15 research outputs found

    Analysis Of The Level Of Anthropometric And Speed Agility Characteristics Of Male And Female Tennis Players Aged 13–14

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    V současném moderním tenisu je trendem rychlá a razantní hra, rychlost patří spolu se sílou a koordinacík důležitým faktorům ovlivňujících sportovní výkon. Rychlost se projevuje nejen v pohybu po kurtu,ale i v rychlosti reakce, resp. v jednotlivých úderech. Cílem studie bylo posouzení úrovně základníchantropometrických (tělesná výška, V; hmotnost, H) a rychlostních (agility test, AT) charakteristik českýchjuniorských tenistů a tenistek, posouzení významnosti intersexuálních rozdílů a zjištění míry závislostimezi sledovanými proměnnými. Výzkumný soubor byl tvořen tenisty (n = 212) a tenistkami (n = 217)ve věkové kategorii 13–14 let. Pomocí testové baterie TENDIAG1 byla v letech 2000–2015 získána výzkumnádata, z nichž byly vypočítány základní statistické charakteristiky souboru tenistů (n = 212,V = 170,30 ± 8,96 cm, H = 57,20 ± 9,25 kg, AT = 13,56 ± 0,69 s) a tenistek (n = 217, V = 168,70 ± 12,22 cm,H = 55,85 ± 11,10 kg, AT = 14,05 ± 1,18 s). Věcná významnost intersexuálních diferencí byla posouzenapomocí výpočtu Cohenova d. Mezi úrovní antropometrických znaků tenistů a tenistek nebyl prokázánvěcně významný rozdíl (V, d = 0,14; H, d = 0,13), střední míra věcné významnosti diferencí byla zjištěnav testu běžecké rychlosti (d = 0,50) ve prospěch tenistů. Vysoká věcně významná závislost mezi tělesnouvýškou a hmotností byla prokázána jak u tenistů (r = 0,84), tak u tenistek (r = 0,73). Středně významnázávislost mezi běžeckou rychlostí a tělesnou výškou, resp. hmotností (r = 0,45, resp. r = 0,43), bylaprokázána u tenistů, malá věcně významná závislost mezi běžeckou rychlostí a tělesnou výškou, resp.hmotností (r = 0,24, resp. r = 0,16), byla prokázána u tenistek. Pro účely tréninku lze proto uvažovato koedukovaných tréninkových jednotkách.Strength is an important factor impacting performance. Speed manifests not only in court movement, but also in reaction speed and in speed of individual shots. The aim of this paper is to analyse the level of basic anthropometric (body height, H; body weight, W) and speed characteristics of young Czech tennis players, to assess inter-gender differences and to determine the correlation between individual variables. The research sample consisted of Czech junior male tennis players (n = 221) and female players (n = 217) between the ages of 13 and 14 years. Research data was acquired using test battery TENDIAG1 between years 2000 and 2015. Based on the data the following basic static characteristics were calculated; for male players n = 212, H = 170.30 ± 8.96 cm, W = 57.20 ± 9.25 kg, AT = 13.56 ± 0.69 s) and for female players (n = 217, H = 168.70 ± 12,22 cm, w = 55.85 ± 11.10 kg, AT = 14.05 ± 1.18 s). Substantive significance of differences between male and female tennis players was assessed using Cohen’s d. No significance dependence was measured in anthropometric levels between male and female players (H, d = 0.14; W, d = 0.13), medium significance dependence was found in run speed test (d = 0.50) in favour of male players. Medium significance dependence between running speed and body height and weight respectively (r = 0.45, resp. r = 0.43) was demonstrated in male players, small significance between running speed and body height and weight respectively (r = 0.24, resp. r = 0.16) in female players. For purposes of training, co-educated training units can be considered

    Analysis Of The Game Characteristics Of A Final Juniors (Male) Match U14 At World Junior Tennis Finals In 2017 (Case Study)

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    The aim of this study, based on the research data analysis, was to find out the differences in the level of 13 chosen game characteristics of the winners and losers of junior finalists (n=4) and also to verify whether there are significant differences between the junior and adult players´ results at Roland Garros 2017. The research data was obtained from the recording of each match by the observation method using the Dartfish 9.0 software. We found out that the differences between winning and losing players were insignificant in this case. When comparing the level of game characteristics of juniors and adult players, it was found that there were significant differences in the importance of return points won and the breakpoints won

    Diagnostics Of Isometric And Isokinetic Strength In Junior Elite Tennis Players Within The Context Of Muscular Disbalances

