244 research outputs found

    Novel role of extracellular matrix protein 1 (ECM1) in cardiac aging and myocardial infarction

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    Β© 2019 Hardy et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. Introduction The prevalence of heart failure increases in the aging population and following myocardial infarction (MI), yet the extracellular matrix (ECM) remodeling underpinning the development of aging- and MI-associated cardiac fibrosis remains poorly understood. A link between inflammation and fibrosis in the heart has long been appreciated, but has mechanistically remained undefined. We investigated the expression of a novel protein, extracellular matrix protein 1 (ECM1) in the aging and infarcted heart. Methods Young adult (3-month old) and aging (18-month old) C57BL/6 mice were assessed. Young mice were subjected to left anterior descending artery-ligation to induce MI, or transverse aortic constriction (TAC) surgery to induce pressure-overload cardiomyopathy. Left ventricle (LV) tissue was collected early and late post-MI/TAC. Bone marrow cells (BMCs) were isolated from young healthy mice, and subject to flow cytometry. Human cardiac fibroblast (CFb), myocyte, and coronary artery endothelial & smooth muscle cell lines were cultured; human CFbs were treated with recombinant ECM1. Primary mouse CFbs were cultured and treated with recombinant angiotensin-II or TGF-Ξ²1. Immunoblotting, qPCR and mRNA fluorescent in-situ hybridization (mRNA-FISH) were conducted on LV tissue and cells. Results ECM1 expression was upregulated in the aging LV, and in the infarct zone of the LV early post-MI. No significant differences in ECM1 expression were found late post-MI or at any time-point post-TAC. ECM1 was not expressed in any resident cardiac cells, but ECM1 was highly expressed in BMCs, with high ECM1 expression in granulocytes. Flow cytometry of bone marrow revealed ECM1 expression in large granular leucocytes. mRNA-FISH revealed that ECM1 was indeed expressed by inflammatory cells in the infarct zone at day-3 post-MI. ECM1 stimulation of CFbs induced ERK1/2 and AKT activation and collagen-I expression, suggesting a pro-fibrotic role. Conclusions ECM1 expression is increased in ageing and infarcted hearts but is not expressed by resident cardiac cells. Instead it is expressed by bone marrow-derived granulocytes. ECM1 is sufficient to induce cardiac fibroblast stimulation in vitro. Our findings suggest ECM1 is released from infiltrating inflammatory cells, which leads to cardiac fibroblast stimulation and fibrosis in aging and MI. ECM1 may be a novel intermediary between inflammation and fibrosis

    Annual variation in the levels of transcripts of sex-specific genes in the mantle of the common mussel, Mytilus edulis

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    Mytilus species are used as sentinels for the assessment of environmental health but sex or stage in the reproduction cycle is rarely considered even though both parameters are likely to influence responses to pollution. We have validated the use of a qPCR assay for sex identification and related the levels of transcripts to the reproductive cycle. A temporal study of mantle of Mytilus edulis found transcripts of male-specific vitelline coat lysin (VCL) and female-specific vitelline envelope receptor for lysin (VERL) could identify sex over a complete year. The levels of VCL/VERL were proportional to the numbers of sperm/ova and are indicative of the stage of the reproductive cycle. Maximal levels of VCL and VERL were found in February 2009 declining to minima between July - August before increasing and re-attaining a peak in February 2010. Water temperature may influence these transitions since they coincide with minimal water temperature in February and maximal temperature in August. An identical pattern of variation was found for a cryptic female-specific transcript (H5) but a very different pattern was observed for oestrogen receptor 2 (ER2). ER2 varied in a sex-specific way with male > female for most of the cycle, with a female maxima in July and a male maxima in December. Using artificially spawned animals, the transcripts for VCL, VERL and H5 were shown to be present in gametes and thus their disappearance from mantle is indicative of spawning. VCL and VERL are present at equivalent levels in February and July-August but during gametogenesis (August to January) and spawning (March to June) VCL is present at lower relative amounts than VERL. This may indicate sex-specific control mechanisms for these processes and highlight a potential pressure point leading to reduced reproductive output if environmental factors cause asynchrony to gamete maturation or release

