14 research outputs found

    Estudio bromatol贸gico y bacteriol贸gico de sopas deshidratadas de consumo local

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    Las sopas deshidratadas o sopas-cremas deshidratadas, son productos elaborados en tal forma que se requiere solamente la adici贸n de agua y calentamiento o cocci贸n relativamente corta para su preparaci贸n. El estudio bromatol贸gico comprende la determinaci贸n de: Humedad, cenizas, extracto et茅reo, hidratos de carbono, prote铆nas y 谩cido benzoico usado como conservante, de igual manera dentro del an谩lisis bromatol贸gico, est谩 el estudio qu铆mico que determina la presencia de calcio, f贸sforo, hierro, sodio, potasio, cloruros. El estudio bacteriol贸gico se refiere a los microorganismos que directamente, o en forma muy estrecha, se relacionan con la actividad y el bienestar del hombre, el conocimiento de estos microorganismos es la base para los procedimientos y los procesos utilizados para la preservaci贸n de los alimentos en latas, frascos y bolsas, para el subsiguiente consumo por humanos y animalesDoctor en Bioqu铆mica y FarmaciaCuenc

    Abastecimiento de agua potable para la parroquia Chordeleg del cant贸n Gualaceo

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    Levantamiento topogr谩fico de la zona, selecci贸n de la fuente de abastecimiento, an谩lisis del agua, levantamiento topogr谩fico de la l铆nea de conducci贸n, encuestas de poblaci贸n y vivienda, estudio geol贸gico, estudio y dise帽o de: captaci贸n, conducci贸n, reserva y distribuci贸n. Memoria t茅cnica, presupuesto y especificaciones.Ingeniero CivilCuenc

    Validation of the Cross-Cultural Alcoholism Screening Test (CCAST)

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    Background. When screening instruments that are used in the assessment and diagnosis of alcoholism of individuals from different ethnicities, some cultural variables based on norms and societal acceptance of drinking behavior can play an important role in determining the outcome. The accepted diagnostic criteria of current market testing are based on Western standards. Methods. In this study, the Munich Alcoholism Test (31 items) was the base instrument applied to subjects from several Hispanic-American countries (Bolivia, Chile, Ecuador, Mexico, and Peru), After the sample was submitted to several statistical procedures, these 31 items were reduced to a culture-free, 31-item test named the Cross-Cultural Alcohol Screening Test (CCAST). Results. The results of this Hispanic-American sample (n = 2,107) empirically demonstrated that CCAST measures alcoholism with an adequate degree of accuracy when compared to other available cross-cultural tests. Conclusions. CCAST is useful in the diagnosis of alcoholism in Spanish-speaking immigrants living in countries where English is spoken, CCAST can be used in general hospitals, psychiatric wards, emergency services and police stations. The test can be useful for other professionals, such as psychological consultants, researchers, and those conducting expertise appraisal. (C) 1999 IMSS, Published by Elsevier Science Inc