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    This research aims to determine the strength level of muscle groups in wrist and forearm and to assess lateral differences in junior tennis player group (TEN, n = 10, aged 12–14) and a control group of boys who do not perform any sport activity (CS, n=10, aged12–14) by isometric (hand dynamometer GRIP-D TKK 5401, Takei, Japan) and isokinetic dynamometry (dynamometer Humac Norm CSMI, Stoughton, USA) methods. Diagnostics of concentric extension and flexion was carried out in concordance with Ellenbecker methodology (1991) in angular velocities of 90°/s and 300°/s, results are given in Newton metres (Nm). Data analysis proved substantive insignificant differences between TEN and CS group as long as age, body height and weight are concerned. Isometric dynamometry: using Cohen’s d there were proved substantially significant differences in the strength of dominant extremity in favour of TEN group (d = 0.76) and lateral difference in strength level of right and left upper extremity in TEN group TEN (d = 0.60). Isokinetic dynamometry: in angular velocity of 90°/s were proved substantially significant differences between TEN and CS group in the strength of extensors (d = 1.16) and flexors of right wrist (d = 1.33) as well as in extensors (d = 0.83) and flexors (d = 0.99) of left wrist in favour of TEN group. Similarly, there was proved substantially significant lateral difference in strength level of wrist flexors of right and left hand (d = 0.84). In angular velocity of 300°/s there were proved substantially significant differences between TEN and CS group in favour of TEN group, both in right wrist extensors (d = 0.94) and flexors (d = 1.39). Substantially significant differences in favour of TEN group have been proved also in non dominant upper extremity, both in left wrist extensors (d = 1.27) and flexors (d = 1.12). Neither in TEN nor CS group were proved substantially significant lateral differences in strength of wrist extensors and flexors – with the exception of lateral differences between extensors (d = 0.62) in CS group. Values obtained by assessment of extensors and flexors strength ratio in both TEN and CS groups in both angular velocities signal an increased risk of injury incidence in all cases. From conclusions described above, it is obvious that long-term game and training load significantly increases the level of maximal strength in junior elite tennis players in comparison with the group of their peers who do not perform any sport activity.This research aims to determine the strength level of muscle groups in the wrist and forearm and to assess the lateral differences in a junior tennis player group (TEN, n = 10, aged 12–14) and a control group of boys who do not perform any sport activity (CS, n=10, aged12–14). The method used was by isometric (hand dynamometer GRIP-D TKK 5401, Takei, Japan) and isokinetic dynamometry (dynamometer Humac Norm CSMI, Stoughton, USA). Diagnostics of concentric extension and flexion were carried out in concordance with Ellenbecker methodology (1991) in angular velocities of 90°/s and 300°/s, results are given in Newton metres (Nm). Data analysis proved substantive insignificant differences between TEN and CS group as long as age, body height and weight are concerned. Isometric dynamometry: using Cohen’s d there were proven substantially significant differences in the strength of dominant extremity in favour of the TEN group (d = 0.76) along with a lateral difference in strength level of the right and left upper extremity in TEN group TEN (d = 0.60). Isokinetic dynamometry: in angular velocity of 90°/s revealed substantially significant differences between the TEN and CS group in the strength of extensors (d = 1.16) and flexors of right wrist (d = 1.33) as well as in extensors (d = 0.83) and flexors (d = 0.99) of left wrist particularly in favour of TEN group. Similarly, substantially significant lateral difference in strength level of wrist flexors of right and left hand (d = 0.84) were shown. In angular velocity of 300°/s there was a substantially significant difference between TEN and CS group in favour of the TEN group, both in right wrist extensors (d = 0.94) and flexors (d = 1.39). Substantially significant differences shown in the TEN group have been proved but also in the non-dominant upper extremity, both in left wrist extensors (d = 1.27) and flexors (d = 1.12). Neither group revealed substantially significant lateral differences in strength of wrist extensors and flexors – with the exception of lateral differences between extensors (d = 0.62) in CS group. Values obtained by assessment of extensors and flexors strength ratio in both TEN and CS groups in both angular velocities signal an increased risk of injury incidence in all cases. From the conclusions described above, it is obvious that long-term game and training load significantly increases the level of maximal strength in junior elite tennis players in comparison with the peer group who do not perform any sport activity

    Global transcriptome analysis of the C57BL/6J mouse testis by SAGE: evidence for nonrandom gene order

