11 research outputs found

    Empleo del Reibergrama en manifestaciones neurol贸gicas del dengue

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    Introducci贸n: Las manifestaciones neurol贸gicas asociadas al virus del dengue est谩n siendo m谩s frecuentemente reportadas.Objetivo: Identificar la respuesta neuroinmunol贸gica, evaluada por Reibergrama, en pacientes con manifestaciones neurol贸gicas por virus del dengue.Material y m茅todos: Se cuantificaron en suero y l铆quido cefalorraqu铆deo los niveles de inmunoglobulinas mayores y alb煤mina en seis pacientes adultos con manifestaciones neurol贸gicas por dengue. Con los valores de concentraci贸n en suero y l铆quido cefalorraqu铆deo de estos analitos se les calcul贸 la funci贸n Q. Se introdujeron los valores de Q inmunoglobulina vs Q alb煤mina en los Reibergrama espec铆ficos para cada inmunoglobulina. Se tom贸 la alb煤mina como marcador del estado de la barrera sangre/ L铆quido Cefalorraqu铆deo.Resultados:El Reibergrama permiti贸 establecer la ocurrencia de s铆ntesis intratecal de inmunoglobulinas mayores (patr贸n de tres clases), tanto en las manifestaciones neurol贸gicas postinfecciosas como parainfecciosas, menos en un paciente que desarroll贸 S铆ndrome de Guillain Barr茅. Permiti贸 adem谩s, comprobar el estado de la barrera sangre/l铆quido cefalorraqu铆deo en cada paciente.Conclusiones: El聽 empleo del Reibergrama聽 resulta importante en la evaluaci贸n de la respuesta inmune en pacientes con manifestaciones neurol贸gicas por virus del dengue.Palabras claves: Complicaciones neurol贸gicas, dengue, Reibergrama, S铆ndrome de Guillain Barr茅, encefalomielitis diseminada aguda, encefalitis.</p

    Historical notes of the University Student Federation in the medical university of Pinar del R铆o: first part

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    Introduction: little research has been done on the origin and development of the University Student Federation, in the province and medical university of Pinar del R铆o. Going to those who initiated, founded and continued the work of this student organization is a necessary premise to know its history. Objective: to bear witness to the history of FEU in the medical university of Pinar del R铆o. Methods: theoretical methods such as historical-logical, inductive-deductive and analysis and synthesis, along with empirical methods such as documentary review and testimonial collection. Development: eight professionals from the health sector were interviewed, who ruled the organization during their time as students, compiling mandatory reference material for students, leaders of student organizations and university campus in general, moving from the first representatives of the FEU in the province from 1968 to the present. Conclusions: the achievements of the FEU are undeniable, and are based on the actions of young people who did not drop the conquered flags, not in vain it has been said that history is made by the masses, but also by the men who lead them

    Apuntes hist贸ricos de la Federaci贸n Estudiantil Universitaria en la universidad m茅dica pinare帽a, primera parte

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    Introduction: little research has been done on the origin and development of the University Student Federation, in the province and medical university of Pinar del R铆o. Going to those who initiated, founded and continued the work of this student organization is a necessary premise to know its history.Objective: to bear witness to the history of FEU in the medical university of Pinar del R铆o.Methods: theoretical methods such as historical-logical, inductive-deductive and analysis and synthesis, along with empirical methods such as documentary review and testimonial collection.Development: eight professionals from the health sector were interviewed, who ruled the organization during their time as students, compiling mandatory reference material for students, leaders of student organizations and university campus in general, moving from the first representatives of the FEU in the province from 1968 to the present.Conclusions: the achievements of the FEU are undeniable, and are based on the actions of young people who did not drop the conquered flags, not in vain it has been said that history is made by the masses, but also by the men who lead them.聽聽Introducci贸n: poco se ha indagado sobre el origen y desarrollo de la Federaci贸n Estudiantil Universitaria en la provincia y universidad m茅dica pinare帽a. Acudir a aquellos que iniciaron, fundaron y continuaron el trabajo de la organizaci贸n estudiantil constituye premisa impostergable para conocer su historia.Objetivo: testimoniar la historia de la Federaci贸n Estudiantil Universitaria en la universidad m茅dica pinare帽a.M茅todos: se utilizaron los m茅todos te贸ricos: hist贸rico-l贸gico, inductivo-deductivo y an谩lisis y s铆ntesis, y m茅todos emp铆ricos como la revisi贸n documental y recolecci贸n testimonial.Desarrollo: se entrevistaron a ocho profesionales del sector salud que dirigieron la organizaci贸n durante su etapa de estudiantes, se recopil贸 material de consulta obligada para estudiantes, dirigentes de las organizaciones estudiantiles y campus universitario en general, desde primeros representantes de la Federaci贸n Estudiantil Universitaria en la provincia en 1968 hasta la actualidad.Conclusiones: los logros de la Federaci贸n Estudiantil Universitaria son innegables, y se sustentan en el accionar de j贸venes que no dejaron caer las banderas conquistadas, no en vano se ha dicho que la historia la hacen las masas, pero tambi茅n los hombres que las dirigen

