1,229 research outputs found

    Welfare-Enhancing Collusion in the Presence of a Competitive Fringe

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    Following the structure of many commodity markets, we consider a few large firms and a competitive fringe of many small suppliers choosing quantities in an infinite-horizon setting subject to demand shocks. We show that a collusive agreement among the large firms may not only bring an output contraction but also an output expansion (relative to the noncollusive output level). The latter occurs during booms, when the fringe’s market share is more important, and is due to the strategic substitutability of quantities (we will never observe an output-expanding collusion in a price-setting game). In addition and depending on the fringe’s market share the time at which maximal collusion is most difficult to sustain can be either at booms or recessions.

    Historical biogeography and character evolution of Cistaceae (Malvales) based on analysis of plastid rbcL and trnL-trnF sequences

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    AbstractCistaceae consist of eight genera and about 180 species. Some taxonomic limits and relationships within the family remain unresolved when relying exclusively on morphological data. In the present study, a phylogeny was reconstructed and divergence times were estimated for 47 species representing various groups in Cistaceae and using coding (rbcL) and spacer (trnL-trnF) sequences of plastid DNA. The firm set of morphological synapomorphies that indicates the monophyly of the family is supported by both Bayesian and parsimony analyses. Five major lineages can be distinguished within the Cistaceae: (1) an early-diverging lineage containing Fumana species; (2) the New World Lechea clade; (3) the Helianthemum s.l. clade, containing two sister groups, one of species from the New World (Crocanthemum, Hudsonia) and the other with species from the Old World (Helianthemum s. str.); (4) the Tuberaria clade; and (5) a cohesive complex consisting of Halimium and Cistus species. Evolutionary shifts in 12 key characters of Cistaceae are inferred based on the most plausible phylogenetic hypothesis. Reconstructing the evolution of ovule position supports anatropous ovules as the ancestral condition within the Cistaceae, which is currently found only in Fumana. The Cistus-Halimium assemblage is consistently obtained as a natural clade and further supported by a cytological synapomorphy (chromosome number n=9). Optimisation of ancestral distribution areas and estimates of divergence times reveal an early divergence (10.17–18.51Ma) of the Mediterranean-European genera, which may be related to subtropical vegetation, as complemented by paleobotanical data. In addition, the occurrence of multiple, independent migration events from the Old World to America between the Middle Miocene (8.44–14.7Ma; Lechea) and the Upper Miocene (5.15–9.20Ma; Crocanthemum/Hudsonia), and to the Canary Islands in the Pleistocene is inferred. We argue that the Mediterranean basin has been the main centre of differentiation of Cistaceae

    Jane O’Leary and Her Approach to Contemporary Music for Clarinet and Bass Clarinet

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    American-born Irish composer Jane O’Leary is one of the most accomplished participants on the Irish New Music scene. Although trained as a pianist, her career has also been closely linked to the clarinet and bass clarinet through collaborative work she has undertaken with outstanding performers such as Paul Roe and Harry Sparnaay. Thus, this thesis explores this composer’s contributions to the contemporary repertoire for clarinet and bass clarinet. In order to examine O’Leary’s oeuvre for clarinet and bass clarinet, this research project analyses two of her most remarkable solo pieces for these instruments, Within/Without and a piacere, by determining not only their musical structure and compositional style, but, also, by investigating their context, creative process and the impact of her collaborative work with performers on the final outcome. Furthermore, a key aspect of this thesis is the fact that it is grounded on interviews with O’Leary and Roe, thus providing first-hand testimony on their careers, musical relationship and the collaborative input of Roe on O’Leary’s compositions. The findings from this investigation reveal that O’Leary’s repertoire for clarinet and bass clarinet has grown exponentially since 2000, when the collaboration with eminent performers started. Additionally, her pieces share unique characteristics and sonority, since the composer tries to explore the capabilities of these instruments in terms of colour, timbre and expressivity. Finally, the active role of the performer was proven to be essential in the co-creative process, as well as their responsibility with regards to the evolution of O’Leary’s works over the years