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    BACKGROUND: We generated the gene expression profile of the total testis from the adult C57BL/6J male mice using serial analysis of gene expression (SAGE). Two high-quality SAGE libraries containing a total of 76 854 tags were constructed. An extensive bioinformatic analysis and comparison of SAGE transcriptomes of the total testis, testicular somatic cells and other mouse tissues was performed and the theory of male-biased gene accumulation on the X chromosome was tested. RESULTS: We sorted out 829 genes predominantly expressed from the germinal part and 944 genes from the somatic part of the testis. The genes preferentially and specifically expressed in total testis and testicular somatic cells were identified by comparing the testis SAGE transcriptomes to the available transcriptomes of seven non-testis tissues. We uncovered chromosomal clusters of adjacent genes with preferential expression in total testis and testicular somatic cells by a genome-wide search and found that the clusters encompassed a significantly higher number of genes than expected by chance. We observed a significant 3.2-fold enrichment of the proportion of X-linked genes specific for testicular somatic cells, while the proportions of X-linked genes specific for total testis and for other tissues were comparable. In contrast to the tissue-specific genes, an under-representation of X-linked genes in the total testis transcriptome but not in the transcriptomes of testicular somatic cells and other tissues was detected. CONCLUSION: Our results provide new evidence in favor of the theory of male-biased genes accumulation on the X chromosome in testicular somatic cells and indicate the opposite action of the meiotic X-inactivation in testicular germ cells

    Strength values of shoulder internal and external rotators in junior tennis players

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    Character of modern tennis game in the last decade has become significantly more dynamic, fast and powerful, which brings high strain to joint and muscular system. The aim of this research was to establish strength level of external and internal shoulder rotators, and to compare the competitive tennis players group of boys (TEN, n=10, aged 12-14 years) and boys who did not perform any sport activity at competitive level (CS, n=10, aged 12-14 years) as well as to assess lateral differences in both groups. Using isokinetic dynamometry method (Humac Norm CSMI Stoughton, MA, USA), we tested strength level of external and internal shoulder rotators (180°/s, 300°/s). The TEN and CS group are comparable from the aspects of age, body height and body weight. Comparison of isokinetic strength values in TEN and CS groups proved significantly higher strength level of external and internal rotators in both (dominant and non-dominant) extremities for the TEN group. The lateral difference assessment proved the insignificant difference in external and significant difference in internal rotators in the TEN group, and the insignificant difference in both the external and internal rotators in the CS group. A lower strength level was found in the internal rotators in comparison with the external rotators in both groups (for both the dominant and non-dominant extremity), whereas in the TEN group lower differences between the external and internal rotators of the dominant extremity were proved. Although researches on adult highly skilled tennis players refer to a higher strength level of the upper extremity internal rotators, this fact has not been pronounced in the TEN group. An ideal external/internal rotators̕ ratio in adult players is considered within the interval of 66 75%. Significantly higher values obtained in the TEN group might be attributed to lower age and also lower performance level. It can be said that the level of isokinetic strength in the TEN the group is significantly higher than in the CS group, due to the influence of long-term game and training load

    Analysis Of The Level Of Anthropometric And Strength Characteristics Of Male And Female Players Aged 11–12

