67 research outputs found

    Efeito de uma metodologia combinada no absentismo escolar e no resultado acadêmico no treinamento profissional de grau superior

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    Resumen: Introducción: La formación profesional (FP) tiene como objetivo preparar al alumno para su incorporación al mercado laboral, siendo necesario que la formación recibida sea de calidad y garantice la adquisición de las competencias profesionales. Para ello el presente estudio propone el empleo de una metodología de enseñanza-aprendizaje combinada que favorezca la práctica y participación activa. Objetivos: Mejorar el resultado académico y disminuir el absentismo escolar. Métodos: La experiencia se realizó con los alumnos del módulo profesional “Actividades físicas para personas con discapacidades”, correspondiente al segundo curso de la titulación de FP de Técnico Superior en Animación de Actividades Físicas y Deportivas (TAFAD) impartido en el Instituto MEDAC de Granada durante el curso escolar 2017–2018. Se analizaron 129 sujetos, 82,95 % (n=107) hombres, 17,05% (n=22) mujeres, repartidos en 5 grupos de similar distribución. Se analiza la asistencia, calificación final y la asociación entre variables. Resultados y discusión: El absentismo fue muy bajo para todos los grupos (1,29±1,84DT) y las calificaciones muy buenas (8,23±1,32DT). No se hallaron diferencias por género ni en calificaciones (p=0,08) ni en el absentismo (p=0,91). Por grupos no hubo diferencias respecto a la nota (p=0,12) pero si respecto a la asistencia (p<0,00), concretamente en el grupo D, con turno de tarde y un menor número de sesiones con colectivos con discapacidad. Conclusiones: El uso combinado de metodologías de enseñanza aprendizaje de carácter práctico parece favorecer en los estudios de formación profesional la mejora de las calificaciones y una elevada tasa de asistencia a clase.Abstract: Introduction: Vocational school aims to prepare students for their incorporation into the labour market, being necessary that the training received is of quality and guaranteed the acquisition of professional skills. For this, the present study proposes the use of a combined teaching-learning methodology that favors active practice and participation. Aim: To improve the academic result and reduce school absenteeism. Methods: The experience was carried out with the students of the professional module "Physical activities for people with disabilities", corresponding to the second course of the degree of Higher Technical Degree in Animation of Physical and Sports Activities taught at the MEDAC Institute of Granada during the 2017-2018 school year. 129 subjects were analyzed, 82.95% (n = 107) men, 17.05% (n = 22) women, divided into 5 groups of similar distribution. Attendance, final grade and association between variables are analyzed. Results & discussion: Absenteeism was very low for all groups (1.29 ± 1.84SD) and very good grades (8.23 ± 1.32SD). No gender differences were found in assessments (p = 0.08) or in absenteeism (p = 0.91). In groups there were no differences with respect to the grade (p = 0.12) but with respect to attendance (p <0.00), specifically in group D, with an afternoon shift and a smaller number of sessions with groups with disabilities. Conclusions: The combined use of practical learning teaching methodologies seems to favor the improvement of qualifications and a high class attendance rate in vocational studies.Resumo: Introdução: A formação profissional (PF) tem como objetivo preparar os estudantes para sua incorporação no mercado de trabalho, sendo necessário que a formação recebida seja de qualidade e garanta a aquisição de habilidades profissionais. Para isso, o presente estudo propõe o uso de uma metodologia combinada de ensino-aprendizagem que favorece a prática e a participação ativas. Objetivos: Melhorar o resultado acadêmico e reduzir o absentismo escolar. Métodos: A experiência foi realizada com os alunos do módulo profissional "Atividades físicas para pessoas com deficiência", correspondente ao segundo curso do grau de Técnico Superior em Animação de Atividades Físicas e Esportivas (TAFAD) ministrado no Instituto MEDAC de Granada durante o ano letivo de 2017-2018. Foram analisados 129 sujeitos, 82,95% (n = 107) homens, 17,05% (n = 22) mulheres, divididos em 5 grupos de distribuição semelhante. A presença, nota final e associação entre variáveis são analisadas. Resultados e discussão: O absenteísmo foi muito baixo para todos os grupos (1,29 ± 1,84 DP) e notas muito boas (8,23 ± 1,32 DP). Não foram encontradas diferenças de gênero nas avaliações (p = 0,08) ou no absenteísmo (p = 0,91). Nos grupos não houve diferenças em relação à nota (p = 0,12), mas em relação à frequência (p <0,00), especificamente no grupo D, com turno da tarde e menor número de sessões com grupos com deficiência . Conclusões: O uso combinado de metodologias de ensino de aprendizagem prática parece favorecer a melhoria das qualificações e uma alta taxa de freqüência nas aulas em estudos vocacionais

