54 research outputs found

    Elastic caching solutions for content dissemination services elastic caching solutions for content dissemination services of ip-based internet technologies prospective

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    © 2020, Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature. The Information-Centric Networking (ICN) provides a new data dissemination Internet paradigm to support the communication services that will meet the end-users’ modern requirements. ICN focuses on transmitting data rather than physical locations. It offers a cache-able environment to fulfill future requirements and delivers communication services with less congestion and bandwidth in a network. The current Internet needs to enhance its architectural design for information distribution by reducing the end-to-end communication practices. ICN-based architecture aims to fulfill the end-users’ requirements and provide a better communication system compared to the current Internet system. ICN implements in-network caching (storage) to facilitate unicast and multicast mechanisms at the same time to deploy efficient and appropriate transmission of the desired information. In this situation, temporary storage is deployed all over the network to serve the requested objects (contents). In the last few years, ICN has shown up as engineering to replace the Internet design. In this paper, a comprehensive study about ICN-based caching mechanisms to enhance the IP-based Internet technologies is presented and analyzes the possible benefits using caching with the Internet of Things, Blockchain, Software Defined Network, 5G, genomic data sets, fog, and edge computing. In the end, the ICN-based caching strategies are mentioned that provide a diverse solution to deal with IP-based Internet technologies in an efficient way to deliver fast data dissemination

    SAN 9789: A Seed Dormancy Releasing Chemical

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    The ability of the herbicide SAN 9789 to release primary as well as different forms of secondary dormancy in lettuce seeds (Lactuca sativa cv. Grand Rapids) was examined. Primary-, thermo-, osmo-, and far-red-dormant seeds treated with 28 μg/ml SAN 9789 in the dark at 25°C, germinated to 88, 61, 52 and 31 % respectively. The promotion of dark germination in primary dormant seeds by SAN after increased periods of pre-imbibition in water was gradually decreased and after 4 days disappeared. Brief red light (R), given either before or after 4 days of incubation with SAN resulted in full induction of germination in all these dormant seed types. The dark germination time courses of the different dormant seed categories immersed in 28 μg/ml SAN at 25°C, follows the final germination level pattern: The germination of the primary dormant seeds is faster and that of the far-red-dormant seeds slower. In thermoand osmo-dormant seeds, germination rates have intermediate values. SAN-promoted germination in primary dormant seeds proceeds through structural modifications of the endosperm tissue facing the radicle tip. © 1985, Gustav Fischer Verlag, Stuttgart. All rights reserved