14 research outputs found

    Næringsverdi, helse effekter og fysiske egenskaper ved bruk av svarte soldatfluer (Hermetia illucens) i fôr til Atlantisk laks (Salmo salar)

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    Black soldier fly (BSF) (Hermetia illucens) has been identified as a promising novel ingredient in fish feeds. The knowledge on optimal downstream processing of BSF is, however, lacking in the literature. The main objective of this thesis was to contribute to increased knowledge on this topic. This thesis presents five papers. Paper I investigated the dose-dependent effects of two differently processed full-fat BSF larvae products in diets for Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) on technical pellet quality, nutrient utilization, and growth performance. Atlantic salmon pre-smolts were fed full-fat BSF meal or full-fat BSF paste, added to extruded diets, replacing increasing levels of protein from fishmeal and plant protein sources (6.25, 12.5 and 25% by meal and 3.7 and 6.7% by paste). The expansion and water stability of feed pellets numerically decreased with increasing inclusion of BSF meal and paste. Replacement of up to 12.5% and 6.7% of protein with full-fat BSF meal and paste, respectively, did not compromise fish growth performance, but growth rate decreased at 25% meal replacement. Protein digestibility decreased linearly with increasing dietary level of BSF meal or paste, but the protein retention was not affected by dietary BSF inclusion. Subsequently, Paper II investigated the dose-dependent effects of dietary full-fat BSF larvae meal and paste on gut health and systemic immune responses in Atlantic salmon. Replacement of up to 12.5% protein with meal and 6.7% with paste improved gut health by improving distal intestine histology and reducing enterocyte steatosis in pyloric caeca. Replacing 25% protein with full-fat meal did not cause inflammatory changes in distal intestine histology but increased the level of pro-inflammatory cytokine IFNγ in the distal intestine and gave mild to moderate enterocyte steatosis in pyloric caeca. The BSF meal and paste in diets caused minor effects on protein expression in skin mucus and systemic immune responses in fish. Paper III investigated the effect of inclusion of BSF larvae meals and fractions in Atlantic salmon diets on technical pellet quality, nutrient utilization, and growth performance. Atlantic salmon pre-smolts were fed extruded diets containing meals (full-fat, de-fatted or de-chitinized meals) or fractions (oil or exoskeleton) of BSF. Meals replaced 15% protein from fishmeal and plant sources in a control diet. Lipid-rich full-fat and de-chitinized meals in the diets numerically reduced expansion and water stability of pellets. Full-fat and de-chitinized meals improved fish growth rate, while de-fatted meal, oil and exoskeleton diets supported similar growth performance as the control diet. Full-fat BSF meal also gave a higher growth rate and feed intake than other meals and fractions. Nevertheless, de-fatted meal and exoskeleton gave a better feed conversion than full-fat meal. Full-fat meal and oil did not compromise protein digestibility, but de-fatted and de-chitinized meals and exoskeleton reduced protein digestibility. Protein retention was not affected by BSF meals and fractions in the diets, except for the de-fatted meal, which increased the retention of digested protein. Paper IV investigated how dietary BSF larvae meals and fractions affect the gut microbiota composition and their predicted metabolic capacity in Atlantic salmon. The diets that contained BSF chitin, i.e., BSF meals and exoskeleton diets, increased the abundance of chitinolytic Lactobacillales and Actinomyces in fish gut. The diets that contained BSF lipids, i.e., BSF meals and oil diets, increased the abundance of Bacillaceae. Fish fed full-fat meal had a phylogenetically diverse and unique gut microbial composition, dominated by beneficial lactic acid bacteria and Actinomyces, and showed a predicted increase in microbial mucin degradation. Overall, differently processed BSF could partially replace protein and lipid in Atlantic salmon diets without compromising the growth performance, and fish response to dietary BSF varied with the protein