266 research outputs found

    Eficiência agronômica de fosfato natural reativo na cultura da soja.

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a eficiência agronômica relativa de uma fonte de fósforo na cultura de soja [Glycine max (L.) Merrill.]. O superfosfato triplo foi a fonte-padrão, e o fosfato natural reativo Arad foi a fonte testada, ambos aplicados em diferentes doses, em área total ou no sulco de semeadura. Em outubro de 2004, o experimento foi instalado em Balsas, MA, em Latossolo Vermelho-Amarelo distrófico, textura argilosa e baixa disponibilidade de fósforo, conduzido com soja cultivar BRS Sambaíba por três safras (2004/2005 a 2006/2007); a terceira safra foi conduzida sob efeito residual das aplicações anteriores. De forma geral, não foram observadas diferenças quanto à localização da fonte-padrão, ao passo que a localização do fosfato natural reativo Arad reduziu significativamente a eficiência. Quando aplicado a lanço, nos dois primeiros cultivos, o fosfato natural reativo Arad resultou em aproximadamente 76% de eficiência agronômica relativa, o que demonstra média viabilidade agronômica. Sob efeito residual, a aplicação localizada do superfosfato triplo resultou em resposta semelhante à verificada com a aplicação anual desta fonte, entretanto, o aumento na eficiência agronômica relativa foi mais acentuado, quando ambas as fontes foram aplicadas a lanço

    Shear bands in granular flow through a mixing length model

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    We discuss the advantages and results of using a mixing-length, compressible model to account for shear banding behaviour in granular flow. We formulate a general approach based on two function of the solid fraction to be determined. Studying the vertical chute flow, we show that shear band thickness is always independent from flowrate in the quasistatic limit, for Coulomb wall boundary conditions. The effect of bin width is addressed using the functions developed by Pouliquen and coworkers, predicting a linear dependence of shear band thickness by channel width, while literature reports contrasting data. We also discuss the influence of wall roughness on shear bands. Through a Coulomb wall friction criterion we show that our model correctly predicts the effect of increasing wall roughness on the thickness of shear bands. Then a simple mixing-length approach to steady granular flows can be useful and representative of a number of original features of granular flow.Comment: submitted to EP

    Environmental cues and genes involved in establishment of the superinfective Pf4 phage of Pseudomonas aeruginosa

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    © 2014 Hui, Mai-Prochnow, Kjelleberg, McDougald and Rice. Biofilm development in Pseudomonas aeruginosa is in part dependent on a filamentous phage, Pf4, which contributes to biofilm maturation, cell death, dispersal and variant formation, e.g., small colony variants (SCVs). These biofilm phenotypes correlate with the conversion of the Pf4 phage into a superinfection (SI) variant that reinfects and kills the prophage carrying host, in contrast to other filamentous phage that normally replicate without killing their host. Here we have investigated the physiological cues and genes that may be responsible for this conversion. Flow through biofilms typically developed SI phage approximately days 4 or 5 of development and corresponded with dispersal. Starvation for carbon or nitrogen did not lead to the development of SI phage. In contrast, exposure of the biofilm to nitric oxide, H2O2 or the DNA damaging agent, mitomycin C, showed a trend of increased numbers of SI phage, suggesting that reactive oxygen or nitrogen species (RONS) played a role in the formation of SI phage. In support of this, mutation of oxyR, the major oxidative stress regulator in P. aeruginosa, resulted in higher level of and earlier superinfection compared to the wild-type (WT). Similarly, inactivation of mutS, a DNA mismatch repair gene, resulted in the early appearance of the SI phage and this was four log higher than the WT. In contrast, loss of recA, which is important for DNA repair and the SOS response, also resulted in a delayed and decreased production of SI phage. Treatments or mutations that increased superinfection also correlated with an increase in the production of morphotypic variants. The results suggest that the accumulation of RONS by the biofilm may result in DNA lesions in the Pf4 phage, leading to the formation of SI phage, which subsequently selects for morphotypic variants, such as SCVs

    'Big things in small packages: The genetics of filamentous phage and effects on fitness of their host'