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    Problematikou významu silových schopností ve sportu a v tenisu se zabývá mnoho autorů, v tenisu se síla projevuje především v razanci úderů, rychlosti podání a lokomoci pohybu. Cílem příspěvku je analýza úrovně základních antropometrických a silových charakteristik tenistů a tenistek, posouzení intersexuálních rozdílů a zjištění míry závislosti mezi antropometrickými a silovými charakteristikami. Výzkumný soubor je tvořen českými tenisty (n = 221) a tenistkami (n = 193) ve věku 11,0-12,9 let. Výzkumná data byla získána v letech 200-2010 pomocí testové baterie TENDIAG 1. Analýza výzkumných dat prokázala, že pocházejí z normálního rozložení. Úroveň základních antropometrických a silových proměnných je vyjádřena pomocí základních statistických charakteristik pro jednotlivé proměnné: soubor tenistů (n = 221, tělesná výška: V = 155,10 ± 7,62, hmotnost: H = 43,50 ± 6,68, maximální síla herní ruky: MS = 25,14 ± 4,59, relativní síla herní ruky: RS = 0,58 ± 0,09), soubor tenistek (n = 193, tělesná výška: V = 154,60 ± 6,94, hmotnost: H = 43,49 ± 7,17, maximální síla herní ruky: MS = 23,08 ± 4,61, relativní síla herní ruky: RS = 0,53 ± 0,09). Věcná významnost intersexuálních rozdílů byla posouzena pomocí Cohenova d, věcně významné rozdíly byly prokázány pouze v případě RS (d = 0,56, střední efekt) a MS (d = 0,45, nízký efekt). Věcně významná závislost byla u souboru tenistů prokázána mezi V a H (r = 0,71, r2 = 0,50; střední efekt), dále mezi V a MS (r = 0,59, r2 = 0,35; střední efekt) a mezi H a MS (r = 0,59, r2 = 0,35, střední efekt). U souboru tenistek byla prokázána věcně významná závislost mezi V a H (r = 0,75, r2 = 0,56; střední efekt), dále mezi H a MS (r = 0,64, r2 = 0,41, střední efekt) a rovněž mezi maximální a relativní silou (r = 0,58, r2 = 0,34; střední efekt).The issues of the significance of strength capabilities in sport and tennis are dealt with by many authors. In tennis, the strength of the playing arm primarily manifests in the speed of strokes, serve and locomotion movement. The goal of this paper is the analysis of basic anthropometric and strength levels of male and female players and to compare and evaluate inter-gender differences of anthropometric and strength characteristics. The research sample consisted of Czech junior male tennis players (n = 221) and female players (n = 193) in the ages between 11.0 and 12.9 years. The data for this research was gathered during 2000-2010 period by regular testing using a test battery TENDIAG 1. Analysis of acquired data showed normal distribution characteristics. The values measured were; anthropometric and strength levels statistic characteristic variables in the set of male tennis players (n = 221, body height: H = 155.10 ± 7.62, body weight: W = 43.50 ± 6.68, strength of playing hand: SH = 25.14 ± 4.59, relative strength of playing hand: RS = 0.58 ± 0.09) and female tennis players (n = 193, body height: H = 154.60 ± 6.94, body weight: W = 43.49 ± 7.71, maximum strength of playing hand: SH = 23.08 ± 4.61, relative strength of playing hand RS = 0.53 ± 0.09). Inter-gender differences between male and female tennis players were assessed using Cohen’s d values, substantial significant differences in mean values between male and female players were detected but only in the relative strength of gaming hand (d = 0.56, mean effect) and maximum strength level of game hand (d = 0.45, low effect). The size of effect was significant in the sample tennis players demonstrated between H and W (r = 0.71, r2  = 0.50; mean effect), among H and MS (r = 0.59, r 2  = 0.35; mean effect) and between MS and W (r = 0.59, r 2  = 0.35, mean effect). In a group of female tennis players has been demonstrated size of effect relation between H and W (r = 0.75, r 2  = 0.56; mean effect), among W and MS (r = 0.64, r 2  = 0.41, mean effect) and also between the maximum and the relative strength (r = 0.58, r 2  = 0.34; mean effect)

    LIME: A New Membrane Raft-associated Adaptor Protein Involved in CD4 and CD8 Coreceptor Signaling

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    Lymphocyte membrane rafts contain molecules critical for immunoreceptor signaling. Here, we report identification of a new raft-associated adaptor protein LIME (Lck-interacting molecule) expressed predominantly in T lymphocytes. LIME becomes tyrosine phosphorylated after cross-linking of the CD4 or CD8 coreceptors. Phospho-LIME associates with the Src family kinase Lck and its negative regulator, Csk. Ectopic expression of LIME in Jurkat T cells results in an increase of Csk in lipid rafts, increased phosphorylation of Lck and higher Ca2+ response to CD3 stimulation. Thus, LIME appears to be involved in regulation of T cell activation by coreceptors

    Processed Pseudogenes of Human Endogenous Retroviruses Generated by LINEs: Their Integration, Stability, and Distribution

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    We report here the presence of numerous processed pseudogenes derived from the W family of endogenous retroviruses in the human genome. These pseudogenes are structurally colinear with the retroviral mRNA followed by a poly(A) tail. Our analysis of insertion sites of HERV-W processed pseudogenes shows a strong preference for the insertion motif of long interspersed nuclear element (LINE) retrotransposons. The genomic distribution, stability during evolution, and frequent truncations at the 5′ end resemble those of the pseudogenes generated by LINEs. We therefore suggest that HERV-W processed pseudogenes arose by multiple and independent LINE-mediated retrotransposition of retroviral mRNA. These data document that the majority of HERV-W copies are actually nontranscribed promoterless pseudogenes. The current search for HERV-Ws associated with several human diseases should concentrate on a small subset of transcriptionally competent elements. [Online supplementary material available at http://www.genome.org

    Rapid gene content turnover on the germline-restricted chromosome in songbirds

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    Abstract The germline-restricted chromosome (GRC) of songbirds represents a taxonomically widespread example of programmed DNA elimination. Despite its apparent indispensability, we still know very little about the GRC’s genetic composition, function, and evolutionary significance. Here we assemble the GRC in two closely related species, the common and thrush nightingale. In total we identify 192 genes across the two GRCs, with many of them present in multiple copies. Interestingly, the GRC appears to be under little selective pressure, with the genetic content differing dramatically between the two species and many GRC genes appearing to be pseudogenized fragments. Only one gene, cpeb1, has a complete coding region in all examined individuals of the two species and shows no copy number variation. The acquisition of this gene by the GRC corresponds with the earliest estimates of the GRC origin, making it a good candidate for the functional indispensability of the GRC in songbirds