37 research outputs found

    The Assessment of Employees' Training and Development System in a Selected Organization

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    Import 22/07/2015Tato bakalářská práce se zabývá vzděláváním zaměstnanců ve vybrané organizaci. V teoretické části práce jsou vymezeny základní pojmy, charakterizovány jednotlivé metody vzdělávání na pracovišti i mimo něj, právní rámec vzdělávání pracovníků v organizaci a dotační programy z Evropské unie. Praktická část je zaměřena na společnost PeMaP, s. r. o., její popis, organizační strukturu, postavení na trhu, portfolio výrobků a vize do budoucnosti. V organizaci bylo provedeno dotazníkové šetření a byly vedeny nestrukturované rozhovory s pracovníky organizace. Z interpretace zjištěných údajů vychází závěrečná část s návrhy a doporučeními pro organizaci na zlepšení dosavadního systému vzdělávání pracovníků.The bachelor’s thesis is concentrated with education (training) of employees in the selected company. In the theoretical part there are specification of the basic concepts, characterization of particular methods of education in the workplace and out of the workplace. The legal framework of workers’ education in the organization and programs of grants from the Eupean Union. The practical part is focused on the company PeMaP Ltd., its description, organizational structure, position on the market, portfolio of pruducts and its vison. In the company a questionniare investigation was made and an unstructured interviews were held with workers of organization. From the interpretations of the research follows the last part with a proposals and recommendations for the company to improve present system of workers’ education.115 - Katedra managementuvýborn

    Vegetation response and landscape dynamics of Indian Summer Monsoon variations during Holocene: an eco-geomorphological appraisal of tropical evergreen forest subfossil logs.

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    The high rainfall and low sea level during Early Holocene had a significant impact on the development and sustenance of dense forest and swamp-marsh cover along the southwest coast of India. This heavy rainfall flooded the coastal plains, forest flourishing in the abandoned river channels and other low-lying areas in midland.The coastline and other areas in lowland of southwestern India supply sufficient evidence of tree trunks of wet evergreen forests getting buried during the Holocene period under varying thickness of clay, silty-clay and even in sand sequences. This preserved subfossil log assemblage forms an excellent proxy for eco-geomorphological and palaeoclimate appraisal reported hitherto from Indian subcontinent, and complements the available palynological data. The bulk of the subfossil logs and partially carbonized wood remains have yielded age prior to the Holocene transgression of 6.5 k yrs BP, suggesting therein that flooding due to heavy rainfall drowned the forest cover, even extending to parts of the present shelf. These preserved logs represent a unique palaeoenvironmental database as they contain observable cellular structure. Some of them can even be compared to modern analogues. As these woods belong to the Late Pleistocene and Holocene, they form a valuable source of climate data that alleviates the lack of contemporaneous meteorological records. These palaeoforests along with pollen proxies depict the warmer environment in this region, which is consistent with a Mid Holocene Thermal Maximum often referred to as Holocene Climate Optimum. Thus, the subfossil logs of tropical evergreen forests constitute new indices of Asian palaeomonsoon, while their occurrence and preservation are attributed to eco-geomorphology and hydrological regimes associated with the intensified Asian Summer Monsoon, as recorded elsewhere