374 research outputs found

    Transgender Lifestyle Oriented Food Items

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    Transgender has a unique history in human society. Transgender is one of them. People living all over the world fulfill their needs and rituals with the food they use for their daily needs. From the ritual of adoption, which is performed from the day one is born male and eventually becomes feminine, from the day one joins one's race, to the ritual of reassignment surgery to physically transform one's self into a female. In this article, we can see how they fulfill the traditional rituals necessary for their life with food through the betel nut, betel nut, milk, bread etc. which they use until the death ceremony and also the contribution of food in their beliefs, worships and rituals

    Tamil Food by Land

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    Food is essential and indispensable in the world from the beginning of man till today. Food is not uniform in all regions. The price and use of food vary according to the climate of the country. There were changes in the ways of life of the people according to the conditions of nature. But the workers by birth worked according to their ability, ate, dressed, slept and lived in a car. The purpose of this article is to explain their land based food security

    Source Separation using ICA

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    Independent Component Analysis (ICA) is a statistical signal processing technique having emerging new practical application areas, such as blind signal separation such as mixed voices or images, analysis of several types of data or feature extraction. Fast independent component analysis (Fast ICA ) is one of the most efficient ICA technique. Fast ICA algorithm separates the independent sources from their mixtures by measuring non-gaussianity.In this paper we present a method that can separate the signals as individual channels from other channels and also remove the noise using fast ica algorithm. The method is to decompose a multi channel signal into statistically independent components

    Livelihood analysis using wealth ranking tool of PRA

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    The present study was undertaken in Maroorpatti village in Namakkal district of Tamilnadu. From the results o/the livelihood analysis conducted/or the three different categories a/wealth ranking, it may be pointed out that with respect to the size of land holdings the rich farmer had double the size a/the medium and as such large as 10 times that the poor farmer. The rich farmer had an incomparably large number o/cattle with respect to his counterparts. While the rich farmer received monthly income from livestock, the medium farmer, who was thus classified solely by his agricultural land holdings, always expected his agricultural field to boost his monthly income. Furthermore, from the expenditure pal1ern observed, the rich farmer's were inclined to save nearly 35% of their monthly income, while the poor farmers were always in need of 25% loan to meet their monthly needs. As a consequence, the crises analysis indicated that the poor farmer as well as the medium farmer usually takes a loan of 40% towards meeting any calamities faced in their agricultural and livestock sectors

    Teknologi Pendidikan sebagai Pembelajaran Kompetitif untuk Meningkatkan Prestasi Siswa: Studi Kasus di Salah Satu SMA di Salatiga

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui cara atau metode yang tepat guna meningkatkan prestasi belajar siswa di salah satu SMA di Salatiga dengan menggunakan teknologi sebagai sarana perbaikan proses pembelajaran. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah dengan deskriptif analisis dengan menggunakan instrument angket yang dibagikan secara acak kepada 64 siswa SMA “X”di Salatiga. Teknologi pendidikan merupakan suatu perangkat bantu untuk memfasilitasi proses belajar mengajar supaya lebih efektif, menarik dan efisien, serta dapat membantu guru ataupun siswa untuk mendapatkan materi dengan cepat dan dapat belajar secara mandiri. Teknologi pendidikan dapat berupa audio, visual dan audio visual. Teknologi dalam pendidikan ini dapat digunakan untuk meningkatkan hasil prestasi siswa dan mutu pendidikan yang ada serta menciptakan proses belajar mengajar yang kreatif, inovatif, menarik dan menantang. Penelitian ini memiliki manfaat yaitu untuk mendapatkan metode pembelajaran yang tepat untuk meningkatkan prestasi siswa, sehingga mutu pendidikan di SMA “X”Salatiga dapat meningkat. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa prestasi belajar (nilai rata-rata siswa) dipengaruhi oleh motivasi dan keuletan siswa dalam belajar, sehinngga metode pembelajaran yang tepat adalah dengan metode pembelajaran yang kompetitif. Dalam penelitian ini didapat beberapa saran untuk meningkatkan prestasi belajar siswa melalui metode pembelajaran yang kompetitif dan menggunakan teknologi pendidikan sebagai media pembelajaran. Beberapa cara yang dapat dilakukan diantaranya dengan membuat film, membuat poster dengan menggunakan software yang ada, pembelajaran dengan menggunakan skype atau guru membuat online game yang sesuai dengan materi yang diajarkan

    Electromechanical effect in cholesteric liquid crystals with fixed boundary conditions

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    We describe a number of experiments to demonstrate the electromechanical effect in cholesteric liquid crystals. The Lehmann rotation phenomenon of drops with stress free boundary conditions is the most convincing effect produced by this coupling. In samples with fixed boundary conditions, the cross coupling produces a distortion of the profile of the azimuthal angles of the director. We have used a conoscopic technique to demonstrate this distortion in thick samples containing negative dielectric anisotropy materials. A strong linear electrooptic effect of electromechanical origin is produced in materials with a weak positive dielectric anisotropy. We provide an evidence that a twisted nematic cell without any chiral molecules also exhibits the electromechanical effect, due to the macroscopic chirality of the medium in such a cell

    Ultrasonic Velocity in Some Aqueous Solutions of Electrolytes

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    P R A methods for studying the impact of technology adoption in crop and poultry enterprises in a rural village

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    Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) methods have of late been highly successful in bridging the gap between development functionaries and target groups for whom the development straties and efforts have been focused at. PRA describes a growing family of approaches and methods to enable local people to share, enhance and analyze their knowledge of life and conditions, to plan and to act. (Chambers, 1994)

    Surface membrane changes in lepromatous macrophages affecting the adherence of Mycobacterium leprae

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    Macrophages from lepromatous leprosy patients showed poor adherence toMycobacterium leprae. The phagocytic activity of the macrophages was not correlated to the influence on the adherence ability. Based on the phagocytic behaviour of macrophages from normal individuals and from lepromatous leprosy, patients as well as the action of neuraminidase in reversing the extent of adherence, it is suggested that macrophages from lepromatous leprosy patients differ from those from normal individuals in regard to their surface properties. There was no relationship between the degree of adherence and the concentration of Fc receptors of the macrophages. It was also shown that an extract of lysed macrophages from lepromatous leprosy patient was able to reduce the adherence ofMycobacterium leprae to normal macrophages. This study shows that adherence is a good indicator of the surface property of macrophages which in turn could play an important role in the cell mediated immunity of the patient. The observations suggest altered macrophage membrane structure in the long term-treated, otherwise normal, lepromatous leprosy patients

    A prospective study of effect of amniotic fluid index less than 5 at term on perinatal outcome

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    Background: To study the effect of oligohydramnios in pregnancy and its value in predicting adverse perinatal outcome.Methods: A prospective case control study of pregnancy outcome in 100 cases with ultrasound diagnosis of oligohydramnios at term compared with 100 controls with no oligohydramnios. The study was done over a period of 3 years at SSMC Tumkur, India.Results: Oligohydramnios at term is associated with poor perinatal outcome. Significant increase in abnormal foetal heart rate, meconium stained liquor, delivery by cesarean section, low Apgar intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR), increased admissions to  neonatal intensive-care unit (NICU) were seen in study group, however perinatal mortality was more in study group but not statistically significant (P=0.31)Conclusions: AFI <5 at term is an important fetal surveillance methods to identify poor perinatal outcome and thereby makes possible intervention so as to reduce perinatal morbidity and mortality