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    © FEMS 2015. This review synthesizes recent and past observations on filamentous phages and describes how these phages contribute to host phentoypes. For example, the CTXφ phage of Vibrio cholerae encodes the cholera toxin genes, responsible for causing the epidemic disease, cholera. The CTXφ phage can transduce non-toxigenic strains, converting them into toxigenic strains, contributing to the emergence of new pathogenic strains. Other effects of filamentous phage include horizontal gene transfer, biofilm development, motility, metal resistance and the formation of host morphotypic variants, important for the biofilm stress resistance. These phages infect a wide range of Gram-negative bacteria, including deep-sea, pressure-adapted bacteria. Many filamentous phages integrate into the host genome as prophage. In some cases, filamentous phages encode their own integrase genes to facilitate this process, while others rely on host-encoded genes. These differences are mediated by different sets of 'core' and 'accessory' genes, with the latter group accounting for some of the mechanisms that alter the host behaviours in unique ways. It is increasingly clear that despite their relatively small genomes, these phages exert signficant influence on their hosts and ultimately alter the fitness and other behaviours of their hosts

    Nucleocytoplasmic transport

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    Single Atom Dynamics in Chemical Reactions

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    Many heterogeneous chemical reactions involve gases catalyzed over solid surfaces at elevated temperatures and play a critical role in the production of energy, healthcare, pollution control, industrial products, and food. These catalytic reactions take place at the atomic level, with active structures forming under reaction conditions. A fundamental understanding of catalysis at the single atom resolution is therefore a major advance in a rational framework upon which future catalytic processes can be built. Visualization and analysis of gas-catalyst chemical reactions at the atomic level under controlled reaction conditions are key to understanding the catalyst structural evolution and atomic scale reaction mechanisms crucial to the performance and the development of improved catalysts and chemical processes. Increasingly, dynamic single atoms and atom clusters are believed to lead to enhanced catalyst performance, but despite considerable efforts, reaction mechanisms at the single atom level under reaction conditions of gas and temperature are not well understood. The development of the atomic lattice resolution environmental transmission electron microscope (ETEM) by the authors is widely used to visualize gas–solid catalyst reactions at this atomic level. It has recently been advanced to the environmental scanning TEM (ESTEM) with single atom resolution and full analytical capabilities. The ESTEM employs high-angle annular dark-field imaging where intensity is approximately proportional to the square of the atomic number (Z). In this Account, we highlight the ESTEM development also introduced by the authors for real time in situ studies to reliably discern metal atoms on lighter supports in gas and high temperature environments, evolving oxide/metal interfaces, and atomic level reaction mechanisms in heterogeneous catalysts more generally and informatively, with utilizing the wider body of literature. The highlights include platinum/carbon systems of interest in fuel cells to meet energy demands and reduce environmental pollution, in reduction/oxidation (redox) mechanisms of copper and nickel nanoparticles extensively employed in catalysis, electronics, and sensors, and in the activation of supported cobalt catalysts in Fischer–Tropsch (FT) synthesis to produce fuels. By following the dynamic reduction process at operating temperature, we investigate Pt atom migrations from irregular nanoparticles in a carbon supported platinum catalyst and the resulting faceting. We outline the factors that govern the mechanism involved, with the discovery of single atom interactions which indicate that a primary role of the nanoparticles is to act as reservoirs of low coordination atoms and clusters. This has important implications in supported nanoparticle catalysis and nanoparticle science. In copper and nickel systems, we track the oxidation front at the atomic level as it proceeds across a nanoparticle, by directly monitoring Z-contrast changes with time and temperature. Regeneration of deactivated catalysts is key to prolong catalyst life. We discuss and review analyses of dynamic redox cycles for the redispersion of nickel nanoparticles with single atom resolution. In the FT process, pretreatment of practical cobalt/silica catalysts reveals higher low-coordination Co0 active sites for CO adsorption. Collectively, the ESTEM findings generate structural insights into catalyst dynamics important in the development of efficient catalysts and processes

