3,764 research outputs found

    Territorial management and development. Towards a sustainable territorial development policy in Latin America. Ángel Massiris Cabeza

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    El libro que propone el geógrafo colombiano Ángel Massiris, centra su atención en la gestión y el desarrollo territorial sostenible, las ideas contenidas en él nos permite reflexionar sobre varias cosas que en el trasegar de la planificación de territorio muchas veces quedan olvidadas.Fil: Padilla Rodríguez, Cristian H.. Universidad Nacional de Cuy

    Economic development and environmental sustainability

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    La discusión actual sobre la importancia de la variable ambiental en la gestión del desarrollo económico a nivel internacional y especialmente en América Latina es ardua y complicada. Desde los ámbitos políticos, académicos, inversionistas y las fuerzas vivas de la sociedad hoy tienen discursos encontrados en los cuales existen múltiples posturas que defienden la necesidad de que exista un equilibrio entre las actividades económicas sobre el territorio y el ambiente, pero también están los que patrocinan la "dominancia absoluta" sobre los recursos naturales como único medio para lograr un desarrollo económico y una calidad de vida aceptable para las distintas sociedades.Fil: Padilla Rodríguez, Cristian H.. Universidad Nacional de Colombi

    Nuevos enfoques en el ordenamiento del territorio : el caso de la provincia de Mendoza, Argentina

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    Fil: Padilla Rodríguez, Cristian H.. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras. Instituto de Investigación y Formación para el Ordenamiento Territoria

    Employability skills developed by non-traditional students along their undergraduate program

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    This paper was developed in the context of the European project EMPLOY (Enhancing the employability of non-traditional students in higher education, Erasmus Plus Program 2015-2017), a qualitative, interdisciplinary and biographical research focusing on nontraditional university students and graduates from six European countries (Sweden, Poland, United Kingdom, Ireland, Portugal and Spain). The project aims are, among others: a) to understand the employability from the perspective of students and graduates; b) to increase knowledge and understanding of the factors that promote or hinder employability; c) to explore the impact of age, gender, social class, ethnicity and disability in employment prospects of students; etc. In spite of the fact that university graduates are in better conditions when accessing to the labor market, non-traditional students might experience special difficulties related to their specific characteristics. We lack of disaggregated information related to employment rates for higher education graduates and there is not specific research which deepens in the transition process of non-traditional groups. Our study is concerned with identifying which employability skills have been developed by non-traditional students during their stay at the University of Seville. For this purpose we consider the formal learning associated to their syllabuses, the extracurricular training they have been involved in, as well as the previous work experiences. We have carried out seven biographical in-depth interviews with students of the University of Seville (4 females, 3 males), all of them studying degrees in different areas of knowledge: Pedagogy, Philosophy, Mechanical Engineering, Pharmacy, Biology and Business Management. All participants were in the final year of their undergraduate program. In addition, all of them represented different characteristics of non-traditional students: adult and mature students (3), immigrants (2) and learners with low economic and cultural capital (2). As for the results and following the classification of professional competences raised by Bunk (1994), we note that through the university syllabuses students developed the methodological competence, that is the reaction from previous experiences and problem solving skills. However, work experience and extracurricular activities promoted social competence, one that enables them to collaborate with others in a communicative and constructive way, showing interpersonal understanding. In addition, in the three training fields, the specific skills or qualifications of the job, technical competence, were also developed. Finally, it can be noted that in the three areas considered in our analysis, there is a lack in the development of the participatory competence, which refers to coordination and organisational skills, leadership and ability to make decisions and take responsibility.Unión Europea 2014-1-UK01-KA203-00184

    Difusión y Acceso a Datos e Información Científica y Tecnológica en la Normativa de Fondos Públicos para la Innovación en Chile

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    This paper analyzes the regulatory framework in the public funds of the National Innovation System in Chile regarding diffusion and access to scientific and technological data. The results show several failures in the innovation regulatory framework. Concerning data diffusion, most funds do not clearly define who should carry out the diffusion activities, do not promote sufficiently the diffusion of non-confidential information and show little interest in defining and planning diffusion activities. Regarding data sharing, it should be clearly specified the means in which R+D+i data and process are to be delivered. In addition, open access requirements to researchers present serious deficiencies, while compliance of commitments, although show better results, should further improve