    Nanocrystalline glass-like carbon thin films may be an useful tool in nerve cells regeneration

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    Abstract en el libro de Abstract de la International Conference, p. 99The interest in carbon nanomaterials with high transparency and electrical conductivity has grown within the last decade in view of a wide variety of applications, including biocompatible sensors, diagnostic devices and bioelectronic implants. The aim of this work is to test the biocompatibility of particular nanometer-thin nanocrystalline glass-like carbon films (NGLC), a disordered structure of graphene flakes joined by carbon matrixUniversidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech. We thank Prof. Arenas, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden, for SN4741 cell line. R.G.V. gratefully acknowledges Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation for funding through a Ramon y Cajal fellowship

    Welfare-enhancing collusion in the presence of a competitive fringe

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    Following the structure of many commodity markets, we consider a reduced number of large firms and a competitive fringe of many small suppliers choosing quantities in an infinitehorizon setting subject to demand shocks. We show that a collusive agreement among the large firms may not only bring an output contraction but also an output expansion (relative to the non-collusive output level). The latter occurs during booms, when the fringe's market share is more important, and is due to the strategic substitutability of quantities (we will never observe an output expanding collusion in a price setting game). In addition and depending on the fringe's market share the time at which collusion is most difficult to sustain can be either at booms or recessions

    Enhancement of the Pitting Corrosion Resistance of AISI 316LVM Steel with Ta-Hf-C/Au Bilayers for Biomedical Applications

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    Tantalum carbide (TaC), hafnium carbide (HfC), and Ta-Hf-C mixed coatings with and without a gold (Au) interlayer were deposited on 316LVM steel substrates by the magnetron cosputtering technique in order to improve the corrosion resistance of steel substrates in a simulated biological fluid. To study the effect of the gold interlayer on pitting corrosion, the different systems were placed in contact with Ringer’s solution at pH 7.4 and a temperature of 37°C. The electrochemical properties of the coatings were determined using polarization curves. Subsequently, the surface morphologies were observed using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) in order to analyze the corrosion processes on the different surfaces. The gold interlayer was found to significantly improve the electrochemical properties of the system, showing a decrease in the pitting corrosion and deterioration rate, while it is expected that the binary and ternary carbides provide mechanical stability to the bilayers protecting the gold

    Validación de la herramienta “Calidad Car” para modelación de la calidad agua. Caso de estudio: Río Magdalena

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    Trabajo de InvestigaciónSe realizó la validación de la herramienta CALIDAD CAR a través de un ejercicio de modelación de calidad de agua comparando los resultados con una herramienta ampliamente utilizada en el país como lo es QUAL2KW utilizando como caso de estudio un tramo del río Magdalena circundante a la ciudad de Neiva. Modelando a partir de la información recopilada de la campaña de monitoreo realizada en el año 2018 por Construcsuelos suministros LTDA y el estudio de modelación del agua código HITGInDiDe180502 del 2018 de HIDROSAN ingenieros consultores. Donde se tiene como propósito evaluar la calidad del agua del río Magdalena analizando su problemática que afecta directamente al municipio de NeivaINTRODUCCIÓN 1. RESUMEN 2. ANTECEDENTES 3. JUSTIFICACIÓN 4. PLANTEAMIENTO Y FORMULACIÓN DEL PROBLEMA 5. MARCO DE REFERENCIA 6. MARCO CONCEPTUAL 7. ESTADO DEL ARTE 8. OBJETIVOS 9. ALCACES Y LIMITACIONES 10. METODOLOGÍA 11. RESULTADOS Y DISCUSIÓN 12. CONCLUSIONES Y RECOMENDACIONES BIBLIOGRAFÍA ANEXOSPregradoIngeniero Civi

    Andrea Czorte k – Mario Mattei – Ceclia Pall one , Gli Agostiniani a Sansepolcro e il Beato Angelo Scarpetti

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