28 research outputs found

    Ultrasonic communication in mice: relevance in neuroscience

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    I topi emettono le vocalizzazioni ultrasoniche per comunicare tra di loro in diversi contesti sociali: la separazione materna per i cuccioli, il gioco per i topi adolescenti, accoppiamento e interazione sociale per i topi adulti. Le vocalizzazioni ultrasoniche possono essere acquisite grazie a strumenti specifici e analizzate sulla base dei parametri quantitativi e qualitativi utilizzando sistemi manuali o automatizzati di classificazione. Negli ultimi anni, l'importanza delle vocalizzazioni ultrasoniche è stata consolidata come un valido strumento per l'analisi comportamentale dei topi sia nel contesto degli studi etologici che nell'ambito medico, specialmente per lo studio di patologie caratterizzate da deficit nella comunicazione come i disordini del neurosviluppo e in particolare i disturbi dello spettro autistico. Infatti, è stato dimostrato che vi è una comunicazione ultrasonica alterata in diversi modelli murini di disordini del neurosviluppo e attualmente è emersa l'evidenza che lo studio delle vocalizzazioni ultrasoniche può fornire un valore aggiuntivo ai modelli dei disturbi del neurosviluppo. Inoltre, alterazioni nello schema della comunicazione ultrasonica sono state rilevate nei topi anche dopo trattamenti farmacologici, sempre nel contesto dei disturbi del neurosviluppo. Questa tesi comprende lo studio dei seguenti aspetti: le caratteristiche delle vocalizzazioni ultrasoniche dei topi, i contesti dove vengono emesse le vocalizzazioni e i fattori che ne modulano l'espressione. Un focus particolare sarà dedicato all'analisi delle vocalizzazioni ultrasoniche nel contesto dei modelli murini dei disturbi del neurosviluppo (es. i topi Fmr1 knock-out e i topi CB1 knock-out).Mice emit ultrasonic vocalizations (USVs) to communicate each other in different social conditions: pups maternal separation, juveniles play, adults mating and social investigation. USVs can be acquired by means of specific tools and later analyzed on the base of both quantitative and qualitative parameters using manual or automated systems of calls classification. In recent years, the relevance of USVs has been consolidated as a valid tool for behavioral analysis of mice in both the context of ethological studies and in the field of studies of pathologies, expecially those characterized by deficits in communication as neurodevelopmental disorders (NDDs) and autism spectrum disorders. Indeed, altered ultrasonic communication is found in several mouse models of NDDs and currently it is emerged the evidence that the study of USVs can provide additional value to NDDs models. In addition, alterations in USV pattern are detected in mice also after pharmacological treatments in NDDs context. This thesis covers the topics of USVs features in mice, contexts for USVs emission and factors that modulate their expression. A particular focus will be devoted to analysis of USVs in the context of NDDs murine models (e.g. Fmr1 knock-out mice, CB1 knock-out mice)

    Mouse and rat ultrasonic vocalizations in neuroscience and neuropharmacology: State of the art and future applications

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    Mice and rats emit ultrasonic vocalizations (USVs), which may express their arousal and emotional states, to communicate with each other. There is continued scientific effort to better understand the functions of USVs as a central element of the rodent behavioral repertoire. However, studying USVs is not only important because of their ethological relevance, but also because they are widely applied as a behavioral readout in various fields of biomedical research. In mice and rats, a large number of experimental models of brain disorders exist and studying the emission of USVs in these models can provide valuable information about the health status of the animals and the effectiveness of possible interventions, both environmental and pharmacological. This review (i) provides an updated overview of the contexts in which ultrasonic calling behaviour of mice and rats has particularly high translational value, and (ii) gives some examples of novel approaches and tools used for the analysis of USVs in mice and rats, combining qualitative and quantitative methods. The relevance of age and sex differences as well as the importance of longitudinal evaluations of calling and non-calling behaviour is also discussed. Finally, the importance of assessing the communicative impact of USVs in the receiver, that is, through playback studies, is highlighted

    Cortical Structure Alterations and Social Behavior Impairment in p50-Deficient Mice

