94 research outputs found

    Preferencias divergentes de los lectores y de los periodistas en las noticias "on-line"

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    Este artículo analiza un fenómeno nuevo en el periodismo de las sociedades desarrolladas, como es la divergencia entre los intereses y demanda de contenidos de los lectores y los criterios de los periodistas profesionales a la hora de seleccionar las noticias. Explica el autor su método de investigación para apoyar esta hipótesis, y los cambios y evolución que están poniendo en jaque al periodismo en Europa y los Estados Unidos.This paper analyses a new phenomenon of divergence between readers’ interests and contents demand and professional journalists’ criteria of selection of the news in the developed societies. It explains a research method to conclude this hypothesis, and refers to the changes and evolution that now are challenging journalism in Europe and USA.Cet article analyse un phénomène nouveau dans le journalisme des sociétés développées, que présentent une divergence des intérêts et demande de contenus des lecteurs respect à la sélection des nouvelles des journalistes processionnaux. L’auteur expose sa méthode de recherche et les changements et l’évolution que sont en train de défier le journalisme en Europe comme aux États Unis

    Incidental News: How Young People Consume News on Social Media

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    This paper examines the dynamics of news consumption on social media through sixteen open-ended interviews with young users from Argentina. It adopts a texto-material perspective to explore the role of technology and users’ motivations, actions and interpretations. The interviews reveal that the ideal-typical mode in which young users consume news on social media can be characterized with the notion of “incidental news”: most young users get the news on their mobile devices as part of their constant connection to media platforms; they encounter the news all the time, rather than looking for it; but click on them only sporadically and spend little time engaging with the content. Thus, the news becomes un-differentiated from the rest of the social and entertainment information. This mode of news access marks a significant discontinuity with the consumption of news on other media. It also raises major editorial and political implications

    Social media in Ibero-America. Review article

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    This paper presents an analysis of the existing literature on social networks in Ibero-America, with the objective of organizing the main topics covered, highlighting findings, and proposing future research paths. The four thematic areas that stand out are political communication and electronic government; journalism and traditional media; social groups (including adolescents and young people, those marginalized, women, entrepreneurs and influencers, students, and older adults) and areas of use (including commerce, tourism, education, health, professional communication); and political and civic participation. In addition, we review the literature from the perspective of the platforms (Twitter, Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram, YouTube, and Snapchat) and from the geographical regions and countries that make up Ibero-America, to observe similarities and differences. We conclude with the mention and analysis of the two most outstanding patterns of the studies examined: 1) a tendency to expect from the networks a transformative potential that is not necessarily proven, especially in the case of political communication and journalism; 2) transformative capacity of networks in the areas of tourism, education and health, in which traditional media have not been characterized by having a prominent role. Finally, we propose some paths for future studies, among them the pursuit of comparative works, the incorporation of relational perspectives in the treatment of networks, the addition of mixed, experimental and computational methodologies, and the consideration, from the research design standpoint, of the acceleration of technological change and the need to generate questions and conceptualizations capable of surviving the passage of time

    Redes sociales en Iberoamérica. Artículo de revisión

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    This paper presents an analysis of the existing literature on social networks in Ibero-America, with the objective of organizing the main topics covered, highlighting findings, and proposing future research paths. The four thematic areas that stand out are political communication and electronic government; journalism and traditional media; social groups (including adolescents and young people, those marginalized, women, entrepreneurs and influencers, students, and older adults) and areas of use (including commerce, tourism, education, health, professional communication); and political and civic participation. In addition, we review the literature from the perspective of the platforms (Twitter, Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram, YouTube, and Snapchat) and from the geographical regions and countries that make up Ibero-America, to observe similarities and differences. We conclude with the mention and analysis of the two most outstanding patterns of the studies examined: 1) a tendency to expect from the networks a transformative potential that is not necessarily proven, especially in the case of political communication and journalism; 2) transformative capacity of networks in the areas of tourism, education and health, in which traditional media have not been characterized by having a prominent role. Finally, we propose some paths for future studies, among them the pursuit of comparative works, the incorporation of relational perspectives in the treatment of networks, the addition of mixed, experimental and computational methodologies, and the consideration, from the research design standpoint, of the acceleration of technological change and the need to generate questions and conceptualizations capable of surviving the passage of time

    Redes sociales en Iberoamérica. Artículo de revisión

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    This paper presents an analysis of the existing literature on social networks in Ibero-America, with the objective of organizing the main topics covered, highlighting findings, and proposing future research paths. The four thematic areas that stand out are political communication and electronic government; journalism and traditional media; social groups (including adolescents and young people, those marginalized, women, entrepreneurs and influencers, students, and older adults) and areas of use (including commerce, tourism, education, health, professional communication); and political and civic participation. In addition, we review the literature from the perspective of the platforms (Twitter, Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram, YouTube, and Snapchat) and from the geographical regions and countries that make up Ibero-America, to observe similarities and differences. We conclude with the mention and analysis of the two most outstanding patterns of the studies examined: 1) a tendency to expect from the networks a transformative potential that is not necessarily proven, especially in the case of political communication and journalism; 2) transformative capacity of networks in the areas of tourism, education and health, in which traditional media have not been characterized by having a prominent role. Finally, we propose some paths for future studies, among them the pursuit of comparative works, the incorporation of relational perspectives in the treatment of networks, the addition of mixed, experimental and computational methodologies, and the consideration, from the research design standpoint, of the acceleration of technological change and the need to generate questions and conceptualizations capable of surviving the passage of time

    The policy gives to speak: Engagement in social networks of news sites

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    This paper analyses the relationship between the contents presented in the official Facebook and Twitter accounts of eight news sites in Argentina and the level of engagement they generate among users. The analysis of a sample of 2,039 news items, published between the months of March to November 2017, shows that there is a correlation between the content of the news and the level of engagement that they create among users. Although the sites presented a greater amount of news on issues of non-public issues, such as sports, police or entertainment, the highest levels of engagement were recorded in news on public issues, such as national and international policy and economy. These findings are consistent with the literature on the process of adaptation of the media to the new media ecosystem and support the theory of “monitorial citizenship” in the digital context

    Política y pelotas: los intereses temáticos de los usuarios de sitios de noticias líderes en Argentina en 2016

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    Este trabajo examina las preferencias temáticas de los consumidores de noticias online en la Argentina durante 2016, a través de un método mixto que integra análisis de contenido con entrevistas en profundidad. El análisis cuantitativo, realizado en siete de los sitios de noticias más importantes de la Argentina, indica que durante el año 2016 las noticias sobre política y deportes fueron las más vistas, aunque este interés no fue constante: las notas sobre el gobierno del presidente Mauricio Macri y las denuncias por casos de corrupción tuvieron una posición dominante entre las más leídas durante el primer semestre, mientras que en la segunda parte del año dicha posición fue ocupada por noticias sobre los logros de los deportistas. La violencia de género, un tema de incipiente importancia en la agenda pública, ocupó en promedio solo el 4% de las noticias más vistas, aunque los datos muestran picos de interés durante los momentos de mayor movilización sobre esta problemática. Las entrevistas en profundidad sugieren que las audiencias se informan sobre temas de política para cumplir un rol ciudadano; esta práctica informativa suele estar asociada con emociones negativas como frustración, enojo y angustia. Por el contrario, el consumo de información deportiva se realiza con objetivos de esparcimiento, y tiene una carga emocional positiva vinculada con la identificación con los atletas y la diversión

    Investigación internacional sobre ciberperiodismo: hipertexto, interactividad, multimedia y convergencia

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