200 research outputs found

    L’innovazione nelle medie imprese bresciane. Un’indagine empirica

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    L’articolo presenta i risultati di una indagine empirica su un campione di medie imprese della provincia di Brescia con particolare riferimento all’innovazione di prodotto e di processo. Le evidenze empiriche sugli investimenti in ricerca e sviluppo, sull’innovazione di prodotto e processo e sugli investimenti in nuove tecnologie mostrano la presenza di un gruppo di promettenti medie imprese innovative. Ma in generale il sistema delle imprese della provincia di Brescia è ancora segnato da alcune debolezze, quali una innovazione prevalentemente incrementale e non basata sulla ricerca, un basso livello di investimenti in ricerca e sviluppo, una bassa qualità del capitale umano impiegato, un debole impegno alla protezione delle innovazioni introdotte. L’articolo inquadra queste debolezze nei limiti sia dimensionali e organizzativi delle imprese che culturali di sistema dell’imprenditorialità del territorio indagato

    Room Temperature Organic Superconductor?

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    The electron--phonon coupling in fullerene C28 has been calculated from first principles. The value of the associated coupling constant lambda/N(0) is found to be a factor three larger than that associated with C60. Assuming similar values of the density of levels at the Fermi surface N(0) and of the Coulomb pseudopotential for C28-based solids as those associated with alkali-doped fullerides A3C60, one obtains Tc(C28) \approx 8 Tc(C60).Comment: 10 pages, 2 figure

    Metadynamic sampling of the free energy landscapes of proteins coupled with a Monte Carlo algorithm

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    Metadynamics is a powerful computational tool to obtain the free energy landscape of complex systems. The Monte Carlo algorithm has proven useful to calculate thermodynamic quantities associated with simplified models of proteins, and thus to gain an ever-increasing understanding on the general principles underlying the mechanism of protein folding. We show that it is possible to couple metadynamics and Monte Carlo algorithms to obtain the free energy of model proteins in a way which is computationally very economical.Comment: Submitted to Gen

    A folding inhibitor of the HIV-1 Protease

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    Being the HIV-1 Protease (HIV-1-PR) an essential enzyme in the viral life cycle, its inhibition can control AIDS. The folding of single domain proteins, like each of the monomers forming the HIV-1-PR homodimer, is controlled by local elementary structures (LES, folding units stabilized by strongly interacting, highly conserved, as a rule hydrophobic, amino acids). These LES have evolved over myriad of generations to recognize and strongly attract each other, so as to make the protein fold fast and be stable in its native conformation. Consequently, peptides displaying a sequence identical to those segments of the monomers associated with LES are expected to act as competitive inhibitors and thus destabilize the native structure of the enzyme. These inhibitors are unlikely to lead to escape mutants as they bind to the protease monomers through highly conserved amino acids which play an essential role in the folding process. The properties of one of the most promising inhibitors of the folding of the HIV-1-PR monomers found among these peptides is demonstrated with the help of spectrophotometric assays and CD spectroscopy

    Designability of lattice model heteropolymers

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    Protein folds are highly designable, in the sense that many sequences fold to the same conformation. In the present work we derive an expression for the designability in a 20 letter lattice model of proteins which, relying only on the Central Limit Theorem, has a generality which goes beyond the simple model used in its derivation. This expression displays an exponential dependence on the energy of the optimal sequence folding on the given conformation measured with respect to the lowest energy of the conformational dissimilar structures, energy difference which constitutes the only parameter controlling designability. Accordingly, the designability of a native conformation is intimately connected to the stability of the sequences folding to them.Comment: in press on Phys. Rev.

    Simple models of protein folding and of non--conventional drug design

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    While all the information required for the folding of a protein is contained in its amino acid sequence, one has not yet learned how to extract this information to predict the three--dimensional, biologically active, native conformation of a protein whose sequence is known. Using insight obtained from simple model simulations of the folding of proteins, in particular of the fact that this phenomenon is essentially controlled by conserved (native) contacts among (few) strongly interacting ("hot"), as a rule hydrophobic, amino acids, which also stabilize local elementary structures (LES, hidden, incipient secondary structures like α\alpha--helices and β\beta--sheets) formed early in the folding process and leading to the postcritical folding nucleus (i.e., the minimum set of native contacts which bring the system pass beyond the highest free--energy barrier found in the whole folding process) it is possible to work out a succesful strategy for reading the native structure of designed proteins from the knowledge of only their amino acid sequence and of the contact energies among the amino acids. Because LES have undergone millions of years of evolution to selectively dock to their complementary structures, small peptides made out of the same amino acids as the LES are expected to selectively attach to the newly expressed (unfolded) protein and inhibit its folding, or to the native (fluctuating) native conformation and denaturate it. These peptides, or their mimetic molecules, can thus be used as effective non--conventional drugs to those already existing (and directed at neutralizing the active site of enzymes), displaying the advantage of not suffering from the uprise of resistance

    Deriving amino acid contact potentials from their frequencies of occurence in proteins: a lattice model study

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    The possibility of deriving the contact potentials between amino acids from their frequencies of occurence in proteins is discussed in evolutionary terms. This approach allows the use of traditional thermodynamics to describe such frequencies and, consequently, to develop a strategy to include in the calculations correlations due to the spatial proximity of the amino acids and to their overall tendency of being conserved in proteins. Making use of a lattice model to describe protein chains and defining a "true" potential, we test these strategies by selecting a database of folding model sequences, deriving the contact potentials from such sequences and comparing them with the "true" potential. Taking into account correlations allows for a markedly better prediction of the interaction potentials

    Electron-phonon interaction in C70

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    The matrix elements of the deformation potential of C70_{70} are calculated by means of a simple, yet accurate solution of the electron-phonon coupling problem in fullerenes, based on a parametrization of the ground state electronic density of the system in terms of sp2+xsp^{2+x} hybridized orbitals. The value of the calculated dimensionless total electron-phonon coupling constant is λ≈0.1\lambda\approx0.1, an order of magnitude smaller than in C60_{60}, consistent with the lack of a superconducting phase transition in C70_{70}A3_3 fullerite, and in overall agreement with measurements of the broadening of Raman peaks in C70_{70}K4_4. We also calculate the photoemission cross section of C70−_{70}^-, which is found to display less structure than that associated with C60−_{60}^-, in overall agreement with the experimental findings.Comment: To be published in Phys. Rev.

    Role of bulk and of interface contacts in the behaviour of model dimeric proteins

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    Some dimeric proteins first fold and then dimerize (three--state dimers) while others first dimerize and then fold (two--state dimers). Within the framework of a minimal lattice model, we can distinguish between sequences obeying to one or to the other mechanism on the basis of the partition of the ground state energy between bulk than for interface contacts. The topology of contacts is very different for the bulk than for the interface: while the bulk displays a rich network of interactions, the dimer interface is built up a set of essentially independent contacts. Consequently, the two sets of interactions play very different roles both in the the folding and in the evolutionary history of the protein. Three--state dimers, where a large fraction of the energy is concentrated in few contacts buried in the bulk, and where the relative contact energy of interface contacts is considerably smaller than that associated with bulk contacts, fold according to a hierarchycal pathway controlled by local elementary structures, as also happens in the folding of single--domain monomeric proteins. On the other hand, two--state dimers display a relative contact energy of interface contacts which is larger than the corresponding quantity associated with the bulk. In this case, the assembly of the interface stabilizes the system and lead the two chains to fold. The specific properties of three--state dimers acquired through evolution are expected to be more robust than those of two--state dimers, a fact which has consequences on proteins connected with viral diseases
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