarianism. As theatre of contestation they sought to exercise the freedom of expression and to recuperate a massive audience for theatre–as–art. In 1981 Teatro Abierto organized the first cycle which had anenormous success. Departing from different theories about politics in theatre and Dubbati’s proposal to consider theatre as an experience of convivio we examine the pragmatic dimension of TA by discussing the aesthetic strategies of Gambaro’s Decir sí and E. Pavlovsky’s Tercero incluido, all performed for the first time in 1981 for TA

    Association between anxiety and depressive symptoms with metabolic syndrome in primary care: Results of an Italian cross-sectional study involving outpatients

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    Background: Metabolic syndrome (MetS) is a heterogeneous entity represented by the coexistence of multiple alterations: abdominal adiposity, impaired glucose tolerance, hypertriglyceridemia, HDL hypocolesterolemia and hypertension. Symptoms of anxiety and depression are frequently comorbid with MetS. Aim of the present study was to measure the association between symptoms of anxiety and depression with the five criteria of MetS in outpatients attending GPs' practices. Method: This is a cross-sectional study, involving male and female patients aged 40–80 attending five GPs' practices within one month in Modena, Northern Italy approved by the local Ethical Committee. All patients were screened for the presence of MetS and depressive/ anxiety symptoms, using the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale. Exclusion criteria: age b40 or N80; use of antidepressants or antipsychotics; previous stroke, heart attack or cardiovascular disease; diagnosed psychotic or mood disorder (according to the DSM-IV-TR); diabetes; pregnancy; hereditary disease linked to obesity. All data were adjusted for socio-demographic confounders. Multiple logistic analysis performed with STATA 13.0. Results: 128 subjects were enrolled in the study (55 men and 73 women), 48 presented with MetS (ATP-III-Revised criteria). MetS was associated with depression only in the female group (OR =6.33, p= 0.01), also when adjusting for age (OR =5.13, p= 0.02). MetS was not associated with anxiety in both males and females, and with depression in men. Among the individual components of MetS, only waist circumference was associated with anxiety in the female group (OR=4.40, p=0.04) also when adjusting for age (OR=4.34, p=0.04). Conclusion: Women aged between 40 and 60, presenting with MetS and attending the primary care services should been regularly screened for the presence of depression. Chronic systemic inflammation could represent the biological link between MetS and psychological symptoms. Further researches are needed to better clarify this possible relation

    Frecuencia de las enfermedades de la mucosa bucal en el Uruguay en niños de 0 a 14 años

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    Artículo originalAcompañan al trabajo numerosas tablasSe realizó un estudio clínico-epidemiológico, analítico y transversal en 401 individuos de 0 a 14 años, distribuidos en dos muestras aleatorias, provenientes del Instituto Nacional del Niño y Adolescente del Uruguay (INAU) y el Centro de Asistencia del Sindicato Médico del Uruguay (CASMU). El objetivo fue establecer la prevalencia de las enfermedades de la mucosa bucal en 401 pacientes y en cada una de las muestras; determinar la influencia del género, la edad, la localización en la mucosa,la situación socio-económica-cultural, establecer la frecuencia relativa por categorías de enfermedades y comparar los resultados obtenidos con estudios similares de otros medios. La prevalencia total fue de 32.9 porciento, en CASMU 36.8 porciento y en INAU 29 porciento. Las variables edad y género no determinaron diferencias significativas. Se consideraron lesiones: traumåticas, de desarrollo, infecciosas, inmunoalérgicas, crecimientos tisulares, por acción del tabajo e idiopåticas. Las lesiones mås prevalentes fueron las traumåticas y las del desarrollo.(AU

    Exploring the Gut Microbiome Alteration of the European Hare (Lepus europaeus) after Short-Term Diet Modifications