replacement level and processing method. At 15% protein replacement, full-fat meal improved growth performance in salmon, and de-fatting and de-chitinization did not further improve fish growth. Additionally, in Paper V, we conducted a meta-analysis to determine the effect of dietary BSF on nutrient utilization and growth performance in salmonids including Atlantic salmon and rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). This analysis showed that dietary BSF did not compromise the protein utilization and growth performance in salmonids. Nevertheless, replacement of fishmeal by BSF decreased growth rate and feed intake in salmonids, but replacement of non-fishmeal sources improved growth rate and feed conversion. This stresses the importance of the protein source(s) used in the control diet when evaluating nutritional value of BSF.Svart soldatflue (SSF) (Hermetia illucens) er en lovende og bærekraftig ingrediens i fiskefôr. Men det er allikevel behov for å se nærmere på ulike prosesseringer av SSF. Hovedmålet med denne doktorgraden var å øke kunnskapen innenfor dette fagfeltet. Denne doktorgraden presenterer resultater fra fem artikler: I Artikkel I, undersøkes effekten av å tilsette økende mengde av to ulike prosesserte SSF larveprodukter i fôr til Atlantisk laks (Salmo salar) på teknisk fôrkvalitet, utnyttelse av næringsstoff og tilvekst. Laks i ferskvann ble fôret med fullfett SSF mel eller pasta som ble tilsatt i økende mengde i fôr for å erstatte protein fra fiskemel og planteproteinkilder (6.25, 12.5 og 25% med mel og 3.7 og 6.7% med pasta). Ekspansjonen og vannstabiliteten av fôrpelleten ble numerisk redusert med økende innblanding av SSF-mel og pasta. Erstatning av 12.5% og 6.7% av proteinet med henholdsvis mel eller pasta, ga ingen negative effekter på vekst hos laksen, men veksten ble redusert med 25% erstatning med BSF mel. Proteinfordøyeligheten ble gradvis redusert ved økt innblanding av både SSF-mel og pasta i fôret, men proteinretensjonen ble ikke påvirket. I Artikkel II, undersøkes effekten av økende mengde fullfett SSF larver-mel og pasta i fôret på tarmhelse og systemisk immunrespons i laks. Ved å erstatte opp til 12.5% av proteinet med mel og 6.7% med pasta, ble tarmhelsen bedret gjennom en forbedret histologi i baktarm og redusert forekomst av fettakkumulering i enterocyttene i blindsekkene (steatose). Erstatning av 25% av proteinet med fullfett SSF-mel førte ikke til forandringer i baktarm, men en mild til moderat steatose i enterocyttene i blindtarmen og økt nivå av den pro-inflammatoriske cytokinen IFNγ i baktarmen ble observert. SSF-mel og pasta i fôr til laks ga liten effekt på proteinproduksjon i slimlaget fra fiskeskinnet eller på det systemiske immunforsvaret. Artikkel III undersøkte effekten av ulike mel og fraksjoner fra SSF larver i fôr til laks med fokus på teknisk fôrkvalitet, utnyttelse av næringsstoffer og vekst. Laks i ferskvann ble fôret med ekstruderte fôr som inneholdt mel (fullfett, avfettet, eller avkitinisert) eller fraksjoner (olje eller skall) fra SSF. Melene erstattet 15% av proteinet fra fiskemel og planteproteiner i en kontrolldiett. Innblanding av de fettrike SSF melene, fullfett- og avkitinisert mel, ga en reduksjon i pelletekspansjon og vannstabilitet. Høyfettmelene økte også veksten hos laks, mens fôrene med avfettet mel, olje og skallfraksjonen fra SSF gav samme vekst som kontrollfiskene. Fullfettmelet gav også høyere vekst og fôropptak enn de andre SSF-fôrene. Likevel gav avfettet mel og skallfraksjonen en bedre fôrutnyttelse enn fullfettmelet. Fôrene med fullfettmel og SSF-olje gav ingen reduksjon i fordøyelse av protein, mens avfettet- og avkitinisert mel og SSF skallfraksjon reduserte proteinfordøyeligheten. Proteinretensjonen ble ikke påvirket med tilskudd av SSF i fôrene, bortsett fra en økt proteinretensjon med avfettet SSF-mel. Artikkel IV undersøkte hvordan sammensetningen av tarmmikrobene og deres predikerte metabolske kapasitet i laks ble påvirket av å tilsette ulike mel og fraksjoner fra SSF larver i fôret. De kitinholdige SSF-melene og fôret med skallfraksjonen økte andelen av kitinnedbrytende melkesyrebakterier og Actinomyces. Diettene som inneholdt mye insektsfett økte andelen av Bacillaceae I laksetarmen. Fisken som ble fôret med fullfettmel hadde