    The Importance of the Pathologist’s Role in Assessment of the Quality of the Mesorectum

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    Total mesorectal excision (TME) is considered standard of care for rectal cancer treatment. Failure to remove the mesorectal fat envelope entirely may explain part of observed local and distant recurrences. Several studies suggest quality of the mesorectum after TME surgery as determined by pathological evaluation may influence prognosis. We aimed to determine the prognostic value of the plane of surgery as well as factors influencing the likelihood of a high-quality specimen by reviewing the literature. A pooled meta-analysis of relevant outcome data was performed where appropriate. A muscularis propria resection plane was found to increase the risk of local recurrence (RR 2.72 [95Β % CI 1.36 to 5.44]) and overall recurrence (RR 2.00 [95Β % CI 1.17 to 3.42]) compared to an (intra)mesorectal plane. Plane of surgery is an important factor in rectal cancer treatment and the documentation by pathologists is essential for the improvement of TME quality and patient outcome

    Transatβ€”A Method for Detecting the Conserved Helices of Functional RNA Structures, Including Transient, Pseudo-Knotted and Alternative Structures

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    The prediction of functional RNA structures has attracted increased interest, as it allows us to study the potential functional roles of many genes. RNA structure prediction methods, however, assume that there is a unique functional RNA structure and also do not predict functional features required for in vivo folding. In order to understand how functional RNA structures form in vivo, we require sophisticated experiments or reliable prediction methods. So far, there exist only a few, experimentally validated transient RNA structures. On the computational side, there exist several computer programs which aim to predict the co-transcriptional folding pathway in vivo, but these make a range of simplifying assumptions and do not capture all features known to influence RNA folding in vivo. We want to investigate if evolutionarily related RNA genes fold in a similar way in vivo. To this end, we have developed a new computational method, Transat, which detects conserved helices of high statistical significance. We introduce the method, present a comprehensive performance evaluation and show that Transat is able to predict the structural features of known reference structures including pseudo-knotted ones as well as those of known alternative structural configurations. Transat can also identify unstructured sub-sequences bound by other molecules and provides evidence for new helices which may define folding pathways, supporting the notion that homologous RNA sequence not only assume a similar reference RNA structure, but also fold similarly. Finally, we show that the structural features predicted by Transat differ from those assuming thermodynamic equilibrium. Unlike the existing methods for predicting folding pathways, our method works in a comparative way. This has the disadvantage of not being able to predict features as function of time, but has the considerable advantage of highlighting conserved features and of not requiring a detailed knowledge of the cellular environment

    Vorinostat Induces Reactive Oxygen Species and DNA Damage in Acute Myeloid Leukemia Cells

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    Histone deacetylase inhibitors (HDACi) are promising anti-cancer agents, however, their mechanisms of action remain unclear. In acute myeloid leukemia (AML) cells, HDACi have been reported to arrest growth and induce apoptosis. In this study, we elucidate details of the DNA damage induced by the HDACi vorinostat in AML cells. At clinically relevant concentrations, vorinostat induces double-strand breaks and oxidative DNA damage in AML cell lines. Additionally, AML patient blasts treated with vorinostat display increased DNA damage, followed by an increase in caspase-3/7 activity and a reduction in cell viability. Vorinostat-induced DNA damage is followed by a G2-M arrest and eventually apoptosis. We found that pre-treatment with the antioxidant N-acetyl cysteine (NAC) reduces vorinostat-induced DNA double strand breaks, G2-M arrest and apoptosis. These data implicate DNA damage as an important mechanism in vorinostat-induced growth arrest and apoptosis in both AML cell lines and patient-derived blasts. This supports the continued study and development of vorinostat in AMLs that may be sensitive to DNA-damaging agents and as a combination therapy with ionizing radiation and/or other DNA damaging agents
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