    The influence of healthy habits acquired by school-age adolescents in relation to physical education classes

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    The main aim of this research is to know the habits of our students due to our concern to educate students about the importance of caring for and improving their health. Students of the First Cycle of ESO of the Centres of the Cordoba regions of the south of the province have fulfilled a survey about their daily habits related to health; In addition, to know the thoughts, beliefs and knowledge of the Physical Education teachers of these students through the conduct of a Discussion Group, in order to learn more about this perspective in relation to Physical Education and Education for Health. Among other data from the analysis and taking into account the food pyramid for these ages, it can be deduced that the students eat few vegetables and that a percentage close to 25% of the students consumes sweets 3-4 days a week. It is noteworthy that 59.3% of boys and 24.1% of girls regularly do physical activity, apart from the Physical Education class. Regarding the teaching sector, teachers thinks that students are aware of what is advisable to take and what is not; since in schools the diet is changing towards healthier habits, however, the students sometimes eat food that is not conducive to them and they do not even eat. As for hygiene habits, the teachers say that they are consolidated, but the same does not happen with postural habits that they consider not to have correct habits

    Association between Level of Empathy, Attitude towards Physical Education and Victimization in Adolescents: A Multi-Group Structural Equation Analysis

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    [Abstract] Currently, there is a problem related to violence and tolerance towards violence, and the levels of empathy of the subjects can affect this, in addition to the practice of physical activity. The present study sought to define and contrast an explanatory model of victimization, empathy and attitude towards physical education, and to analyze the existing relationships between these variables as a function of engagement with physical activity. A total of 2388 adolescents from Spain participated in this research. The sample was made up of both sexes (43.39% males and 56.61% females), with ages reported between 11 and 17 years (M = 13.85; SD = 1.26). Empathy (TECA), attitude towards physical education (CAEF) and victimization (EV) were measured. A multi-group structural equation model was developed, which showed excellent fit to the empirical data (x² = 559.577; DF = 38; p < 0.001; comparative fit index (CFI) = 0.957; normalized fit index (NFI) = 0.954; incremental fit index (IFI) =0.957; root mean squared error of the mean (RMSEA) = 0.054). A direct positive relationship exists between affective and cognitive empathy. A positive association was found between motivational climate and engagement in physical activity. With regards to victimization, the verbal dimension obtained the highest correlation score, followed by the relational and physical dimensions. In the case of adolescents who regularly engaged in physical activity, the verbal and physical dimensions presented the weakest correlations, whilst the relational dimension was the most strongly associated in the case of sedentary adolescents. The main conclusions of the present study it is that the relationship between affective empathy and cognitive empathy is positive and direct, however, this relationship is slightly stronger and differentiated in sedentary adolescents than in those who practice physical activity on a regular basis

    A 360º sustainable approach of sport events legacies: A systematic review

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    Researchers recognise the importance of the legacies and impacts generated by sport events, both in the host city and globally. In turn, there are many actors who participate in them, both directly and indirectly, and who are affected, both positively and negatively, by them. This research aims to identify and compile the existing scientific literature on the legacy, heritage, and related concepts, such as impact and/or leverage, of sport events. To this end, a systematic literature review was carried out, focusing the search on Web of Science, Scopus, Pub Med, and Sport Discus, where 35 articles were finally collected, in which the sum of 44 sport events were studied. It was identified that the most studied types of events were the Olympic Games and World Championships. In relation to the types of legacies, sport stands out, while in the types of impacts, sport and economic impacts stand out. It can be deduced from this research that, although there is a great deal of interest in the subject, there is still a need to go deeper into the concepts to reach a consensus on them, thus being able to achieve more solid results.Ministerio de Educación Cultura y Deporte - Salvador de Madariaga (PRX 16/00367)

