1,898 research outputs found
Taxes do Affect Corporate Financing Decisions: The Case of Belgian ACE
In this paper, I use difference-in-differences regressions to measure how the debt tax shield affects the capital structure of a company. By comparing the financial leverage of treatment and control companies before and after the introduction of an equity tax shield, I infer the impact of the tax discrimination between debt and equity. Consistent with the theoretical prediction, the estimated results show that the introduction of an equity tax shield has a significant negative effect on the financial leverage of a company. This effect amounts to approximately 2-7%, meaning that a classical tax system encourages companies to use on average 2-7% more debt than when there is an equal tax treatment of debt and equity.allowance for corporate equity, corporate financing decisions
More than an add-on? The Europeanization of the Dutch civil service
[From the introduction]. European integration does not stop to fascinate political scientists. Many of us are excited about this institution that transcends national interests, overcomes collective action problems, and presents member states with such a durable and authoritative framework that they slowly but unrecognizably loose authority to model their own policies as desired. But does it? Despite our excitement, many of us have troubles escaping the reflexes caused by the years of international relations hegemony in studying the EU. Does the EU really have the clout to force member states to adopt unwanted policies? Then how about the never-ending stories about non-compliance, the European Commission’s hesitance in adopting a tough stance on reluctant member states, the difficulties of monitoring actual application and enforcement on the ground? The tension between member state dominance and supranational control continues to offer a well of fascinating research topics. In order to demonstrate the success of the EU in transcending member states’ institutions and policies, or even the domestic interests underlying them, we are advised to answer at least three questions. First, we should answer the question of the extent to which Europe matters for the member states. Because even if we can identify compliance by initially reluctant member states, this may not be very meaningful if the EU’s share in national matters is only minimal. Even though interesting from a theoretical viewpoint, the societal relevance of massive research attempts to explain the fate of EU intervention in member states is slight when it affects only a minimal terrain of national policy making. Second, we should try to answer the question to what extent any processes of Europeanization we observe are truly affecting the core of what member states are doing or are just added on to existing structures and policies. That is, if we believe that the EU really is capable of overriding member state concerns, the adaptations made by member states should be far from ‘easy’. The adoption of coordination structures, for instance, is an interesting phenomenon, but it does not constitute evidence of the EU’s transformative effect as coordination structures may simply be added on to existing organizational arrangements and can perfectly well co-exist with domestic institutions that were already out there. Finally, we should answer the question of how the European Union impacts on member states. Under what conditions does the EU succeed in bringing about domestic change, and when do member states carry on their business as usual
Penggunaan internet dalam mencari informasi kesehatan dapat membawa banyak manfaat, tetapi di satu sisi juga dapat mendorong munculnya health anxiety. Individu dengan health anxiety rentan mengalami cyberchondria dikarenakan hasil dari pencarian informasi kesehatan justru berdampak pada timbulnya bias terkait kondisi kesehatan mereka dan semakin meningkatkan tekanan psikologis yang mereka miliki. Hal ini didukung oleh penelitian sebelumnya yang menunjukkan kontribusi health anxiety sebesar 14.5% terhadap peningkatan cyberchondria dan sisanya diakibatkan faktor lain seperti salah satunya faktor kepribadian. Health anxiety dan cyberchondria dicirikan salah satunya dengan kecemasan, yang mana ini juga menjadi ciri dari trait kepribadian neuroticism. Studi ini berfokus dalam melihat pengaruh health anxiety terhadap peningkatan cyberchondria dengan neuroticism sebagai variabel moderator khususnya pada dewasa muda. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan uji moderasiyang dilakukan pada 335 partisipan dewasa muda di Pulau Jawa. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa neuroticism memoderasi hubungan antara health anxiety dan cyberchondria. Efek moderasi ini didukung oleh adanya hubungan positif yang signifikan antara health anxiety dan cyberchondria. Kemudian, terdapat perbedaan tingkat health anxiety, neuroticism, dan cyberchondria pada laki-laki dan perempuan
Deformation of Small Compressed Droplets
We investigate the elastic properties of small droplets under compression.
The compression of a bubble by two parallel plates is solved exactly and it is
shown that a lowest-order expansion of the solution reduces to a form similar
to that obtained by Morse and Witten. Other systems are studied numerically and
results for configurations involving between 2 and 20 compressing planes are
presented. It is found that the response to compression depends on the number
of planes. The shear modulus is also calculated for common lattices and the
stability crossover between f.c.c.\ and b.c.c.\ is discussed.Comment: RevTeX with psfig-included figures and a galley macr
Tax Revenue Elasticities Corrected for Policy Changes in the EU
This paper investigates how tax revenue elasticities develop with respect to their tax base and analyses the specific impact of the business cycle. The main novelty of the paper is to use revenue data net of discretionary tax measures. Based on an EU country panel for the period 2001-13, we estimate short-term and long-term revenue elasticities for different revenue categories. Then, we add different indicators of the business cycle to test its specific influence on the short-term dynamics of revenue-to-base elasticities. A specific impact of the business cycle is found for all revenue categories, except for consumption taxes
A Model for the Elasticity of Compressed Emulsions
We present a new model to describe the unusual elastic properties of
compressed emulsions. The response of a single droplet under compression is
investigated numerically for different Wigner-Seitz cells. The response is
softer than harmonic, and depends on the coordination number of the droplet.
Using these results, we propose a new effective inter-droplet potential which
is used to determine the elastic response of a monodisperse collection of
disordered droplets as a function of volume fraction. Our results are in
excellent agreement with recent experiments. This suggests that anharmonicity,
together with disorder, are responsible for the quasi-linear increase of
and observed at .Comment: RevTeX with psfig-included figures and a galley macr
The stability of memory performance using an adapted version of the Delayed Matching To Sample task: an ERP study
This study examined the stability of performance using an adapted version of the Delayed Matching to Sample memory test (DMTS). With this test the stability of visual working memory can be measured. In the DMTS participants have to memorize a cue for a certain delay, after which a probe is presented. This is an often used test, but it is not yet clear if the performance of this test is also stable over time. In present paradigm stability was assessed mixing short (10-20s) and long delays (140-200s) and presenting cues during the cue-probe interval. Additionally, EEG was measured during testing. For the memory-related components, the P300 and P600, amplitude and latency were compared between sessions and the same was done for accuracy and mean reaction time of behavioral data. Faster reaction times for long delay stimuli were found in Session 2. No effects in accuracy were found. Longer P600 latencies were found for long delay stimuli in the first session as compared to the second. High correlations between sessions were found for almost all other measures. These high correlations suggest that test-retest scores were stable. Therefore, we conclude that the new DMTS paradigm has high stability
Tussen Brussel en de Polder De Europeanisering van Politiek en Bestuur in Nederland
Session 1: Governance in the European Unio
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