116 research outputs found

    A clock and wavefront mechanism for somite formation

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    Somitogenesis, the sequential formation of a periodic pattern along the antero-posterior axis of vertebrate embryos, is one of the most obvious examples of the segmental patterning processes that take place during embryogenesis and also one of the major unresolved events in developmental biology. In this article, we develop a mathematical formulation of a new version of the Clock and Wavefront model proposed by Pourquié and co-workers (Dubrulle, J., McGrew, M.J., Pourquié, O., 2001. FGF signalling controls somite boundary position and regulates segmentation clock control of spatiotemporal Hox gene activation. Cell 106, 219–232). Dynamic expression of FGF8 in the presomitic mesoderm constitutes the wavefront of determination which sweeps along the body axis interacting as it moves with the segmentation clock to gate cells into somites. We also show that the model can mimic the anomalies formed when progression of the wavefront is disturbed and make some experimental predictions that can be used to test the hypotheses underlying the model

    Converting genetic network oscillations into somite spatial pattern

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    In most vertebrate species, the body axis is generated by the formation of repeated transient structures called somites. This spatial periodicity in somitogenesis has been related to the temporally sustained oscillations in certain mRNAs and their associated gene products in the cells forming the presomatic mesoderm. The mechanism underlying these oscillations have been identified as due to the delays involved in the synthesis of mRNA and translation into protein molecules [J. Lewis, Current Biol. {\bf 13}, 1398 (2003)]. In addition, in the zebrafish embryo intercellular Notch signalling couples these oscillators and a longitudinal positional information signal in the form of an Fgf8 gradient exists that could be used to transform these coupled temporal oscillations into the observed spatial periodicity of somites. Here we consider a simple model based on this known biology and study its consequences for somitogenesis. Comparison is made with the known properties of somite formation in the zebrafish embryo . We also study the effects of localized Fgf8 perturbations on somite patterning.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figure

    A cell lineage analysis of segmentation in the chick embryo

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    We have studied the lineage history of the progenitors of the somite mesoderm and of the neural tube in the chick embryo by injecting single cells with the fluorescent tracer, rhodamine-lysine-dextran. We find that, although single cells within the segmental plate give rise to discrete clones in the somites to which they contribute, neither the somites nor their component parts (sclerotome, dermatome, myotome or their rostral and caudal halves) are `compartments' in the sense defined in insects. Cells in the rostral two thirds or so of the segmental plate contribute only to somite tissue and divide about every 10 h, while those in the caudal portions of this structure contribute both to the somites and to intermediate and lateral plate mesoderm derivatives. In the neural tube, the descendants of individual prospective ventral horn cells remain together within the horn, with a cycle time of 10 h. We have also investigated the role of the cell division cycle in the formation and subsequent development of somites. A single treatment of 2-day chick embryos with heat shock or a variety of drugs that affect the cell cycle all produce repeated anomalies in the pattern of somites and vertebrae that develop subsequent to the treatment. The interval between anomalies is 6-7 somites (or a multiple of this distance), which corresponds to 10 h. This interval is identical to that measured for the cell division cycle. Given that cell division synchrony is seen in the presomitic mesoderm, we suggest that the cell division cycle plays a role in somite formation. Finally, we consider the mechanisms responsible for regionalization of derivatives of the somite, and conclude that it is likely that both cell interactions and cell lineage history are important in the determination of cell fates

    Mathematical models for somite formation

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    Somitogenesis is the process of division of the anterior–posterior vertebrate embryonic axis into similar morphological units known as somites. These segments generate the prepattern which guides formation of the vertebrae, ribs and other associated features of the body trunk. In this work, we review and discuss a series of mathematical models which account for different stages of somite formation. We begin by presenting current experimental information and mechanisms explaining somite formation, highlighting features which will be included in the models. For each model we outline the mathematical basis, show results of numerical simulations, discuss their successes and shortcomings and avenues for future exploration. We conclude with a brief discussion of the state of modeling in the field and current challenges which need to be overcome in order to further our understanding in this area

    Mathematical models for somite formation

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    Somitogenesis is the process of division of the anterior–posterior vertebrate embryonic axis into similar morphological units known as somites. These segments generate the prepattern which guides formation of the vertebrae, ribs and other associated features of the body trunk. In this work, we review and discuss a series of mathematical models which account for different stages of somite formation. We begin by presenting current experimental information and mechanisms explaining somite formation, highlighting features which will be included in the models. For each model we outline the mathematical basis, show results of numerical simulations, discuss their successes and shortcomings and avenues for future exploration. We conclude with a brief discussion of the state of modeling in the field and current challenges which need to be overcome in order to further our understanding in this area