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    Alterations in genes that regulate neurodevelopment can lead to cortical malformations, resulting in malfunction during postnatal life. The NF-κB pathway has a key role during neurodevelopment by regulating the maintenance of the neural progenitor cell pool and inhibiting neuronal differentiation. In this study, we evaluated whether mice lacking the NF-κB p50 subunit (KO) present alterations in cortical structure and associated behavioral impairment. We found that, compared with wild type (WT), KO mice at postnatal day 2 present an increase in radial glial cells, an increase in Reelin protein expression levels, in addition to an increase of specific layer thickness. Moreover, adult KO mice display abnormal columnar organization in the somatosensory cortex, a specific decrease in somatostatin- and parvalbumin-expressing interneurons, altered neurite orientation, and a decrease in Synapsin I protein levels. Concerning behavior, KO mice, in addition to an increase in locomotor and exploratory activity, display impairment in social behaviors, with a reduction in social interaction. Finally, we found that risperidone treatment decreased hyperactivity of KO mice, but had no effect on defective social interaction. Altogether, these data add complexity to a growing body of data, suggesting a link between dysregulation of the NF-κB pathway and neurodevelopmental disorders pathogenesis


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    Phytocannabinoids, including the non-addictive cannabis component cannabidivarin (CBDV), have been reported to hold therapeutic potential in several neurodevelopmental disorders (NDDs). Nonetheless, the therapeutic value of phytocannabinoids for treating Fragile X syndrome (FXS), a major NDD, remains unexplored. Here, we characterized the neurobehavioral effects of CBDV at doses of 20 or 100 mg/kg in the Fmr1-knockout (Fmr1-KO) mouse model of FXS using two temporally different intraperitoneal regimens: subchronic 10-day delivery during adulthood (Study 1: rescue treatment) or chronic 5-week delivery at adolescence (Study 2: preventive treatment). Behavioral tests assessing FXS-like abnormalities included anxiety, locomotor, cognitive, social and sensory alterations. Expression of inflammatory and plasticity markers was investigated in the hippocampus and prefrontal cortex. When administered during adulthood (Study 1), the effects of CBDV were marginal, rescuing at the lower dose only the acoustic hyper-responsiveness of Fmr1-KO mice and at both doses their altered hippocampal expression of neurotrophins. When administered during adolescence (Study 2), CBDV at both doses prevented the cognitive, social and acoustic alterations of adult Fmr1-KO mice and modified the expression of several inflammatory brain markers in both wild-type littermates and mutants. These findings warrant the therapeutic potential of CBDV for preventing neurobehavioral alterations associated with FXS, highlighting the relevance of its early administration.Bordeaux Region Aquitaine Initiative for Neuroscienc

    Ultrasonic vocalizations in adult C57BL/6J mice: the role of sex differences and repeated testing

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    Ultrasonic vocalizations (USVs) are a major tool for assessing social communication in laboratory mice during their entire lifespan. At adulthood, male mice preferentially emit USVs toward a female conspecific, while females mostly produce ultrasonic calls when facing an adult intruder of the same sex. Recent studies have developed several sophisticated tools to analyze adult mouse USVs, especially in males, because of the increasing relevance of adult communication for behavioral phenotyping of mouse models of autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Little attention has been instead devoted to adult female USVs and impact of sex differences on the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of mouse USVs. Most of the studies have also focused on a single testing session, often without concomitant assessment of other social behaviors (e.g., sniffing), so little is still known about the link between USVs and other aspects of social interaction and their stability/variations across multiple encounters. Here, we evaluated the USVs emitted by adult male and female mice during 3 repeated encounters with an unfamiliar female, with equal or different pre-testing isolation periods between sexes. We demonstrated clear sex differences in several USVs' characteristics and other social behaviors, and these were mostly stable across the encounters and independent of pre-testing isolation. The estrous cycle of the tested females exerted quantitative effects on their vocal and non-vocal behaviors, although it did not affect the qualitative composition of ultrasonic calls. Our findings obtained in B6 mice, i.e., the strain most widely used for engineering of transgenic mouse lines, contribute to provide new guidelines for assessing ultrasonic communication in male and female adult mice