en større fylogenetisk diversitet og en unik sammensetning av tarmmikrobiota, hvor de gunstige melkesyrebakteriene og Actinomyces dominerte og viste en predikert økning i nedbrytning av mucin. Disse resultatene viste at ulike prosesserte SSF-mel kan delvis erstatte protein og fett i fôret til laks uten å redusere tilveksten. De ulike responsene hos laksen varierer med mengde protein som blir erstattet med SSF og type prosessering av SSF. Ved å erstatte 15% av proteinet med fullfett SSF viste laksen økt vekst, men en videre prosessering som å fjerne fett- eller skall-fraksjonen fra SSF, førte ikke til bedre vekst hos fisken. I Artikkel V ble det utført en metaanalyse for å se på den overordnede effekten av å inkludere SSF i fôret til laks og regnbueørret (Oncorhynchus mykiss) med fokus på fôrutnyttese og vekst parametre. Resultatet fra denne metaanalysen viste at fôring med SFF mel ga ingen reduksjon i vekst, fôrutnyttelse eller proteinutnyttelse hos laksefisk. Erstatning av fiskemel med SFF resulterte i redusert vekst, mens en erstatning av plante-baserte produkter gav en økning i både vekst og fôrutnyttelse. Dette demonstrer hvor viktig proteinkildene som brukes i kontrollfôret er, og hvordan de eventuelt er evaluert før en fôrformulering.Research Council of Norway (RCN), BioTek 2021/Havbruk Biofeed (Grant no. 229003) SureAqua Nordic Center of Excellence (Grant no. 82342) Foods of Norway, a Centre for Research-based Innovation (the Research Council of Norway; grant no. 237841/030

    Fishmeal Dietary Replacement Up to 50%: A Comparative Study of Two Insect Meals for Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)

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    This research was funded by ‘Instituto Nacional de Investigación Agraria y Alimentaria’, cofunded by European Regional Development Fund, grant number RTA 2015-00021-C03. The ‘Agencia Estatal de Investigación-Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación’ supports the PhD contract of F.M., grant number BES2017-080567, cofunded by European Social Funds.The demand of optimal protein for human consumption is growing. The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) has highlighted aquaculture as one of themost promising alternatives for this protein supply gap due to the high efficiency of fish growth. However, aquaculture has been facing its own sustainability problem, because its high demand for protein has been traditionally satisfiedwith the use of fishmeal (FM) as themain source. Some of themost promising and sustainable protein substitutes for FM come frominsects. The presentmanuscript provides insight into an experiment carried out on rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)with a 50%replacement of FMwith different larvae insectmeals: Hermetia illucens (HI), and Tenebrio molitor (TM). TMshowed better results for growth, protein utilization andmore active digestive function, supported by intestinal histological changes. Liver histology and intermediarymetabolismdid not showrelevant changes between insectmeals,while other parameters such as antioxidant enzyme activities and tissue damage indicators showed the potential of insectmeals as functional ingredients.‘Instituto Nacional de Investigación Agraria y Alimentaria’ European Regional Development Fund RTA 2015-00021-C03Agencia Estatal de Investigación-Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación BES2017-080567 European Social Fund

    Nutritional, health, and technical properties of black soldier fly (Hermetia illucens) in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) feeds

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    Black soldier fly (BSF) (Hermetia illucens) has been identified as a promising novel ingredient in fish feeds. The knowledge on optimal downstream processing of BSF is, however, lacking in the literature. The main objective of this thesis was to contribute to increased knowledge on this topic. This thesis presents five papers. Paper I investigated the dose-dependent effects of two differently processed full-fat BSF larvae products in diets for Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) on technical pellet quality, nutrient utilization, and growth performance. Atlantic salmon pre-smolts were fed full-fat