5 research outputs found

    El método ideovisual para mejorar la ortografía en los estudiantes del segundo grado de la Institución Educativa Primaria Nº 1126 San Juan Bosco de Juliaca, 2013

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    El propósito del estudio fue, determinar la influencia de la utilización del método ideovisual en el correcto manejo de la ortografía en los estudiantes del segundo grado de la I.E.P. Nº 1126 San Juan Bosco de la ciudad de Juliaca, 2013. El método aplicado es el hipotético-deductivo, que permitió establecer un procedimiento o camino que sigue el investigador para hacer de su actividad una práctica científica. Cuyo estudio explicativo, pre experimental fue en 65 estudiantes como muestra de estudio, aplicando como instrumentos, la guía de observación para observar los conocimientos de los aspectos ortográficos, la guía de entrevista que nos permite apreciar las características del método ideovisual, y las pruebas de entrada y salida para demostrar la eficiencia del método ideovisual para el correcto uso de las reglas ortográficas, finalmente se arribó a los siguientes resultados: la mayoría de estudiantes califica cualitativamente como buena respecto a la motivación del método ideovisual; de la prueba de entrada y salida del correcto uso de las reglas ortográficas, de la prueba de entrada el 60% de estudiantes tienen notas de 05 a 10 puntos, de la prueba de salida a disminuido en 6% en un nivel deficiente; así mismo de la prueba de entrada el 5% de estudiantes tiene notas de 17 a 20 puntos de la prueba de salida donde ha incrementado al 51% a un nivel muy bueno, por lo tanto podemos afirmar que la mayoría de estudiantes han incrementado el interés en el correcto uso de las reglas de ortografía. Llegando a la siguiente conclusión: con la utilización adecuada del método ideovisual existe efectos de manera positiva en el mejoramiento ortográfico respecto a la lexigrafía en un 60% con niveles buenos y 55% respecto a la tildación con niveles buenos en los estudiantes del segundo grado en la Institución Educativa Primaria San Juan Bosco Nº 1126 de la ciudad de Juliaca, en el año escolar escolar 2013


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    The research bridges the knowledge gap by examining the role of Agile Engineering in enhancing creativity and innovation within Latin American design education, providing a comprehensive comparative assessment. The study's overarching goal is to find effective ways to increase student engagement in the classroom. To test the efficacy of the suggested strategy, researchers examined data from five Latin American countries: Peru, Mexico, the Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, and Cuba. Some elements considered include student concept support, school debates, student trust in the education system, and student participation. This research proposes an agile education framework for software development courses in music education using deep learning. Each system component is treated as if it were an IoT device because the framework is based on the Internet of Things concept. With an average score of 2.1, significantly higher than the control group under stagnant conditions, the data reveal that the Genetic Algorithm with Randomized Search Method significantly improves classroom arguments. On the other hand, student idea support scored an average of 0.1 on the effectiveness scale in the creative mode. Such findings highlight the potential of innovative educational strategies and offer guidance for educators and policymakers aiming to boost student involvement and creativity in the region

    Bibliographic reference management: the role of technological appropriation in students

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    Purpose: Over the past two decades, bibliographic reference management software has evolved as an exampleof technical innovation. Students believe reference management software, such as Mendeley, Zotero, Endnote, and Refworks, to be a modern tool and a tremendous help when conducting academic research. Consequently, this study aims to emphasize the significance of bibliographic reference management software. Design/methodology/approach: This research wasconducted using Bibliometricanalysis. For this aim, relevant papers were selected for review, and after screening, 18 papers were finalized. In different years of reviewed published research papers, authors apparently employed varying research procedures. Findings: The results suggested that reference management software improves the trustworthiness of student academic research. The perceptions of various pupils vary based on the reference management software they use. Software for managing references promotes writing and critical thinking in academic research. Practical implications The research has significant practical significance as a valuable supplement to the trend of student adoption of reference management software for academic research. The software developers can also get information from this study by evaluating the significance of bibliographic management software, the extent of its quick emergence, and the increasing tendency of students to adopt it for their theses and other research projects. Originality/value: The unique contribution of this study to the corpus of knowledge gives it theoretical relevance. As it is an important addition to the literature regarding the selection of student reference management software in academic institutions, it is included here.Campus Huancay

    Responsible leadership: a comparative study between Peruvian national and private universities

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    Purpose: A university community that works for and supports students along their developmental trajectory through responsible leadership is important for a sustainable and accountable educational environment. Public and private institutions differ in their student leadership responsibilities. In light of this, the objective of this study is to analyze the level of responsible leadership between public and private colleges in Peru in 2022. Design/Methodology/Approach: This study employs quantitative and descriptive-comparative research methods. This study's sample included 459 instructors from six public and private institutions in Peru. The survey-based method was used to collect data on responsible education leadership. Findings: The study's findings emphasized the importance of responsible leadership in colleges. This study shows that private institutions in Peru have a better level of responsible leadership than governmental universities. Practical Implications: This study underlines that strong leadership should always seek innovation in the field of education, keeping current with the most recent achievements and collecting feedback from university teachers and students. To obtain a higher education level, institutions should therefore foster responsible leadership. Originality/value: This research contributes to a previously unexplored section of the literary canon. Several prior studies have researched responsible leadership; however, the context of the present study is neglected by those prior studies. Previous research neglected the significance of responsible leadership within universities. Rarely have past studies compared national universities in Peru to private ones. Therefore, this work made a substantial contribution to the corpus of knowledge.Campus Arequip

    The mediating role of the entrepreneurial ecosystem in the entrepreneurial personality and green entrepreneurship : the case of Peruvian's university students.

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    Nowadays, the value of innovation, green behavior, and entrepreneurship have grown, which is essential for a country's sustainable development. However, there has been no in-depth study of what the ecosystem should be to promote entrepreneurship and, thus, care for the environment. For this reason, this study aims to explore the entrepreneurial ecosystem's effect on Peruvian university students' entrepreneurial personality and green entrepreneurship. This study uses a duly validated instrument that includes the three variables divided by dimensions and was applied to a population of university students in Peru. Using a simple random sampling technique, the data were collected from 384 students of Peruvian universities. This study used the Smart-PLS to examine the reliability of the data and the correlation of the dimensions and items of the variables. In conclusion, providing entrepreneurship tools can help students develop desirable personality traits to generate sustainable businesses. The job of universities is to improve education for sustainable development. This means that students should learn the skills and knowledge they need to use environmental practices in their businesses.Edwerson William Pacori Paricahua (Universidad nacional de Juliaca), Jorge Martín Cruz Padilla (Universidad Norbert Wiener), Soraya del Pilar Carranco (Madrid Universidad Central del Ecuador), Jose Omar García Tarazona (Universidad Nacional de educación), Sonia Alejandrina Sotelo Muñoz (Universidad científica del Sur), Jesus Enrique Reyes Acevedo (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Alto Amazonas), Jose Daniel Sanchez Fernandez (Universidad Católica de Santa María), Isaac Merino Quispe (Universidad Nacional Jose Maria Arguedas), José Luis Arias-Gonzáles (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú), Roxana Yolanda Castillo-Acobo (Universidad Nacional de San Agustín), Milagros del Rosario Cáceres-Chávez (Camosun College)Includes bibliographical references