144 research outputs found

    Analisi di parametri ematici significativi nel controllo e nella valutazione dell’allenamento sportivo nel cane e in altre specie animali di riferimento

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    RIASSUNTO Gli AA. hanno analizzato in una review in varie specie animali e razze diverse le modificazioni fisiologiche che si possono determinare in seguito ad allenamento sportivo, in riferimento in particolare al cavallo ed al cane. Gli AA. inoltre hanno utilizzato personali ricerche sperimentali condotte in cani di varie razze (pastore tedesco, segugio, levriero, setter inglese, spinone). Sono stati presi in considerazione vari parametri ematici ormonali (T3, T4, TRH, TSH, cortisolo ed altri) e non ormonali (lattato, LDH, carnitina, CK ed altri) significativi nell’impegno muscolare e nell’allenamento sportivo. Tali indici sono stati considerati nei valori assoluti e relativi. Scopo specifico di questa valutazione è proporre un test sperimentale di campo per il controllo e la valutazione in corso di allenamento del soggetto atleta, con particolare riferimento al cane. Gli AA. inoltre hanno preso in considerazione problematiche di fisiologia della nutrizione legate alla conduzione dell’attività sportiva e la possibilità di intervenire con integrazioni alimentari. In questo quadro rilevanza specifica è stata data al valore di integrazioni a base di l-carnitina. SUMMARY In this review, the Authors describe some physiological modifications in different animal species (with a reference to dogs and horses) and breeds in consequence of the athlete’s training. The Authors report also the results of personal specific experimental researches performed in different breeds of dogs (shepherd dog, bloodhound, greyhound, english setter and griffon). In particular, the Authors considered various haematic parameters, with a particular reference to some hormonal (T3, T4, TRH, TRH-mRnA, TSH, ACTH, cortisol, and others) and not hormonal (lactate, LDH, carnitin, ALP, CKcreatinphosphokinase-, CK-MB, CK-MM and others) parameters, significant in the athlete’s training and in the muscular effort. These parameters were analysed by both absolute and relative methods, comparing the results obtained in different animal species and breeds. The results described could be useful to the develop a set of laboratory tests in order to better evaluate the muscular effort of the athlete, for a practical using in the athlete’s training, with a particular reference to different breeds of dogs (shepherd dog, bloodhound, greyhound, english setter and griffon). Finally, the Authors considered some nutritional physiology problems related to the athlethe’s training and evaluated the effects of a diet integration. Interesting results were obtained after diet integration with l-carnitin in various breeds of dogs (shepherd dog, bloodhound, greyhound, english setter and griffon), in the horse and in other species

    Control Strategies for Infectious Bovine Rhinotracheitis (IBR) in Italy.

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    Bovine Herpesvirus 1 (BoHV-1) is a major pathogen of cattle, the infection is accompanied by various clinical manifestations such as infectious bovine rhinotracheitis (IBR), infectious pustular vulvovaginitis, abortion and systemic infection in neonates. Despite of a pronounced immune response the virus is never eliminated from an infected host but establishes life-long latency and may be reactivated. The viral re-excretion is responsible for the maintenance of BoHV-1 within a cattle herd. Vaccines usually prevent the development of clinical signs and markedly reduce the shedding of virus after infection, but do not completely prevent infection. The disease causes significant economic losses and trade restrictions, therefore several eradication campaigns have been carried out or are currently running in different countries. Currently in Europe only a small number of countries have achieved IBR-eradication. In Italy there is no national legislation on IBR, the new trade requirements and the need to limit the introduction of positive animals have led some Italian regions to initiate programs for the eradication, therefore we find regional differences and even provincial. Keywords: IBR, cattle, control programs, eradication programs, Italy

    Ovine Paratuberculosis: A Seroprevalence Study in Dairy Flocks Reared in the Marche Region, Italy

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    In order to fulfil the seroprevalence gap on Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis infection in ovine dairy farms of Marche region (central Italy), a stratified study was carried out on 2086 adult female sheep randomly chosen from 38 herds selected in Ancona and Macerata provinces. 73.7% flocks resulted infected by a commercial ELISA test (Pourquier, France), with a mean seroprevalence of 6.29% of sampled sheep in both provinces. A higher number of MAP seropositive ewes was recorded in the large herds' consistence than in the small and medium herds' consistence (P = 0.0269), and a greater percentage of infected sheep was obtained among female at early/late than in peak lactation stage (P = 0.0237). MAP infection was confirmed in 12.6% of infected farms by faecal culture. The true sheep-level seroprevalence was 15.1% Âą 7.3%
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