1,986 research outputs found

    Intelligent integrated information system for effective enterprise management: Designing to deployment: An approach

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    Enterprise management has become extremely complex today. The Internet, information and communication technologies, and compulsions from globalisation, pose both opportunities and threats to the enterprise, of dimensions never seen before. Only the techno-savvy, intelligent, and agile enterprises can manage their business effectively. They seek and depend on intelligent information systems for survival and growth.However, the task of designing, building, and adopting one is quite daunting, given the number and complexities of options.It is in this context that ‘integrated intelligent information system’ [IIIS] assumes importance. Based on literature and experiences published, this paper presents a systematic approach to designing, building and adopting enterprise-appropriate IIIS

    Investigation of Combustion Phenomena in a Single-Cylinder Spark-Ignited Natural Gas Engine with Optical Access

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    More demanding efficiency and emissions standards for internal combustion (IC) engines require novel combustion strategies, alternative fuels, and improved after-treatment systems. However, their development depends on improved understanding of in-cylinder processes. For example, the lower efficiency of conventional spark-ignited (SI) natural-gas (NG) engines reduces their utilization in the transportation sector. Single-cylinder optical-access research engines allow the use of non-intrusive visualization techniques that study in-cylinder flow, fuel-oxidizer mixing, and combustion and emissions phenomena under conditions representative of production engines. These visualization techniques can provide qualitative and quantitative answers to fundamental combustion-phenomena questions such as the effects of engine design, operating conditions, fuel composition, fuel delivery strategy, and ignition techniques.;The thesis is divided in two main parts. The first part focuses on the setup of a single-cylinder research engine with optical access including the design of its control system and the acquisition of in-cylinder pressure data and high-speed combustion images. The second part focuses on measurements of the turbulent flame speed using the high-speed combustion images. Crank-angle-resolved images of methane combustion were taken with a high-speed CMOS camera at a rate of 15,000 Hz. The optical engine was operated in a skip-firing mode (one fired cycle followed by 5 motored cycles) at 900 RPM and a load of 5.93 bar IMEP. The images show that flow turbulence and flame stretch resulted in flame velocities several order of magnitude higher compared to the laminar flame velocity. In addition, both in-cylinder pressure and optical data were used to determine the cycle-to cycle variability of the combustion phenomena

    Specificity in the regulation of eukaryotic gene transcription

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    The regulation of eukaryotic gene transcription poses major challenges in terms of the innumerable protein factors required to ensure tissue or cell-type specificity. While this specificity is sought to be explained by the interaction of cis-acting DNA elements and the trans-acting protein factor(s), considerable amount of degeneracy has been observed in this interaction. Immunoglobulin heavy chain gene expression in A cells and liver-specific gene expression are discussed as examples of this complexity in this article. Heterodimerization and post-translational modification of transcription factors and the organization of composite promoter elements are strategies by which diverse sets of genes can be regulated in a specific manner using a finite number of protein factors

    A Study on the Works of Elizabeth Cook-Lynn with Reference to Indian Genocide

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    This work is a study on the works of Elizabeth Cook-Lynn who is proficient scholar and hails from South Dakotas and Sioux nations and their turmoil, anguish and lamentation to retrieve their lands and preserve their culture and race. Many a aboriginals were killed in the post colonization. Elizabeth Cook-Lynn grieves and her lamentation for the people of Dakotas yields sympathy towards the survived at Wounded Knee massacre and the great exploitation of the livelihood of the indigenous people and the cruelty of American Federal government. Treaty conserved indigenous lands had been lost due to the title of Sioux Nation and many Dakotas and Dakotas had been forced off from their homelands due to the anti-Indian legislation, poverty and federal Indian – white American policy. The whites had no more regard for or perceiving the native’s peoples’ culture and political status as considered by Jefferson’s epoch. And to collect bones and Indian words, delayed justice all these issues tempt her to write. The authors accuses that America was in ignorance and racism and imperialism which was prevalent in the westward movement. The natives want to recall their struggles, and their futures filled with uncertainty by the reality and losses by the white and Indian life in America which had undergone deliberate diminishment by the American government sparks the writer to back for the indigenous peoples. this multifaceted study links american study with native american studies. this research brings to highlight the unchangeable scenario of the Native American who is in the bonds of as American further this research scrutinizes Elizabeth’s diplomacy and legalized decolonization theory which reflects in her literature career and her works but defies to her own doctrines. Elizabeth Cook-Lynn’s confronts for the U. S cultural imperialism on the Native People of America and strives for the empowerment of the peoples and their governance which is impractical at the present scenario.  

    Handwritten character recognition by combining multiple recognizers using conditional probabilities

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    This research mainly focuses on recognizing the handwritten characters on a form in order to automate the Medical Form processing. Several efficient algorithms have been developed by us so far, to separate the handwritten characters from printed text character; to separate the lines, words and each character. In this thesis, we concentrate on the recognition of the segmented handwritten characters. Different feature recognition algorithms are employed and their performance on a given training set is analyzed. We find a way to combine all these individual feature recognition algorithms by incorporating their interdependence. The reliability of these algorithms is determined in terms of Conditional Probabilities and a rule for classifying the input character based on the outputs of each individual feature recognition algorithms is identified from the observations

    Comparative Analysis of Naive Bayes and Tree Augmented Naive Bayes Models

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    Naive Bayes and Tree Augmented Naive Bayes (TAN) are probabilistic graphical models usedfor modeling huge datasets involving lots of uncertainties among its various interdependentfeature sets. Some of the most common applications of these models are image segmentation,medical diagnosis and various other data clustering and data classification applications. Aclassification problem deals with identifying to which category a particular instance belongs to,based on previous knowledge acquired by analysis of various such instances. The instances aredescribed using a set of variables called attributes or features. A Naive Bayes model assumes thatall the attributes of an instance are independent of each other given the class of that instance.This is a very simple representation of the system, but the independence assumptions made inthis model are incorrect and unrealistic. The TAN model improves on the Naive Bayes model byadding one more level of interaction among attributes of the system. In the TAN model, everyattribute is dependent on its class and one other attribute from the feature set. Since this modelincorporates the dependencies among the attributes, it is more realistic than a Naive Bayesmodel. This project analyzes the performance of these two models on various datasets. The TANmodel gives better performance results if there are correlations between the attributes but theperformance is almost the same as that of Naive Bayes model, if there are not enoughcorrelations between the attributes of the system

    Imposition of Civilization by Depriving Livelihood and Vanishing Ethnicity of Tribal’s People

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    Sioux nations and to retrieve their lands and to preserve their ethnicity and the demises of their predecessors at Wounded Knee massacre and superseded unwritten literature and history of Dakotas and massacre in at the start of fourteenth century and devastation of livelihood of the indigenous people and the cruelty of American Federal government still lingers in their mind. Treaty conserved indigenous people’s lands but Dakotas had been forced off their homelands due to the anti-Indian legislation, poverty and federal Indian – white American policy. The whites had no more regard for or perceiving the native peoples’ culture and political status as considered by Jefferson’s epoch. And this article exposes collecting bones and Indian words, delayed justices, inter- state issues and ignorance, racism and imperialism and the struggles of the Dakotas, whose future filled with uncertainty by reality and lose of land and cattle over the recent past centuries.
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