BSF meal or full-fat BSF paste, added to extruded diets, replacing increasing levels of protein from fishmeal and plant protein sources (6.25, 12.5 and 25% by meal and 3.7 and 6.7% by paste). The expansion and water stability of feed pellets numerically decreased with increasing inclusion of BSF meal and paste. Replacement of up to 12.5% and 6.7% of protein with full-fat BSF meal and paste, respectively, did not compromise fish growth performance, but growth rate decreased at 25% meal replacement. Protein digestibility decreased linearly with increasing dietary level of BSF meal or paste, but the protein retention was not affected by dietary BSF inclusion. Subsequently, Paper II investigated the dose-dependent effects of dietary full-fat BSF larvae meal and paste on gut health and systemic immune responses in Atlantic salmon. Replacement of up to 12.5% protein with meal and 6.7% with paste improved gut health by improving distal intestine histology and reducing enterocyte steatosis in pyloric caeca. Replacing 25% protein with full-fat meal did not cause inflammatory changes in distal intestine histology but increased the level of pro-inflammatory cytokine IFNγ in the distal intestine and gave mild to moderate enterocyte steatosis in pyloric caeca. The BSF meal and paste in diets caused minor effects on protein expression in skin mucus and systemic immune responses in fish. Paper III investigated the effect of inclusion of BSF larvae meals and fractions in Atlantic salmon diets on technical pellet quality, nutrient utilization, and growth performance. Atlantic salmon pre-smolts were fed extruded diets containing meals (full-fat, de-fatted or de-chitinized meals) or fractions (oil or exoskeleton) of BSF. Meals replaced 15% protein from fishmeal and plant sources in a control diet. Lipid-rich full-fat and de-chitinized meals in the diets numerically reduced expansion and water stability of pellets. Full-fat and de-chitinized meals improved fish growth rate, while de-fatted meal, oil and exoskeleton diets supported similar growth performance as the control diet. Full-fat BSF meal also gave a higher growth rate and feed intake than other meals and fractions. Nevertheless, de-fatted meal and exoskeleton gave a better feed conversion than full-fat meal. Full-fat meal and oil did not compromise protein digestibility, but de-fatted and de-chitinized meals and exoskeleton reduced protein digestibility. Protein retention was not affected by BSF meals and fractions in the diets, except for the de-fatted meal, which increased the retention of digested protein. Paper IV investigated how dietary BSF larvae meals and fractions affect the gut microbiota composition and their predicted metabolic capacity in Atlantic salmon. The diets that contained BSF chitin, i.e., BSF meals and exoskeleton diets, increased the abundance of chitinolytic Lactobacillales and Actinomyces in fish gut. The diets that contained BSF lipids, i.e., BSF meals and oil diets, increased the abundance of Bacillaceae. Fish fed full-fat meal had a phylogenetically diverse and unique gut microbial composition, dominated by beneficial lactic acid bacteria and Actinomyces, and showed a predicted increase in microbial mucin degradation. Overall, differently processed BSF could partially replace protein and lipid in Atlantic salmon diets without compromising the growth performance, and fish response to dietary BSF varied with the protein replacement level and processing method. At 15% protein replacement, full-fat meal improved growth performance in salmon, and de-fatting and de-chitinization did not further improve fish growth. Additionally, in Paper V, we conducted a meta-analysis to determine the effect of dietary BSF on nutrient utilization and growth performance in salmonids including Atlantic salmon and rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). This analysis showed that dietary BSF did not compromise the protein utilization and growth performance in salmonids. Nevertheless, replacement of fishmeal by BSF decreased growth rate and feed intake in salmonids, but replacement of non-fishmeal sources improved growth rate and feed conversion. This stresses the importance of the protein source(s) used in the control diet when evaluating nutritional value of BSF