8,542 research outputs found

    FTMP (Fault Tolerant Multiprocessor) programmer's manual

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    The Fault Tolerant Multiprocessor (FTMP) computer system was constructed using the Rockwell/Collins CAPS-6 processor. It is installed in the Avionics Integration Research Laboratory (AIRLAB) of NASA Langley Research Center. It is hosted by AIRLAB's System 10, a VAX 11/750, for the loading of programs and experimentation. The FTMP support software includes a cross compiler for a high level language called Automated Engineering Design (AED) System, an assembler for the CAPS-6 processor assembly language, and a linker. Access to this support software is through an automated remote access facility on the VAX which relieves the user of the burden of learning how to use the IBM 4381. This manual is a compilation of information about the FTMP support environment. It explains the FTMP software and support environment along many of the finer points of running programs on FTMP. This will be helpful to the researcher trying to run an experiment on FTMP and even to the person probing FTMP with fault injections. Much of the information in this manual can be found in other sources; we are only attempting to bring together the basic points in a single source. If the reader should need points clarified, there is a list of support documentation in the back of this manual

    Stealth Acceleration and Modified Gravity

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    We show how to construct consistent braneworld models which exhibit late time acceleration. Unlike self-acceleration, which has a de Sitter vacuum state, our models have the standard Minkowski vacuum and accelerate only in the presence of matter, which we dub ``stealth-acceleration''. We use an effective action for the brane which includes an induced gravity term, and allow for an asymmetric set-up. We study the linear stability of flat brane vacua and find the regions of parameter space where the set-up is stable. The 4-dimensional graviton is only quasi-localised in this set-up and as a result gravity is modified at late times. One of the two regions is strongly coupled and the scalar mode is eaten up by an extra symmetry that arises in this limit. Having filtered the well-defined theories we then focus on their cosmology. When the graviton is quasi-localised we find two main examples of acceleration. In each case, we provide an illustrative model and compare it to LambdaCDM.Comment: 32 pages, 5 figure

    Electronically Tunable Phase Response for Phased array Patches

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    The design and prototyping of radiating elements with tunable phase response, for reconfigurable patch array antennas, is presented. Different options are found in the technical literature to obtain feasible reconfigurable array antennas: placing the active circuitry in the transmission lines or directly over the radiating element, obtaining the desired phase shift for each radiating element of the array. In this reported work, the second option is selected and active radiating elements at 12 GHz are designed and prototyped

    Ghosts in asymmetric brane gravity and the decoupled stealth limit

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    We study the spectrum of gravitational perturbations around a vacuum de Sitter brane in a 5D asymmetric braneworld model, with induced curvature on the brane. This generalises the stealth acceleration model proposed by Charmousis, Gregory and Padilla (CGP) which realises the Cardassian cosmology in which power law cosmic acceleration can be driven by ordinary matter. Whenever the bulk has infinite volume we find that there is always a perturbative ghost propagating on the de Sitter brane, in contrast to the Minkowski brane case analysed by CGP. We discuss the implication of this ghost for the stealth acceleration model, and identify a limiting case where the ghost decouples as the de Sitter curvature vanishes.Comment: 21 page

    mm-Wave DRW Antenna Phase Centre Determination

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    This document presents an approach to the phase centre determination of a dielectric rod waveguide (DRW) antenna by means of measurements obtained with a planar measuring system at millimeter wave lengths. Phase centre determination by the least squares fit technique is described in this document for different DRW antennas (silicon and sapphire). Results at different operating frequencies are offered

    Gauss-Bonnet brane-world cosmology without Z2Z_{2}-symmetry

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    We consider a single 3-brane situated between two bulk spacetimes that posses the same cosmological constant, but whose metrics do not posses a Z2Z_{2}-symmetry. On each side of the brane, the bulk is a solution to Gauss-Bonnet gravity. This asymmetry modifies junction conditions, and so new terms arise in the Friedmann equation. If these terms become dominant, these behave cosmological constant at early times for some case, and might remove the initial singularity for other case. However, we show that these new terms can not become dominant ones under usual conditions when our brane is outside an event horizon. We also show that any brane-world scenarios of this type revert to a Z2Z_{2}-symmetric form at late times, and hence rule out certain proposed scenarios.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures; Minor typos corrected. References added. V3: Numerical errors are corrected. Fig.1 and Fig.3 are replaced. V4: published versio

    Ku Band transmitarray lens for microwave applications

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    In this document a microstrip constrained lens device for Ku band, for microwave purpose, is presented. This paper offers an overview of artificial lens-type devices and the proposed transmitarray lens is thoroughly studied in terms of design and manufacturing, with architecture discussion and selection, along with the design, manufacturing and validation of all the forming components of the transmitarray (transmission circuits, radiating elements, etc.). Each element is properly characterized and assembled properly in the complete transmitarray prototype. Eventually, radiation pattern measurements as well as gain and directivity values, are provided to show the proper behaviour of the proposed transmitarray lens

    Shell model description of Ge isotopes

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    A shell model study of the low energy region of the spectra in Ge isotopes for 38N5038\leq N\leq 50 is presented, analyzing the excitation energies, quadrupole moments, B(E2)B(E2) values and occupation numbers. The theoretical results have been compared with the available experimental data. The shell model calculations have been performed employing three different effective interactions and valence spaces.We have used two effective shell model interactions, JUN45 and jj44b, for the valence space f5/2pg9/2f_{5/2} \, p \,g_{9/2} without truncation. To include the proton subshell f7/2f_{7/2} in valence space we have employed the fpgfpg effective interaction due to Sorlin {\it et al.}, with 48^{48}Ca as a core and a truncation in the number of excited particles.Comment: 10 pages, 10 figures, Proc. of the XXXV Nuclear Physics Symposium, January 3-6 2012, Cocoyoc, Morelos, Mexico. IOP Journal of Physics: Conference Series (in press