458 research outputs found

    Contact Moishezon threefolds with second Betti number one

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    We prove that the only contact Moishezon threefold having second Betti number equal to one is the projective space.Comment: 5 pages. v2: exposition improved as suggested by the referee. To appear in Archiv der Mat

    Populações base de Pinus elliottii.

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    Social Media Account as an Object of Virtual Property

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    This article analyzes the concept of virtual property as well as the legal nature of social media accounts to explore whether these can be considered objects of property, in particular, of virtual property rights. It examines the essence of virtual property and reveals the specifics of owner’s powers regarding to digital assets. It also specifies what kind of objects should be treated as digital assets. The technical and legal nature of a social media account are analyzed to reveal whether the latter can be considered as “possession” in terms of Protocol No. 1 to the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms. Some legal issues regarding to the use of a social media account including the division of rights to business accounts and inheritance of social media accounts are investigated. The approaches in various countries to the problem of determination of the post-mortem fate of digital assets are analyzed, and a unified tendency to consider social media accounts as part of the estate transferred to the heir is revealed. The conclusion is drawn that the extension of the property regime to social media accounts could ensure an appropriate legal protection of users’ rights

    A bioresorbable peripheral nerve stimulator for electronic pain block

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    Local electrical stimulation of peripheral nerves can block the propagation of action potentials, as an attractive alternative to pharmacological agents for the treatment of acute pain. Traditional hardware for such purposes, however, involves interfaces that can damage nerve tissue and, when used for temporary pain relief, that impose costs and risks due to requirements for surgical extraction after a period of need. Here, we introduce a bioresorbable nerve stimulator that enables electrical nerve block and associated pain mitigation without these drawbacks. This platform combines a collection of bioresorbable materials in architectures that support stable blocking with minimal adverse mechanical, electrical, or biochemical effects. Optimized designs ensure that the device disappears harmlessly in the body after a desired period of use. Studies in live animal models illustrate capabilities for complete nerve block and other key features of the technology. In certain clinically relevant scenarios, such approaches may reduce or eliminate the need for use of highly addictive drugs such as opioids

    Enhancement of A Road Sign Board Using Wireless Sensors

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    Road sign Detection and recognition is a real time system. It is also known as a Driver Assistant System(DAS) and it is one of the key technologies of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS). This System is being more and important with improving urban scale and increasing number of vehicles. Previous researches on this topic focus mainly on sign board detection with its color or shape. In this work, we present results of an attempt to locating traffic signs with wireless sensor networks which is useful to the driver to provide information regarding the traffic rules, instructions and information given on the road at the time of driving irrespective of the weather condition or any obstacle which may make sign boards difficult to see for drivers. DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.15069

    Molecular Detection of VEB and OXA-23 Resistance Gene in Pseudomonas Aeruginosa Isolates at Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo Hospital Makassar

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    Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a common gram-negative pathogen in nosocomial infections in immune-compromised patients. It exhibits high rates of intrinsic resistance to many classes of antibiotics, especially beta-lactam antibiotics. Production of extended-spectrum beta-lactamase (ESBL) and genes belonging to the carbapenem-hydrolyzing class D subgroup β-lactamases (CHDL) are a problem for increasing antibiotic resistance worldwide. This study aimed to identify P. aeruginosa containing the VEB and OXA-23 genes. Eighty-five clinical isolates of P. aeruginosa from various clinical samples were identified and tested for antimicrobial susceptibility using VITEK 2 compact. VEB and OXA-23 genes were detected using the Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) method. The PCR results revealed that 13 (15.3%) of P. aeruginosa isolates were positive OXA-23 gene, but no isolate positive for the VEB gene in P. aeruginosa isolates. The study results demonstrated the spread of the OXA-23 gene in P. aeruginosa isolates at Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo Hospital Makassar

    HH135/HH136 - a luminous H2_2 outflow towards a high-mass protostar

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    Near-infrared observations towards the luminous IRAS source IRAS11101-5928 and the associated Herbig-Haro objects HH135/HH136 are presented. The observations reveal the presence of a well-collimated, parsec-sized H2_2 outflow with a total H2_2 luminosity of about 2L2L_\odot. The bulk of the molecular gas is characterized by a ro-vibrational excitation temperature of 2000±2002000\pm200 K. A small fraction (0.3%) of the molecular gas is very hot, with excitation temperatures around 5500 K. The molecular emission is associated with strong [FeII] emission. The H2_2 and [FeII] emission characteristics indicate the presence of fast, dissociative J-shocks at speeds of vsv_\mathrm{s} \approx 100 km s1^{-1}. Electron densities of nen_\mathrm{e} = 3500-4000 cm3^{-3} are inferred from the [FeII] line ratios. The large H2_2 luminosity combined with the very large source luminosity suggests that the high-mass protostar that powers the HH135/HH136 flow forms via accretion, but with a significantly increased accretion rate compared to that of low-mass protostars

    Competição de cultivares de soja no cerrado do Território Federal de Roraima.

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