    Associations between Feelings of Loneliness and Attitudes towards Physical Education in Contemporary Adolescents According to Sex, and Physical Activity Engagement

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    Background: Currently, adolescents grow up consuming a large amount of multimedia content and lead a sedentary lifestyle. As a result, emerging trends show greater feelings of loneliness. The present research seeks to describe adolescents’ attitudes towards Physical Education (PE), indices of loneliness and physical activity (PA) engagement. Further, it analyses associations between attitudes towards PE as a function of PA engagement and considers sex, loneliness and school year repetition as factors. Method: A sample of 2388 adolescents (43.3% males and 56.6% females) was recruited. Participants were aged 11–17 years (M = 13.8 years; SD = 1.2) and came from Spain. The following instruments were used: The Attitudes towards Physical Education questionnaire (AQPE) in order to analyze attitudes towards PE, and the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA) loneliness scale to estimate loneliness. Results: With regard to sex and attitudes towards PE, significant differences were detected in relation to the difficulty of PE, with higher values being achieved in males (M = 2.4) than females (M = 2.3). A medium correlation emerged between the dimension of loneliness and the usefulness of PE (r = 0.323 **). Conclusions: It is confirmed that adolescents who experience greater levels of emotional or relational loneliness have less positive attitudes towards PE

    Determining Factors in the Use of Urban Parks That Influence the Practice of Physical Activity in Children: A Systematic Review

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    The design and/or remodelling of urban parks is a good health strategy to alleviate the lack of physical activity (PA) in children and, consequently, the different health problems derived from this. The main objective of the present study was to obtain a systematic review of the design features and characteristics that influence users' visits to urban parks and the PA engagement in them. A literature search was carried out in the Web of Science (WOS) and Scopus databases during the months of June and July 2020. After considering and applying inclusion criteria, the final review sample was formed of 31 scientific papers published between 2010-2020. The results obtained in the review lead us to conclude that the needs of the population (children and family members who care for them) and socio-economic context of the area in which they are built must be considered when constructing and/or remodelling parks. Involving community members in playground renovations can have a positive effect on park use and PA engagement in children

    Exergames e deficiência

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    Introducción: En la actualidad, las nuevas tecnologías están cambiando la forma de ver el mundo, aunque cuentan con diversas implicaciones negativas derivadas de su mal uso. Dentro del mundo de los videojuegos se encuentran los Exergames, que son un tipo de videojuegos que implican el movimiento corporal como medio de control, por lo que se sustituye el concepto de videojuego tradicional que se asocia a conductas sedentarias por un juego virtual mucho más activo. En sus inicios los Exergames pretendías ser una herramienta que fomentase la práctica de actividad física, pero fueron utilizando una tecnología cada vez más compleja, que permitió la creación de un sinfín de posibilidades. Debido al potencial de los Exergames, se comenzó a investigar en diferentes campos, como el de la medicina y rehabilitación o educación entre otros, comprobando las múltiples posibilidades de este tipo de videojuegos. Se comenzó a utilizar estos dispositivos con personas con discapacidad, utilizándolos como apoyo para sus terapias e investigando su funcionalidad para hacer más accesibles la tecnología a personas discapacitadas.Currently, new technologies are changing the way people see the world, although they have different negative implications derived from their misuse. Within the world of videogames are the Exergames, which are a type of videogames that involve body movement as a means of control, so the concept of traditional videogame that is associated with sedentary behavior is replaced by a much more active virtual game. In its beginnings, the Exergames pretended to be a tool that fostered the practice of physical activity, but they were using an increasingly complex technology, which allowed the creation of endless possibilities. Due to the potential of the Exergames, research began in different fields, such as medicine and rehabilitation or education among others, proving the multiple possibilities of this type of videogames. It began to use these devices with people with disabilities, using them as support for their therapies and investigating their functionality to make the technology more accessible to people with disabilities.Atualmente, as novas tecnologias estão mudando a maneira como as pessoas vêem o mundo, embora tenham diferentes implicações negativas derivadas do uso indevido. No mundo dos videogames estão os Exergames, que são um tipo de videogames que envolvem o movimento do corpo como meio de controle, de modo que o conceito de videogame tradicional associado ao comportamento sedentário é substituído por um jogo virtual muito mais ativo. Em seus inícios, o Exergames fingiu ser uma ferramenta que promoveu a prática da atividade física, mas eles estavam usando uma tecnologia cada vez mais complexa, o que permitiu a criação de infinitas possibilidades. Devido ao potencial dos Exergames, a pesquisa começou em diferentes campos, como medicina e reabilitação ou educação entre outros, comprovando as múltiplas possibilidades deste tipo de videogames. Começou a usar esses dispositivos com pessoas com deficiência, usando-os como suporte para suas terapias e investigando suas funcionalidades para tornar a tecnologia mais acessível para pessoas com deficiência