    Deriving structure from evolution: metazoan segmentation

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    Segmentation is a common feature of disparate clades of metazoans, and its evolution is a central problem of evolutionary developmental biology. We evolved in silico regulatory networks by a mutation/selection process that just rewards the number of segment boundaries. For segmentation controlled by a static gradient, as in long-germ band insects, a cascade of adjacent repressors reminiscent of gap genes evolves. For sequential segmentation controlled by a moving gradient, similar to vertebrate somitogenesis, we invariably observe a very constrained evolutionary path or funnel. The evolved state is a cell autonomous ‘clock and wavefront' model, with the new attribute of a separate bistable system driven by an autonomous clock. Early stages in the evolution of both modes of segmentation are functionally similar, and simulations suggest a possible path for their interconversion. Our computation illustrates how complex traits can evolve by the incremental addition of new functions on top of pre-existing traits

    From segment to somite: segmentation to epithelialization analyzed within quantitative frameworks

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    One of the most visually striking patterns in the early developing embryo is somite segmentation. Somites form as repeated, periodic structures in pairs along nearly the entire caudal vertebrate axis. The morphological process involves short- and long-range signals that drive cell rearrangements and cell shaping to create discrete, epithelialized segments. Key to developing novel strategies to prevent somite birth defects that involve axial bone and skeletal muscle development is understanding how the molecular choreography is coordinated across multiple spatial scales and in a repeating temporal manner. Mathematical models have emerged as useful tools to integrate spatiotemporal data and simulate model mechanisms to provide unique insights into somite pattern formation. In this short review, we present two quantitative frameworks that address the morphogenesis from segment to somite and discuss recent data of segmentation and epithelialization

    A cell cycle model for somitogenesis: mathematical formulation and numerical simulation

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    After many years of research, the mechanisms that generate a periodic pattern of repeated elements (somites) along the length of the embryonic body axis is still one of the major unresolved problems in developmental biology. Here we present a mathematical formulation of the cell cycle model for somitogenesis proposed in Development105 (1989), 119–130. Somite precursor cells in the node are asynchronous, and therefore, as a population, generate continuously pre-somite cells which enter the segmental plate. The model makes the hypothesis that there exists a time window within the cell cycle, making up one-seventh of the cycle, which gates the pre-somite cells so that they make somites discretely, seven per cycle. We show that the model can indeed account for the spatiotemporal patterning of somite formation during normal development as well as the periodic abnormalities produced by heat shock treatment. We also relate the model to recent molecular data on the process of somite formation

    A cell lineage analysis of segmentation in the chick embryo

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    We have studied the lineage history of the progenitors of the somite mesoderm and of the neural tube in the chick embryo by injecting single cells with the fluorescent tracer, rhodamine-lysine-dextran. We find that, although single cells within the segmental plate give rise to discrete clones in the somites to which they contribute, neither the somites nor their component parts (sclerotome, dermatome, myotome or their rostral and caudal halves) are `compartments' in the sense defined in insects. Cells in the rostral two thirds or so of the segmental plate contribute only to somite tissue and divide about every 10 h, while those in the caudal portions of this structure contribute both to the somites and to intermediate and lateral plate mesoderm derivatives. In the neural tube, the descendants of individual prospective ventral horn cells remain together within the horn, with a cycle time of 10 h. We have also investigated the role of the cell division cycle in the formation and subsequent development of somites. A single treatment of 2-day chick embryos with heat shock or a variety of drugs that affect the cell cycle all produce repeated anomalies in the pattern of somites and vertebrae that develop subsequent to the treatment. The interval between anomalies is 6-7 somites (or a multiple of this distance), which corresponds to 10 h. This interval is identical to that measured for the cell division cycle. Given that cell division synchrony is seen in the presomitic mesoderm, we suggest that the cell division cycle plays a role in somite formation. Finally, we consider the mechanisms responsible for regionalization of derivatives of the somite, and conclude that it is likely that both cell interactions and cell lineage history are important in the determination of cell fates

    Normal levels of p27Xic1 are necessary for somite segmentation and determining pronephric organ size

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    The Xenopus laevis cyclin dependent kinase inhibitor p27Xic1 has been shown to be involved in exit from the cell cycle and differentiation of cells into a quiescent state in the nervous system, muscle tissue, heart and retina. We show that p27Xic1 is expressed in the developing kidney in the nephrostomal regions. Using over-expression and morpholino oligonucleotide (MO) knock-down approaches we show normal levels of p27Xic1 regulate pronephros organ size by regulating cell cycle exit. Knock-down of p27Xic1 expression using a MO prevented myogenesis, as previously reported; an effect that subsequently inhibits pronephrogenesis. Furthermore, we show that normal levels of p27Xic1 are required for somite segmentation also through its cell cycle control function. Finally, we provide evidence to suggest correct paraxial mesoderm segmentation is not necessary for pronephric induction in the intermediate mesoderm. These results indicate novel developmental roles for p27Xic1, and reveal its differentiation function is not universally utilised in all developing tissues