    Determination of the Accuracy of Wire Position Sensors

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    An energy spectrometer has been installed in the LEP accelerator to determine the beam energy with a relative accuracy of 10-4. A precisely calibrated bending magnet is flanked by 6 beam position monitors (BPM). The beam energy is determined by measuring the deflection angle of the LEP beams and the integrated bending field. An accuracy of less than 10-6 m on the beam position is necessary to reach the desired accuracy on the LEP beam energy. Capacitive wire positioning sensors are used to determine the relative mounting stability of each BPM and to calibrate the beam position monitors. Two-dimensional sensors are attached to each side of every BPM support and provide a position measurement with respect to two stretched wires mounted on either side of the LEP beam pipe. The fixing points of each wire are monitored by additional reference sensors. The position information is digitised via a multiplexed high accuracy digital voltmeter and read out continuously during LEP operations. Wire position sensor accuracy was tested in the laboratory with a laser interferometer, while relative accuracy tests are performed in the LEP environment. Systematic effects of synchrotron radiation on the wire position sensor performance were studied

    Modeling the water demand on farms

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    The decreasing availability of water caused by depletion and climate change combined with a growing world population requires the productive use of water now and in the future. The young researcher group "AgroHyd" at the Leibniz-Institute for Agricultural Engineering Potsdam-Bornim (ATB) is currently modeling the water demand for agricultural processes at the farm scale and developing indicators to link the hydrological and agricultural perspectives. The aim of the group is to increase productivity in agriculture by raising water productivity in plant production and livestock farming. The effects of various agronomic measures, individual and in combination, on water productivity are assessed using several indicators. Scenarios of agricultural measures, climate and diets are used to test to what extent the water demand for food production will increase due to growing global change in different regions of the world

    Calibration of centre-of-mass energies at LEP 2 for a precise measurement of the W boson mass

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    The determination of the centre-of-mass energies for all LEP 2 running is presented. Accurate knowledge of these energies is of primary importance to set the absolute energy scale for the measurement of the W boson mass. The beam energy between 80 and 104 GeV is derived from continuous measurements of the magnetic bending field by 16 NMR probes situated in a number of the LEP dipoles. The relationship between the fields measured by the probes and the beam energy is defined in the NMR model, which is calibrated against precise measurements of the average beam energy between 41 and 61 GeV made using the resonant depolarisation technique. The validity of the NMR model is verified by three independent methods: the flux-loop, which is sensitive to the bending field of all the dipoles of LEP; the spectrometer, which determines the energy through measurements of the deflection of the beam in a magnet of known integrated field; and an analysis of the variation of the synchrotron tune with the total RF voltage. To obtain the centre-of-mass energies, corrections are then applied to account for sources of bending field external to the dipoles, and variations in the local beam energy at each interaction point. The relative error on the centre-of-mass energy determination for the majority of LEP 2 running is 1.2 x 10^{-4}, which is sufficiently precise so as not to introduce a dominant uncertainty on the W mass measurement.Comment: 79 pages, 45 figures, submitted to EPJ

    Rheophysics of dense granular materials : Discrete simulation of plane shear flows

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    We study the steady plane shear flow of a dense assembly of frictional, inelastic disks using discrete simulation and prescribing the pressure and the shear rate. We show that, in the limit of rigid grains, the shear state is determined by a single dimensionless number, called inertial number I, which describes the ratio of inertial to pressure forces. Small values of I correspond to the quasi-static regime of soil mechanics, while large values of I correspond to the collisional regime of the kinetic theory. Those shear states are homogeneous, and become intermittent in the quasi-static regime. When I increases in the intermediate regime, we measure an approximately linear decrease of the solid fraction from the maximum packing value, and an approximately linear increase of the effective friction coefficient from the static internal friction value. From those dilatancy and friction laws, we deduce the constitutive law for dense granular flows, with a plastic Coulomb term and a viscous Bagnold term. We also show that the relative velocity fluctuations follow a scaling law as a function of I. The mechanical characteristics of the grains (restitution, friction and elasticity) have a very small influence in this intermediate regime. Then, we explain how the friction law is related to the angular distribution of contact forces, and why the local frictional forces have a small contribution to the macroscopic friction. At the end, as an example of heterogeneous stress distribution, we describe the shear localization when gravity is added.Comment: 24 pages, 19 figure
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