    Play Badminton Forever: A Systematic Review of Health Benefits

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    Regular physical activity (PA) engagement has multiple benefits for individual general health at all ages and life stages. The present work focuses on badminton, which is one of the most popular sports worldwide. The aim was to conduct a systematic review focused on examining and analysing this sport and the benefits it brings to the health of those who engage in it. Examination was conducted from the viewpoint of overall health and provides an overview of the current stateof- the-art as presented in published scientific literature. PRISMA 2020 guidelines were adhered to. An exhaustive search was conducted of four electronic databases or search engines: Web of Science, Scopus, MEDLINE and Google Scholar. The search terms used were “badminton AND health” and “badminton AND benefits”. In total, 27 studies were eligible for inclusion in the systematic review. After analysing the results, it was concluded that badminton engagement may lead to an improvement in all areas, the most studied being those related to physical health, in particular the improvement of cardiac and pulmonary functions and the development of basic physical capacities.European project. "Badminton for All" of the Erasmus + programme 590603-EPP-1-2017-1-ES-SPO-SC

    Revisión de intervenciones de actividad física para la mejora de las funciones ejecutivas y el rendimiento académico en preescolar

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    Investigaciones recientes han demostrado que la práctica continuada de actividad física (AF) aporta beneficios sobre el rendimiento académico en alumnado de diferentes etapas, siendo la etapa de preescolar la menos estudiada. El objetivo de este trabajo fue estudiar y sintetizar la relación existente entre la práctica de AF y la mejora de las funciones ejecutivas y el rendimiento académico en preescolar, dando una visión general del estado actual de la cuestión. Para ello, se realizó una revisión sistemática, centrada en la identificación de las características generales y la eficacia de los programas de intervención llevados a cabo en este contexto educativo. Para el desarrollo de la misma, se realizó una búsqueda de literatura científica en las bases de datos Web of Science (WOS), Scopus y Proquest. Se utilizaron simultáneamente como términos claves “physical activity”, “academic achievement” y “preschool”, y como operadores booleanos “and” y “or”, y se fijó una muestra válida para este estudio de un total de 18 artículos científicos para la síntesis cualitativa. Los resultados del estudio indican que existe una asociación positiva al integrar la AF en el aula y la mejora de las funciones ejecutivas y los resultados académicos, independientemente del contenido curricular trabajado y del tipo de AF que se utilice. Así, integrar la AF en el aula (como clases físicamente activas o descansos activos), puede ser una importante estrategia para mejorar la alfabetización temprana y el aprendizaje de los contenidos curriculares, al mismo tiempo que se consiguen niveles de AF cercanos a los recomendados diariamente

    Men's triathlon correlation between stages and final result in the London 2012 Olympic Games

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    Introduction: Triathlon is a sport that combines three different disciplines. The most widespread triathlon is the Olympic modality, which is used in the Olympic Games, consisting of swimming 1.5 km, cycling 40 km and running 10 km. Aims: To determine the influence of the duration and order of the different stages on the final result of the men’s triathlon race in London 2012 Olympic Games. Method: Data from 54 athletes who finished was analysed. Results and conclusions: The final result is not determined neither by the order of the stages, nor by their duration, the least influential discipline being Bike without correlation with result; however being the most time consuming, 53.76%; the most influential stage was Run with rs = 0.913; and p = 0.000; and R2 =0 .833, with 28.93% duration