    Immunopathogenesis of Orthopoxviridae: insights into immunology from smallpox to monkeypox (mpox)

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    Since 2019, notable global viral outbreaks have occurred necessitating further research and healthcare system investigations. Following the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, in 2022, whilst severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) strains evolved, monkeypox virus (MPXV) infections became more evident. MPXV is of the Orthopoxviridae genus, belonging to the family Poxviridae. Zoonotic transmission (animal-to-human transmission) may occur. The Orthopoxviridae genus includes other orthopoxviruses (OPXVs) present in animal host reservoirs that include cowpox viruses (CPXVs), vaccinia virus (VACV), and variola virus (VARV), with the latter being a causal agent of smallpox and excessive mortality. This review aims to present facts about MPXV-specific pathogenesis, epidemiology, and immunology alongside historical perspectives. MPXV was rarely reported outside Africa before April 2000. Early research since 1796 contributed towards the eradication of VARV leading to immunisation strategies. The World Health Organisation (WHO) announcement that VARV had been eradicated was confirmed in 1980. On the 23rd of July 2022, the WHO announced MPXV as a health emergency. Therefore, concern due to the propagation of MPXV causing monkeypox (mpox) disease requires clarity. Infected hosts display symptoms like extensive cellular-initiated rashes and lesions. Infection with MPXV makes it difficult to differentiate from other diseases or skin conditions. Antiviral therapeutic drugs were typically prescribed for smallpox and mpox disease; however, the molecular and immunological mechanisms with cellular changes remain of interest. Furthermore, no official authorized treatment exists for mpox disease. Some humans across the globe may be considered at risk. Historically, presenting symptoms of mpox resemble other viral diseases. Symptoms include rashes or lesions like Streptococcus, but also human herpes viruses (HHVs), including Varicella zoster virus (VZV)

    La melatonina y su rol en los procesos inflamatorios

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    La melatonina es una hormona neuroendocrina pleiotr贸pica, producida principalmente por la gl谩ndula pineal que regula el ritmo circadiano, es antiinflamatoria, inmunomoduladora, neuroprotectora, antioxidante. Se realiz贸 una revisi贸n sobre el tema empleando art铆culos de libre acceso en la base de datos Pubmed en el per铆odo de enero del 2013 a septiembre del 2018 con el objetivo de describir el rol de esta biomol茅cula en algunas enfermedades autoinmunes y reumatol贸gicas, as铆 como en otros procesos inflamatorios agudos y cr贸nicos. La melatonina ha demostrado acciones favorables cuando se administra en enfermedades como la esclerosis m煤ltiple, diabetes mellitus tipo l, c谩ncer. No obstante, puede empeorar las crisis en la artritis reumatoide.Melatonin is a pleiotropic neuroendocrine hormone, produced mainly by the pineal gland that regulates the circadian rhythm, is anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory, neuroprotective, antioxidant. A review on the subject was performed using articles of free access in the Pubmed database from January 2013 to September 2018 with the aim of describing the role of this biomolecule in some autoimmune and rheumatological diseases, as well as in other acute and chronic inflammatory processes. Melatonin has shown favorable actions when it is administered in diseases such as multiple sclerosis, diabetes mellitus type I, cancer. However, it can worsen crises in rheumatoid arthritis

    La inflamaci贸n desde una perspectiva inmunol贸gica: desaf铆o a la Medicina en el siglo XXl