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    This study aimed to characterise the gut microbiome composition of European hares (Lepus europaeus) and its potential changes after a short-term diet modification. The high sensitivity of European hare to habitat changes makes this species a good model to analyse possible alterations in gut microbiome after the introduction of additional nourishment into the diet. In total, 20 pairs were chosen for the experiments; 10 pairs formed the control group and were fed with standard fodder. The other 10 pairs represented the experimental group, whose diet was integrated with apples and carrots. The DNA from fresh faecal pellets collected after 4 days from the start of the experiment was extracted and the V3-V4 hypervariable regions were amplified and sequenced using the Illumina MiSeq¼ platform. The obtained amplicon sequence variants were classified into 735 bacterial genera belonging to 285 families and 36 phyla. The control and the experimental groups appeared to have a homogenous dispersion for the two taxonomic levels analysed with the most abundant phyla represented by Bacteroidetes and Firmicutes. No difference between control and experimental samples was detected, suggesting that the short-term variation in food availability did not alter the hares’ gut microbiome. Further research is needed to estimate significant time threshold


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    <p>ThePrimate¼ [www.theprimate.it] is an HPW [High Power Web] platform which allows dynamic classification of digital resources from european databases - including those coming from Europeana - the easy retrieval of data, reuse of items and methods based on enhanced tools, a deeper layer of attached information. The platform is strictly connected to Filamento¼, an original IoT [Internet of Things] framework, determining a lattice of precisely identifiable talking objects in the real environment, related as digital items in a Network of networks (NNs). The structure of graph is founded on the keys of “affinity” and “proximity”, it is modifiable according to singular needs and reusable to many different issues. The circulation of resources among the users is reinforced by an original economic paradigm based on a virtual currency, determining self- sustaining.</p

    Endophytic Bacteria Associated with Origanum heracleoticum L. (Lamiaceae) Seeds

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    Seed-associated microbiota are believed to play a crucial role in seed germination, seedling establishment, and plant growth and fitness stimulation, due to the vertical transmission of a core microbiota from seeds to the next generations. It might be hypothesized that medicinal and aromatic plants could use the seeds as vectors to vertically transfer beneficial endophytes, providing plants with metabolic pathways that could influence phytochemicals production. Here, we investigated the localization, the structure and the composition of the bacterial endophytic population that resides in Origanum heracleoticum L. seeds. Endocellular bacteria, surrounded by a wall, were localized close to the aleurone layer when using light and transmission electron microscopy. From surface-sterilized seeds, cultivable endophytes were isolated and characterized through RAPD analysis and 16S RNA gene sequencing, which revealed the existence of a high degree of biodiversity at the strain level and the predominance of the genus Pseudomonas. Most of the isolates grew in the presence of six selected antibiotics and were able to inhibit the growth of clinical and environmental strains that belong to the Burkholderia cepacia complex. The endophytes production of antimicrobial compounds could suggest their involvement in plant secondary metabolites production and might pave the way to endophytes exploitation in the pharmaceutical field

    Antibacterial activity of Arthrobacter strains isolated from Great Gobi A Strictly Protected Area, Mongolia

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    Desert soil hosts many microorganisms, whose activities are essential from an ecological viewpoint. Moreover, they are of great anthropic interest. The knowledge of extreme environments microbiomes may be beneficial for agriculture, technology, and human health. In this study, 11 Arthrobacter strains from topsoil samples collected from the Great Gobi A Strictly Protected Area in the Gobi Desert, were characterized by a combination of different techniques. The phylogenetic analysis, performed using their 16S rDNA sequences and the most similar Arthrobacter sequences found in databases, revealed that most of them were close to A. crystallopoietes, while others joined a sister group to the clade formed by A. humicola, A. pascens, and A. oryzae. The resistance of each strain to different antibiotics, heavy -metals, and NaCl was also tested as well as the inhibitory potential against human pathogens (i.e., Burkholderia ssp., Klebsiella pneumoniae, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Staphylococcus ssp.) via cross -streaking, to check the production of metabolites with antimicrobial activity. Data obtained revealed that all strains were resistant to heavy metals and were able to strongly interfere with the growth of many of the human pathogens tested. The volatile organic compounds (VOCs) profile of the 11 Arthrobacter strains was also analyzed. A total of 16 different metabolites were found, some of which were already known for having an inhibitory action against different Grampositive and Gram-negative bacteria. Isolate MS -3A13, producing the highest quantity of VOCs, is the most efficient against Burkholderia cepacia complex (Bcc), K. pneumoniae, and coagulase-negative Staphylococci (CoNS) strains. This work highlights the importance of understanding microbial populations' phenotypical characteristics and dynamics in extreme environments to uncover the antimicrobial potential of new species and strains
