172 research outputs found

    Intima-Media Thickness and Pulsatility Index of Common Carotid Arteries in Acute Ischaemic Stroke Patients with Diabetes Mellitus.

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    Ultrasonographic parameters such as the common carotid artery (CCA) pulsatility index (PI) and CCA intima-media thickness (IMT) have been associated with an increased mortality and risk of recurrent stroke, respectively. We hypothesized that these ultrasonographic parameters may be useful for monitoring diabetic patients after an acute stroke. We analysed retrospective data of consecutive acute ischaemic stroke patients from the ASTRAL registry who underwent pre-cerebral ultrasonographic evaluation within 7 days of symptom onset. We compared clinical, demographic, radiological and ultrasonographic parameters in diabetic versus non-diabetic patients (univariable and multivariable analyses) and the association of these parameters with CCA PI and CCA IMT. We analysed 1507 carotid duplex ultrasound examinations from patients with a median age of 74 years. Cardiovascular co-morbidities, including hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome, higher body-mass index (BMI) and peripheral artery disease, were associated with diabetes mellitus (DM). Diabetics were more often under antiplatelet therapy and had atrial fibrillation at admission. Diabetic patients showed an increased CCA PI and IMT in line with more atherosclerotic changes on acute CTA compared to non-diabetic patients. Taking IMT as the dependent variable in a second analysis, DM, higher age, hypertension, smoking and CCA PI were associated with higher IMT. Taking CCA PI as the dependent variable in a third analysis, DM, higher age and higher NIHSS at admission were associated with higher CCA PI values. Increased IMT was also associated with higher PI. We show that CCA PI and IMT are higher in diabetic patients in the first week after an initial stroke

    Análisis de efectos fijos sobre el comportamiento productivo de la raza caprina murciano granadina en el núcleo de control de Almería

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    El objetivo del presente estudio es determinar la influencia del efecto año, época de parto, número de lactación y ganadería sobre la producción de leche estandarizada a 240 días en cabras de raza Murciano-Granadina. La base información deriva del control lechero oficial desarrollado durante quince años en el núcleo de control de Almería de la Asociación Nacional de Criadores de Caprino de Raza Murciano-Granadina. Los resultados mostraron que la producción de leche se encuentra fuertemente influenciada por todos los efectos estudiados, hecho que resulta muy interesante en una raza principalmente explotada en condiciones semiextensivas y con una elevada dependencia ambiental

    'Umbrella' review of family-focused care interventions supporting families where a family member has a long-term condition

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    Aim: To summarise reviews of family-focused care interventions that support families with a family member with a long-term condition across the life course. Design: Umbrella review. Data sources: Medline (1946- 2019), Cochrane Data Base of Systematic Reviews (2019), Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effect and EMBASE (1947- 2019), CINAHL (1981-2019), Health Technology Assessment Database (2019) and PsycInfo (1806-2019). Review Methods: All authors independently undertook title/abstract screening, data extraction and quality appraisal on a cluster of papers, working in groups of two or three to reach a consensus. The AMSTAR tool was used to appraise the quality of the studies and descriptive syntheses were undertaken. Results: Fifteen reviews met the selection criteria. Overall family-focussed care and associated terms were poorly defined. Typically interventions were educational or psychological therapy/counselling with the goal of empowering individuals to manage their condition. There is some evidence that family-focused care interventions can improve clinical/biological health measures and self-care outcomes such as treatment adherence. Multi-component psychosocial interventions that include cognitive-behavioral therapy, skills training, education and support and are focused on wider family members appear to improve family relationships and martial functioning. Conclusion: Long-term conditions have an impact on individual and family health and well-being, yet the impact of family-focused care interventions on family outcomes was overall inconclusive. A better understanding of how family-focused care interventions improve the health and well-being of individuals and their families is needed to promote the inclusion of family-focused care into practice. Impact: Supporting people with a long-term condition is a key health and social care priority. Family-focused care interventions have potential to improve the health and well-being of individuals and families but there is a need to evaluate their clinical and cost effectiveness. The findings from this review could be used by funding bodies when commissioning research for long-term conditions

    On the Peripheries of Planetary Urbanization: Globalizing Manaus and its Expanding Impact

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    In this paper I argue that global urbanism produces peripherality in ways that cannot be adequately problematized without taking into account its actual extent and geographically uneven development. Therefore, planetary urbanization needs to engage scholarly traditions attuned to regional urbanization if the discourse is to move past limitations in the urban globalization canon and its narrow focus on cities. To that end, I examine research on extensive urbanization in the Amazon region. Illustrative case studies show how attempts to globalize Manaus precipitated territorial restructuring and sociospatial change far beyond the city's boundaries. Manaus is now a more unequal city. Selective metropolitan expansion to the Rio Negro's south bank has led to the simultaneous upgrading and peripheralization of Iranduba. Yet, the building of a city-centric regional network of roadways also shaped Roraima State's transformation from isolated borderland to bypassed periphery. Moreover, financial and symbolic appropriations of standing rainforests by metropolitan conservationism marginalize remote communities even in the absence of exploitative deforestation and resource extraction. Final remarks emphasize the need for further research on the hybrid (urban—rural) conditions and functional articulations of distant-yet-impacted peripheries. Such efforts may broaden the political horizons of planetary urbanization by informing extensive contestations of entrepreneurial urbanism

    High-Throughput Single-Cell Manipulation in Brain Tissue

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    The complexity of neurons and neuronal circuits in brain tissue requires the genetic manipulation, labeling, and tracking of single cells. However, current methods for manipulating cells in brain tissue are limited to either bulk techniques, lacking single-cell accuracy, or manual methods that provide single-cell accuracy but at significantly lower throughputs and repeatability. Here, we demonstrate high-throughput, efficient, reliable, and combinatorial delivery of multiple genetic vectors and reagents into targeted cells within the same tissue sample with single-cell accuracy. Our system automatically loads nanoliter-scale volumes of reagents into a micropipette from multiwell plates, targets and transfects single cells in brain tissues using a robust electroporation technique, and finally preps the micropipette by automated cleaning for repeating the transfection cycle. We demonstrate multi-colored labeling of adjacent cells, both in organotypic and acute slices, and transfection of plasmids encoding different protein isoforms into neurons within the same brain tissue for analysis of their effects on linear dendritic spine density. Our platform could also be used to rapidly deliver, both ex vivo and in vivo, a variety of genetic vectors, including optogenetic and cell-type specific agents, as well as fast-acting reagents such as labeling dyes, calcium sensors, and voltage sensors to manipulate and track neuronal circuit activity at single-cell resolution