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    Introduction: Inflammation is a homeostatic response of the body. It is one of the main reasons for consultation in Cuba and throughout world. There is a misperception that it is an isolated and always pathological entity. It is a dynamic, complex, systemic, and multifactorial process. Therefore, it is a challenge to elucidate the elements and the tissue changes that it causes to establish the best way to improve the clinical practice related to an inflammatory process.Objective: To describe inflammation, its classification, elements involved, and systemic changes from an immunological perspective.Material and Methods: A review of the topic was made using the updated bibliography. Free-access articles were consulted in Pubmed and Scielo databases in the period from January 2013 to December 2018.Development: Inflammation can be classified according to the damage, time or effectors involved. 聽The main molecules are the cytokines like TNF-伪, IFN-纬, IL-1尾, IL-10, IL-6, TGF-尾. Some cells participate such as neutrophils, mastocytes, macrophages, T-lymphocyes, and the vascular endothelium.聽 During the inflammatory process, the functions of almost all organ systems are modified. It produces systemic changes that are observed in physiological processes such as pregnancy or aging. Sometimes inflammation triggers diseases such as cardiovascular and neurological ones, and cancer. The pathophysiological mechanisms have not been clarified.Conclusions: Currently, the events that trigger chronic inflammation and how tissue damage occurs are unknown. The biggest challenge is to elucidate the causes and immunological mechanisms that lead to inflammatory manifestations that are expressed as systemic neurological, cardiovascular and autoimmune diseases, among others.Keywords: Acute inflammation, chronic inflammation, proinflammatory mediators, sepsis.Introducci贸n: La inflamaci贸n es una respuesta homeost谩tica del organismo. Es uno de los principales motivos de consulta en Cuba y el mundo. Existe una percepci贸n err贸nea de que es una entidad aislada y siempre patol贸gica. Es un proceso din谩mico, complejo, sist茅mico y multifactorial. Por eso constituye un reto el dilucidar los elementos, cambios tisulares que causa y c贸mo proceder en la cl铆nica ante un cuadro inflamatorio.Objetivo: Describir la inflamaci贸n, su clasificaci贸n, elementos involucrados y cambios sist茅micos desde una perspectiva inmunol贸gica.Material y M茅todos: Se realiz贸 una revisi贸n sobre el tema empleando la bibliograf铆a actualizada y luego se consultaron art铆culos de libre acceso en las bases de datos Pubmed y Scielo en el per铆odo de enero de 2013 a diciembre de 2018.Desarrollo: La inflamaci贸n puede clasificarse seg煤n el da帽o, tiempo o los efectores involucrados. Las principales mol茅culas son las citocinas como TNF-伪, IFN-纬, IL-1尾, IL-10, IL-6, TGF-尾. Participan c茅lulas como los neutr贸filos, mastocitos, macr贸fagos, linfocitos T y las del endotelio vascular. Durante el proceso inflamatorio se modifican las funciones de casi todos los sistemas de 贸rganos. En ciertos tipos de inflamaci贸n, es la respuesta adaptativa quien origina y perpet煤a el proceso inflamatorio.Conclusiones: En la actualidad se desconocen los acontecimientos que desencadenan inflamaci贸n cr贸nica y c贸mo ocurre el da帽o tisular. El mayor desaf铆o consiste en dilucidar las causas y mecanismos inmunol贸gicos que conllevan a las manifestaciones inflamatorias sist茅micas que se manifiestan como enfermedades neurol贸gicas, cardiovasculares y autoinmunes, entre otras.Palabras claves: Inflamaci贸n aguda, inflamaci贸n cr贸nica, mediadores proinflamatorios, sepsis

    Dr. C. Alberto Juan Dorta Contreras: heraldo de la ciencia abierta y la neuroinmunolog铆a en Cuba

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    This Semblance summarizes the career of Dr. Alberto Juan Dorta Contreras, an eminent scientist who dedicated his life to Neuroimmunology and the dissemination of open science principles in Cuba. His professional work was mainly focused on basic and clinical research, especially Immunology, with an emphasis on the impact of infectious diseases and the role of the complement system in the Central Nervous System. Also important has been his role as an undergraduate and graduate teacher in the Quincke Scholarships, a space created by Dr. Dorta to get closer to the world of experimentation. In recent years, he served as director of the Cuban Journal of Biomedical Research, which he promoted to higher categories with the effort and rigor of his work, currently occupying the first place among Cuban journals according to the Scimago ranking. His life, work and outstanding career make Dr. Dorta Contreras an example of sacrifice, dedication, value, honesty, simplicity, altruism and dedication to science and humanity. For these reasons, the objective of this article is to highlight the most relevant aspects of his work as a scientist and teacher, supported by testimonies, database searches, interviews with students and work colleagues to summarize the prolific working life of Dr C. Alberto Juan Dorta Contreras.聽Esta Semblanza resume la trayectoria del Dr. Alberto Juan Dorta Contreras, eminente cient铆fico, quien dedicara su vida a la Neuroinmunolog铆a y difusi贸n de los principios de Ciencia Abierta en Cuba. Su labor profesional se centr贸 principalmente en la investigaci贸n b谩sica y cl铆nica, sobre todo, de la Inmunolog铆a con 茅nfasis en la repercusi贸n de las enfermedades infecciosas y el papel del sistema del complemento en el Sistema Nervioso Central. Importante ha sido, adem谩s, su funci贸n como docente en pregrado y posgrado a trav茅s de las Becas Quincke, un espacio creado por el Dr. Dorta para acercarse al mundo de la experimentaci贸n. Se desempe帽贸 en los 煤ltimos a帽os como director de la Revista Cubana de Investigaciones Biom茅dicas, la que impuls贸 a categor铆as superiores con su esfuerzo y rigor de trabajo, con lo que lleg贸 a ocupar en este momento el primer lugar de las revistas cubanas seg煤n el ranking de Scimago. Su vida, obra y destacada trayectoria hacen que el Dr. Dorta Contreras sea un ejemplo de sacrificio, consagraci贸n, valor, honestidad, sencillez, altruismo y entrega a la ciencia y la humanidad. Por tales razones, el objetivo de esta Semblanza es destacar los aspectos m谩s relevantes de su obra como cient铆fico y docente, apoyados en testimonios, b煤squeda en bases de datos, entrevistas a estudiantes y colegas de trabajo para resumir la prol铆fera vida laboral del Dr.C Alberto Juan Dorta Contreras