    Behavioral abnormalities in the Fmr1-KO2 mouse model of fragile X syndrome: The relevance of early life phases

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    Fragile X syndrome (FXS) is a developmental disorder caused by a mutation in the X-linked FMR1 gene, coding for the FMRP protein which is largely involved in synaptic function. FXS patients present several behavioral abnormalities, including hyperactivity, anxiety, sensory hyper-responsiveness, and cognitive deficits. Autistic symptoms, e.g., altered social interaction and communication, are also often observed: FXS is indeed the most common monogenic cause of autism. Mouse models of FXS are therefore of great interest for research on both FXS and autistic pathologies. The Fmr1-KO2 mouse line is the most recent FXS model, widely used for brain studies; surprisingly, little is known about the face validity of this model, i.e., its FXS-like behavioral phenotype. Furthermore, no data are available for the age-related expression of the pathological phenotypes in this mouse line, a critical issue for modelling neurodevelopmental disorders. Here we performed an extensive behavioral characterization of the KO2 model at infancy, adolescent and adult ages. Hyperactivity, altered emotionality, sensory hyper-responsiveness and memory deficits were already present in KO mice at adolescence and remained evident at adulthood. Alterations in social behaviors were instead observed only in young KO animals: during the first 2 weeks of life, KOs emitted longer ultrasonic vocalizations compared to their WT littermates and as adolescents they displayed more aggressive behaviors towards a conspecific. These results strongly support the face validity of the KO2 mouse as a model for FXS, at the same time demonstrating that its ability to recapitulate social autistic-relevant phenotypes depends on early testing ages. Autism Res 2017. © 2017 International Society for Autism Research, Wiley Periodicals, Inc

    Melanocortin 4 receptor stimulation improves social deficits in mice through oxytocin pathway

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    Several studies on humans and mice support oxytocin's role in improving social behaviour, but its use in pharmacotherapy presents some important limiting factors. To date, it is emerging a pharmacological potential for melanocortin 4 receptor (MC4R) agonism in social deficits treatment. Recently, we demonstrated that the deletion of the NFKB1 gene, which encodes the p50 NF-κB subunit, causes impairment in social behaviours, with reductions in social interactions in mice. In this work, we tested the acute effects of THIQ, a selective melanocortin 4 receptor (MC4R) agonist. THIQ treatment increased social interactions both in wild type and p50−/− mice. In particular, after treatment with THIQ, p50−/− mice showed a prosocial behaviour analogous to that of basal WT mice. Moreover, intranasal treatment with an oxytocin antagonist blocked social interactions induced by THIQ, demonstrating that its prosocial effects are mediated by the oxytocin pathway. The data obtained reinforce using MC4R agonists to ameliorate social impairment in NDD

    Autistic-like behavioral effects of prenatal stress in juvenile Fmr1 mice: the relevance of sex differences and gene–environment interactions

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    International audienceFragile X Syndrome (FXS) is the most common heritable form of mental retardation and monogenic cause of autism spectrum disorder (ASD). FXS is due to a mutation in the X-linked FMR1 gene and is characterized by motor, cognitive and social alterations, mostly overlapping with ASD behavioral phenotypes. The severity of these symptoms and their timing may be exacerbated and/or advanced by environmental adversity interacting with the genetic mutation. We therefore tested the effects of the prenatal exposure to unpredictable chronic stress on the behavioral phenotype of juveniles of both sexes in the Fmr1 knock-out (KO) mouse model of FXS. Mice underwent behavioral tests at 7–8 weeks of age, that is, when most of the relevant behavioral alterations are absent or mild in Fmr1-KOs. Stress induced the early appearance of deficits in spontaneous alternation in KO male mice, without exacerbating the behavioral phenotype of mutant females. In males stress also altered social interaction and communication, but mostly in WT mice, while in females it induced effects on locomotion and communication in mice of both genotypes. Our data therefore highlight the sex-dependent relevance of early environmental stressors to interact with genetic factors to influence the appearance of selected FXS- and ASD-like phenotypes