    Activaci贸n del complemento por la v铆a de las lectinas: rol en las enfermedades reum谩ticas

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    The complement system is activated in three pathways: classical, alternative and lectins. The lest one belongs to the innate immune system and it is the oldest in the phylogeny is still under descovering. It is vital in the defense against numerous microorganisms, but sometimes its activation produces inflammatory processes harmful to the host that cause many diseases such as some rheumatic disorders.El sistema del complemento se activa por tres v铆as: cl谩sica, alternativa y la de las lectinas. Esta 煤ltima que pertenece al sistema inmune innato y es la m谩s antigua en la filogenia pero a煤n est谩 en un proceso de esclarecimiento de su cascada definitiva. Es vital en la defensa ante numerosos microorganismos, pero en ocasiones su activaci贸n produce procesos inflamatorios da帽inos al hospedero que causan numerosas enfermedades como algunas reum谩tica

    Empleo del Reibergrama en manifestaciones neurol贸gicas del dengue

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    Introduction: Neurological manifestations associated to dengue virus are being reported more frequently.Objective:To identify the neuroimmune response evaluated by Reibergram in patients with neurological manifestations because of dengue virus.Material and methods: The highest levels of immunoglobulin and albumin were quantified in serum and the cerebrospinal fluid in six adult patients with neurological manifestations of dengue. Q function was calculated with the concentration values in serum and cerebrospinal fluid of these analytes. Values of immunoglobulin Q vs Q albumin were introduced in the specific Reibergrams for each immunoglobulin. Albumin was used as a marker for the evaluation of blood-cerebrospinal fluid barrier.Results:Reibergram allowed to establish the incidence of intrathecal synthesis of higher immunoglobulins (three types of patterns) in both the postinfectious and parainfectious neurological manifestations, except a patient who developed Guillain-Barre Syndrome.聽 It also allowed to evaluate the blood-cerebrospinal fluid barrier in each patient.Conclusions:The use of Reibergram is important in the assessment of the immune response in patients with neurological manifestations of dengue virus.Keywords: neurological complications, dengue, Reibergram, Guillain-Barre Syndrome, acute disseminated encephalomyelitis, encephalitis.Introducci贸n: Las manifestaciones neurol贸gicas asociadas al virus del dengue est谩n siendo m谩s frecuentemente reportadas.Objetivo: Identificar la respuesta neuroinmunol贸gica, evaluada por Reibergrama, en pacientes con manifestaciones neurol贸gicas por virus del dengue.Material y m茅todos: Se cuantificaron en suero y l铆quido cefalorraqu铆deo los niveles de inmunoglobulinas mayores y alb煤mina en seis pacientes adultos con manifestaciones neurol贸gicas por dengue. Con los valores de concentraci贸n en suero y l铆quido cefalorraqu铆deo de estos analitos se les calcul贸 la funci贸n Q. Se introdujeron los valores de Q inmunoglobulina vs Q alb煤mina en los Reibergrama espec铆ficos para cada inmunoglobulina. Se tom贸 la alb煤mina como marcador del estado de la barrera sangre/ L铆quido Cefalorraqu铆deo.Resultados:El Reibergrama permiti贸 establecer la ocurrencia de s铆ntesis intratecal de inmunoglobulinas mayores (patr贸n de tres clases), tanto en las manifestaciones neurol贸gicas postinfecciosas como parainfecciosas, menos en un paciente que desarroll贸 S铆ndrome de Guillain Barr茅. Permiti贸 adem谩s, comprobar el estado de la barrera sangre/l铆quido cefalorraqu铆deo en cada paciente.Conclusiones: El聽 empleo del Reibergrama聽 resulta importante en la evaluaci贸n de la respuesta inmune en pacientes con manifestaciones neurol贸gicas por virus del dengue.Palabras claves: Complicaciones neurol贸gicas, dengue, Reibergrama, S铆ndrome de Guillain Barr茅, encefalomielitis diseminada aguda, encefalitis

    Pyrogenic lower limbs

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